1 The Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Northern Hemisphere Winter Blocking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Stephanie A. Henderson1 Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Eric D. Maloney Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Elizabeth A. Barnes Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 1 Corresponding author address: Stephanie A. Henderson, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 1371 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1371. E-mail: sslade1@atmos.colostate.edu 2 18 19 Abstract The persistent and quasi-stationary nature of atmospheric blocking is associated 20 with long-lasting extreme weather conditions that influence much of the Northern 21 Hemisphere during boreal winter. The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) has been 22 previously shown to influence important factors for blocking, including Rossby wave 23 breaking and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). However, the extent to which the 24 MJO influences blocking across the Northern Hemisphere is not yet fully understood. 25 Utilizing a two-dimensional blocking index, composites of North Pacific, North 26 Atlantic, and European blocking are generated relative to MJO phase. In the west and 27 central Pacific, all MJO phases demonstrate significant changes in blocking, particularly 28 at high latitudes. A significant decrease in east Pacific and Atlantic blocking occurs 29 following phase 3 of the MJO, characterized by enhanced convection over the tropical 30 East Indian Ocean and suppressed convection in the west Pacific. The opposite signed 31 MJO heating during phase 7 is followed by a significant increase in east Pacific and 32 Atlantic blocking. A significant decrease in European blocking follows MJO phase 4, 33 with an increase after phase 6. The phase 6 European blocking is hypothesized to result 34 from two pre-existing conditions: 1) an anomalous anticyclone over the Atlantic, and 2) a 35 preceding negative Pacific North American (PNA) pattern initialized and influenced by 36 MJO heating. 3 37 1. 38 Introduction Blocking anticyclones have been studied for many decades due to their ability to 39 significantly disrupt the mean westerly flow in the mid-latitudes (Berggren et al. 1949; 40 Masato et al. 2013a). The upper tropospheric jet in the mid-latitudes can become 41 “blocked” for several weeks in the presence of a blocking anticyclone. During boreal 42 winter, these persistent anticyclones redirect polar air towards the mid-latitudes, leading 43 to extreme cold weather outbreaks (e.g. Hoskins and Sardeshmukh 1987). During boreal 44 summer, blocking anticyclones can result in heat spells and episodes of drought (Buehler 45 et al. 2011). 46 Given the influence of atmospheric blocks on extreme events, understanding what 47 regulates blocking is crucial to improving the prediction and understanding of these 48 extremes. Many studies have demonstrated that anomalous heating in the tropics can 49 generate stationary Rossby waves (e.g., Hoskins and Karoly 1981; Hoskins and Ambrizzi 50 1993; Jin and Hoskins 1995; Trenberth et al. 1998) that influence blocking. One example 51 is the heating associated with the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO); using a general 52 circulation model, Hinton et al. (2009) demonstrated that a stationary Rossby wave 53 response to ENSO forcing leads to a dipole pattern in geopotential height anomalies over 54 the northeast Pacific resulting in favorable conditions for blocking during the warm phase 55 and unfavorable conditions during the cold phase. In the Southern Hemisphere, 56 Australian blocking and rainfall was found to be influenced by ENSO heating and by 57 intraseasonal convection anomalies near Indonesia (Pook et al. 2013; Marshall et al. 58 2014). 4 59 On intraseasonal timescales, tropical heating variability associated with the 60 Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) has been demonstrated to significantly perturb the mid- 61 latitude flow, with consequences for blocking including changes in Pacific wave breaking 62 (Moore et al. 2010) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; Cassou 2008; Lin et al. 63 2009). The MJO is the dominant form of intraseasonal variability in the tropics with a 64 period of approximately 30 – 90 days (Madden and Julian 1971, 1972). During an MJO 65 event, coupled circulation and convection anomalies propagate eastward across the 66 equatorial Indian and west Pacific Oceans, with flow anomalies becoming decoupled to 67 convection at the Dateline. Anticyclonic Rossby gyres form west of the enhanced 68 convection while cyclonic gyres develop behind areas of suppressed convection (Salby 69 and Hendon 1994; Zhang 2005). Numerous studies have demonstrated that MJO-induced 70 Rossby waves significantly alter the global extratropical circulation in both hemispheres 71 (e.g., Kiladis and Weickmann 1992; Higgins and Mo 1997; Matthews et al. 2004). 72 Some previous studies have presented links between the MJO and Northern 73 Hemisphere blocking. In the Pacific, Moore et al. (2010) demonstrated that the 74 subtropical jet maximum has a tendency to shift in conjunction with the eastward 75 propagating MJO Rossby gyres, leading to variability of the location and amplitude of the 76 jet that in-turn influences wave breaking. These changes in wave breaking coincide with 77 changes in blocking. However, the blocking definition employed in that study allows for 78 the propagation of anticyclones, which may produce different results than if the analysis 79 is focused on quasi-stationary blocks. Hoskins and Sardeshmukh (1987) investigated the 80 long-lasting blocking event that was associated with the European sudden winter cold 81 snap of 1985. The authors noticed a coincident strong intraseasonal oscillation over the 5 82 equatorial Indian and Pacific Oceans and hypothesized that the phenomenon could have 83 altered the Euro-Atlantic circulation leading to the European blocking event. In more 84 recent work, Cassou (2008) found a significant relationship between the positive phase of 85 the NAO, European blocking, and the MJO. This study hypothesized that the MJO acts 86 as a trigger for the positive NAO which then transitions to a European blocking pattern, 87 although it is still unclear whether the role of MJO heating in European blocking goes 88 beyond triggering the NAO pattern. Additionally, Hamill and Kiladis (2014) found that 89 certain phases of the MJO (i.e. the longitudinal location of MJO heating) coincide with 90 active blocking periods in the Northern Hemisphere, and other phases coincide with 91 suppressed periods. The mechanisms that bring about these relationships were not 92 discussed, however. Furthermore, Hamill and Kiladis (2014) used a one-dimensional 93 (1D) instantaneous blocking index (i.e. no blocking persistence criteria was used) and 94 diagnosed blocking at the same latitude band for all longitudes, which may be a 95 particularly poor assumption for regions such as the North Pacific (e.g. Pelly and Hoskins 96 2003). 