Monday, 14 November 2013 (lane 1,2 -

Monday, 14 November 2013 (lane 1,2 -- advanced)
1 x 400 on 8:00 Warm up
1 x 300 on 5:00 25 Kick / 50 Back / 25 Kick / 50 Breast X 2
----Go TWO times around:
1 x 100 on 2:00 KICK - 100 IM (Alternative: 50 Swim/50 Kick)
1 x 100 on 2:00 KICK – Free (Alternative: 50 Swim/50 Kick)
----10 x 25 on :40 Swim Fly or Free
4 x 250 on 4:30 Swim 200 IM - Rest :10 seconds then swim 50 (one of each stroke). For
Extra challenge descend the 200's by time 1>4. (alternative: 200 Swim, 50 Pull)
10 x 50 on 1:00 Swim - No Free - Good Effort
1 x 400 on 8:00 Cool down
Total 3,250 Yards
Thought: Stroke/IM day.
Wednesday, 16 November 2013 (lane 1,2 -- advanced)
1 x 400 on 8:00 Warm up
1 x 1000 on 18:00 5sec REST at each 200, Descend 1>5
1 x 800 on 14:00 5sec REST at each 200, Descend 1>4
1 x 600 on 10:30 5sec REST at each 200, Descend 1>3
1 x 400 on 7:00 5sec REST at each 200, Descend 1>2
1 x 200 on 4:00 ALL OUT - Best EFFORT
1 x 400 on 8:00 Cool down
Total 3,800 Yards
Sorry for being out of Town.
I’ll be back this weekend and back in the water with everyone next week!
Enjoy the workouts.
Monday, 14 November 2013 (lane 3,4 -- intermediate)
1 x 400 on 8:00 Warm up
1 x 300 on 5:00 50 Free/ 25 Kick / 50 Free X 2
----Go TWO times around:
1 x 100 on 2:00 Swim
1 x 100 on 2:00 Pull
----10 x 25 on :40 Swim or Kick
4 x 200 on 4:30 Swim 200 Free - Rest :10 seconds then swim 50, descend the 150
s by time 1>4
10 x 50 on 1:00 Swim - Good Effort
1 x 400 on 8:00 Cool down
Wednesday, 16 November 2013 (lane 3,4 -- intermediate)
1 x 400 on 8:00 Warm up
1 x 750 on 18:00 5sec REST at each 150, Descend 1>5
1 x 600 on 14:00 5sec REST at each 150, Descend 1>4
1 x 450 on 10:30 5sec REST at each 150, Descend 1>3
1 x 300 on 7:00 5sec REST at each 150, Descend 1>2
1 x 150 on 4:00 ALL OUT - Best EFFORT
1 x 400 on 8:00 Cool down
Sorry for being out of Town.
I’ll be back this weekend and back in the water with everyone next week!
Enjoy the workouts.
Monday, 14 November 2013 (lane 5 -- beginner)
1 x 400 on 8:00 Warm up
1 x 300 on 5:00 swim
----Go TWO times around:
1 x 75 on 2:00 Swim
1 x 75 on 2:00 Pull
----10 x 25 on :40 Swim
4 x 150 on 4:30 Swim 100 Free - Rest :10 seconds then swim 50, descend the 100
s by time 1>4
----5 x 75 on 2:00 Swim - Good Effort
25 ez
----1 x 400 on 8:00 Cool down
Wednesday, 16 November 2013 (lane 5 -- beginner)
1 x 400 on 8:00 Warm up
1 x 500 on 18:00 5sec REST at each 100, Descend 1>5
1 x 400 on 14:00 5sec REST at each 100, Descend 1>4
1 x 300 on 10:30 5sec REST at each 100, Descend 1>3
1 x 200 on 7:00 5sec REST at each 100, Descend 1>2
1 x 100 on 4:00 ALL OUT - Best EFFORT
1 x 400 on 8:00 Cool down
Sorry for being out of Town.
I’ll be back this weekend and back in the water with everyone next week!
Enjoy the workouts.