Study guide for Shakespeare's Pericles prepared by students of

Study guide for Shakespeare’s Pericles prepared by students of JMHS
Gifted, Highly Gifted, and High Ability Magnet
Cell 1– The
Young prince of Tyre, you have at large received
The danger of the task you undertake.
I have, Antiochus, and, with a soul
Embolden'd with the glory of her praise,
Think death no hazard in this enterprise.
Bring in our daughter, clothed like a bride,
For the embracements even of Jove himself;
At whose conception, till Lucina reign'd,
Nature this dowry gave, to glad her presence,
The senate-house of planets all did sit,
To knit in her their best perfections.”
In this quote Antiochus tells Pericles that he has taken on a very
dangerous task. Pericles answers him by saying that he has but no
task is too dangerous for “her”. Then Antiochus says to bring in his
own daughter, dressed as a bride.
1) In the quote above what does enterprise most closely mean:
a) A venture
b) A woman
c) A business
d) A temple
2) Who does Antiochus want to come in dressed as a bride?
3) What kind of task do you think Pericles has undertaken?
4) What do you think is going to happen next in the play?
Cell 2 – The Riddle
Like a bold champion, I assume the lists,
Nor ask advice of any other thought
But faithfulness and courage.
He reads the riddle
I am no viper, yet I feed
On mother's flesh which did me breed.
I sought a husband, in which labour
I found that kindness in a father:
He's father, son, and husband mild;
I mother, wife, and yet his child.
How they may be, and yet in two,
As you will live, resolve it you.
Sharp physic is the last: but, O you powers
That give heaven countless eyes to view men's acts,
Why cloud they not their sights perpetually,If this be true, which
makes me pale to read it?
Fair glass of light, I loved you, and could still,
Takes hold of the hand of the Daughter of ANTIOCHUS
Were not this glorious casket stored with ill:
But I must tell you, now my thoughts revolt
For he's no man on whom perfections wait
That, knowing sin within, will touch the gate.
You are a fair viol, and your sense the strings;
Who, finger'd to make man his lawful music,
Would draw heaven down, and all the gods, to hearken:
But being play'd upon before your time,
Hell only danceth at so harsh a chime.
Good sooth, I care not for you.
Prince Pericles, touch not, upon thy life.
For that's an article within our law,
As dangerous as the rest. Your time's expired:
Either expound now, or receive your sentence.”
In this quote Pericles says that he does not want any help to the task
ahead which is a riddle and if he answers it correctly he gets to marry
Antiochus’ daughter. Pericles reads the Riddle and instantly figures the
answer and says it is much better to keep it a secret. Then Antiochus
says that either Pericles answers that very moment or he will have to
1) What literary device is the riddle an example of?
a) anastrophe: unusual word order for effect
b) antanaclasis: word used repeatedly with multiple meanings
c) antithesis: contrasting opposites
d) afflatus: inspiration from the muse
2) Do many parents in this era make up riddles to see if the person
who wants to marry their child is worthy of marrying that person?
3) Why do you think Pericles does not want to answer the riddle even
though he knows the answer?
4) What do you think the answer to the riddle is?
Cell 3 – “Kill Pericles”
Doth your highness call?
You are of our chamber, and our mind partakes
Her private actions to your secrecy;
And for your faithfulness we will advance you.
Thaliard, behold, here's poison, and here's gold;
We hate the prince of Tyre, and thou must kill him:
It fits thee not to ask the reason why,
Because we bid it. Say, is it done?”
In this quote Antiochus calls Thaliard and tells him to kill Pericles with
poison that he gives him and tells him not to ask any question and just
do it.
1) Who does Antiochus call to have Pericles killed?
2) In the quote above what does partake most closely mean:
a) to eat
b) to take part in
c) to pout
d) to run
3) Do you think it is correct for Antiochus to get someone to murder
Pericles because he knows the answer to the riddle? Why?
4) what figure of speech is secrecy used as:
a) verb
b) adverb
c) adjective
d) noun
Cell 4– “Pericles ran away”
Enter a Messenger
Let your breath cool yourself, telling your haste.
My lord, prince Pericles is fled.
As thou
Wilt live, fly after: and like an arrow shot
From a well-experienced archer hits the mark
His eye doth level at, so thou ne'er return
Unless thou say 'Prince Pericles is dead.'”
In this quote Antiochus tells Thaliard to calm down because he has to
murder Pericles. Then the messenger comes in and tells them that
Pericles has escaped. Antiochus then tells Thailard to go kill pericles.
1) Who has run away?
2) What literary device is this quote an example of:
As thou
Wilt live, fly after: and like an arrow shot
From a well-experienced archer hits the mark
His eye doth level at, so thou ne'er return
Unless thou say 'Prince Pericles is dead.'”
a) anticlimax: beginning grand but ending low
b) antilogy: contradiction
c) amphiboly: syntactic ambiguity
d) anastrophe: unusual word order for effect
3) Is it correct for Antiochus to make Thailard kill Pericles? Why or why
4) What would have happened if Antiochus were the one who went out
to kill Pericles?
Pericles Act I Scene III/ Cell 1
Thaliard- So, this is Tyre, and this the court. Here must I
kill King Pericles; and if I do it not, I am sure to
be hanged at home: 'tis dangerous. Well, I perceive
he was a wise fellow, and had good discretion, that,
being bid to ask what he would of the king, desired
he might know none of his secrets: now do I see he
had some reason for't; for if a king bid a man be a
villain, he's bound by the indenture of his oath to
be one! Hush! here come the lords of Tyre."
Summary: Thaliard has arrived in Tyre, where he begins to
comtemplate about completing his mission. If he kills Pericles, he
willed be hanged on the spot. If he does not, he will be killed when he
returns to Antioch. Then he sees the lords of Tyre come into the room.
Comprehension: Why is Thaliard not sure about completing the
Vocabulary: In the quote, "Well, I perceive he was a wise fellow, and
had good discretion,...", what does discretion mean?
a) responsible decision making
b) joyless enthusiasm
c) careful placement of sugar packets
d) penumbral skinny dipping
Ethical: Is it right for Thaliard to kill someone he barely knows? Is it
right for Antioch to kill him for not killing?
Associative: In today's modern times, is it possible for people to have
a similar line of work as Thaliard's?
Cell 2
Thaliard: "From him I come
With message unto princely Pericles;
But since my landing I have understood
Your lord has betook himself to unknown travels,
My message must return from whence it came."
Summary: Thaliard explains to the Court of Tyre that he had a
"message" for Pericles from Antioch, but since he is not here, he
will go back home and inform Antioch.
Comprehension: What did Thaliard tell the court what he was
doing there?
Vocabulary: In the quote, "But since my landing I have
understood Your lord has betook himself to unknown travels"
what does the word betook mean?
A) to make yourself move or go
b) to steal with insect speed
c) to comit adultery
d) to blame your mother
Literary: if the court knew of thaliard's intentions, why would
this quote be best suited for an argumentum ad ignorantiam?
Predictive: Will Thaliard try to make another attempt at
mudering Pericles?
Cell 3
Cleon: "My Dionyza, shall we rest us here,
And by relating tales of others' griefs,
See if 'twill teach us to forget our own?"
