JUDICIAL BRANCH INNOVATION COMMISSION Eric Herr, Chair Gina Apicelli, Esq. Administrator, Family Division Karen Borgstom, Director Office of Mediation and Arbitration Daryl Cady Chief Operating Officer & Treasurer St. Mary’s Bank Andrea Cattabriga Internal Auditor Administrative Office of the Courts Thomas Clarke, Vice President, Research and Technology National Center for State Courts Peter Croteau Chief Technology Officer Administrative Office of the Courts Paul Embley Chief Information Officer National Center for State Courts Nina Gardner Executive Director N.H. Judicial Council Donald D. Goodnow, Director Administrative Office of the Courts Karen Grondin N.H. Department of Administrative Services Linda M. Hodgdon, Commissioner N.H. Department of Administrative Services Julie Howard, Clerk Strafford Superior Court Christopher M. Keating, Esq. Executive Director N.H. Public Defender Hon. Edwin W. Kelly Administrative Judge District & Family Division Courts Hon. David D. King Administrative Judge Probate Courts Laura Klaversma Court Services Director National Center for State Courts Hon. Robert J. Lynn Associate Justice Supreme Court Yvonne C. McAllister Human Resources Generalist Administrative Office of the Courts Hon. Richard McNamara N.H. Business Court JUDICIAL BRANCH INNOVATION COMMISSION Dan Morin Senior Development Manager Administrative Office of the Courts William Murphy, Professor Franklin Pierce Law School Patrick Ryan, Esq. Administrator, District Courts Lee Suskin Fair Shake Consulting Of Counsel, National Center for State Courts Stephen L. Tober, Esq. Tober Law Office, PA Robert Clegg Small Business Administration Michael A. Delaney N.H. Attorney General Katharine Eneguess, President White Mountains Community College Robert Fisch, RicciGreeneAssociates Alyson Pitman Giles President and CEO, Catholic Medical Center Larry Gilpin John E. Tobin, Jr., Esq. Executive Director New Hampshire Legal Assistance John D. Hutson Dean and President Franklin Pierce Law Center Dale Trombley, Fiscal Manager Administrative Office of the Courts Marilyn B. McNamara, President New Hampshire Bar Association Marty Wagner Administrator. Probate Courts Frederick L. Potter, Esq. Sulloway & Hollis Richard F. Winters, Ph.D., Professor, Dartmouth College Dave Juvet Senior Vice President Business & Industry Association Will Abbott Society for the Protection of NH Forests Tony Anastas, Clerk Nashua District Court Wilfred L. (Jack) Sanders, Esq. Pierce Atwood, LLP Donna Sytek JUDICIAL BRANCH INNOVATION COMMISSION Representative David Cote N.H. House of Representatives Senator Lou D’Allesandro N.H. Senate Representative Mary Stuart Gile N.H. House of Representatives Representative Neal Kurk N.H. House of Representatives Senator Sylvia B. Larsen N.H. Senate Representative Terie Norelli N.H. House of Representatives Deborah R. Reynolds Former Chair, House Judiciary Committee