Chapterl2 'i r Polygenicinheritance, quantitative genetics and heritability So far w€ haveconsideredcharactersdet€rminedby a single gene with two alleles.occurringin sharplycontmstingstates.which can have a major afftct on the fitnesi of the organism.In some cases we xr€ justified in modellingsel€ctionin this manner.bùt in many cas€s,prcbablythe majority,w€ are not. It is polsibleto expandthe basictheory to considerchanctersdeterminedby two geneloci, but this npproachis no longerùsefulwhen we considercharactersthat are determinedby manygenes.ln thes€caseswe may obsen'€a general r€lationshipbetweenparentand offsp ng, which suggefs that there is an underllng geneticbalis to the trait, but we usually do not krìow how many genesare involvedor how they interact.In ad. dition, we may also be awarethat the environmentinflu€ncesthe trait to someextent.Coffequendy,in order to study th€setraits w€ examinetheir variability,and atr€mpt to dissectthis variation inio its g€neticand enúrolmental components.This type of analysisis calledquantitati\€gen€tics. We can coDsiderthre€typesofquantitarivetraits (Hartland Clark 1989): 1 . Mrdstictroits,in which the pheùot)?€is expressed in discrete,in- tegralclasses. Examplesincludelitter sizeor numberofseedspro ducedper individìral,number of flower parts,and kemel colour Continrors|'ol'l, in which there is a continuum of possiblephè notpes. Examplesinclùdeheight,w€ight,oil content.milk yield, humaD skin colour.and grcwth rate. In practi€e,similar phena typ€s are oft€n grouped togetlìer into classesfor the purpos€s of anaÌysis, Dlsr'eteraitr. in which an individual either doesor doesnot express the characteristic. Multiple gen€tic and environmental factors combineto determinethe dsk or liability of expressingthe trait. It is assumedthat the liability has to be greaterthan some threshold befoÉ the ùait is expressed.Examplesinclude diabetes and schizophrenia in humans. / POLYGENIC INHERITANCE I whhèanda darkrenúri€ry ol whedLThècolourdifcrèncèir r$um€dto bedù€to rhr.. g€n. lo.i, and.rch Èd:ll.le k d€nor.d . lnd ech whiÈàll.l€ is dènoÈd ,,. rh.6,1 p.ssibl€combinrtion ol .llol.i irc Eroup€d inb th. rd.n pós blepheno9pes, whlchoccur ln ihè pbpÒrtlonslhown. PropÒrlionsi No. rcd aìleles: Phcnolypei l/64 0 6164 15164 20t64 15t64 I Whitc |/(a 6 Darkred inheritance 12.I I Polygenic quaDtitative traits are inlluenced by many genes. called polygcnes, each one ofwhich contributes a small amouDt to the vàriation of .l character.The flrst g€netic .ìnàlysisof a quantitative trait was nadc by the Scandinaviangeneticist Nilsson-Ehle,in 1909. He studied red vcrsus white kernel colour in wheat, and showcd that there are three gcnc loci governing this trait. There are red.llelcs (Rr, R, and Rr) and white allel€s W!, W, and W3l at each locus, and there is no domnlance in their effecrs. lh€ alleles act in an additive manner, so that as the numbcr of red alleles increases the intensity of thc red colour increases,or converselyas the number ofwlìile allel€s increasesthe intensity ofthe red colour decrcases.Nilsson-Ehlecrossed a homozygous whit€ {denoted oooooo)with a homozygous dark rcd strain {denoted ......) and the kernels of rhe !1 w€re an interm€diare red colour (genotypeo.ó.o.). The F, indrvidùals can produce 21 = 6 diflerent t)?es of gametes, and the Fr x Fr cross will produce 6 x 8 = 64 unique combinations of these alleles in the F, generation. As there is no dominance there arc 7 possible phenotypes correspoDdi n g t o O t o 6 r e d a l l e l e s ,w h i c h o c c u r i n a 1 : 6 : 1 5 : 2 0 : 1 5 : 6 : 1 r a t i o (Fig. 12.1). We have considered a meristic quantitative trail in this €xampl€. It remains meristic because there is Ìittle environmental eff€ct on kernel colour, and the alleles of the different genes act in a purely additive manner Consequently, there are only seven discrete phena B?es. However, had the envimnment affected kernel colour, and if the allel€s of the three different gen€s affected rcdness by slightly ta7 GENETICS QUANTITATIVE contlnuols dlrribuiló. ol kérn.l PrcPoriont ol lhe diffaÉnt gènoryP6rcm.h thc ..he.r h fig. ! 