Summary: Cleon and Dionyza are in Tarsus, and they both
decide to tell eachother of their sad tales in order to distract
themsleves from the destruction and famine in Tarsus.
Comprehension: Why are Cleon and Dionyza trying such an
odd method to make eachother feel better?
Vocabulary: In the quote, ""My Dionyza, shall we rest us here,
And by relating tales of others' griefs...", what does griefs mean?
A) Charlie Brown episodes
B) undergarments for males
C) deep frustration or annoyance
D) Arias of sorrow
Ethical: Will Cleon's idea of helping his and his wife's deppresion
really help them at all? Is it right for you to make your spouse
sad just to make yorself feel better?
Predictive: Is there a chance that their conversation of sadness
will help them? will it help repair Tarsus?
Cell 4
Cleon:"But see what heaven can do! By this our change,
These mouths, who but of late, earth, sea, and air,
Were all too little to content and please,
Although they gave their creatures in abundance,
As houses are defiled for want of use,
They are now starved for want of exercise:
Those palates who, not yet two summers younger,
Must have inventions to delight the taste,
Would now be glad of bread, and beg for it:
Those mothers who, to nousle up their babes,
Thought nought too curious, are ready now
To eat those little darlings whom they loved.
So sharp are hunger's teeth, that man and wife
Draw lots who first shall die to lengthen life:
Here stands a lord, and there a lady weeping;
Here many sink, yet those which see them fall
Have scarce strength left to give them burial.
Is not this true?"
Summary: Cleon is complaining about how Tarsus is falling and how
he can't do anythign about it.
Comprehension: What is Cleon yammering about?
Vocabulary: "Although they gave their creatures in abundance,As
houses are defiled for want of use, They are now starved for want of
exercise:", what does abundance mean?
A) A burger topping
B) Having many of
C) Being fat and stumpy
D) A ritual for grain
Literary: Is this quote more of a bombast or an anacoluthon? why?
Associative: would Cleon, governer of Tarsus, still keep his job if he
was a governer for a state in this time if all he did was complain and
give up hope?
Cell #1
Quote: Enter at one door PERICLES talking with CLEON; all the train
with them. Enter at another door a Gentleman, with a letter to
PERICLES; PERICLES shows the letter to CLEON; gives the Messenger
a reward, and knights him. Exit PERICLES at one door, and CLEON at
Good Helicane, that stay'd at home,
Not to eat honey like a drone
From others' labours; for though he strive
To killen bad, keep good alive;
And to fulfil his prince' desire,
Sends word of all that haps in Tyre:
How Thaliard came full bent with sin
And had intent to murder him;
And that in Tarsus was not best
Longer for him to make his rest.
He, doing so, put forth to seas,
Summary: Gower enters and notes the contrast between the bad king
which is Antiochus, and the good prince, Pericles. Then enters at the
door Pericles talking with Cleon when a gentlemen comes with a letter
and gives it to Pericles. Pericles rewarded the messenger and knights
him. He had gotten word that Thailard was coming to kill him. He
decides to fled with the seas and then found himself shipwrecked. He
washes up to shore.
What did the message say?
In the quote, “Not to eat honey like a drone,” what does the word
drone most likely mean?
A.) Mosquito
B.) Continuous low dull humming sound
C.) Bee
D.) To speak in a monotonous tone
What do you think that Pericles will do now, that he’s lost all his
belongings and men and is washed up ashore?
If he knew that Thailard was coming to kill him, what might have been
his reasons why didn’t he stay and kill Thailard?
Cell #2
Quote: First Fisherman
Look how thou stirrest now! come away, or I'll
fetch thee with a wanion.
Third Fisherman
Faith, master, I am thinking of the poor men that
were cast away before us even now.
First Fisherman
Alas, poor souls, it grieved my heart to hear what
pitiful cries they made to us to help them, when,
well-a-day, we could scarce help ourselves.
Third Fisherman
Nay, master, said not I as much when I saw the
porpus how he bounced and tumbled? they say
they're half fish, half flesh: a plague on them,
they ne'er come but I look to be washed. Master, I
marvel how the fishes live in the sea.
First Fisherman
Why, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the
little ones: I can compare our rich misers to
nothing so fitly as to a whale; a' plays and
tumbles, driving the poor fry before him, and at
last devours them all at a mouthful: such whales
have I heard on o' the land, who never leave gaping
till they've swallowed the whole parish, church,
steeple, bells, and all.
Summary: Pericles now found himself shipwrecked. He first starts out
talking about how he thanks nature for letting him live, but now he’s
going to have death in peace. Then several fishermen and their master
enter the scene. The fishermen talk about how in the sea bigger fish
eat smaller fish and compares it to how it’s just like men on the land.
Pericles just listens to the fisherman and takes note of what they have
to say.
What does Pericles do when he hears the fishermen discussion that
they are having?
In the quote, “Look how thou stirrest now! come away, or I'll
fetch thee with a wanion,” what does the word wanion most likely
A.) Plague
B.) Whip
C.) Net
D.) Onion
What do you think that Pericles will do now that he found some
Why is it that Pericles is just listening to the fishermen talk and doesn’t
order them to help him out since he’s a prince?
Cell #3
Second Fisherman
What a drunken knave was the sea to cast thee in our way.
A man whom both the waters and the wind,
In that vast tennis-court, have made the ball
For them to play upon, entreats you pity him:
He asks of you, that never used to beg.
First Fisherman
No, friend, cannot you beg? Here's them in our
country Greece gets more with begging than we can do
with working.
Summary: Pericles finally talks to the fisherman when he heard of King
Simonides. He says that he has never begged, but asks them to help
him out. They found it weird that he cannot beg, since he says that
their in Greece, they get more with begging than with working. They
ask him if he can fish, but he says that he never practiced it. They say
that he will starve because he can’t fish. Pericles then says that if they
refuse to help him, he would die there. So finally they decide to help
him out and he would be staying with them.
What did Pericles said that he had never done before?
In the quote, ” What a drunken knave was the sea to cast thee in our
way.” What does the word knave most likely mean?
A.) An unprincipled, crafty fellow
B.) A happy men
C.) Working person
D.) Bum
What do you think that Pericles will do know that he knows that he’s
got shelter and won’t starve to death?
Would you welcome a person into your home if he had the same story
going on as Pericles?
Cell #4
First Fisherman
Why, wilt thou tourney for the lady?
I'll show the virtue I have borne in arms.
First Fisherman
Why, do 'e take it, and the gods give thee good on't!
Second Fisherman
Ay, but hark you, my friend; 'twas we that made up
this garment through the rough seams of the waters:
there are certain condolements, certain vails. I
hope, sir, if you thrive, you'll remember from
whence you had it.
Summary: Here Pericles talks to a fisherman and found out that he is
in Pentapolis. He hears of the good king Simonides. He starts asking
questions such as if King Simonides is happy king since he gained the
name of the good king by his subjects. Then he hears that tomorrow
was his daughters birthday and that princes and knights would come
all over the world to tourney for her love. Pericles wishes that he could
be there. They later found a rusty armor in a cast for fish. Pericles gets
the armor that had been given to him by his father. He decides to go
tourney for the lady and asks opf them to show him the way to get
What did they find in a cast for fish?
