Uploaded by Emil Lyngberg

Safety Course Certificate - Aarhus University

This certifies that
Emil Kongsbak Lyngberg
has passed the course in Occupational Safety and Basic Fire Fighting at Aarhus
University School of Engineering (ASE)
14th – 16th of September 2020
The course has a duration of three days, with the learning outcomes and competences described below. At the end of the course the student is expected to
be able to:
- Describe the occupational safety organization at ASE
- Use material safety data sheets (MSDS) for chemicals
- Act appropriately in case of a laboratory accident
- Act appropriately in case of a chemical spill
- Handle and sort chemical and biological waste
- Extinguish minor laboratory fires
Stefan Borre-Gude
Safety Supervisor
Stefan Borre-Gude
Head of department, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Foodtechnology
Tlf.: +45 3094 8642
E-mail: stbg@ase.au.dk
Aarhus University School of Engineering
Hangøvej 2
8200 Aarhus N
Tlf.: +45 4189 3000
Web: www.ase.au.dk