PERICLES’ FUNERAL ORATION (Speech) 430BC – 1 year into the Peloponnesian War The citizens of Athens held the first funeral for those who had died in the Peloponnesian War in 430BC. Pericles was chosen to speak after the proper burial customs were completed. The historian Thucydides recorded the event. “…Most of those who have stood in this place before me have commended the institution of this closing address. It is good, they have felt, that solemn words should be spoken over our fallen soldiers. I do not share this feeling. Acts deserve acts, not words, in their honor, and to me a burial at the State’s charges, such as you see before you, would have appeared sufficient…” SUM IT UP: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ “My first words shall be for our ancestors; for it is both just to them and seemly that on occasion such as this our tribute of memory should be paid them. For, dwelling always in this country, generation after generation in unchanging and unbroken succession, they have handed it down to us free by their exertions. So they are worthy of our praise; and still more so our fathers. For they enlarged the ancestral inheritance by the Empire which we hold today…” Who does Pericles thank? ________________________ And for what? ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ “For our government is not copied from those of our neighbors: we are an example to them rather than they to us. Our constitution is named a democracy, because IT is in the hands not of the few but of the many.” What is the “IT” Pericles refers to? ___________________________ “Our military training too is different from our opponent…For our trust is not in the devices of material equipment, but in our own good spirits for battle….” What does Pericles think counts for more than armor in battle? ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ “We are admirers of beauty without extravagance and wisdom without unmanliness. Wealth to us is not merely for vanity but an opportunity for achievement; and poverty we think it no disgrace to acknowledge but a real degradation to make no effort to overcome…” What does Pericles think is a shameful thing for a civilization to do? ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ “In a word I claim that Athens is the school of Greece…” What form of figurative language is this? ______________________ SUM IT UP: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ THINK ABOUT IT: How do we honor fallen soldiers in the United States? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________