2-I, but .nùrcnn.nbl úd oÌhcr 8èn.rì€cBblurrh. dìrindion b.vén difcrenr 'i 5E g'; ÈP gB 1o 12345 Bed Inlensltyol kernels different amounts,the boundariesbetweenthe ph€not,?eswould becom€blurred so that therewould be more or lessa continuum in kern€lcolour ftom white to dark rcd. In this case,the disúibution of keînel colorlrwould follow a smooth cun€ (Iig. 12.2)followingthe generatshapeof the histogramin Fig. 12.1.To analysesúch 3 continuous distributionofkernel colour w€ might arbitrarilygroup the colours into sevenclasseswhich would be r€lated in someMtayto th€ number of red allelesper individual.Thùs,we can seethat there is reallyno distinctionbetweenth€ first two typesofquantitativetrails li.e.medsticand continuousì. 12.2| Partidoningphenotypicvariationinto I differentcomoonents The flrst attempt to partition phenotypic variation into its genetic and environmentalcomponentswas made by East(1916)who began his experirnents on the flower length of Nicohara loîEúlorq i^ 1912We will use his alata iD the following two subsectionsto show how phenotypic vaiation cen b€ pertitioned into its various components. Our method of analysisis kept simple for obviousreasons,aDdyou shouldbe awarethat it is not applicablein aÌt situations.Someof the dimculties wiU be briefly meotioned as vr€ developour anÀlysis.but for now let us consider our ùse of the similarity betw€€n parctrt and offspring to measure the gen€tic basis of a trait. Behavioural traits may be genetically transmitted fiom parent to offspring but may also be modified or teùght by tlìe parents, and our method ofanalysis does not distinglish b€tween thes€ t\'o modes of ùansmission. A more complex exampleis provided hy th€ body weight of eutherian mammals. Aù individual's body ueight at the time of weaning dependson the body w€ight of the par€nts (genetic tmnsmissior), it! weight at birth and the emount of úilk it rcceives.vrhich are influenced by the nutritional status of tle moth€r and the litter size or lrumber of siblings (Fansmission of maternaì and sibling environmental eff€cts). PARTITIONING PHENOT"YPIC VARIATON Corollalengih(classcentres,mm) c' il orrf e'""ai"e !@ "n"'i'* on flowef en8lh n Ni.oriono ffi I E z :l '"8', Fr r[ (DaErrcmEó! le16.) Lroisirtùd. ù Ccncli(ists use a vnricty of metlìods to ovefcome thesc diffjculries and Dìore accrìr)îcly prrtition tlìe ph€notypic variance into ils diftercnt componc,lts {seelalconcr nnd Mîckay 1996),but rhey arc more conplex ànd arc beyond thc scopc ofthis tert. 12.2.I Geneticandenvironmental components The phenolypic variance can be c:ìlculrred in a stl.aigbrlorwnrd lllanncr, describ€d in rny statistics t€xl, as th€ averrge of the squared devintions about the 'llcan phenotypic value. Phcnorypic variarion is divided into its gcn€tic and environmental conrpoD€ntsby assrF ing ÙaÌ these sources ofvariation ar€ addiliv€. lf îhis is the case, thc totnl ph€notypic varian(e (Vp)equals the fraciioD of rhe phenc typic variance that is a rcsult of genetic differences berween individuals (yc) plus lhe ffa.tion of the phenotypic variance ì.esulting ftonì ditrerencesin the environnìental conditions ro which indiùduals were exposed(VE).Synbolicàlly this is writterì: {Iqr 12.1) East partitioned th€ variation in flower length iD the following way. H€ €mssed homozygous long-flower€dplants with homorygoùs shorÈfloweredplants, aDd th€ resulting F, pÌants, which w€re genet, ically identical to one another. had flowers of intermediate lengrh (Fig. 12.3).There was no genetic varlation (i.