03/05/13 - UCSB Graduate Students Association

GSA Mtg 03/05/13
Approval of March Agenda:
Rebecca Metzger and Denise Stephens – Library representatives:
ñ Breaking down in mid June.
ñ Building info sessions, 20 min, slideshow
◦ Brought scaled down version of the slide show:
ñ One of the largest construction projects
◦ Revitalize existing space.
◦ Chance for library to rethink how the library is serving everyone
◦ 60000 sq. ft additional
◦ 92000 sq ft renovated
◦ seismic strengthening
◦ Striving for LEED gold standard
ñ Major principles:
◦ Library open 24/7 during project
◦ Minimize disruptions
◦ 1st 2 floor are 24/7, high volume
◦ New collections to be added.
◦ Digital screens to be up to date with current library news.
◦ Main floor exhibition with slide show.
◦ Try to do most work during quite times such as overnight and summer surge
ñ June 2013-Jan 2014 phase 1
ñ Nov 2013 – June 2015 phase 2, life safety upgrades and new 3 story additional
ñ June 2015 – Dec 2015 phase 3, complete paseo
ñ Grand opening at end of 2015!!!
ñ Current work that is occurring or has already happened.
◦ During 2014 floors will have to be closed 4 weeks at a time, but staff will be able to go and
get requested materials.
◦ ILL will continue, but many 2 story materials will be in dark storage, so will be boxed up.
ñ Massive fence along arbor and along central corridor over to bike path
ñ EMAIL: project@libary.ucsb.edu
ñ WEBSITE: http://www.library.ucsb.edu/building
ñ Where will microfilm go? Maintain microfilm readers, pit area and newspapers are relocated.
Some microfilm will be moved offsite, some stay onsite. Closer to June will have specific floor
plans will show movement of materials.
ñ Repeatedly had returns to front not register with ILL returns, ILL communicate with library
main system?
◦ Get a receipt every time for ILL.
◦ Probably just a delay between the two systems, but shouldn't be happening.
ñ Mentioned arts library would be moving, does that include music library?
◦ Art (paintings and such) will be moved to 2nd floor.
◦ No current planning for music library. Hopefully, both programs will move over due to
seismic issues of music library.
ILL, will have more traffic, does that mean more delays? Should we worry about that?
◦ Shouldn't be any additional delays. Dependent on what type of material you are requesting.
◦ Try to identify electronic alternatives to hard copies.
▪ Currently depends on host library which is out of our control. i.e. UCLA is faster due to
Last question, who is doing the construction? Construction management firm, CW Driver from
Pasadena. They give 35 subcontracts.
Reward for books for going into the dark? Nice space for them.
PLEASE send question to the above email to compile a FAQ for the library.
Christian Villasenor
ñ Dr. Carol Genetti, is now permanently Dean of Graduate Division.
◦ Wants to make herself more available.
▪ GSA collect more questions from us
▪ Email questions to any gsa officer or gsapresident@gmail.com
ñ Friday sent out commencement information, check out new grad div website!!!
◦ Easier to navigate.
◦ Also, new utilities on site.
◦ Commencement registration on the website, or check out the email.
ñ Interested in being student speaker for commencement. Deadline for submitting application is
Friday, April 5th. Info was sent to each department.
ñ March 13th deadline for continuing student fellowship.
◦ Info by-student fellowship offers on grad div website
▪ financial support link or continuing student fellowships
ñ Graduate Student Showcase at end of 4th week of spring quarter.
◦ Highlight is GradSlam, showcase students' ability to do 3 min. talk.
◦ Don Lubach running a workshop Wed, March 6th, 10am in SRB.
◦ $50 book store gift cards, grand prize 2500 research stipend, 2 runner ups will get 1000
research stipends.
◦ 3 slide maximum
◦ Deadline to apply is Friday, March 15.
◦ Poster session during the week, any one who is involved will go into a drawing to win an
Emily Crutcher – Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity
ñ Thanks for getting petition through on the ballot
ñ Some events for next quarter, preview of spring calendar
ñ 4 program areas:
◦ located in SRB
◦ women's center on first floor: through main doors
▪ feminist approach to provide advocacy and education
▪ for everyone
▪ meeting room to reserve
book and dvd library
free condoms, lube, tampons, and pads
massage chair
quarterly art show
ñ Sexcapades, april 9
ñ Inspirations: Newly published women, may 7th, 12pm
ñ Lunafest: Short films for, by, about women, May 9th, 7pm.