97 In this study we utilize a two-dimensional (2D) blocking index to provide 98 statistical relationships between the MJO and large-scale blocking events over the 99 Pacific, Atlantic, and European regions. We will also discuss possible physical 100 mechanisms for the relationships observed. Additionally, we propose a new mechanism 101 for the link between the MJO and European blocking, which suggests that the importance 102 of the MJO goes beyond the NAO mechanism hypothesized by Cassou (2008). Section 2 103 describes the development of the blocking index used as well as the compositing 104 techniques. Sections 3 - 6 describe the MJO phase composite blocking frequencies and 6 105 discusses possible physical mechanisms for the relationships observed for the East 106 Pacific, West-Central Pacific, Atlantic, and European regions, respectively. Lastly, 107 Section 7 summarizes the main findings and discusses future work. 108 2. 109 110 Methodology a. Data Boreal winter (December – February; DJF) six-hourly global data are obtained 111 from the ERA-Interim Reanalysis (Dee et al. 2011) and daily averages are calculated 112 from 1979 to 2010, for a total of 31 winter seasons comprised of 90 days each. We use 113 500-hPa geopotential height, and 200-hPa zonal and meridional winds with a 1.5° x 1.5° 114 horizontal resolution. Streamfunction is calculated from the 200-hPa wind fields. 115 Satellite-based daily outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) with a 1° x 1° horizontal 116 resolution was acquired from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 117 (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC; Lee et al. 2011). 118 To generate MJO phase composites, the eastward propagation of the MJO is 119 divided into 8 phases using the Real-Time Multivariate MJO (RMM) indices of Wheeler 120 and Hendon (2004; http://cawcr.gov.au/staff/mwheeler/maproom/RMM/), where each 121 phase gives an approximate representation of the longitudinal location of MJO 122 convection anomalies. In this definition, phase 1 is associated with initial MJO 123 convection in the West Indian Ocean, and phase 8 represents MJO enhanced convection 124 reaching the Central Pacific. The two RMM indices, known as RMM1 and RMM2, 125 represent the first two combined empirical orthogonal functions of equatorially averaged 126 200-hPa and 850-hPa zonal wind and OLR anomalies. Only the days with an RMM 7 127 amplitude greater than 1, defined by 128 frequency in our analysis. 129 130 RMM12 +RMM22 , are used to assess blocking b. Two-dimensional blocking index MJO anomalies are known to shift the jet from its climatological position (e.g. 131 Moore et al. 2010). Therefore, pre-defining an average latitude at which to observe 132 blocking may not adequately detect blocks that develop at other latitudes. This is largely 133 resolved by utilizing a 2D blocking index. The Northern Hemisphere blocking index used 134 here is based on Masato et al. (2013b) which detects blocking using the average 135 difference of 500-hPa geopotential height across a latitude,!!! , given by: 136 137 ! !! = ∆! ∆! !! ! ! !! ! !! !" − ∆! !! ∆! !! ! ! !! !" (1) A longitude is defined as instantaneously blocked when the difference between 138 the integrated 500-hPa geopotential height (!) above !! is greater than the integrated 139 height below!!! so that !! > 0, where !!! is varied between 40°N and 70°N. A value of 140 30° latitude is used for ∆!, consistent with Masato et al. (2013b) and Pelly and Hoskins 141 (2003). North of 60°N, where the most poleward latitude is less than 30° from !! , a 142 value of 90° −!!! is used. Equation (1) is applied separately to four sectors: the West- 143 Central Pacific (140°E - 160°W), East Pacific (160°W - 95°W), Atlantic (90°W – 20°W), 144 and Europe (20°W - 45°E), using the additional criteria discussed below. Local daily 145 positive maxima of !! are found within each sector to represent the approximate center of 146 each block. A similar approach to Masato et al. (2013b) is then followed to track each 147 blocking event within each sector. The first instance of a positive !! maximum is 148 considered the first day of a blocking event. The !! maximum of the next day must be 149 within 13.5° latitude and 18° longitude of the previous day’s maximum. If more than one 8 150 maximum is detected, the maximum with the smallest great circle distance to the 151 previous day’s maximum is used. All !! maxima must be within the longitudinal bounds 152 of each region as defined above, but the block, defined as the region of positive !! values 153 around each maximum, may extend beyond these bounds. A large-scale block is then 154 defined if at least 15° of longitude are consecutively blocked. Only the times meeting 155 these criterion for at least 5 days are retained. 156 The mean DJF blocking frequency for the Pacific, Atlantic, and European regions 157 is shown in Figure 1. For brevity, the West-Central Pacific and East Pacific sectors are 158 combined in all figures. We find that the Pacific is comprised of 2023 total blocked days 159 (419 of these over the East Pacific sector), the Atlantic 922 blocked days, and Europe 973 160 blocked days. The blocking frequency averages shown for each region are consistent 161 with those of Masato et al. (2013b). Figure 1 demonstrates that at high latitudes over the 162 North Pacific a geopotential height reversal is found approximately 45% of the time 163 during DJF, a similar total as that obtained by Woollings et al. (2008). This can be 164 partially explained by the blocking criterion, which is more easily met in the high 165 latitudes where the meridional gradient of geopotential height is relatively weak (Masato 166 et al. 2013b). Woollings et al. (2008) found this high-latitude blocking to be dynamically 167 significant, although unlike classical mid-latitude blocking, high-latitude blocking does 168 not block the jet but rather diverts its flow. 169 170 c. Composite analysis Blocking events are composited relative to MJO phase for four different lags, 171 where an n day lag represents blocking occurrence n days after a given MJO phase. The 172 full record of each blocking event is analyzed, so it is possible that a continuation of the 9 173 same blocking event exists across multiple lags and/or MJO phases. For each MJO phase 174 blocking frequencies are calculated by taking the total number of blocked days during (or 175 after, if lagged) a given MJO phase and dividing it by the total number of days within that 176 MJO phase. This study examines blocking in DJF; hence composites that examine 177 blocking after an MJO phase will also utilize the MJO index of late November. Blocking 178 composites are shown in Figures 2, 8, and 9 for the Pacific, Atlantic, and European 179 regions, respectively, and will be discussed in detail in the subsequent sections. 180 In order to assess statistical significance, a moving-blocks bootstrap is employed 181 independently at each lag and MJO phase. The technique is similar to a traditional 182 bootstrap in that both are sampling from the original dataset with replacement in order to 183 approximate the characteristics and distribution of the data in the bootstrap samples (e.g. 184 Marchand et al. 2006; Wilks 2011). Unlike a traditional bootstrap, which samples 185 individual elements from the dataset, the moving-blocks bootstrap samples blocks of 186 consecutive elements in order to preserve the data autocorrelation in the bootstrap 187 samples. The moving-blocks bootstrap is implemented by taking the full blocking record 188 and dividing it into overlapping blocks of size l beginning on each day. A bootstrap 189 sample of size N is generated by joining N/l randomly sampled blocks, where here N 190 represents the total number of days in each MJO phase across all 31 seasons. This 191 process is repeated 5000 times in order to obtain sufficient bootstrap samples. 