In the quote, “twas we that made up this garment through the rough
seams of the waters…” what does the word garment most likely
A.) Boat
B.) Clothe
C.) Gear
D.) Nails
Do you think that David will win the tournament or die for King
Simonides daughter?
Would you fight for a princess/prince knowing that you might die for
Cell #5
The Sixth Knight, PERICLES, passes over
And what's
The sixth and last, the which the knight himself
With such a graceful courtesy deliver'd?
He seems to be a stranger; but his present is
A wither'd branch, that's only green at top;
The motto, 'In hac spe vivo.'
A pretty moral;
From the dejected state wherein he is,
He hopes by you his fortunes yet may flourish.
First Lord
He had need mean better than his outward show
Can any way speak in his just commend;
For by his rusty outside he appears
To have practised more the whipstock than the lance.
Second Lord
He well may be a stranger, for he comes
To an honour'd triumph strangely furnished
Summary: The next day, they prepare for the tournament. First, the
knights show up to Thaisa, and show off their coat of arms, each with
as motto. Pericles was the sixth , in rusty armor, his shield said, ‘In
hac spe vivo,’ which means in live in this hope. The King reads it while
the lords mock him of his rusty armor. But then the king shuts them
What does Pericles motto say?
In the quote, “To have practised more the whipstock than the lance.”
What does the word whipstock most likely mean?
A.) Stock made out of a whip
B.) Sword fighting
C.) Art
D.) The rod or handle to which the lash of a whip is fastened
Do you think that now at days they would let people woth rusty armor
be on a tournament?
Would you show up in rusty armor to a tournament just like Pericles?
Cell 1 – Act II – Scene III
Simonides: Knights,
To say you're welcome were superfluous.
To place upon the volume of your deeds,
As in a title page, your worth in arms,
Were more than you expect, or more than's fit,
Since every worth in show commends itself.
Prepare for mirth, for mirth becomes a feast:
You are princes and my guests.
Summary: Simonides and Thaisa congratulate Pericles with
greedings even though Pericles knows he doesn’t need it. They
have prepared a great feast for Pericles victory in the
Vocabulary Question: What does superfluous mean?
A) Were not needed
B) A great greeting
C) Were everyone hates you
D) None of the above
Comprehension: What did Simonides say he would do?
Associative: Do you think congratulating someone with a great
feast is still used today in modern time or is it different?
Predictive: What do you think they continue with their feast or
lose their appetite because they are so amazed about Pericles
winning the victory?
Cell 2 – Act II – Scene
Pericles: A gentleman of Tyre; my name, Pericles;
My education been in arts and arms;
Who, looking for adventures in the world,
Was by the rough seas reft of ships and men,
And after shipwreck driven upon this shore.
Summary: Pericles is explaining himself, he education is only in
arts and arms (fighting with weapons). He was looking for an
adventure but the seas destroyed his ship but him and his men
arrived on shore.
Vocabulary: What does Reft mean?
A) A big ship
B) A sea animal
C) To break
D) To float away
Comprehension: Does Thaisa complement him by thanking he
landed on shore or she just didn’t want to hear his story.
Associative: Does one still tell their story off they got somewhere
or accomplished something and some gives compliments after or
is it different now?
Predictive: Well they stop having the feast or continue on and
start dancing?
Cell 3 – Act II Scene IV
Helicanus: No, Escanes, know this of me,
Antiochus from incest lived not free:
For which, the most high gods not minding longer
To withhold the vengeance that they had in store,
Due to this heinous capital offence,
Even in the height and pride of all his glory,
When he was seated in a chariot
Of an inestimable value, and his daughter with him,
A fire from heaven came and shrivell'd up
Their bodies, even to loathing; for they so stunk,
That all those eyes adored them ere their fall
Scorn now their hand should give them burial
Summary: They are discussing how Antiochus and his daughter
were magically burned in a fire from heaven that punished them
for their sins.
Vocabulary: What does heinous mean?
A) Abominable
B) Destructive
C) Painful
D) Infamous
Comprehensive: Do you think justice was served for their sins?
Predictive: Who do you think is going to walk in, judges or lords?
Cell 4 – Act II – Scene IV
Helicanus: For honor’s cause, forbear your suffrages:
If that you love Prince Pericles, forbear.
Take I your wish, I leap into the seas,
Where's hourly trouble for a minute's ease.
A twelvemonth longer let me entreat you to
Forbear the absence of your king:
If in which time expired, he not return,
I shall with aged patience bear your yoke.
But if I cannot win you to this love,
Go search like nobles, like noble subjects,
And in your search spend your adventurous worth;
Whom if you find, and win unto return,
You shall like diamonds sit about his crown.
Summary: The lords want to crown Helicanus, but Helicanus
resists, suggesting they wait twelve months before making any
decisions about the ownership of the crown. The lords leave to
seek out Pericles.
Vocabulary: What does forbear mean?
A) To forget about it, not care
B) To hold back, desist
C) Turn your back on it
D) To change someone’s mind
Comprehension: Why do you think Helicanus refused to take
crown as for someone else would probably take it without
Prediction: Will they find Pericles with in the 12-month
Associative: Would this relate to a General (in modern time),
to say he left but the person 2nd in charge said “I will not
resume command but give 1 weeks time to find the General
and if not found within the time I will resume command?”
Cell 5 – Act II – Scene V
Simonides: Yea, mistress, are you so peremptory?
I am glad on't with all my heart. -I'll tame you; I'll bring you in subjection.
Will you, not having my consent,
Bestow your love and your affections
Upon a stranger?
who, for aught I know,
May be, nor can I think the contrary,
As great in blood as I myself. -Therefore hear you, mistress; either frame
Your will to mine, --and you, sir, hear you,
Either be ruled by me, or I will make you-Man and wife:
Nay, come, your hands and lips must seal it too:
And being join'd, I'll thus your hopes destroy;
And for a further grief, --God give you joy! -What, are you both pleased?
Summary: Simonides takes his daughter aside to ask if Pericles is the
right man for her. She says she is in love with him and won't be
controlled. Simonides threatens to kill Pericles, but Thaisa defends
him. Simonides says he will subdue her, or he will punish her by
making Thaisa and Pericles man and wife. He puts their hands
together; they kiss, and are married. Simonides is pleased that they
are both happy with the match.
Vocabulary: What does tame mean?
A) subdue
B) to kill
C) to scare/frighten
D) A and C
Comprehension: Was it right for Simonides say that he would subdue
he or threatens to kill Pericles?
Associative: To what would you compare this to in modern times?
Predictive: Do you think both of them will happy later on in the story?
Cell 1: Act III, Narrator Gower
“GOWER: Now sleep y-slaked hath the rout;
No din but snores the house about,
Made louder by the o'er-fed breast.
Of this most pompous marriage-feast.
The cat, with eyne of burning coal,
Now crouches fore the mouse's hole;
And crickets sing at the oven's mouth,
E'er the blither for their drouth.
Hymen hath brought the bride to bed.
Where, by the loss of maidenhead,
A babe is moulded. Be attent,
And time that is so briefly spent.
With your fine fancies quaintly eche:
What's dumb in show I'll plain with speech.
Summary: The narrator, Gower, explains that Antiochus and
Antiochus's daughter are dead and how the news finally comes to
Pericles. Gower also explains how Thaisa, Pericles’ wife, and Pericles
have sex and that she has become pregnant.