◦ RCSGD 3rd floor
▪ LGBTQ students and allies.
▪ Library
▪ Study space
▪ Training for classes and departments
▪ Anonymous online peer-chat
ñ poetry fest April 20, 7
ñ LGBTQ Grad Student mixer May 8, 4 at Palazzio
ñ LAV Graduation June 9th
◦ Non-traditional is on first floor
▪ students not continued directly from high school
▪ 25+ under grad, 29+ graduates
▪ Domestic partner
▪ Veterans
Hump day pick me up, may 1st
▪ non-trad stud grad banquet june 1st
◦ CARE located in women's center as well.
▪ Campus Advocacy, resource and education
ñ crisis counseling sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence
ñ Confidential if you choose
ñ soon to have 4 staff
ñ Concerned friends, family, partners welcome too.
ñ Advocacy line: 805-893-4613
◦ get a trained advocate without having to go to the desk.
◦ More to make appointments
◦ Not as much of a counseling line
ñ Event
◦ April 14, 5K 3rd annual Sexual Assault Awareness 5k
◦ April 24, Project Unbreakable: A denim day event
◦ May 2, 8pm Rock against Rape
▪ Get involved! Offer trainings, focus groups,
ñ Liaison training: Spring; teaching student leaders bystander intervention techniques
to take back your community.
▪ Emily.crutcher@sa.ucsb.edu
ñ Continued safe healthy living being promoted
ñ Do you come and talk to sections? Yeah, could have a trained advocate, or an introduction to
CARE for the students.
Don Lubach
ñ GSA Officers are doing a great job. Apply for next year.
ñ Emergency Student Relief Fund:
◦ Doesn't have to be dire straits, open committee to hearing different cases
◦ Easy access to use, and form online for submission.
Officer Reports:
Mario – pres
ñ We were at 45% for campus climate survey, and 20% higher than undergrads, 15% higher than
we wanted.
ñ Dean's forum: email Mario questions to ask Dean
ñ UCSHIP – if enough need we will have an alternative date and time to discuss changes to
USHIP that may be coming.
◦ Hopefully within next week have an agenda of our student health insurance.
ñ Thank you from Marcel, donation of metal knives – anonymous donation!!! THANK YOU!
ñ GSA intramural softball team – Co-ed, $35 and GSA will cover the cost.
◦ NEED 10 PEOPLE TO JOIN!!! or even a dozen just in case!
◦ Spring dates are TBD
Katie – vp external affairs
ñ Vote for TA union bargaining demands.
◦ Should receive an email if you are an Union member.
ñ Insurance coverage and changes
◦ Co pays vary, but generally affordable
◦ $200 deductible, then 10% co-insurance – UC pays 90% of medical bills
▪ Assuming UCOP is going to pay $57 million deficit.
ñ But where is this money coming from?
ñ Deficit recovery options
◦ 1. Raise premiums – per campus price
▪ $390 increase
ñ If not covered by union contract, then department could be against premium increase
◦ 2. Reduce benefits
▪ $400 deductible
▪ $300 deductible, then 15% co-insurance
▪ $300 deductible, increase copays
ñ deters students from using, may not cover costs
◦ 3. Allow campuses to pull out of SHIP
◦ 4. Change health center management
▪ Standardize costs across campuses; change # of referral visits allowed
▪ (In conjunction w/ other options)
ñ Does this only cover medical or also pharmaceuticals? Yes.
ñ Does this take into account Obamacare? That is being discussed.
ñ Percentage of grads that are heavy users, medium users, low users? Yes, but don't have right
now, but grads use more than undergrads.
ñ Can you repeat Taship/Fellowship vs GSR? Under union contract, Taship payer is required to
cover SHIP, but if GSR not covered by union contract, so it is up to discretion of department to
cover SHIP costs. Just within realm of possibility, though no one has specifically stated that.
ñ Any closer to GSR union? SB 259 is being reintroduced to give GSR union rights, but doesn't
mean they are going to form a union, or that it will be pass.
ñ Critical mass for campuses pulling out of UCSHIP? 40,000 students have to remain in
UCSHIP to remain a health insurance plan. If big campuses pull out, then huge burden on other
ñ Benefits of SHIP? Theoretically better premium of this because risk covered over more
ñ Alternative to SHIP? Our campus and would have to find health insurance plan for everybody.