192 In order to implement the moving-blocks bootstrap, block length l must be 193 chosen. A block length that is too large may result in a bootstrap sample that is not 194 sufficiently random, and a block length that is too small may not properly capture the 195 data dependence. Block length should also increase with increasing N (e.g. Wilks 2011). 10 196 To calculate block length, the number of days in each phase is calculated for all MJO 197 events, where days in the same phase within one MJO event may not be consecutive. 198 The block length is then the average number of days per phase rounded to the nearest 199 integer. This is a similar procedure as that of Marchand et al. (2006), who randomly 200 chose a point in time and looked for the adjacent elements following the same regime to 201 determine block length. Block length is found to be ! = 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 6, 5 for MJO 202 phases 1 – 8, respectively. A block length of ! = 6 was also tested for all MJO phases 203 and significant regions were unchanged. Values of N are provided in the blocking 204 composites above each phase panel (Figures 2, 8, and 9) as well as a value NB denoting 205 the total number of days within or after (if lagged) each MJO phase found to contain a 206 block. A ratio R = NB/N is also provided, representing the percentage of MJO phase days 207 at a given lag that experienced blocking within the region. 208 209 d. Wave vector analysis Possible explanations for the relationships found in the blocking composites are 210 supported by analyzing the composite atmospheric patterns associated with MJO events. 211 Whereas blocking composites are calculated and shown in days, upper level anomalous 212 streamfunction and 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies associated with MJO phases 3 213 – 4 and 6 – 8 are shown as pentad means (i.e. five day averages) in Figures 3 – 7, 214 respectively. Pentad 0 indicates the field average of days 0 – 4 following an MJO phase, 215 pentad 1 corresponds to days 5 – 9, and so forth. Assuming a normal distribution, 216 geopotential height anomalies found to be significantly different from zero are dotted 217 based on a two-tailed Student’s t-test with N/5 independent samples, where 5 is 218 approximately the average number of days per phase in an MJO event. 11 219 In order to examine the Rossby wave pathway for each MJO phase, we calculate a 220 horizontal wave activity flux, or ! vectors, derived from the conservation of wave- 221 activity psudomomentum by Takaya and Nakamura (2001) defined as: ! !=!! 222 ! !!! ! !! !! !!(!! !! !!!!" ) !(!! !! !!!!" )!! !!! !!!!! (2) 223 where ! is the 200-hPa lagged perturbation pentad streamfunction, and ! and ! are the 224 mean DJF 200-hPa zonal and meridional winds, respectively. ! is approximately 225 parallel to the group velocity of a stationary Rossby wave, thereby giving a snapshot of 226 the direction of wave dispersion at a given moment in time. !!vector divergence 227 indicates a Rossby wave is emitted (a wave source) and ! vector convergence implies 228 Rossby wave absorption (a wave sink). 229 3. 230 East Pacific (160°W - 95°W) We first analyze the relationship between MJO phase and East Pacific blocking 231 frequency. The anomalous blocking frequency for each MJO phase at lag 0 is shown in 232 Figure 2, where dotted regions indicate a blocking frequency that is outside of the 95% 233 confidence bounds of the moving blocks-bootstrap distribution. Figure 2 suggests that 234 significant decreases in East Pacific blocking frequency are strongest and most 235 widespread from phases 3 – 5, and enhancement of blocking is most prominent during 236 phases 7 and 8. Persistent significant changes in blocking frequency are observed for 237 MJO phases 3 and 7, where a significant difference from the mean is observed out to a 15 238 day lag (e.g. see Figure 13 below). We discuss MJO phases 3 and 7 and subsequent time 239 lags here to help explain physical mechanisms for the enhancement and suppression of 240 blocking at different points in the MJO lifecycle. 12 241 a. MJO phase 3 242 During phase 3 of an MJO event enhanced convection is observed in the East 243 Indian Ocean, and suppressed convection is located in the West Pacific (Wheeler and 244 Hendon 2004). This heating pattern is associated with a large-scale stationary Rossby 245 wave train that propagates north over the Pacific Ocean in a great circle route to the 246 North Pacific Ocean, North America, and to the Atlantic (Figure 3), in agreement with 247 the wave path presented by Lin et al. (2009). At pentad 0, the wave activity flux 248 associated with the MJO teleconnection is strongest over the Pacific and North America, 249 where the teleconnection geopotential height anomalies are significantly different from 250 zero and remain significant through pentad 1. 251 Phase 3 geopotential height anomalies over the East Pacific sector demonstrate a 252 persistent north-south dipole structure suggestive of a strengthened climatological 253 geopotential height gradient with increased westerlies between 45°N – 65°N, a pattern 254 especially apparent by pentad 1. A strengthened climatological gradient suggests a 255 stronger jet, and also that a reversal in geopotential height is harder to achieve, consistent 256 with the decrease in blocking frequency observed for all lags following phase 3 (e.g. see 257 Figure 13). During phase 3, East Pacific blocking frequency decreases by 4.2% (Figure 258 2). By phase 3, lag 5, blocking frequency decreases by 6.1% (not shown), consistent with 259 the amplification of negative blocking anomalies shown in phase 4 (Figure 2), since MJO 260 phases average about 5 days apart. Phase 4 geopotential height anomaly composites also 261 show a similar north-south dipole structure in the East Pacific (Figure 4). Inspection of 262 phase 5 geopotential height anomalies demonstrates similar patterns (not shown here). 263 Using a general circulation model, Hinton et al. (2009) demonstrated that an anomalous 13 264 dipole structure (similar to Figure 3) coincides with faster cyclone speed along the region 265 of increased westerlies. The increase in cyclone speed reduces the tendency of the 266 cyclones to locally advect subtropical low PV air poleward that supports blocking onset 267 and maintenance. 268 269 b. MJO phase 7 Phase 7 is characterized by opposite sign heating as phase 3, with suppressed 270 convection in the East Indian Ocean and enhanced convection in the West Pacific. 271 Likewise, the teleconnection pattern associated with phase 7 (Figure 6) is similar to that 272 of phase 3 but with weakened anomalies of the opposite sign. Over the East Pacific, a 273 significant positive geopotential height anomaly is observed to the north of 45°N for all 274 pentads shown. The anticyclone is flanked by negative anomalies to the south and west, 275 suggesting that the climatological geopotential height gradient is weakened with 276 anomalously weak westerly flow between the geopotential height anomalies, which is 277 near the climatological location of the storm track (e.g. Pelly and Hoskins 2003). The 278 weakened gradient implies that a geopotential height reversal is easier to achieve, 279 consistent with the significant increase in blocking frequency observed for all subsequent 280 lags of MJO phase 7 (e.g. see Figure 13). At lag 0, an East Pacific blocking frequency 281 increase of +7% is observed for phase 7 (Figure 2). The anomalous blocking frequency 282 is highest for lags 10 and 15, reaching +8.6% and +9.3%, respectively (not shown). With 283 a DJF climatological blocking frequency peaking near 7%, Figure 2 suggests that 284 blocking frequency is approximately doubled during and following phase 7. Out of the 285 419 total East Pacific blocking days of the 31 winter seasons, approximately 15.3% (lag 286 0) to 17.2% (lag 15) occur during and following MJO phase 7. 