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “Of this most pompous marriagefeast…“ what does pompous mean?
a) over-done
b) frugal
c) funny
d) interesting
Literary Device Question: In the quote, “DUMB SHOW.” What Literary
Device is used?
a) blazon
b) aporia
c) amplification
d) antipophora
Reading Comprehension Question: Who is now pregnant?
Predictive: Do you think there will be complications when Thaisa gives
Cell 2: Act III, Letter
“By many a dern and painful perch,
Of Pericles the careful search,
By the four opposing coigns,
Which the world together joins,
Is made with all due diligence,
That horse and sail and high expense,
Can stead the quest. At last from Tyre,
Fame answering the most strange inquire,
To the court of King Simonides,
Are letters brought, the tenor these:
Antiochus and his daughter dead;
The men of Tyrus on the head,
Of Helicanus would set on,
The crown of Tyre, but he will none:
The mutiny he there hastes t' oppress;
Says to 'em, if King Pericles,
Come not home in twice six moons,
He, obedient to their dooms,
Will take the crown. The sum of this,
Brought hither to Pentapolis,
Y-ravished the regions round,
And every one with claps can sound,
'Our heir-apparent is a king!
Who dream'd, who thought of such a thing?'
Brief, he must hence depart to Tyre:
His queen with child makes her desire—
Which who shall cross?--along to go:
Omit we all their dole and woe:
Lychorida, her nurse, she takes,
And so to sea. Their vessel shakes,
On Neptune's billow; half the flood,
Hath their keel cut: but fortune's mood,
Varies again; the grisly north,
Disgorges such a tempest forth,
That, as a duck for life that dives,
So up and down the poor ship drives:
The lady shrieks, and well-a-near
Does fall in travail with her fear:
And what ensues in this fell storm,
Shall for itself itself perform.
I nill relate, action may,
Conveniently the rest convey;
Which might not what by me is told.
In your imagination hold
This stage the ship, upon whose deck.
The sea-tost Pericles appears to speak.”
Summary: Pericles reads a letter sent to him from Tyre, explaining
that the King and his daughter are dead and that they are planning to
crown Helicanus instead of him.
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “Hath their keel cut,” what does
keel mean?
a) dog
b) bottom part of a ship
c) mom
d) bottom part of a carriage
Literary Device Question: In the quote, “Which who shall cross?--along
to go” what literary device is used?
a) antipophora
b) aptronym
c) argot
d) bombast
Comprehension Question: Whom is Tyre planning to crown if Pericles
does not arrive?
Predictive: Do you think Tyre would crown someone who is not meant
to inherit the kingdom?
Cell 3: Act III, Scene 1
LYCHORIDA: Patience, good sir; do not assist the storm.
Here's all that is left living of your queen,
A little daughter: for the sake of it,
Be manly, and take comfort.
PERICLES: O you gods!
Why do you make us love your goodly gifts,
And snatch them straight away? We here below,
Recall not what we give, and therein may,
Use honour with you.
LYCHORIDA: Patience, good sir, Even for this charge.
Summary: Lychordia explains to Pericles that his wife is dead, and that
the only thing living from her is her baby child. Pericles almost curses
the Gods for making such lovely creatures to love and taking them
away from him. Lychordia then tries to calm him down.
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “Patience, good sir, Even for this
charge.” what does charge mean?
a) electricity
b) justified complaint
c) elephant stampede
d) dog
Comprehension Question: Who died?
Predictive Question: What do you think will happen with the baby?
Ethical Question: Should Pericles accuse the Gods for taking Thaisa’s
Cell 4: Act III, Scene 1
“First Sailor: Sir, your queen must overboard: the sea works high, the
wind is loud, and will not lie till the ship be
cleared of the dead.
PERICLES: That's your superstition.
First Sailor: Pardon us, sir; with us at sea it hath been still
observed: and we are strong in custom. Therefore
briefly yield her; for she must overboard straight.
PERICLES: As you think meet. Most wretched queen!”
Summary: The sailors claim that Pericles must throw his wife
overboard. This must be done based on a sailor superstition claiming
that the sea will not be calm until the dead have left the ship.
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “That's your superstition.” what
does superstition mean?
a) religion
b) ocean
c) death
d) irrational belief
Comprehension Question: Who must be thrown overboard?
Predictive Question: Will Pericles have the courage to throw Thaisa
Ethical Question: Should Pericles throw Thaisa overboard?
Cell 5: Act III, Scene 1
We shall stop at
“PERICLES: I thank thee. Mariner, say what coast is this?
Second Sailor: We are near Tarsus.
PERICLES: Thither, gentle mariner.
Alter thy course for Tyre. When canst thou reach it?
Second Sailor: By break of day, if the wind cease.
PERICLES: O, make for Tarsus!
There will I visit Cleon, for the babe
Cannot hold out to Tyrus: there I'll leave it
At careful nursing. Go thy ways, good mariner:
I'll bring the body presently.”
Summary: Pericles asks the shipmaster what country they are closest
to, and the shipmaster replies saying they are close to Tarus. Pericles
then tells them to stop at Tarus so he can leave the baby in care with
Cleon because he doesn’t think the baby will survive the trip back to
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “I thank thee. Mariner…” what
does Mariner mean?
a) closet
b) mechanic
c) teacher
d) sailor
Reading Comprehension Question: Where is the ship stopping at?
Predictive Question: Do you think Cleon will accept the duty of caring
for Pericles child?
Ethical Question: Should Pericles give away his child as though he
does not care for it?
Cell 6: Act III, Scene 2
Get food and
fire for these
“CERIMON: Philemon, ho!
PHILEMON: Doth my lord call?
CERIMON: Get fire and meat for these poor men:
‘T has been a turbulent and stormy night.
Servant: I have been in many;
but such a night as this,
Till now, I ne’er endured.
CERIMON: Your master will be dead ere you return;
There’s nothing can be minister’d to nature
That can recover him.”
Summary: Cerimon, a doctor, and his servant named Philemon are
giving food and medical attention to shipwrecked people caused by the
storm. Cerimon is trying to save a man but then tells the man’s
servant that he will not survive.
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “’T has been a turbulent…” what
does turbulent mean?
a) silently scary
b) violently disturbing
c) calmingly peaceful
d) beautifully luxurious
Reading Comprehension Question: What is the name of Cerimon’s
Predictive Question: Will Cerimon and Philemon play an important role
in the story?
Ethical Question: Should Cerimon have told the servant his master was
going to die so casually?
Cell 7: Act III, Scene 2
Oh, Stop.
You’re so
charitable when
you don’t have
to be.
“Second Gentleman: That is the cause we trouble you so early;
‘Tis not our husbandry.
CERIMON: O, you say well.
First Gentleman: But I much marvel that your lordship, having
rich tire about you, should at these early hours
shake off the golden slumber of repose.
‘Tis most strange,
nature should be so conversant with pain,
being thereto bit compell’d.”
Summary: Two gentlemen come early to Cerimon just to compliment
him on how he does all this charity when he doesn’t need to. Cerimon
is modest about his charity and tells the to stop, but the gentlemen
keep on complimenting him.
