Capacity Design, Traffic Engineering and Sectoring Read pages 178-182 Course Pack supplementary Notes on System Design Call Blocking: Call Blocking occurs when all channels are in use and the call cannot be completed. If this happens too often, the customer will be very unhappy and switch to another Service provider. Call Dropping: Call Dropping occurs when a mobile phone moves from one cell to another that has all its channels occupied. Which means that the hand-off cannot be completed and the call is dropped. This will make the customer extremely angry. It could be also very embarrassing because the customer may think the other party has hung up the phone. Trunking Theory : Attempts to study the traffic pattern and using statistical analysis, suggests ways to optimize channel capacity and predict Blocking Pattern. Erlang Theory: A.K Erlang, a Swedish Engineer studied this problem and using Statistical analysis found that (a) More channels, less Blocking for a given amount of traffic. This is obvious, however, what is not obvious is that, he also found that (b) With more channels, the amount of possible traffic increases for a given blocking probability. This is called Trunking Gain (discuss the example of Bank Teller) The Phone traffic is defined in Erlang (E), which is a dimensionless number. One Erlang = one continuous phone call of a fixed duration say 60 minutes (one hour) Thus if 1000 customer use the phone 10% of the time, they generate 100E of traffic. The traffic generated by each user in Erlang = E = H, where = average number of calls generated by the customer and H is the average duration of the call. If there are a total of N users, the total traffic generated will be ET = NE = NH. Furthermore, if there are C channels, and assuming that the traffic is equally distributed among the channels, then the traffic intensity per channel is ETC = ET/C Note that the traffic generated is not necessarily the traffic carried by the Network. From this equation it is clear that this traffic analysis does not consider the random nature of real situations, such as (a) A customer may use the phone continuously for an hour and then nothing for the rest of the day (b) Lots of people using the phone at the same time (rush hours or peak hours traffic usually occurs between 4PM and 6PM.). (c) Some business people use phone continuously during business hours and then in the evening hour very little phone use (d) Some use it mainly for emergencies. (e) Evening and weekend usage are much lower (that’s why rates are lower in these hours Hyder Khoja Page 1 2/15/2016 What is the most obvious way to avoid blocking? _________________? Ans:Increase the number of channels However, the number of channels are fixed, for example, for 12 cells system, the # of available channels /Cell = 395/12 = 33 How many channels are available /cell for a 7 Cell system? _________ Cellular system operators consider 2% blocking as acceptable. GOS is defined as the measure of the ability of a user to access a trunked system during the busiest hour. It is specified as the probability that a call will be blocked. Table 2.4 and Fig 2.6 Rappaport as well as Table 10.4 (P392 B) shows traffic levels in E for different # of channels with various blocking probabilities. Notice from the table and graphs that for a given blocking probability, as the # of channel increases the Trunking Efficiency(Total Traffic in E/# of channels Required) _________ . Also, as the Blocking Probability (GOS) decreases, the traffic intensity __________ for the same # of channels. The Trunking Efficiency is a measure of the number of users that can be supported with a particular GOS and a particular configuration of a fixed number of channels. From table 2.4 it is clear that a group of 10 trunked channels at a GOS of 0.01 can support higher level of traffic (4.46E) as compared to two groups of 5 channels (21.36=2.72E). Thus 10-channel system can support 60% more traffic. Thus, the way channels are grouped has a profound effect on the overall system capacity. Example 1: A cellular system uses 12-cell pattern with a total of 120 Cell. And 20,000 customer. Each customer uses phone on an average 30 minutes /day, but on evenings 10% of those minutes are used during peak hour. Calculate (a) Average and peak traffic in E for the whole system (b) The average and peak traffic/ell, assuming callers are evenly distributed over the system (c) The approximate average call blocking probability (d) The approximate call blocking probability during peak hour. Hyder Khoja Page 2 2/15/2016 Example 2: How many users can be supported for 0.5% blocking probability for the following number of trunked channels. Assume each user generates 0.1 E of traffic. (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 20 (e) 50 (f) 100.. Use Traffic intensity graph or Table from your Course pack Example 3: An Urban area has a population of 2 million. Three competing trunked mobile Networks ( Such as Bell Mobily, Telus and Rogers provide service in Metro Toronto) provide service in this area. Assume bell mobility has 394 cells with 19 channels each, Telus has 98 cells with 57 channels each, Rogers has 49 cells each with 100 channels (these numbers are fictitious). Find the numbers of users that can be supported with 2% blocking if each user averages 2 calls per hour at an average duration of 3 minutes. Assuming all 3 are operated at maximum capacity, calculate the percentage market share of each. Hyder Khoja Page 3 2/15/2016 Assignment: A certain city has an area of 1300 KM and is covered by a Cellular system using a 7-cell reuse pattern. Each cell has a radius of 4 Km and the city has allocated 40 MHz of spectrum with a FDX channel BW of 60KHz. Assuming a GOS of 2% for an Erlang B system and the offered traffic per user of 0.03 E, calculate (a) The Number of cells in the service area, (b) The number of channels per cell, (c) traffic Intensity of each cell, (d) the maximum carried traffic, (e) the total number of users that can be supported for 2% GOS, (f) the number of mobiles per channel, (g) the theoretical maximum number of users that can be served at one time by this system Hyder Khoja Page 4 2/15/2016 Increasing Capacity Two additional techniques used for increasing capacity are (a) Cell Splitting (b) Sectoring Cell Splitting: Cell splitting is the process of subdividing a cell into smaller cells, each with its own Base Station and a corresponding reduction in antenna height and transmitted power. P169 Course pack (take a slide), also p55, 58,59 R Sectoring: Sectoring is the process of dividing a cell into smaller sectors (usually 3 or 6) and using directional antennas to concentrate the transmitted power to only those sectors. This reduces co-channel interference and thus increases capacity. Normally 120 degree or 60 degree sectoring is used as shown in the fig. P171 Course Pack and P60 R Modulation Schemes: Analog Modulation Define and explain the processes of AM, FM and PM. Show waveforms Digital Modulations: P 50, 323, 324,333,337,338 Hioki ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QAM Channel BW and Capacity calculations, P113-124 Blake Hyder Khoja Page 5 2/15/2016