14 287 In addition to a weakened geopotential height gradient, Hinton et al. (2009) 288 demonstrated that a dipole pattern such as that observed in the East Pacific during phase 289 7 coincides with reduced cyclone speed along the weaker westerlies near the 290 climatological location of the storm track, thereby increasing the tendency for weather 291 systems to deposit low PV air from the subtropics into higher latitudes. The poleward 292 flux of low PV air from storms in the East Pacific would aid in the formation and 293 persistence of blocks during and following phase 7. 294 Although the reasons for the relationship between blocking and the MJO are not 295 discussed in Hamill and Kiladis (2014; hereby HK14), their study calculates the change 296 in instantaneous blocking frequency relative to MJO phase (lag 0) based on the 1D index 297 of Tibaldi and Molteni (1990), where blocking is calculated along a constant blocking 298 latitude near 50°N. While differences are expected due to the different equations used, 299 our East Pacific results at lag 0 agree fairly well with HK14 for MJO phases 3 – 5. 300 However, the increase in blocking associated with phase 7 is largely absent in their study. 301 Their blocking frequency calculation suggests that the increase in blocking during phase 302 7 occurs only west of 150°W. In addition to using a constant blocking latitude, the 303 blocking index of HK14 also imposes no persistence or large-scale requirements, which 304 results in a different mean blocking frequency from ours. 305 4. West-Central Pacific (140°E - 160°W) 306 Blocking in the Central and West Pacific is predominant at high latitudes (Figure 307 1), where a geopotential height reversal corresponds to diverted rather than blocked flow 308 (e.g. Woollings et al. 2008). Mid-latitude blocking is far less common, with a mean 309 blocking frequency of 2-3% between 40°N - 45°N. Figure 2 suggests that significant 15 310 changes in West-Central Pacific blocking frequency are observed during all MJO phases. 311 While high-latitude blocking shows increased frequency during phases 6 – 8 and 312 decreased frequency during phases 1 – 5, the exact spatial structure shows substantial 313 complexity from one MJO phase to the next. 314 Phase 1 of the MJO corresponds to suppressed tropical convection over the 315 Maritime Continent and is associated with the initialization of MJO convection in the 316 West Indian Ocean. The enhanced convection propagates east and reaches the Maritime 317 continent in phase 5. The propagating convection and associated Rossby gyres appear as 318 an eastward propagation of the subtropical jet (e.g. Moore et al. 2010). During phase 1, 319 positive MJO-induced geopotential height anomalies are observed between 30°N – 55°N 320 over the western North Pacific with anomalously negative geopotential height to the 321 north over eastern Russia (not shown), indicative of a strengthened climatological 322 gradient. The dipole pattern persists, moving east with the MJO Rossby gyres as 323 demonstrated in Figures 3 and 4 for MJO phases 3 and 4, respectively. 324 The eastward movement of the MJO-induced dipole and associated strengthened 325 climatological gradient coincides with reduced blocking frequency (Figure 3) for MJO 326 phases 1 – 5. Blocking frequency decreases of 19.2% occur in Northeast Russia in phase 327 1. By phase 2, the positive geopotential height anomaly between 30°N – 55°N expands 328 from the east coast of China to approximately 135°W with two significant centers of 329 action (not shown), contributing to a strengthened gradient north of 45°N across the 330 majority of the North Pacific and coinciding with the wide band of reduced blocking 331 (Figure 2). Phases 3 and 4 demonstrate significant decreases in blocking frequency over 332 the central Pacific, with the greatest reduction in high-latitude blocking days occurring 16 333 during phase 4, producing anomalies of almost -20%. During phase 5, the strengthened 334 geopotential height gradient coincides with reduced blocking (-17%; Figure 2) in 335 Southern Alaska and the Central Pacific. 336 During MJO phase 5, suppressed convection exists in the West Indian Ocean and 337 propagates eastward behind the enhanced convection that exists to the east, with the 338 enhanced convection reaching the Dateline in phase 8. Anomalous negative geopotential 339 height begins to develop between 30°N – 50°N in the West Pacific during phase 5 (not 340 shown) and strengthens as it moves east in phase 6 (Figure 5). By phases 7 – 8, the 341 negative geopotential height anomaly expands over much of the North Pacific with 342 anomalously high geopotential height to the northeast (Figures 6 and 7, respectively). 343 Phase 8 anomalies form a positive PNA-like pattern. These MJO-induced anomalies 344 imply a weakened climatological gradient. 345 Enhanced blocking frequency is observed where the climatological gradient is 346 weakened (Figure 2; phases 6 – 8). During phase 6, a significant blocking frequency 347 increase occurs in the West Pacific between 45°N – 50°N, where the mean blocking 348 frequency is relatively low (Figure 1). Moore et al. (2010) demonstrated that phase 6 349 coincides with an increase in cyclonic wave breaking. Cyclonic wave breaking in the 350 West Pacific leads to blocking north of the jet, resulting in a northward flux of warm and 351 moist subtropical air and thereby increased precipitation over the western North Pacific, 352 with anomalously cold and dry conditions over China, Korea, and Japan (Masato et al. 353 2013a). During phase 8, the highest increase in high-latitude blocking is observed, with 354 an anomalous blocking frequency peak near +17%. Phase 8 shows blocking anomalies of 17 355 about -9% from 45°N – 50°N, coinciding with a strengthened geopotential height 356 gradient (Figure 7). 357 In contrast to our results, Moore et al. (2010) found increased mid-latitude Central 358 Pacific blocking when MJO convection is active over and east of the Maritime continent, 359 or approximately RMM phases 2 – 5. Their study utilizes the blocking index of Croci- 360 Maspoli et al. (2007) that allows for blocking propagation, hence the eastward 361 propagating anticyclone discussed for phases 1 – 5 likely corresponds to their increase in 362 mid-latitude blocking. In contrast, our blocking index allows only minimal propagation 363 so that the propagating anticyclone is not considered a block. However, Moore et al. 364 (2010) found decreased blocking between 40°N - 50°N in the Central Pacific when MJO 365 convection is active just east of the Dateline, which approximately corresponds to RMM 366 phases 7 – 8, in agreement with our results. 367 Our results also agree in some respects with HK14, who found suppressed 368 instantaneous blocking during MJO phases 1 – 5. The unmodified Tibaldi and Molteni 369 (1990) index used in HK14 looks for blocking as high as 54°N; based on our results it is 370 likely their phase 1 – 5 decrease in blocking frequency coincides with instances of high- 371 latitude blocking. In contrast to our results, HK14 demonstrates a blocking increase west 372 of the Dateline only during phase 5, whereas we show that mid-latitude blocking 373 increases further during phase 6. These differences may arise from the lack of a 374 persistence requirement in their blocking index. 