Vocabulary Question: In the quote, “’Tis not our husbandry.” What
does husbandry mean?
a) care-taking
b) money-stealing
c) love-making
d) axe-swinging
Reading Comprehension Question: What are the two gentlemen saying
to Cerimon?
Predictive Question: Will all these compliments go to Cerimon’s head,
making him conceited?
Ethical Question: Should Cerimon be so modest?
Cell 1: Pericles Act III, Scene II
I hold it ever,
Virtue and cunning were endowments greater
Than nobleness and riches: careless heirs
May the two latter darken and expend;
But immortality attends the former.
Making a man a god. 'Tis known, I ever
Have studied physic, through which secret art,
By turning o'er authorities, I have,
Together with my practise, made familiar
To me and to my aid the blest infusions
That dwell in vegetives, in metals, stones;
And I can speak of the disturbances
That nature works, and of her cures; which doth give me
A more content in course of true delight
Than to be thirsty after tottering honour,
Or tie my treasure up in silken bags,
To please the fool and death.”
Summary: In this scene, Cerimon and a gentleman are talking to each
other. Cerimon says virtue and cunning are great gifts than nobleness
and riches. Then the gentleman talks of how great a doctor Cerimon is
and how he healed hundreds of people, and how he will never be
forgotten for his charity. They are both interrupted by two servants
carrying a large chest into the room.
Comprehension: What does the gentleman say about Cerimon?
Discussion question (ethical): Do you think Cerimon is right in that
virtue and cunning are greater gifts than nobleness and riches? Would
you rather have virtue and cunning than nobleness and riches?
In the quote above, the word endowment most closely means:
A.)a present
B.)a burden
C.)a curse
D.)a natural ability/quality
Predictive: What do you think is inside of the chest?
Cell 2: Pericles Act III, Scene II
Wrench it open; soft! it smells most sweetly in my sense…as ever hit
my nostril. So, up with it. O you most potent gods! what's here? a
First Gentleman
Most strange!
Shrouded in cloth of state; balm'd and entreasured
With full bags of spices! A passport too! Apollo, perfect me in the
Reads from a scroll
'Here I give to understand,
If e'er this coffin drive a-land,
I, King Pericles, have lost
This queen, worth all our mundane cost.
Who finds her, give her burying;
She was the daughter of a king:
Besides this treasure for a fee,
The gods requite his charity!'
If thou livest, Pericles, thou hast a heart
That even cracks for woe! This chanced tonight.”
Summary: Cerimon and the servants finally open the chest to find the
corpse of Thaisa, the (former) wife of Pericles, along with a scroll
instructing whoever found her to give her a proper burying and accept
a small treasure as payment.
Comprehension: What do they find in the chest?
Discussion question (ethical): Was is right for Pericles to not give
his wife a proper burying when they got to land, and instead depend
on whoever found the coffin to do it for him?
In the quote above, another word for corse is:
A.) coffin
B.) corpse
C.) treasure
D.) corset
Predictive: Do you think Cerimon will give Thasia a proper burying?
Cell 3: Pericles Act III, Scene II
They were too rough that threw her in the sea. Death may usurp on
nature many hours, and yet the fire of life kindle again
The o'erpress'd spirits. This queen will live: nature awakes; a warmth
Breathes out of her: she hath not been entranced above five hours:
see how she gins to blow into life's flower again!
She is alive; behold, her eyelids, cases to those heavenly jewels which
Pericles hath lost, begin to part their fringes of bright gold; the
diamonds of a most praised water do appear, to make the world twice
rich. Live, and make us weep to hear your fate, fair creature,
Rare as you seem to be.
She moves
O dear Diana, where am I? Where's my lord? What world is this?”
Summary: Cerimon, being the greatly gifted doctor that he is, is able
to revive Thasia. She slowly opens her eyes and, not being able to
comprehend what had happened and where she is, calls out for Diana.
Comprehension: What happens to Thasia?
Discussion question (ethical): Is it morally correct for Cerimon to
just bring someone back to life like this. Should he leave it to nature to
decide people’s fate?
What type of literary device is used in this quote: “Her eyelids, cases
to those heavenly jewels which Pericles hath lost.”
A.) anastrophe
B.) metaphor
C.) amplification
D.) caricature
Predictive: How do you think the revival of Thasia will change the rest
of the story?
Cell 4: Pericles Act III, Scene III
We cannot but obey
The powers above us. Could I rage and roar
As doth the sea she lies in, yet the end
Must be as 'tis. My gentle babe Marina, whom,
For she was born at sea, I have named so, here
I charge your charity withal, leaving her
The infant of your care; beseeching you
To give her princely training, that she may be
Manner'd as she is born.
Fear not, my lord, but think
Your grace, that fed my country with your corn,
For which the people's prayers still fall upon you,
Must in your child be thought on. If neglection
Should therein make me vile, the common body,
By you relieved, would force me to my duty:
But if to that my nature need a spur,
The gods revenge it upon me and mine,
To the end of generation!”
Summary: Pericles arrives at Tarsus, where he asks the king, Cleon,
and his wife, Dionyza, to take care of his baby and raise her as a
noble. The king gladly takes up the request because Pericles had once
saved his country from starvation.
Comprehension: What does Pericles ask of Cleon?
Discussion question (ethical): Is it right for Pericles to leave his
one and only child to be raised in the hands of someone else? Would it
be better for the child if Pericles took her with him?
In the quote, “Here I charge your charity withal, leaving her the infant
of your care,” the word withal means:
A.) in addition to; therewith
B.) with a burden; task
C.) a favor; assistance
D.) with compassion; sympathy
Predictive: Do you think Cleon and Dionyza will stick to their word
and raise Marina as best they could, or will they turn out to be
deceitful and try to get rid of her?
Cell 5: Pericles Act III, Scene IV
Madam, this letter, and some certain jewels,
Lay with you in your coffer: which are now
At your command. Know you the character?
It is my lord's.
That I was shipp'd at sea, I well remember,
Even on my eaning time; but whether there
Deliver'd, by the holy gods,
I cannot rightly say. But since King Pericles,
My wedded lord, I ne'er shall see again,
A vestal livery will I take me to,
And never more have joy.”
Summary: As Thaisa slowly regains her health, she begins to
remember what happened, but does not become aware of the fact that
she had a child. She recognizes the handwriting on the scroll as her
husband’s and thinks that he is probably dead and she will never see
him again. She decides to serve at the Temple of Diana.
Comprehension: What does Thaisa decide to do after she assumes
that her husband is dead?
Discussion question (ethical): Should Thaisa not give up hope so
quick on that she will never see her husband again?
Predictive: Will Thaisa ever see Pericles again?
As used in the quote above, the word vestal means:
a.) a vest
b.) a nun
c.) a delivery man
d.) a church
Cell 1- I will keep my virginity!
Off limits!!!
Bawd- “Come your ways; follow me.”
Marina: “If fires be hot, knives sharp, or waters deep, Untied I still my
virgin knot will keep. Diana, aid my purpose!”
Bawd: “What have we to do with Diana? Pray you, will you go with us?
Summary: In this quote Bawd is telling Marina to follow him where a
man who would take her virginity away from her will choose her.
However, she refuses to lose her virginity. What Bawd is really
implying is that not to losing to Diana, since Marina promised her she
would stay a virgin.
Comprehension questions: What is Marina refusing to do? Who did
Marina promise to that she wouldn’t lose her virginity?
