Workouts_Week_of_November_2_2015 26.0 KB

Monday, November 2, 2015
Warm up: 100-150 swim/100-150 kick/100-150 pull
or drill/100-150 swim
(8 x 100 Free) Rest 1:00-1:30 after each round
First time through: Set interval to allow :15 rest
Second time through: Reduce interval by :05
Third time: Reduce interval by :05 more
Can do a 50 instead of 100 on #3 and # 6 each time
Use toys on third round
Cool down:
50-100/50-100/50-100 pull or drill/50-100
Total: 3000 – 3400 yards
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Warm up: 200 Free/100 Kick/100 Pull/200 Reverse IM
Main Set:
10 – 12 x 200 Free :20 - :30 rest interval
Odds: Free –50 easy/50 moderate/50 fast/50 easy
Evens: Pull 100 moderate/25 stroke + 50 free/25 stroke
1 - 2 x 200 Kick
:30 rest interval
Alternate 25 free kick/25 kick on side (fly or free) or 25 drill
Cool down: 100 - 200 easy—(25 drill/25 free) x 2 - 4
Total yards: 2800 - 3600
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Cardio Workout
Warm up: 4 – 8 minutes: 200 – 300 yards of increasing
Start this at 6 AM all together:
9 - 10 minutes: Swim 50 FAST/50 EASY
(free or your choice of stroke—the idea is to make it
hard/easy for you and end up at shallow end
2 minute free moderate (might end up at deep end)
2 minutes rest (includes getting back to shallow end)
Can be “Masters Chatting Minutes” or swim easy
Repeat set for a total of 4 times on 14:00
0:00, 10:00, then 12:00, “rest” then repeat on 14:00)
Time: 56 minutes
Yardage: 2400 – 3600 or so