375 5. 376 377 Atlantic (90°W - 20°W) In the Atlantic sector, a significant blocking frequency increase occurs during and/or after MJO phases 6 – 8, while a significant decrease is shown during and/or after 18 378 phases 1 – 5 (e.g see Figure 13 below). In order to most clearly demonstrate the MJO’s 379 dynamical influence on Atlantic blocking, we have chosen to focus on MJO phases 3 and 380 7, each of which captures the sign of the blocking response of the other MJO phases 381 respectively (similar to what was done by Lin et al. 2009). The blocking frequency 382 anomalies are shown in Figure 8 for phase 3 (top row) and phase 7 (bottom row) for lags 383 5, 10, and 15. 384 385 c. MJO phase 3 During and following MJO phase 3 (Figure 3, pentads 0 and 1), significant high 386 geopotential height anomalies exist over eastern North America with negative 387 geopotential height to the northeast, indicating a strengthened climatological geopotential 388 height gradient. The dipole coincides with the suppressed high-latitude blocking west of 389 Greenland observed soon after phase 3 (Figure 8, first panel), which peaks in magnitude 390 at a value of -9.4%. The Rossby wave train (Figure 3) strengthens over the Atlantic after 391 1 pentad and becomes more robust after 2 pentads, with a pattern that develops 392 reminiscent of the positive phase of the NAO (i.e. Lin et al. 2009). The NAO pattern 393 indicates that the climatological pressure gradient is strengthened, with increased 394 westerlies between 45°N – 55°N and a more zonal flow. The positive NAO coincides 395 with significantly decreased blocking frequency in the mid-latitudes and the high 396 latitudes (Figure 8). With a DJF climatological mean blocking frequency peaking near 397 17%, Figure 8 implies that following phase 3 the probability of blocking over the North 398 Atlantic is more than halved, dropping to a 5 – 7% total blocking frequency ten to fifteen 399 days after phase 3, with some regions reaching blocking probabilities near zero. 19 400 A significant decrease in high-latitude blocking frequency occurs as early as lag 5 401 (Figure 8, first panel), which is prior to the development of the positive NAO anomalies 402 (Figure 3), suggesting it may not be the NAO pattern that creates unfavorable conditions 403 for high-latitude blocking. Previous studies have suggested that the pattern associated 404 with a positive NAO is actually a result of infrequent high-latitude blocking (Woollings 405 et al. 2008; Davini et al. 2012), indicating that the accumulated suppression of high- 406 latitude blocking after phase 3 (Figure 8) causes the positive NAO pattern in Figure 3. 407 The NAO-blocking cause and effect relationship is difficult to diagnose, and is beyond 408 the scope of this study. 409 The MJO has been suggested to influence the NAO pattern by directly forcing the 410 tropospheric Rossby wave teleconnection to the Atlantic as shown in Figure 3 (e.g. Lin et 411 al. 2009; Cassou 2008), as well as by a more indirect influence through the stratosphere. 412 Garfinkel et al. (2012) proposed that MJO-induced poleward and vertically-propagating 413 Rossby waves modify the polar vortex, which in turn impact the NAO; a mechanism 414 previously suggested for the ENSO-NAO link (Bell et al. 2009; Ineson and Scaife 2009). 415 The downward coupling of the stratospheric polar vortex and the tropospheric NAO 416 pattern is a longer pathway of MJO influence with timescales up to one month, with MJO 417 phase 3 preceding a cooling of the polar lower stratosphere and consequently a more 418 positive NAO by 10 to 25 days after phase 3 (Garfinkel et al. 2014). Given the longer 419 timescale of the stratospheric pathway, it is possible that North Atlantic blocking can be 420 influenced at time scales longer than what is discussed here. 20 421 d. MJO phase 7 422 The teleconnection pattern associated with phase 7 (Figure 6) results in opposite 423 signed anomalies compared to phase 3, with an Atlantic pattern indicative of a negative 424 NAO. During a negative NAO, a weakened climatological pressure gradient occurs in 425 the Atlantic with higher amplitude wave-like flow (e.g. Shabbar et al. 2001; Woollings et 426 al. 2008). Following phase 7, the negative NAO coincides with an increase in Atlantic 427 blocking frequency (Figure 9, bottom row), reaching +16.5% at lag 15, an almost 428 doubling of the mean blocking frequency. Of the 922 total Atlantic blocked days in the 429 31 winter seasons, approximately 14-15% occur within 5 – 15 days after MJO phase 7. 430 As with phase 3, the cause and effect of the NAO-blocking relationship is difficult 431 to diagnose. MJO phase 7 has been shown to influence the negative NAO pattern via a 432 tropospheric pathway as shown in Figure 6 (e.g. Lin et al. 2009), as well as through the 433 stratosphere. Garfinkel et al. (2014) found that the MJO-induced low pressure over the 434 North Pacific (Figure 6, pentad 0) corresponds to greater meridional tropospheric and 435 stratospheric heat flux and a weakening of the polar vortex, and consequently a more 436 negative NAO 10 to 25 days following MJO phase 7. 437 As a comparison to our results, the instantaneous 1D blocking index of HK14 438 shows a decrease in Atlantic blocked days during MJO phases 4 – 6, whereas we find a 439 significant decrease only during phase 5 (lag 0) north of 50°N (not shown), which may 440 also be partially reflected in the lags following phase 3 (Figure 7). HK14 also shows an 441 increase in blocked days during MJO phase 8, in agreement with our results (see Figure 442 13 below). 21 443 444 6. Europe (20°W - 45°E) The greatest reduction in European blocking is shown to occur during and/or 445 following MJO phases 3 – 5, while a significant blocking increase exists for MJO phases 446 6 – 8. Here we have chosen to focus on phases 4 and 6 to represent these two groups, as 447 these phases demonstrate the greatest and most persistent changes in blocking frequency 448 (Figure 9). It is worth noting that MJO phase 8 demonstrates a similar increase in 449 blocking frequency at lag 0 (not shown) as the phase 6 composites during lags 10 and 15 450 (Figure 9, bottom row). Phase 8 coincides with the timeframe of the phase 6 lag 10 – 15 451 day composites and therefore a similar physical mechanism can be argued. Phase 7 also 452 shows a significant increase in blocking frequency at lag 0, although it is confined to west 453 of the Prime Meridian (not shown). 454 455 e. MJO phase 4 During and following MJO phase 4 (Figure 4), the Euro-Atlantic region consists 456 of the positive NAO pattern that is initiated in phase 3. Figure 4 demonstrates a 457 significant positive geopotential height anomaly over Europe with a negative anomaly to 458 the northwest. The dipole straddles the climatological location of the storm track (e.g. 459 Pelly and Hoskins 2003) and indicates a strengthened climatological gradient. The dipole 460 is associated with a significant decrease in blocking frequency, with blocking frequency 461 anomalies of approximately -9.5% five days after phase 4 (Figure 9, top row). This 462 corresponds to a frequency reduction of more than two thirds of the climatology. The 463 decrease continues through lag 10 east of the Prime Meridian, with an anomalous 464 blocking frequency reaching -8.5%. 