€. yc = 0) in either of the parental varieties or the Fr offspdng, and so the observedvariance within these sroùps (Vr)cquals th€ environmental vaúatrce,VE. The averagevariance ofthese three groups, yE, equalled 5.2 for Eastl East then made a cross oflr individuals to produce the F, generation- The alleles inhe ted from th€ two parenraÌ strains segregated, QUANTITAIIVEGENETICS and so the total ph€notypic varianc€ ofthe f, was made up of both genetic and environmental v3riation. The total phe[otyPic variance (Vp)of th€ F, offsp ng was 40.s.The geneticvadance(Vc)car then b€ calculated by rearranging Eqn 12.1as vc = vp - vE. which gives a valùeof35.3. ln sùmmary by analysingEasth data on the phenotypicvalia. tion of flower length in Ni.otiono, it is possible to partition the tù tal phenotlTic variatior (Vp- 40.s) into its environmental {y[ - 5.21 and genetic (yc = 35.3)componenB by assultìing tlìat thele sources of varietion are additi!€. Thus, in the I, generatìonapproximately 87%of th€ vari:tion was geneticallybasedand 13%environmental based. we can mike two generalpoints about this pafitioning of phè notypic variation.Firf, the amount of variation (yp)and the rela. tir€ str€ngths of the genetic and environmental effects Àr€ not 6xed entities. We may note ihat the value of Vc vaied fiom zero, when the crosses werebetweengeneticallyidenticalplants,to 35.3for the betweenother Fl x Ir cross.and it wouldb€ differentagainfor crosses genotypes.Inaddition,if the plantshadb€engfown in a morehetero geneousenvironm€nt w€ rrould expect to seeVr increasefor obvious reasons. Mofeover, forsometrait! therc canbe genot,?Hnvironment interactionwheft somegenotypesdo better in some€nviÉnments, and other genotyp€s do better in others. Consequentlt the ov€rall phenoO?icvariationand the relatirrEirnportanceof the geneticand environmentelcomponentsvary accordingto the envitonmentand the prechegEneticmakèup ofthe population. sccond,our partitioningof phenotypicvariationdo€snot give an unequ ocal answerto the old genetì(s"versus4nvifonment or 'naturÈ veEus-nurture'debate.ln our exemplEof flower length it looks as though it is more imf,ortant to hav€ th€ 'right' g€ner rather that environment if w€ want a flower of a specinc l€nglh. However, if w€ ody had an inbred line wìth low genetic diversity. the reverse might be true. The debate has been highly €motioúl at times, and the opposing sides har€ oft€n taken extreme positions, claiming either lhat only geneticvariationis importantlgeneticdetelminism) or that the environment(nurture) is all-important.In rcality it is a mixtur€ of thes€ two compoùents that determines phenotypic expr€ssion,although their relative importance can ìruy, How€r,er,as lr,e have seen, their relative importance is not ffxed and so the debate continues without final rEsolution for some people. We will look at t\^,o €xamples of îhis debate in more d€tail. in s€ction 12.6 0f this chapterand in Chapter19 {section19.r). 12.2.2 Partirioning the components ofgeneticvariation The genetic variance (vc) is also made up ofa number ofcomponentsThese compon€nts include the additi\'€ effects of all of the alleles that affect the trait, the dominance eff€cts between alleles within gene loci, and epistatic int€ractions betw€€n different gen€ loci that pARTrroNrNG pHENOTypTC vARrAíiON modirythe additiveeffects.To help us understandhow the additive, dominance and epistatic effects c:n influence the genetic variance, consider the following hypotlÌetical series: Genotype AABb AABB 2. Dominance effect plus 3. Dominance Imaginc that this correspondsto a sitùation similar to that of kernel coloùr in wheat {section 12.1),but thcre are only two genc loci involvedand thc red allelesare represcntedby capital letters. When thereare purelyadditi!