aluminum sulfate - Town of North Attleborough

Request for Bids
Wastewater Division
Town of North Attleborough, Massachusetts
The Town of North Attleborough, acting through the Board of Public Works, Wastewater
Division, is receiving sealed bids and proposals for Supply and Delivery of Aluminum Sulfate
at the Public Works Administration Building, 49 Whiting Street, North Attleborough,
Massachusetts 02760, up to 1:00 p.m., Thursday, April 9, 2015, at which date, time and place the
bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Public Works Administration Building Public
Meeting Room.
1. On Thursday, March 19, 2015 the RFB documents will be available to interested parties
who request a copy from the Town at the address listed below. The RFB will be made
available for pick-up upon the receipt of any properly submitted request, provided,
however, that they will not be made available or mailed until Thursday, March 19,
2015. Beginning on this date, a copy of the RFB will also be available for inspection at
the Department of Public Works (Town) offices at 49 Whiting Street, North
Attleborough, MA 02760, Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8:00 AM
and 4:00 PM and Friday from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM. This RFB and any Addenda
will be available on the Town’s website. Please be sure to email: with your name, address, telephone, fax, and email
information, to receive notice of addenda.
a. Interested parties may contact Jack Horton (508-695-7872) with any questions or
requests for clarifications. All requests for additional information must be
submitted in writing.
2. All responses to this RFB must be in writing (faxed or emailed proposals shall not be
accepted) and in the form set forth in this RFB and delivered in sealed envelopes to:
Town of North Attleborough
Department of Public Works (DPW) – Wastewater Division
49 Whiting Street
North Attleborough, MA 02760
RE: Supply and Delivery of Aluminum Sulfate
Off: 508/695-9621
Fax: 508/643-0568 (for asking questions/clarifications - ONLY!)
All Bids must be submitted in accordance with Mass General Laws Chapter 30B no later
than 1:00 p.m., Thursday, April 9, 2015, at which time the bids will be opened and read
3. Determination of Lowest Responsive Bidder will be made within 90 days of closing date
of the RFB. Unless the deadline is so extended, the failure of the Town to designate a
Bid as lowest bidder by this date will constitute rejection of all Bids.
4. The Town reserves the right to waive any informalities, cancel, or reject in whole the
RFB, if it is in the public’s interest to do so.
5. The Town is a tax exempt purchaser under Massachusetts Laws. A tax exemption
number will be provided to the awarded contractor.
6. Award will be made to the bidder with the lowest Total, based on individual unit prices,
that’s deemed responsive and responsible. Bidders must bid all line items on the Item
Sheet and place the Total in the Bid Form. Any bidder not providing a unit price for
each line item may be deemed non-responsive.
7. The DELIVERY SCHEDULE will be on an as needed basis. Contract prices shall
remain fixed upon award through the Contract period, unless stated otherwise within
the bid.
8. The right is reserved by the Town of North Attleborough, acting through its Board of
Public Works, to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in any or all bids if it
is in the public interest so to do.
9. All prices shall be FOB Destination.
Bid Bond is not required for this bid.
Labor & Materials Payment Bond is not required for this bid.
12. BID FORM: The bidder shall submit his/her proposal upon the bid form supplied within
these specifications. The bidder shall specify the unit price as requested for each item
13. PROPOSAL: All proposals shall be signed correctly with a typewriter or in ink. All
proposals shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works, Town of North
Attleborough, 49 Whiting Street, North Attleborough, Massachusetts, 02760. Each
proposal shall be sealed in an envelope on which is clearly indicated: Supply and
Delivery of Aluminum Sulfate, Bid Opening Date and Time of 1:00 p.m., Thursday,
April 9, 2015, with the Name and Address of the Bidder. Proposals received at the
Office of the Director of Public Works after the time of opening of bids designated in the
“Notice to Bidders” will be returned to the bidder unopened. Proposals will be publicly
opened and read at the date, time and place indicated in the “Notice to Bidders”. Bidders,
or their authorized agents, are invited to be present.