22 465 In agreement, HK14 and Cassou (2008) show reduced blocking during 466 comparable MJO phases. HK14 found a higher amplitude decrease, peaking at 15 – 20% 467 below the DJF mean during phases 4 – 5. The higher frequency in HK14 is expected as 468 they included all instantaneously blocked days with no large-scale requirements. A 469 greater decrease is found by Cassou (2008), who found up to a 30% decrease in 470 Scandinavian blocking occurrence relative to climatology following phase 4. Cassou 471 (2008) defined each day in their study as belonging to one of the four Atlantic regimes 472 (one of which is Scandanavian blocking) even if the flow is weakly correlated to the 473 assigned regime, resulting in higher blocking frequencies. 474 475 f. MJO phase 6 An increase in blocking is observed following phase 6 as early as lag 5, with a 476 significant blocking frequency increase of 8 – 9% for lags 10 – 15 (Figure 9, bottom 477 row). Approximately 8.3% (lag 5) to 11.4% (lag 15) of all 973 European blocked days 478 follow phase 6. These results are in agreement with those of HK14 who found an 479 increase in instantaneous blocking during MJO phase 7, which can be interpreted as 480 corresponding to a lagged phase 6. Our results also reflect an increase during phase 7, 481 although weaker relative to phase 6 (not shown). A significant relationship between the 482 MJO and European blocking at such early lags following phase 6 is also presented by 483 Cassou (2008). 484 While phase composites of upper-level streamfunction and geopotential height 485 demonstrate a clear wave train during other phases (e.g. phase 3), phase 6 composites 486 (Figure 5) portray a confusing evolution of anomalies leading to a strong dipole over the 487 Euro-Atlantic region resembling a negative NAO pattern. The wave activity flux vectors 23 488 do not portray a clear Rossby wave pathway, suggesting two possibilities: 1) The Euro- 489 Atlantic anomalies develop independent of the MJO and the timing is coincidental, or 2) 490 the MJO link in the composites is more complex than in other regions and phases. 491 An initial examination of the phase 6 composites (Figure 5) suggests the first 492 possibility, particularly since the increase in European blocking frequency is observed as 493 early as 5 days after phase 6 (Figure 9). This provides only a short time for a Rossby 494 wave induced by phase 6 MJO heating in the west Pacific to reach the Euro-Atlantic 495 region. Cassou (2008) proposes that the increase in blocking following phase 6 496 demonstrates the tendency for the North Atlantic to follow a preferred set of regimes as 497 discussed by Vautard (1990). The argument follows that the increase in blocking is an 498 indirect consequence of the positive NAO pattern previously set up by MJO phase 3. We 499 test this by taking all phase 3 days and calculating the European blocking frequency 500 forward in time, with the idea that if the only role of the MJO is to force the positive 501 NAO, the high frequency of blocking observed following phase 6 should be reproducible 502 with phase 3 data. We generated European blocking composites every five days for 503 phase 3 lags 10 – 40 (not shown). However, the blocking increase of Figure 9 could not 504 be reproduced. This suggests that in order for increased blocking to coincide with MJO 505 phase 6, the MJO may play a role beyond that suggested by Cassou (2008). 506 The connection between MJO and European blocking is further investigated by 507 taking the 227 days that lag phase 6 by five days and separating them into two categories: 508 European blocking (NB = 81 days) and no European blocking (146 days). Similar results 509 were obtained with lag 10, and hence only lag 5 is presented. Daily composites are 510 shown in Figures 10 and 11 for the blocking and no blocking cases, respectively, with the 24 511 purpose of uncovering key differences that may suggest an MJO-European blocking link. 512 Since blocking appears early on after phase 6, we examine the days preceding MJO phase 513 6, where phase 6 is indicated by lag 0. 514 Four days prior to phase 6 in the blocking composites (Figure 10; lag -4) there is a 515 Rossby wave train propagating north over the North Pacific and east over North America. 516 The wave activity flux vectors follow the direction of the Rossby wave dispersion, which 517 appears to display energy dispersion towards the Atlantic high-latitudes as well as 518 southeast towards the anticyclonic center over the east coast of the United States. The 519 latter resembles a negative PNA pattern, which is clearly absent in the no blocking 520 composites (Figure 11). By lag 0 (Figure 10; lower left panel), the large minimum over 521 North America acts as a Rossby wave source for the European blocking, which is now 522 evident, with ! vectors depicting the eastward Rossby pathway over Greenland. The 523 negative PNA pattern provides a link from the Pacific to the Euro-Atlantic region prior to 524 phase 6 and serves as a possible explanation for the time frame of phase 6 European 525 blocking. Previous studies have demonstrated that the MJO can act as a trigger for the 526 PNA pattern (e.g. Mori and Watanabe 2008; Franzke et al. 2011). Given that both the 527 blocking and no blocking composites are associated with strong MJO events, it is worth 528 investigating the days preceding the negative PNA pattern to examine why the pattern is 529 absent in the no blocking composites. 530 Figure 10 demonstrates that MJO enhanced convection is initially concentrated 531 over the Bay of Bengal (lags -24 to -20 days) and is associated with a wave train that 532 develops within the Asian jet. An anticyclonic anomaly forms poleward of the jet exit 533 region, which acts as a Rossby wave source for the wave train that develops across the 25 534 Pacific in lag -12. The anticyclone shifts east and grows north of the jet by lag -4, 535 becoming part of the negative PNA pattern and acting as a Rossby wave source for the 536 large negative anomaly over North America. This sequence of events is in agreement 537 with the PNA lifecycle suggested by Mori and Watanabe (2008), who argued that PNA 538 growth is initiated over the Asian jet exit region triggered by MJO-induced divergence 539 north of the Bay of Bengal. In contrast, Figure 11 does not follow this lifecycle. Lags - 540 24 to -20 demonstrate weaker OLR anomalies in the tropics relative to Figure 10, 541 suggesting that on average the no blocking case is preceded by weaker early MJO phase 542 heating. Although the composite difference in OLR between the blocking and no 543 blocking cases was not found to be statistically significant based on a difference of means 544 test, MJO heating strength and structure in the early phases of an MJO event may still be 545 important for the PNA life cycle and in turn, European blocking. Furthermore, a zonal 546 wind average for the 30 days preceding phase 6 for the blocking and no blocking cases 547 (not shown) demonstrate that the subtropical jet in the blocking case is shifted 548 equatorward over the Central Pacific relative to the no blocking case. This difference 549 suggests a possible change in the basic state that may influence the pathway of the MJO- 550 induced anomalies and necessitates further investigation. 