Vocabulary questions: In the quote above what does the word virgin
most closely mean?
A) A horny toad
B) A person who enjoys having “el sexo.”
C) A person who hasn’t had sex yet
D) Someone who likes to do homework
Associative Question: If we would look at the world today, are there
pirates selling prostitutes to different guys?
Ethical: Is it right for girls to refuse to not lose their virginity? Would
that be considered rape if the girls wouldn’t want to have sex with
these guys but eventually did?
Cell 2- Marina deserved to die!
Marina, this, Marina that! Why
only Marina? She had to be killed!
Dionyza: “Be it so, then: Yet none know, but you, how she came dead,
Nor none can know, Leonine being gone. She did disdain my child, and
stood between her and her fortunes: none would look on her, but cast
their gazes on Marina’s face; Whilst ours was blurted at and held a
malkin. Not worth the time of day. It pierced me through; and though
you call my course unnatural, You not your child well loving, yet I find,
It greets me as an enterprise of kindness, Perform’d to your sole
Summary: In this quote Dionyza is talking to Cleon about the death of
Marina. Cleon wishes it could be undone, but it can’t. Marina describes
how it was appropriate to kill Marina because she stopped her
daughter from achieving her goals and how everyone adored Marina.
Dionyza also says that Leonine will keep this a secret.
Comprehension questions: What reasons does Dyonyza have for
saying what she said? In your own opinion would you say Marina
deserved to die?
Vocabulary question: In the quote above the word gaze most closely
A) To stare
B) To go to the bathroom
C) To act like a snake
D) To charge
Predictive questions: How do you think Pericles will react after he finds
out his daughter is dead? (Even though she is not really dead, but he
thinks that.) Do you think he’ll take it in a good way or in a bad way?
Ethical question: Is it appropriate to send out a person to kill another
Cell 3- She’s not cooperating!
She is ruining the business!
What must we do?
Pandar: “Well, I had rather than twice the worth of her she had ne’er
come here.”
Bawd: “Flee, flee upon her! She’s able to freeze the god Priapus, and
undo a whole generations. We must either get her ravished, or be rid
of her. When she should do for clients her fitment, and do me the
kindness of our profession, she had me her quirks, her reasons, her
master reasons, her prayers, her knees; that she would make a
puritan of the devil, if he should cheapen a kiss of her.”
Boult: “Faith, I must ravish her, or she’ll disfurnish us of all our
cavaliers, and make our swearers priests.”
Summary: In this quote Pandar, Bawd, and Boult are discussing of
how Marina doesn’t participate. Marina is going along with the
program. She is not even talking or giving one small little kiss to the
guys, and that isn’t what prostitutes are suppose to do. They are
discussing on how to kick her out and that she will bring down their
Comprehension question: Whom are they trying to get rid of?
Vocabulary question: In the quote above the word ravish most closely
A) To take away using violence
B) To beat up
C) To rape
D) To slap the hell out of someone
Ethical question: Is it right that what they want to do to Marina?
Predictive question: Do you think Marina will start listening to them if
they tell them about vanishing her?
Cell 4- Introducing Marina
Let me see this trouble maker of yours.
Lysimachus: “Well, call forth, call forth.”
Boult: “For flesh and blood, sir, white and red, you shall see a rose;
and she were a rose indeed, if she had but- Summary: Before this, Bawd and Boult had just told Lord Lysimachus
about the troubled Marina. Now, he wants to meet her.
Comprehension question: Whom is Lysimachus going to meet?
Vocabulary question: In the quote above what does the word indeed
most closely mean?
A) Surprised
B) The truth
C) Definition
D) Evil
Literary question: The phrase, “for flesh and blood, sir, white and red,
you shall see a rose; and she were a rose indeed, if she had but- -“ is
an example of?
A) Argumentum ad verecundiam
B) Aposiopesis
C) Aporia
D) Anabasis
Predictive question: Do you think the lord will get mad at Marina?
Ethical question: Would it be appropriate for him to get mad at
Cell 5- Marina is not quite ready
He is an honourable man Marina! You
better recognize!
Bawd: “{To Marina} First, I would have you note, this is an honourable
Marina: “I desire to find him so, that I may worthily note him.”
Summary: In this quote Bawd had asked Lysimachus for a few words
with Marina before he meets her. He describes Lysimachus as an
incredible kind of guy.
Comprehension questions: Who is Bawd complementing? What did he
Vocabulary question: In the quote above the word honourable most
closely mean?
A) Energetic
B) Smart
C) Loyal
D) Idiot
In your opinion do you think Marina is kind of making fun of Bawd?
What I mean is when she replies to when he said that Lysimachus was
an honourable man.
Predictive question: If Marina would have just laughed in Bawd’s face
when he said Lysimachus was an honourable man, how do you think
he would have reacted?
Act 4 Cell # 1 MAKING THE DEAL
Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn to do’t:
Tis but a blow, which never shall be known.
Thou canst not do a thing in the world so soon,
To yield thee so much profit. Let not conscience,
Which is but cold, inflaming love I’ thy bosom,
Inflame too nicely; nor let pity, which
Even women have cast off, melt thee, but be
A soldier to thy purpose
I will do’t but yet she is a goodly creature.
Summary: Dionyza is seeing if Leonine is going to kill Marina.
1. Do you think Leonine is going to kill Marina?
2. In the quote above, what does conscience mean?
3. Why doesn’t Dionyza kill Marina herself?
4. Today do people get hired to kill people?
5. What does Dionyza want?
Act 4 Cell #2 WHY???
Why will you kill me?
To satisfy my lady.
Summary: Marina finds out that Leonine was going to kill her, and she
asks why.
1. Does Leonine really want to kill Marina?
2. If you were Marina would you ask Leonine if he was going to kill
3. If you were Leonine, would someone asking you if you were
going to kill them stop you from killing them?
4. Who is Leonine referring to by “my lady”
5. In the quote above what does satisfy mean?
Act 4 Cell 3 PLEASE DON’T!
You will not do’t for all the world, I hope.
You are well favour’d, and your looks foreshow
You have a gentle heart. I saw you lately,
When you caught hurt in parting two that fought:
Good sooth, it show’d well in you: do so now:
Your lady seeks my life; come you between,
And save poor me, the weaker.
Summary: in this quote Marina is basically telling Leonine to give her
mercy and not kill her.
1.What is Marina saying?
2. In the quote above what does seek mean?
3. Do you think this long speech is going to work on Leonine?
4. Would you ask for mercy or just get killed without saying anything?
5. Would this kind of speech work today?
Act 4 Cell # 4 OH WELL TO BAD
These rouging thieves serve the great pirate Valdes;
And they have seized Marina. Let her go: Let her go:
There’s no hope she will return. I’ll swear she’s dead,
And thrown into the sea. But I’ll see further:
Perhaps they will but please themselves upon her,
Not carry her aboard. If she remain,
Whom they have ravish’d must by me be slain.
Summary: In this quote Leonine is wondering if she is dead and if not,
if she will come back, and he is trying to convince himself that she is
dead so he can tell Dionyza that he killed her like she said.
What is Leonine doing here?
Will Leonine tell Dionyza that he killed Marina?
Is it safe what Leonine is doing here?
