HEALTH HISTORY ao8_---J____J- Refenal/PCP: Prefened Pharmacy: ro l€P la |iEEIYOUR EflTIRE tE trtclRErtmq (Staff use: ) l. PAST MEDICAL Dat€s vrmr-s Heighr: Fuot T r]rs Fonr oom.Eray, ru6 E A @IIFD€IIIAL Atonr.rBEtGPr rIrEotrce ft tn, welght _tbs, Bp: _/_ temp: Q Ghucona tr Livtr B O Mcoingitis casero/GBR.D O Bladd€r Disordcc O Hcart Murmur O Anc€( tr Hpcrtcosion O CTIF O@PD ElHy@,,rcidism_ O Tt],toid B kritrble bond tr fbbcrculoais O Disb.t€s I/ tr O KidDcy O Otcr Plre Iist all )lou rcrlxs ilh.sscs, op.tdic & Discasc_ _ Dis€ase_ Patient denics any surgeries hocpitalizatims you harrc trqcriraccd md ladirxc ytar rbcsc ocorrrcd tr Adenoidectomy D C-Sectioa O Paceoaker D Appendix OGallbladd€r B Kneo Surgory tr Bac* Suryery O tleart surgery O Stomach Surgery OBrcrstBiq'sy OHyskeAomy D Tonsillectomy D Cosmetic tr Otter Surgeries tr Wisdorn tmth D Olter Surgeries 3. MEDICfiIONS: Plcasc CURRENT MEDICATTONS: a. _ tr Pa*insonism . tr Scizres tr sroke/TlA crtr hrd rbo folbwiag: dcr putse: HsroRy Discasc O Hc6rt Dis€ase - H!rc TGDrcAL Dates o arhritis PAST SITRGICAL BXSf,ORy yotn. _RR:_ Dates Antnt 2. REcoRD oF _Patient denies any PMEI EISTORy - Hrrc Fu ctu had rhc following: O Alcoholism O EEASE Reaon for vbit Plcaso llst alt ILLERGIES (frod, lig all ncdlclacs vou arc enrotly DOSAGE (Dg) dnrgs, aDd cavtoom€at) ttiag - _ Petient denles taldry any Medlc{dons how oftar pcr day? Padent denles any Alleryles 5. FAMILY HISTORY: Hss lry blood rclariw had aoy of thc following: (Chcck bo:q lcavc blank if uncatain) Denies ftmily history of Reladonshio Relationsh i o o Brcast C{Dc€r o lIigh Blood Pressure o Genetic Problem o Kidney Problem o Seiz:re Disorder o Colon Csmer o GYN Caacer o Diabetes o Head Disease D High Cholestcrol o Stoke o Thyroid Disorder 6. Mersfilal Eistory: Age of ld period # Flow: Days between period # Medium ligtt Total days on pedod # Heavy Irst Period Mettod of BirtL Contol-- Clot Mooopause Stafirs Age Meoopause Brcalfirugh 7. bbcdiog Yedi,,to _ Yesr'No #_ Hormooe Rcirlac€m€nt lfu.ap'l yes /No SOCIALEISIORY: 16vs1 ! Q asy6 fl Tobaceo: Q Alcoholi minimd tr p .(-Sackdday x yrs) tr quit ago LJnckyd8y x ---yrs minimrl E less fl'r" l0 per urcek E moro tban l0 perureek - Illicitdrug trNo tr Yes uAar tpe: Mrrihl stahrs: tr sin€le trEogsged tr Maried Flowsheot _ fst !+ Smgu _!:stlxa Scan _ Irst PSA last Mammo -Irst Tetarus tr wdoc/pd tr Divorced e ys) partDor 8. REVIEW OF SYSIEMS: DO YOU IIAVE NOW OR IIAVE YOU EAD WA}TY OF TIIE BEIOW PROBLEM WTIIIIN THE PAST YEAR: (Plcrsc circlc rD)/(hiog for whlct you hlve! history o0 Constitutional: fever, ste6s, weight change, Eyes: blunrd vision, ffiNT: pain, headache.s, earaches nose bleeding ringing in the ears Br€ase lu-p nipple Cardiovasculer: che.* double vision sinus skin irregular Respiratory: coughing shorhess dianhea sore nstL pain, Gastrointestinal: fatigue heartbeas, cold 6roat, discharge, extremities ofbreadl uAoezing aMominal pain nasal congestion, tendemess Short ofbreattr/ exertion coughing up blood nausea/vomitin& heanbum Genifourirary: ugency frequency painfrrl SIdl: itchhg new skin lesioos trEmors tinglingornumbnesg incoordination rasb, Neurcloglcal: soia[€ Musculoskdetal: Endocrine: back paiq joint pain fr€quent urination, muscle urination psin excessivethirst Psychlatric: aodety, depression feeling confirsod Eeme-Lymph: swollen glands Allerglc- Immu: easy bleeding, easy bruising sinus allergies Signature ofPatient or par€nt U02 if minor constipation, incontinence sweillirg cold/heatintolerance, frequent illnesses Date