14. QUANTITIES: There are no guarantees of the total amounts to be purchased annually.
The quantities listed on the bid form are the maximum estimated amount of intended to
be purchased for this contract period. One or more orders may be issued in any given
year. Annual quantities shall be determined by the Director of Public Works, or his
designated agent, in the best interest of the Town. This contract is intended to also
include purchases that are funded by Departments outside of the Department of Public
Works. For projects that are funded through other Town Departments, a separate order
request will be issued by the Director of Public Works, or designee, specifying the
funding source and list of products requested. No supplies shall be performed without a
written order request, unless otherwise specified.
The quantities specified are approximate for bidding purposes and are based on previous
consumption. It is specifically understood that the Town does not agree to purchase any specific
quantity, and purchases will be made for actual requirements of the Town, only. The Town may
increase or decrease the quantity of any item specified without change in price per unit of
quantity as stated in the Contractor’s Bid Response. Bids must remain firm throughout the
contract term, unless otherwise specified. No increase in the unit price bid, once accepted and
awarded will be permitted.
15. TERM OF CONTRACT: It is the intention of this bid to provide a contract for one (1)
16. ALTERNATES: Each Bidder shall acknowledge any Alternates from the specified items
on the Bid Form and shall include a manufacturer’s cut sheet for the proposed item.
17. AWARD: The lowest responsive and responsible bidder shall be awarded a contract
based upon the summation of the total of the bid amounts for each item. At the sole
discretion of the Board of Public Works, work may be awarded to different contractors
for each option as defined by the type of material classification, whichever is determined
in the best interest of the Town by the Board of Public Works. Before any Contract is
awarded, the bidder may be required to furnish a complete statement of the origin,
composition and manufacturer of all materials to be supplied under his/her bid proposal.
18. PAYMENT: Payment shall be made on the amount of work performed based upon the
unit prices placed on the bid form. The payment of these amounts shall be considered
full and complete payment for all labor, material and equipment necessary for furnishing,
delivery and unloading of all materials under each bid item.
The estimated quantities shown on the Unit Price Bid Sheets are an approximate
statement of the maximum annual amount intended to be purchased by the Town:
The Town does not expressly or by implication agree that the quantities shown
correspond exactly to the amount purchased, but reserves the exclusive right to
order any amount of any item as may be deemed necessary and directed in writing
by the Town up to the limits of the bid.
Should the Owner determine that it is necessary to decrease the quantity in any
Bid Item, the Owner shall direct, in writing, a reduction in scope to the Contract.
The Owner may direct a reduction in scope at any time, up to and including the
final estimate and payment.
In the event the actual quantity used is less that the estimated quantity in the Unit
Price Bid Sheet, the Contractor shall be paid for the actual amount of units
delivered and accepted, at the written bid unit price for the Bid Item.
Indeterminate: Quantity assumed for purposes of comparison of bids. For all
work performed under this Item, the undersigned agrees that he will accept in full
payment therefore the unit prices stated on the bid sheet.
The Owner reserves the right to consider the following in selecting the successful
Bidder or rejecting any and all Bids if it is in the best interest of the Owner so to
• Price
• Make and model of equipment or materials proposed
• Ability to deliver products
• Past Performance
The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities, and to make
award as may be determined to be in the best interest of the Town.
Prices quoted must include delivery to the Town, as specified on the Contract.
No charges will be allowed for packing, crating, freight, Express or cartage unless
specifically stated and included in the bid.
The award to the successful bidder may be canceled if successful bidder shall fail
to prosecute the work with promptness and diligence.
The successful bidder shall replace, repair or make good, without cost to the
Town, any defects or faults arising within one (1) year after date of acceptance of
articles furnished hereunder (acceptance not to be unreasonably delayed) resulting
from imperfect or defective work done or materials furnished by the Vendor.
The Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless the Town and all persons acting
for on behalf of it from all suits and claims against them, or any of them, arising
from or occasioned by the use of any material, equipment or apparatus, or any
part thereof, which infringes or is alleged to infringe on any patent rights. In case
such material, equipment or apparatus, or any part thereof, in any such suit is held
to constitute infringement, the Vendor, within a reasonable time, will at its
expense, and as the Town may elect, replace such material, equipment or
apparatus with non-infringing material, equipment or apparatus, or remove the
material, equipment or apparatus, and refund the sums paid therefore.
The successful bidder shall comply with all applicable Federal State and Local
laws and regulations.
Purchases made by the Town are exempt from Federal excise taxes and bid prices
must exclude any such taxes. Tax exemption certificates will be furnished upon
If so stated in the Invitation to Bid the successful bidder will be required to
furnish a performance and/or a labor and material payment bond, in an amount, in
a form and with a surety satisfactory to the Town. The bidder shall be responsible
for the cost of the bond(s). If the Invitation for Bids requires bid surety, this surety
shall be in the form of a cash, bid bond, cashier’s check, treasurer’s check, or
certified check on a responsible bank, payable to the Town, and must be filed with
the original bid in the Office of the Purchasing Agent. Failure to do so will lead to
rejection of bid. The bid surety will be returned to the successful bidder within
seven (7) days execution of awarded, and approval by the Town of performance
and/or payment bond(s). In case of default, the bid surety shall be forfeited to the
Verbal orders are not binding on the Town and deliveries made or work done
without formal Work Order or Contract are at the risk of the Vendor or Contractor
and may result in an unenforceable claim.
The Vendor shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Town harmless from
any and all claims arising out of the performance of this contract.
Equality - The name and identification of all materials other than the one
specifically named shall be submitted to the Town in writing for approval, prior to
purchase, use or fabrication of such items. Subject to the provisions of M.G.L.,
Ch. 30, Sec. 39J, approval shall be at the sole discretion of the Town, shall be in
writing to be effective, and the decision of the Town shall be final. The Town
may require tests of all materials so submitted to establish quality standards at the
Vendor's expense. All directions, specifications and recommendations by
manufacturers for installation, handling, storing, adjustment and operation of their
equipment shall be complied with; responsibility for proper performance shall
continue to rest with the Vendor. For the use of material other than the one
specified, the Vendor shall assume the cost of and responsibility for satisfactorily
accomplishing all changes in the work as shown. If no manufacturer is named, the
Vendor shall submit a material cut-sheet of the product he intends to use for
approval of the Town.
Right To Know: Any vendor who receives an order or orders resulting from this
invitation agrees to submit a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each toxic or
hazardous substance or mixture containing such substance, pursuant to M.G.L.,
Ch. 111F, SS8, 9 and 10 and the regulations contained in 441 CMR SS 21.06
when deliveries are made. The vendor agrees to deliver all containers properly
labeled pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 111F, SS 7 and the regulations contained in 441
CMR SS 21.05. Failure to submit an MSDS and/or label on each container will
place the vendor in noncompliance with the purchase order. Failure to furnish
MSDSs and/or labels on each container may result in civil or criminal penalties,
including bid debarment and action to prevent the vendor from selling said
substances or mixtures containing said substances within the Commonwealth. All
vendors furnishing substances or mixtures subject to Chapter 111F of the M.G.L.
are cautioned to obtain and read the law and rules and regulations referred to
above. Copies can be obtained from the State House Book Store, Secretary of
State, State House, Room 117, Boston, MA 02133, (617-727-2834) for $2.00 plus
$.65 postage.
21. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Proof of coverage for Worker’s Compensation,
Commercial General Liability and Vehicle Liability shall be required at time of award.
The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as listed below. This insurance shall be
provided at the Contractor's expense and shall be in full force and effect during the full
term of this Contract.
Worker's Compensation: Per M.G.L. c.. l49, s. 34 and c.. l52 as amended.
1. Personal Injury: $500,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 aggregate
2. Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 aggregate
1. Personal Injury: $500,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 aggregate
2. Property Damage: $300,000
1. SCOPE: The work of this contract consists of delivery, on an as needed basis, of Liquid
Aluminum Sulfate for use at the Town of North Attleboro Wastewater Treatment
2. DURATION: The supplier shall supply liquid aluminum sulfate to the Town of North
Attleboro for a period of one year which time shall commence on the first day of July, 2015
and end on the last day of June, 2016.