In the quote above, what does ravish’d mean?
5. If Leonine does care for her, is leaving her with pirates a good
Ay, and you shall live in pleasure.
Yes indeed shall you, and taste gentlemen of all fashions: you shall
fare well; you shall have the difference of all complexions. What! do
you stop your ears?
Summary: Bawd is telling Marina that she is already captured, so she
might as well get use to being a prostitute and that she will be around
men all the time and its not a bad thing.
1.What are Bawd and Marina talking about?
2. Should Marina listen to Bawd?
3. In the quote above what does pleasure mean?
4. Would you react the same way Marina did?
5. Today, are there any people like Bawd?
Cell 1
First, what is your place?
I am the governor of this place you lie before
Sir, Our vessel is of Tyre, in it the king; Aman who for this three
months hath not spoken
To anyone, nor taken sustenance But to prorouge his grief.
Upon what ground is his distemperature?
It would be too tedious to repeat;
But the main grief springs from the loss of a beloved daughter and
Summary: This quote is when Lysimachus comes to see Pericles
onboard his
Ship in trying to help him recover from his depression.
Who is Lysimachus?
What does tedious mean?
a. little of a problem b. hate it
c. love it
d. big problem
Why is Lysimachus trying to help?
What is the grief of his beloved wife and daughter?
Cell 2
O, sir, a courtesy
Which if we should deny, the most just
Gods for every graff would send a caterpillar
And so afflict our province. Yet once more entreat me entreat to know
at large the cause
Of your king’s sorrow.
Summary: Lysimachus insists in this quote to see the king and to
know of his sorrows.
How long has Pericles been without talking?
What does sorrow mean?
a. sadness b. happiness
c. hunger d. starvation
Why has Pericles stopped talking?
Why do you think Lysimachus wants to help Pericles?
Cell 3
O, here is
The lady that I sent for. Welcome, fair one!
Is’t not a goodly prescence?
Summary: This is when Lysimachus brings Marina to Pericles
Who is Marina?
What does fair one mean?
a. ugly
b. beast
c. beautiful one d. animal
Why is Lysimachus bring Marina to Pericles?
What is Pericles reaction?
Cell 4
Hail, sir! My lord, lend ear.
Hum, ha!
I am a maid,
My lord, that ne’er before invited eyes
But have been gazed on like a comet: she speaks,
My lord, that, may be, hath endured a grief
Might equal yours, if both were justly weigh’d
Though way ward fortune did malign my state,
My derivation was from ancestors
Who stood equivalent with mighty kings:
But time hath rooted out my parentage,
And to the world and awkward casualties
Bound me in servitude.
Summary: This is when Marina first speaks to Pericles and when
First speaks after three months.
What is Marina telling Pericles in this quote?
What does equivalent means?
a. level on level b. decreased
c. increased
d. fractions
What does Pericles say to Marina?
Why is Marina a maid?
Cell 5
I will desist;
But there is something glows upon my cheek
And whispers in mine ear, Go not till he speak.
My fortunes--parentage—good parentage—
To equal mine! –was it not thus? What say you?
I said, my lord, if you did know my parentage,
You would not do me violence.
Summary: In this quote Marina is trying to re-present herself to
Pericles and at this time Pericles can’t remember who she is.
Who is Marina to Pericles?
a. mom
b. dad
c. daughter d. auntie
Why can’t Pericles remember Marina?
What does violence mean?
a. harm
b. love
c. help
d. eat
Do you think Pericles will remember here in a later time?
Cell 1
I am great with woe, and shall deliver weeping.
My dearest wife was like this maid, and such a one
My daughter might have been: my queen's square brows;
Her stature to an inch; as wand-like straight;
As silver-voiced; her eyes as jewel-like
And cased as richly; in pace another Juno;
Who starves the ears she feeds, and makes them hungry,
The more she gives them speech. Where do you live?
Where I am but a stranger: from the deck
You may discern the place.
Where were you bred?
And how achieved you these endowments, which
You make more rich to owe?
If I should tell my history, it would seem
Like lies disdain'd in the reporting.
Pericles is talking to Marina, talking bout his wife and asks where
Marina was raised.
And she wasn’t eager to reply because she felt if she told it would
seem like lies
In the quote above: What does disdain'd closely mean?
A) Lack of truth
B) Lack of texture
C) Lack of stress
D) Lack of respect
Comprehension question:
Why did Marina feel if she told her history to Pericles it would seem
like lies?
Ethical question:
Why would Marina feel her history would be lies to Pericles?
Would Pericles think they are lies?
Cell 2
Prithee, speak:
Falseness cannot come from thee; for thou look'st
Modest as Justice, and thou seem'st a palace
For the crown'd Truth to dwell in: I will
Believe thee,
And make my senses credit thy relation
To points that seem impossible; for thou look'st
Like one I loved indeed. What were thy friends?
Didst thou not say, when I did push thee back-Which was when I perceived thee--that thou camest
From good descending?
So indeed I did.
Pericles is telling Marina that her words to him will not be false or
seem like lies, that he will believe what she says.
In the quote above: What does perceive(d) closely mean?
A) Anonymous
B) Given Something
C) Aware through the senses
D) Realized
Comprehension question:
What does Pericles mean by saying “Falseness cannot come from thee;
for thou look'st
Modest as Justice, and thou seem'st a palace”
Ethical question:
Why does Pericles think her words are not falseness?
What do you think Marina will say?
Cell 3
My name is Marina.
O, I am mock'd,
And thou by some incensed god sent hither
To make the world to laugh at me.
Patience, good sir,
Or here I'll cease.
Nay, I'll be patient.
Thou little know'st how thou dost startle me,
To call thyself Marina.
The name
Was given me by one that had some power,
My father, and a king.
How! a king's daughter?
And call'd Marina?
You said you would believe me;
But, not to be a troubler of your peace,
I will end here.
But are you flesh and blood?
Have you a working pulse? and are no fairy?
Motion! Well; speak on. Where were you born?
And wherefore call'd Marina?
Call'd Marina
For I was born at sea.
At sea! what mother?
Marina is telling Pericles her name and where she comes from, and at
first Pericles is shocked, mocked, and he becomes astound to hear she
is a daughter of a king.
In the quote above: What does hither closely mean?
A) To this time
B) To this place
C) To this person
D) To this weather
Comprehension question:
Why is Pericles mock’d, when Marina tells him her name?
Ethical question:
Do you think Pericles believes Marina?
How would the story have changed if Pericles didn’t ask about her?
Cell 4
My mother was the daughter of a king;
Who died the minute I was born,
As my good nurse Lychorida hath oft
Deliver'd weeping.
O, stop there a little!
This is the rarest dream that e'er dull sleep
Did mock sad fools withal: this cannot be:
My daughter's buried. Well: where were you bred?
I'll hear you more, to the bottom of your story,
And never interrupt you.
You scorn: believe me, 'twere best I did give o'er.
I will believe you by the syllable
Of what you shall deliver. Yet, give me leave:
How came you in these parts? where were you bred?
The king my father did in Tarsus leave me;
Till cruel Cleon, with his wicked wife,
Did seek to murder me: and having woo'd
A villain to attempt it, who having drawn to do't,
A crew of pirates came and rescued me;
Brought me to Mytilene. But, good sir,
Whither will you have me? Why do you weep?