€ effects,the red colourintensifesin a stepwisefashion(C-4)as eachred alteleis added.Now imaginethat the red alleleis completelydominantto white.asshownin the second exampìe.The intensityofthe red colourwould be the samewhether on€or both allelesofn genecod€dfor red,and the phenotypicscor€s would be modified as th€ third €xamplewe can imaginethat the A allel€ only exertsils €ff€ctin th€ prcsenceof allele D, and so there would be a further modificationof phenotypic Thus,it is necessary to partition the geneticvariance,Vc,into the variouscomponentsas follows: (Eqn 12.2) in which y^ is lhe variancedue to the additiveeffectsof alleles, VDis the variancedue to dominanceeffectsbetweenallelesand y| is the variancedue to €pistaticinteractionsbetweenthe genesthat affecr the rrait. In prictice, ir is difficulr ro s€paÉr€ vD afid yr and consequently they are often groùpedtogeth€ras nor-additivegenetic The additii€ geneticvarianc€{V^)is the main causeofùe resemblance b€tw€en parents and their offspring, and between rehtives. We can obtain a mealure of this r€lationship by drawing a graph of the meanphenoq?icscoreofoffspring againstthe meanphenotypic scoreoftheir parents.Ideally,th€ parcntsshouldbe matedat rardom when consùucting thes€gnphs, which ca$ then be ùs€d to caÌculat€ v^ (seebelow), lf wE consid€r our €xampl€ of flower length in NlcÈ tlon , and use the data fiom crossesftom the F2geneútion prcvided in East (1916),we obtain the following rclationship between parent atrd offsprins (Fis. 12.a). l' I GENETICS QUANTITATIVE l!@l'"tr.,i*'r'ip.pàren$ ind fìok. lèngthb€*e€n ofispringin Ni.oro.o loigifoE. slope= 0.8348 5a = Mean flower lenglh ol paients (mm) The slopeof the regressiontells us how much th€ offspring re sembletheir parents,or what is called the hentubilityin thercrrow (h'?N) sense of the trait.r Thus,if the offspringhavethe sameaverage phenot)?ic scoreas th€ir parents,the slopeof the regression(h'zN) will be 1.0,and if there is no relationshipin the phenoo?ic scores of parentsand their offspring,then h'zN= 0. Obviously,the higher the heritability(or slopeofth€ regression) the largerthe additiveg€netlc component.Therelationshipbetweenheritability(h'zN), addiriv€ gen€ticvariance(y^) and phenoLic variance(Vp)is gi!€n by: (Eqnr2.l) From Eastl data (!ig. 12.4)we seethar iuN = 0.8348for flower length in Nicoiraflo.Insection12.2.1, we noted that yrì = 40.5,and so we can estimarey^ as 0.8348x 40.5= 33.8by rearra[gingEqn 12.3. We haveprevioully eslimatedthe geneticva ance (Vclas 35.3,and so from Eqn 12.2we can estimatethe non-additivegeneticvariance (VD+ Yr)as 35.3 33.E= 1.s. This completesour partitioning of the phenoù?ic variation into its variousgeneticard €nvironmentalcomponents,and the results are summarizedin Table12.1.Thegeneticvarian€e(Vc)is the sum of the additiveand non-additivegeneticvariances,and equals35-3,or 87%ofthe toral ph€notypicvariance. 12.3 Heritability We havejust seenthat heritability in the narrow sense(h,N)is the proportionofthe total phenotpic variationihat is a resultofaddirive geneticvariation (Eqn12.3).Yoù shoìrldalso be awarethat there is another measureof heritability,called à€ritabilttyh the brondsmse rTlì. dcglcc ofgcù.ric JrtcrnÌi.îiio., or hcritrbjlrù. of a Ìmjt is syorìrolizcJ tr\ hl b e . a n siet w r s n s t . r L ù h r . d a \ t h . f t ù a r eo f r h e p r i a l . o . r È h u u n . o t l î . ì d ntri e prù (orfh.ientl lrerwùenrhe pmúrrl senoîypcirnd rhc ottitriù!\ phenarypcF.. HERITABILfi l2-1. I P.rúr@iDg of ÉE v.ii.tnn of lmr l6gth in Xùd@ Ltrgi cornPo[!* u erpncsea h t tB of th.n ErirùG and s per. Îh. ,or!, cnia$r ofth. total phetrott?lcvàriefte Variance Percentage Add tive genetc varance Non-addrtivegeneticvariance variance Environmental V1 40.5 13.8 t.5 5.2 t00 t3 Data from East(1916). Sou/ce: (h's)which is equal to Vclyp.We will not considerthis measureany further, and whereverheritabiìity is referrcd to in this chapterit meansheritabilityin the narrowsense. The (€rm heritability has unfortunate connotations,and is fre. quendy misunderstood,particularlyby non-biologists. Many people belielr it is a ffxed propertyfor a particular trair, and think rhar a characteris geneticallydetcrmìnedto a certainextentand is modified bythe environmentby someother,usuallysmall,amount.This