3. PRODUCT: Liquid aluminum sulfate shall meet the
following specifications:
Chemical Formula
AL 2 (SO4)
AL 2 03
Not less than 8.0% by wt.;
preferably shall be 8.3% by wt.
Concentration of solution
5.4 lbs. Dry Alum (17% AL 2 03)
11 lbs per gallon of solution
AWWA Specification
Liquid Alum shall conform to all requirements of the
American Water Works Association Specification AWWA B
403-70, as these requirements apply to liquid alum.
4. QUANTITY: Liquid aluminum sulfate shall be delivered in tank truck quantities,
approximately 5,000 gallons per load. The yearly requirement will be approximately
25,000 gallons.
5. The Town of North Attleboro will receive the aluminum sulfate at a three inch make
quick-connect coupling.
6. AFFIDAVIT COMPLIANCE: The supplier shall furnish an affidavit of compliance,
indicating that the aluminum sulfate meets the requirements of AWWA B403-70.
This affidavit shall be furnished with each order of liquid aluminum sulfate delivered to
the Town of North Attleboro, MA.
7. PAYMENT: Payment for liquid aluminum sulfate delivered to the Town of North
Attleboro shall be made at the unit price bid per ton of dry aluminum sulfate (17% AL 2
0 3). Payment shall be made to the supplier on a per delivered order basis, when or after,
the order is delivered to the Town by the supplier of its agent – or See Contract.
End of Section
GAL 25,000
Price per Unit
Signature of Authorized Representative
Name of Firm (Please Print)
Phone Number
Pursuant to Section 49A of Chapter 62C of the Massachusetts General Laws, I certify under the penalties of
perjury that X_____________________________________, to the best of my knowledge and belief, and
(Name of Company)
based on company records, have filed all State tax returns and paid all state taxes required under law.
MGL Chapter 62C, Section 49A reads as follows:
Any person applying to any department, board, commission, division, authority, district, or other agency of the
Commonwealth or any subdivision of the Commonwealth, including a city, town or district, for a right or license to
conduct a profession, trade or business, or for the renewal of such right or license, shall certify upon such
application, under the penalties of perjury, that he has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to
taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. Such right or license
shall not be issued or renewed unless such certification is made.
The undersigned certifies under the penalties of perjury that this proposal has been made and submitted in good faith
without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any
natural person, business, joint venture, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club or other organization, entity,
or group of individuals.
Social Security # or Federal ID # ____________________________
COMPANY X_______________________________
DATE X__________________
SIGNATURE X_______________________________
TITLE X__________________
PHONE X__________________
(Clerk or Secretary as the case may be)
of the _______________________________________________________hereby certify
that a meeting of the Board of Directors of said Corporation was duly held on
the__________________day of____________________, 20________ at which a quorum was
present and voting and that the following vote was adopted:
"VOTED: that____________________________, ______________________________
(Officer Authorized)
(Title of Officer)
be and he is authorized for and on behalf of the Corporation to approve, sign, affix the Corporate
Seal and deliver to the Town of North Attleborough a bond in the sum of the full amount of the
Proposal, with a surety company satisfactory to the Owner, as surety will be required for the
faithful performance of the Contract; and he is also hereby authorized for and on behalf of the
Corporation to approve, sign, affix the Corporate Seal and deliver to the Town of North
Attleborough the Contract presented to the meeting for the furnishing of the materials, supplies
and services called for therein; the execution, affixing the Corporate Seal and delivery of said
Contract and bond by the within named officer shall be deemed to be the document to be
approved, signed, the Corporate Seal affixed and delivered as herein authorized."
I further certify that ______________________________________ was duly elected
(Officer named in vote)
_______________________________of said Corporation and that such election and the
(Title of Officer in vote)
foregoing vote remain in full force and effect this ________________
day of ___________, 20_____.
(Clerk or Secretary as the case may be)