ñ Obamacare to be cover by UCSHIP? Maximum of 400,000 per student, which Obamacare says
doesn't meet the standard.
Gary Fox – Student Affairs
ñ Try to get graduate student consensus, but don't have one written today.
ñ Our plan is incredibly generous, especially compared to private sector.
ñ Need to have a more thorough discussion about the merits of each option
◦ Create focus group of interested individuals to write a consensus and have it approved at
April meeting.
▪ Stay around and talk to Gary or email him at gsavpstudent@gmail.com
ñ A way to have a survey or something to all graduate students? Yes, try get a group together
ASAP before finals, and come up with a survey to ask grad students, then send out eblast, and
also reps talk to constituents, then amend the resolution that we have come up with.
ñ AS and others are working on this as well. Whole host of issues to discuss.
ñ Resolution to be passed by GSA, no real language, so if we have a majority consensus then
ñ Standing police and Directed Action to Advocate for Fair Coverage, Costs, and Governance of
◦ Will post on ucsbgsa.org
ñ If UCSHIP didn't exist, what are other options for students? If not, then we would be able to
receive government subsidies via Exchange Market.
ñ Resolution doesn't refer to UCSHIP, deficit, but says that caps should be removed.
ñ It is neutral with how to handle dependent coverage (has been talk to eliminate).
ñ For eliminating caps, thus 32/year for medical and 12/year for pharmaceutical
ñ Purpose of the resolution in terms of its voice? To say that grad students at UCSB are pro
eliminating caps.
ñ $1632 figure from where? It's from alliance figure.
ñ We are not advocating for premium increases
ñ Support organizations that are collecting information, and passing this forward.
ñ This is very important issue, and normally would have thorough discussion, but the importance
is because there is a rushed meeting that is a disingenuous attempt by higher ups, and we want
to make sure our voice is heard and it is unfortunate that you tried to get us out of this decision
making process. Important to show solidarity with other bodies.
ñ Email letter/petition to be sent out
Eva Padilla moves to pass
Eric Bell 2nds
In favor: overwhelming majority
abstentions: 2
Email list for point of contact re: insurance issues.
What led to this? Switched from monthly to yearly review process, review showed that there was a
deficit and UCOP realized something needed to change and series of meetings occurred. (questionably
trying to reduce student involvement).
Caitlin – Budget Affairs
Salsology – Salsa mondays at Hillel
ñ 3 hours event, $2 per week/student for admission
ñ 1 hour lesson, then 2 hours of mingling and dancing
ñ Weekly operating costs $250, $150 to rent the space, and $100 for insurance.
ñ Requesting $150
ñ Attempt to lower admission costs
◦ To cover the rent for the room, and 1 more week this quarter.
◦ Trying to figure out how sustainable.
◦ Will dropping admission fee different? Yes, even dropping from 5 to 3 to 2 has gone from
20 to 30 to 60 last monday.
◦ Goal is to make free again.
◦ 6-7 weekly events: $1050 per quarter
Art History – 38th Annual Art History Graduate Student Symposium
ñ April 26 – Interpretation in Visual Arts
ñ Request $300, total budget $2400; granted this amount last week
ñ Free admission
ñ 9 grad presenters, 3 from UCSB, 3 from other american univ, and 3 international
ñ 50-60 normally attend;
ñ Different disciplines: art history, history (cosponsors), religious studies (cosponsors),
Diversity TA training for Film Studies
ñ Address social justice teaching methods in media centered disciplines; comm, film and media
studies, media arts and tech, feminist studies, english, comp lit, black studies, chicano/a studies,
and open to all departments. Hope to bring all together to discuss these issues.
ñ Requesting $100 ($30 advertising and $70 food/bev)
ñ date TBD, couple diff dates in April.
ñ Advertise through grad dept listservs.
Grad Div: Grad Student Showcase – requesting $500; annual request. Will not be from Cosponsorship.
(not voted, just being told this is something)
Christina Feinberg pass all as is
Alex Pocher 2nd
In favor: Passes
Dusty – Comp Planning
ñ GSA excellence in teaching award
ñ Dixon-Levy
ñ Getman Villa
ñ Income and recharge committee
Alex motion to pass
Eric 2nds
In favor: pass
GSA Spring Party:
Saturday April 20th, 9pm-late; Creekside
$5 cover charge after a certain time: ID needed
Food provided by GSA
Happy Hour April 5th
San Clem housing Meeting: Great Success and now have housing website ucsbgsa.org/housing/