It may be,
You think me an impostor: no, good faith;
I am the daughter to King Pericles,
If good King Pericles be.
Marina is telling Pericles about her mother, continues telling him about
her history and he is in shock
In the quote above: What does scorn, closely mean?
A) Considered despicable or unworthy
B) Considered healthy or wealthy
C) Considered inspired or tired
D) Considered bored or scored
Comprehension question:
Marina is the daughter of whom?
Ethical question:
Why do you think Pericles is weeping?
How will Pericles react after hearing her say she is the daughter of
King Pericles?
Cell 5
I embrace you.
Give me my robes. I am wild in my beholding.
O heavens bless my girl! But, hark, what music?
Tell Helicanus, my Marina, tell him
O'er, point by point, for yet he seems to doubt,
How sure you are my daughter. But, what music?
My lord, I hear none.
The music of the spheres! List, my Marina.
It is not good to cross him; give him way.
Rarest sounds! Do ye not hear?
My lord, I hear.
Most heavenly music!
It nips me unto listening, and thick slumber
Hangs upon mine eyes: let me rest.
In the quote above: What does hark, closely mean?
A) To listen disturbed
B) To listen humbly
C) To listen distractively
D) To listen attentively.
Comprehension question:
What has Pericles discovered about Marina?
Ethical question:
Do you think Pericles is still shocked and in disbelief or overjoyed?
Explain your answer
What do you think would have happened if Marina didn’t talk about her
DIANA: “My temple stands in Ephesus; hie thee thither
And do upon mine altar sacrafice
There, when my maiden priests are met together
Before the people all,
Reveal how thou at sea didst lose thy wife
To mourn thy crosses, with thy daughter’s, call
And give them repitition to the life;
Or perform my bidding, or thou livest in woe;
Do it, and happy; y my silver bow1
Awake and tell thy dream.”
Diana tells Pericles to go to her temple and tell his sory about his wife
and child and all he has gone through. She says that if he does he will
be happy but if he does not he will live in sorrow and woe.
1. What did the goddess Diana tell Pericles to do?
2. The quote,” Or perform my bidding, or thou livest in woe. Do it,
and happy, by my silver bow!” is an example of what literary
C) blazon
D) aporia
3. From the quote above, the word bidding most closely means :
D) chores
4. Do you think Pericles will do what Diana told him to do?
Pericles CELL #2
PERICLES: At Pentapolis the fair Thaisa.
At sea in childbed died she, but brought forth
A maid-child call'd Marina; who, O goddess,
Wears yet thy silver livery. She at Tarsus
Was nursed with Cleon; who at fourteen years
He sought to murder: but her better stars
Brought her to Mytilene; 'gainst whose shore
Riding, her fortunes brought the maid aboard us,
Where, by her own most clear remembrance, she
Made known herself my daughter.
Pericles goes to the temple and does what Diana tells him to do. He
begins telling the story of his wife Thasa and his daughter Marina.
1. What did Pericles do and why did he do it?
2. From the quote above the word childbed most closely means:
A)a little bed
C)warm bed
B)giving birth
D)hard floor
3. Do you think it is correct for Pericles to just pour out his whole
story at them temple instead of pray or do some sort of ritual?
4. What do you think will come from Peicles telling his story at the
temple of Diana?
Voice and favour!
You are, you are--O royal Pericles!
What means the nun? she dies! help, gentlemen!
Noble sir,
If you have told Diana's altar true,
This is your wife.
Reverend appearer, no;
I threw her overboard with these very arms.
Upon this coast, I warrant you.
Summary: Thaisa who was at the temple of Diana recognized Pericles
voice and fainted. Pericles didn’t recognize her and called for help.
Cerimon tells him that that is Thaisa. Pericles doesn’t believeit and
says that he threw her out of the ship with his own hands. Cerimon
reminds him that it was upon that coast that he did that.
1. What was going o in the quotes?
2. The word warrant most closely means:
A) tell you
C) sing to you
B) ask you
D) scream to you
3. Is it bad that Pericles doesn’t recognize Thaisa, but Thaisa
recognized him?
4. Do you think Pericles will finally realize that that is Thaisa?
O, let me look!
If he be none of mine, my sanctity
Will to my sense bend no licentious ear,
But curb it, spite of seeing. O, my lord,
Are you not Pericles? Like him you spake,
Like him you are: did you not name a tempest,
A birth, and death?
The voice of dead Thaisa!
That Thaisa am I, supposed dead
And drown'd.
Immortal Dian!
Thaisa wakes up and asks Pericles if he really is Pericles. She said that
he spoke like him and looked like him. Pericles finally recognizes her
and Thaisa says that she is who he thinks she is.
1. What did Thaisa and Pericles say to eachother?
2. Taking away the last syllable “a” from the name Diana is an
example of what literary device?
3. Is it correct for Pericles to call Thaisa dead even after he knows
she is alive?
4. How do you think Marina and Thaisa will react to echother after
never having known eacother?
Now I know you better.
When we with tears parted Pentapolis,
The king my father gave you such a ring.
This, this: no more, you gods! your present kindness
Makes my past miseries sports: you shall do well,
That on the touching of her lips I may
Melt and no more be seen. O, come, be buried
A second time within these arms.
My heart
Leaps to be gone into my mother's bosom.
Look, who kneels here! Flesh of thy flesh, Thaisa;
Thy burden at the sea, and call'd Marina
For she was yielded there.
Blest, and mine own!
SUMMARY: Pericles thanks the gods and says that his past toils are
like nothing now that he has Thaisa again. He tells her to go to him
and hug him. Marina cries out and says that she longs to be touched
by her mother. Pericles tells Thaisa that that was her daughter.
Thaisa is happy and calls her her own.
1. Did Marina want to stay away from Thaisa because she hadn’t
known her before in her life?
2. What did Pericles mean when he told Thaisa about Marina and
called her, “Thy burden at the sea?”
3. Do you think it is nice for Pericles to call Marina a burden?
4. Do you think Thaisa, Pericles, and Marina will live happily ever
Pure Dian, bless thee for thy vision! I
Will offer night-oblations to thee. Thaisa,
This prince, the fair-betrothed of your daughter,
Shall marry her at Pentapolis. And now,
This ornament
Makes me look dismal will I clip to form;
And what this fourteen years no razor touch'd,
To grace thy marriage-day, I'll beautify.
Lord Cerimon hath letters of good credit, sir,
My father's dead.
Heavens make a star of him! Yet there, my queen,
We'll celebrate their nuptials, and ourselves
Will in that kingdom spend our following days:
Our son and daughter shall in Tyrus reign.
Lord Cerimon, we do our longing stay
To hear the rest untold: sir, lead's the way.
Summary: Pericles thanks Diana for the vision she gave him in his
dream. He also talks about Marina’s marriage and how he will get
ready and clean up for it. Thaisa also tells Pericles that her father is
dead. Pericles bless’s Thisa’s father and speaks about how they will
reign their following days.
1. What does Pericles say they will do?
2. The word nuptial most closely means:
A) of or relating to marriage
C) problems
B) death
3. Do you think it is correct for Pericles o make so ittle referance to
Thaisa’s father after she just told him that he is dead?
4. Do you think Pericles and his family will live happily ever after?