is not the case.Heritebility is simply a ratio of two variances,and is only applicableto the populationand envircnmentin which it was measùred.We can understandthis ifwe expandEqn 12.3to: (Exp.12.1) The valueof hzNis changedif we changethe geneticconstitution of the populationbecausethe varianceofat leastone of the genetic componettswill be altered.For example.if we had estimatedthe heritability of flow€r l€ngth for either of the two par€ntal populatiods of Àlicoliom we would hai€ obtained values of 0 lzerol, inst€ad of the valueof0.8348estimatedin section12.2.2. This is becausethere is rio geneticveriation (Vc and V^ = 0) in thesetwo homozygous poputations,and all of the vadetion is a rcsult of environmental vadation (vE).Similarly, changesto the environm€nt c:n also chang€ tl€ value of h'N. For example,height might havea high heritabitity for a population of plants grown under very uniform conditions, bút ifwE grew th€ samegeretic stock in an?rea where the soil and water conditions rr€re exEemelyvariable, the heritability would b€ lov/€red becaus€the environmentalvariance(VE)would incÉase. Beadng this in mind when $p compare tlte heritabilities of different chancteristics, we fird that tlle heritability of Fivial, appal€nù unimportant charactedsticsis frequendy high, whereasthe heútabil. ity is ùsùally Ìow for characteristics that are closely related to fit ness flabte 12.2ì.This is becaùseselectior on trivial characterswill Fobably be low or non-€xist€nt, and so natural selection tolerates large geneticvariability in thesechamcteristics.Hovreverthere will be strong selection pr€ssuresoo traits that play a vital role in the fltness of an organism, aùd so generally there will be much lels genetic 1 GENETICS QUANTITATIVE Tabl. | 2,2 I ^pprodEate Elu6 of the bditabnity of v|Itorr cbuct E t! cllúln dom.rdc |ltrEt ùd plút ?Èies. TEit' cl@lt rrlr6d to nh* lè.S,calv|lU tnù.rFl, .gtr F h€u.UtÈl sia of sire, l.ld .rtd €rI rMb.r of coir) teìd ùoha\,€los, Mtrblid6 Specles andtrait Catlle Wfter helght Milkpmteinpercenlage Feed€mciency Milkyi€ld Calvnginterva 0.ó0 0.55 0.35 0.30 0.25 Eg8we ght Bodywei8ht Alb!rnencontent Ageofsexlalmaturty Eggsper hen 0.55 0.50 040 0.15 00 Eacklatthickness Bodylength Feedemclency Dailygainin weight 0.60 Swne com (zea nays) Huskenenslon Plantheight Eafheight Earn!mber Yed 0.15 0.30 0.r5 0.ó7 0.53 0.45 0.20 0 .t 3 Sorrce;Data from Haîtl and Clark (1989), variationbecausethe inferior genotDeswill be eliminatedflom the popuÌation. Plant:nd animalbreedersareinterestedin the heitabilities ofdiffereùt characteristicsbecaùscthe higher the heritability, the greater the rcsponse to selection. This leads us to oùr next topic where wE consider tle effect of selection otr ouantitativ€ characters. 12.4ì Response to selection How do quantitatir€ charactersÉspond to selection?ln many cases tlìey will change, and w€ can illustBte this olEr two generations of selectionusing an abstractexample(Fig.12.5).The phenotypicscore is aúitrary, and could correspond to su.h uaits es the amount of oil in a seed, plant height. the degree of resistaùce to a particular insecticide, or body \r€ight. W€ apply systematicselection to in" cr€asethe size of th€ characterin question.In th€ original population RESPONSE IO sELECiiON I seledion lor$€d size ot: tnft wth i henEbilir/ o10.5, The individurk relectedb be the PiÈnB of $e nerSènèhtion àrè 3 5 YS l\reanattertwo generations ol selection 12345678 Phenotyplc score (Fig. can se€ that th€ overall phenorypicmear of the parentalpopulation(ip) is 3 units, analthe group of individuatss€. lecredds pdrenrsor rhe nexl Benerarionhavern overa mean(is) of 5 uDitsThe intensityof selection,or selectionprcssur€,being apptiedis called tlìe sele.tiondilf ential lS), and is measured as the diff€rence beMeenthe meanof (he selecled parenrs(ic) and rhe meanof d the individuals in the parental popùlation (iF). Tlìus: (Iqn 12.a)