551 Figures 10 and 11 also demonstrate a second key difference between blocking and 552 no blocking cases: a pre-existing anticyclone over the Euro-Atlantic region exists at all 553 lags preceding European blocking. In fact, the composite structure of Figure 10 suggests 554 that the anticyclone shifts northeast towards Europe, eventually becoming the blocking 555 anticyclone as shown by an asterisk in each panel. The asterisks represent the maxima in 556 Atlantic daily streamfunction (where the maximum closest to the previous day’s 26 557 maximum is marked), and tracing this feature demonstrates the evolution of the 558 anomalous anticyclone. The maxima’s daily trajectory is shown in Figure 12 from 12 559 days prior to 5 days after phase 6, demonstrating the transition followed by stagnation of 560 the anticyclone. The anticyclone strength is found to be significantly different from the 561 no blocking composites at the 90% level based on a two-tailed difference of means test 562 prior to and after transition, although at certain lags the anticyclone is weakened and does 563 not pass the difference of means test. This transition may be indicative of the positive 564 NAO to blocking transition suggested by Cassou (2008). It is possible that the negative 565 PNA pattern and the pre-existing Euro-Atlantic anticyclone are necessary precursors for 566 the MJO-blocking link suggested by Figure 10. 567 Once blocking is established, it is also possible that MJO anomalies could project 568 onto the negative PNA pattern, thereby enhancing or maintaining the large minimum 569 over North America that acts as a Rossby wave source to the European blocking. It 570 would be interesting to examine the impacts of the Rossby wave source on the 571 persistence of phase 6 European blocking. Further analysis is required to better 572 understand these mechanism and relationships. 573 7. 574 Summary and Conclusions Utilizing a 2D blocking index, we examined the statistical relationship between 575 the MJO and boreal winter blocking over the Pacific, Atlantic, and European regions. 576 Blocking composites were generated for 8 phases of the MJO as defined by Wheeler and 577 Hendon (2004), and statistically significant relationships were found for all regions. The 578 blocking frequency associated with each MJO phase is summarized in Figure 13, where 579 the 2D blocking frequency calculated above is averaged between 40°N – 60°N to 27 580 highlight the mean mid-latitude changes in blocking frequency. The DJF climatological 581 mean mid-latitude blocking frequency is shown in each MJO phase panel in black, and 582 the lag 0 – 15 day average blocking frequency associated with each MJO phase is 583 portrayed from cooler to warmer colors, respectively, with statistically significant regions 584 marked with an asterisk. The main findings of this study are summarized below. 585 MJO heating is associated with significant circulation anomalies throughout the 586 North Pacific. These anomalies were found to influence blocking in the West-Central 587 Pacific region during all phases, particularly in the high-latitudes. In the East Pacific, a 588 doubling in blocking frequency is associated with the MJO-induced Rossby wave train 589 following phase 7. The wave train results in a dipole pattern that weakens the 590 climatological gradient and the westerly flow near the climatological location of the 591 storm track, where cyclones slow down as they move poleward depositing low PV air. 592 The favorable blocking conditions can be observed in the geopotential height composites 593 of phase 7, which demonstrate a persistent anticyclone out to a 15-day lag. 594 Approximately 15.3% of all East Pacific blocks coincide with phase 7. The opposite 595 wave train occurs following phase 3, resulting in a strengthened climatological gradient 596 over the East Pacific and a decrease in blocking frequency. 597 The teleconnection patterns associated with phases 3 and 7 are also important for 598 Atlantic blocking. In agreement with Lin et al. (2009) and Cassou (2008), 10 to 15 days 599 after MJO phase 3 a positive NAO pattern develops over the Atlantic. Atlantic blocking 600 frequency is more than halved in association with the positive NAO pattern. In contrast, 601 MJO phase 7 is followed by a negative NAO pattern, which coincides with a high- 602 amplitude wave-like flow and an increase in blocking frequency. Atlantic blocking 28 603 frequency is almost doubled following phase 7, reaching +16.5% relative to climatology. 604 Approximately 14 – 15% of all DJF Atlantic blocked days follow phase 7. 605 In Europe, a significant blocking increase follows phase 6, with up to 11.4% of all 606 DJF European blocked days occurring within 15 days of MJO phase 6. We identify two 607 possible precursors to the phase 6 blocking: 1) A pre-existing anticyclone over the 608 Atlantic, and 2) a negative PNA pattern. The first precursor was discussed by Cassou 609 (2008), who noted the positive NAO pattern from MJO phase 3 could provide the 610 anticyclone that later would transition into the European block. While Cassou (2008) 611 hypothesized the phase 6 European blocking is primarily a result of phase 3 driven NAO 612 variability, we propose a second precursor, a negative PNA pattern, as a link between the 613 MJO and European blocking. In agreement with the daily PNA life cycle discussed by 614 Mori and Watanabe (2008), we argue that through forcing of the negative PNA by the 615 MJO, European blocking coincides with phase 6. The negative PNA pattern then acts as 616 a Rossby wave source for the European blocking. 617 Future work should focus on further understanding the relationships between the 618 MJO, PNA and blocking. More work is needed to understand how changes in MJO 619 heating and the basic state influence the relationships observed between the MJO and 620 blocking. This is particularly true for Europe, in which MJO heating differences and the 621 basic state may play a role in the development of the negative PNA pattern preceding 622 phase 6 blocking. The implications for General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of 623 blocking should also be examined, since GCMs tend to poorly simulate both the MJO 624 (e.g. Zhang et al. 2006) and blocking (e.g. Masato et al. 2013b). 625 29 626 Acknowledgments. 627 This work was supported by the Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics Program of the 628 National Science Foundation under grants AGS-1441916 and AGS-1025584, and the 629 Science and Technology Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes, 630 managed by Colorado State University under Cooperative Agreement ATM-0425247. 631 EAB was supported, in part, by the Climate and Large-scale Dynamics Program of the 632 National Science Foundation under Grant 1419818. The statements, findings, 633 conclusions, and recommendations do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. 30 References Bell, C. J., L. J. Gray, A. J. Charlton-Perez, M. M. Joshi, and A. A. 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For explanation of the values above each panel, see Section 2c. FIG. 3. Phase 3 composites of anomalous 200-hPa streamfunction (left column) and 500-hPa geopotential height (right column) for pentad 0 (top row) to pentad 3 (bottom row), where a pentad denotes a 5 day mean. Pentad 0 is the field average of days 0-4 following phase 3, pentad 1 corresponds to days 5-9, and so forth. Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. Overlaid in the anomalous streamfunction are the wave activity flux vectors as defined by (2), where vectors below a value of 5 m2/s2 are omitted. The reference vector is provided below the left column. Positive (negative) streamfunction is in solid (dashed) contours with an interval of 10 x 105 m/s2. FIG. 4. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 4. FIG. 5. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 6. 38 FIG. 6. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 7. FIG. 7. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 8. FIG. 8. Atlantic blocking frequency anomalies as determined by (1) for MJO phase 3 (top row) and phase 7 (bottom row). Shown are lag 5 (left panels), lag 10 (middle panels), and lag 15 (right panels), where a lag n represents the blocking frequency n days after the MJO phase. Blocking frequencies are shown as a deviation from the DJF mean. Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. For explanation of the values above each panel, see Section 2c. FIG. 9. European blocking frequency anomalies as determined by (1) for MJO phase 4 (top row) and phase 6 (bottom row). Shown are lag 5 (left panels), lag 10 (middle panels), and lag 15 (right panels). Blocking frequencies are shown as a deviation from the DJF mean. Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. For explanation of the values above each panel, see Section 2c. FIG. 10. Phase 6 composites for European blocking days associated with the bottom left panel of Figure 9 (lag 5). Shown are every four days from 24 days prior to four days after phase 6. Positive (negative) streamfunction is in solid (dashed) contours with an interval of 10 x 105 m/s2. OLR anomalies [W/m2] are shown south of 30°N in the shaded contours. Unshaded color contours represent 200mb mean zonal wind with an interval of 10 m/s beginning at 40 m/s. Also overlaid are wave activity flux vectors. For clarity, the bottom row has a reference vector of 65 39 m2/s2. All other panels have a reference vector of 35 m2/s2. Vectors below a value of 5 m2/s2 are omitted. See text for explanation of the asterisk in each panel. FIG. 11. Phase 6 composites for European non-blocking days associated with the bottom left panel of Figure 9 (lag 5). See Figure 10 for explanation of fields shown. All panels have a wave activity flux reference vector of 35 m2/s2, as indicated below the bottom right panel. FIG. 12. Trajectory pathway of the pre-existing anticyclone described in the text, defined as the daily maximum anomalous streamfunction point in the Euro-Atlantic region from 12 days prior to 5 days after MJO phase 6 for days associated with phase 6 lag 5 European blocking. Trajectory ends are marked with an asterisk, where time moves from cooler to warmer colors. Black markers indicate the daily maximum point and correspond to the asterisks of Figure 10 at the appropriate lags. Note lags -4 and -5 have the daily maximum streamfunction at the same point, so only 17 points appear for the 18 lags. FIG. 13. Blocking frequency (%) averaged between 40°N - 60°N for the 8 phases of the MJO. Blocking frequencies are shown relative to MJO phase for lag 0 (blue), lag 5 (green), lag 10 (orange) and lag 15 (red), where a lag n represents the blocking frequency n days after the MJO phase. The mean DJF blocking frequency is overlaid in black in all panels for reference. Asterisks highlight those regions found to be 95% significantly different than the mean in each corresponding lag color. Each region is color dotted as defined in the legend below for reference. 40 FIG. 1. Mean blocking frequency for the Atlantic, Pacific, and European sectors for 31 boreal winter seasons from 1979-2009. The Pacific panel includes West-Central and East Pacific blocking days. 41 FIG. 2. Pacific blocking frequency anomalies at lag 0 for each phase of the MJO as determined by (1). Blocking frequencies are shown as a deviation from the DJF mean (Figure 1). Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. For explanation of the values above each panel, see Section 2c. 42 FIG. 3. Phase 3 composites of anomalous 200-hPa streamfunction (left column) and 500-hPa geopotential height (right column) for pentad 0 (top row) to pentad 3 (bottom row), where a pentad denotes a 5 day mean. Pentad 0 is the field average of days 0-4 following phase 3, pentad 1 corresponds to days 5-9, and so forth. Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. Overlaid in the anomalous streamfunction are the wave activity flux vectors as defined by (2), where vectors below a value of 5 m2/s2 are omitted. The reference vector is provided below the left column. Positive (negative) streamfunction is in solid (dashed) contours with an interval of 10 x 105 m/s2. 43 FIG. 4. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 4. 44 FIG. 5. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 6. 45 FIG. 6. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 7. 46 FIG. 7. Same as Figure 3, but for MJO phase 8. 47 FIG. 8. Atlantic blocking frequency anomalies as determined by (1) for MJO phase 3 (top row) and phase 7 (bottom row). Shown are lag 5 (left panels), lag 10 (middle panels), and lag 15 (right panels), where a lag n represents the blocking frequency n days after the MJO phase. Blocking frequencies are shown as a deviation from the DJF mean. Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. For explanation of the values above each panel, see Section 2c. 48 FIG. 9. European blocking frequency anomalies as determined by (1) for MJO phase 4 (top row) and phase 6 (bottom row). Shown are lag 5 (left panels), lag 10 (middle panels), and lag 15 (right panels). Blocking frequencies are shown as a deviation from the DJF mean. Black dotting demonstrates the anomalies found to be 95% significantly different from zero. For explanation of the values above each panel, see Section 2c. 49 50 FIG. 10. Phase 6 composites for European blocking days associated with the bottom left panel of Figure 9 (lag 5). Shown are every four days from 24 days prior to four days after phase 6. Positive (negative) streamfunction is in solid (dashed) contours with an interval of 10 x 105 m/s2. OLR anomalies [W/m2] are shown south of 30°N in the shaded contours. Unshaded color contours represent 200mb mean zonal wind with an interval of 10 m/s beginning at 40 m/s. Also overlaid are wave activity flux vectors. For clarity, the bottom row has a reference vector of 65 m2/s2. All other panels have a reference vector of 35 m2/s2. Vectors below a value of 5 m2/s2 are omitted. See text for explanation of the asterisk in each panel. 51 FIG. 11. Phase 6 composites for European non-blocking days associated with the bottom left panel of Figure 9 (lag 5). See Figure 10 for explanation of fields shown. All panels have a wave activity flux reference vector of 35 m2/s2, as indicated below the bottom right panel. 52 FIG. 12. Trajectory pathway of the pre-existing anticyclone described in the text, defined as the daily maximum anomalous streamfunction point in the Euro-Atlantic region from 12 days prior to 5 days after MJO phase 6 for days associated with phase 6 lag 5 European blocking. Trajectory ends are marked with an asterisk, where time moves from cooler to warmer colors. Black markers indicate the daily maximum point and correspond to the asterisks of Figure 10 at the appropriate lags. Note lags -4 and -5 have the daily maximum streamfunction at the same point, so only 17 points appear for the 18 lags. 53 54 FIG. 13. Blocking frequency (%) averaged between 40°N - 60°N for the 8 phases of the MJO. Blocking frequencies are shown relative to MJO phase for lag 0 (blue), lag 5 (green), lag 10 (orange) and lag 15 (red), where a lag n represents the blocking frequency n days after the MJO phase. The mean DJF blocking frequency is overlaid in black in all panels for reference. Asterisks highlight those regions found to be 95% significantly different than the mean in each corresponding lag color. Each region is color dotted as defined in the legend below for reference.