Wake Technical Community College Business Technologies Division Course Syllabus ACC 120 Principles of Financial Accounting Instructor: Office location: Telephone: E-mail: Office hours: Class days/times/location: Required Text/Supplies Textbook Please check with your instructor to see if Connect is a requirement for your class. If Connect IS a requirement for your class: If you prefer a hard copy of the book: Financial Accounting, 2nd Edition with Connect Plus Spiceland, Thomas, Hermann McGraw-Hill Publishers ISBN: 0077480007 Note: Use website provided by instructor to access Connect. If you prefer an e-book: Connect Plus with Interactive E-Book ISBN: 0077328191 Note: Use website provided by instructor to access Connect. If you purchase a book that does not have a Connect access card, you will also need to purchase: Connect Access Card ISBN: 0077328280 Note: Use website provided by instructor to access Connect. If Connect is NOT a requirement for your class: If you prefer an e-book: E-Book only ISBN: 0077328302 http://www.coursesmart.com 1-877-833-5524 (Course Smart E-Commerce Help Desk). If you prefer a hard copy of the book: Textbook only ISBN: 0078110823 Optional: Working Papers ISBN: 0077328252 Supplies/Software Contact the instructor. Course Usage of Blackboard Copies of the course syllabus and major assignments may be found on Blackboard. You are responsible for regularly checking the online resources, which are accessed through http://dist-ed.waketech.edu (opens in a new window). Course Description This course introduces business decision-making using accounting information systems. Emphasis is placed on analyzing, summarizing, reporting, and interpreting financial information. Upon completion students should be able to prepare financial statements, understand the role of financial information in decision-making and address ethical considerations. Student Learning Objectives The purpose of this course is to introduce business decision-making using accounting information systems. Course content will focus on core skills needed to analyze, summarize, report, and interpret financial information. Students will: 1. Define accounting and business terminology. 2. Analyze the impact of external transactions on the accounting equation. 3. Record transactions using debits and credits. 4. Identify the information conveyed in each of the four primary financial statements and prepare a balance sheet, income statement, statement of stockholder's equity and statement of cash flows. 5. Identify controls over cash receipts and cash disbursements. 6. Reconcile a bank statement. 7. Record accounts receivable and estimate future uncollectible accounts. 8. Determine the cost of goods sold and ending inventory using different inventory cost methods. 9. Record inventory transactions using a perpetual inventory system. 10. Identify the major types of property, plant and equipment and calculate depreciation. 11. Distinguish between current and long term liabilities. 12. Identify the characteristics of bonds. 13. Record the issuance of stock and the payment of dividends. 14. Identify the three fundamental business activities that financial accounting measures. 15. Compute key financial ratios related to a company’s risk and profitability. 16. Describe ethical considerations. Prerequisite(s): None Corequisite(s): None Credit Hours: 4 Assignments and Grading Policy Due dates and assignments can be found on the course schedule/outline. The final grade will be determined by the instructor under the following guidelines. The average of all test/ quiz grades will comprise a minimum of 60% of the final grade. Other assignments will comprise a maximum of 40%of the final grade. Other assignments may include any combination of the following components: homework, research, projects, continuing problem, and/or participation. A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 or less Final Exam Date/Time/Location (TBA) College Policies and Campus Resources Email Policy Wake Tech requires that every student use the provided my.waketech.edu e-mail account for all school related correspondence. Your instructors will not respond to e-mail from any other source. Do not forward my.waketech.edu e-mail to other accounts. Replies sent from most forwarded e-mail will not appear to come from your my.waketech.edu account and will not be acknowledged by your instructor. This is a strictly enforced school policy. Please review e-mail information carefully. If you have questions or concerns regarding your Wake Tech e-mail, contact Distance Education Support for guidance. Code of Conduct It is the student's responsibility to abide by Wake Tech's Student Code of Conduct (opens in a new window) http://handbook.waketech.edu/files/studentrights.pdf Free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader download opens in a new window http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=BUIGO. Violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action. The Code of Conduct includes the Academic Integrity Policy. Attendance Policy It is the student’s responsibility to abide by the Wake Tech Attendance Policy (opens in a new window) http://catalog.waketech.edu/pdfs/WakeTechCatalog.pdf (p. 39). Disability Support Services Disability Support Services is available for students who require academic accommodations due to any physical, psychological, or learning disability. To determine eligibility, contact the office at 124 Holding Hall or call 866-5670 (TDD 779-0668). Disability Support Services web page (opens in a new window) http://disabilityservices.waketech.edu/ Core Values In keeping with the college’s mission statement, this course will promote Wake Tech’s core institutional values. Accountability Accountability is essential for an environment of learning. Those who are accountable stand by their words and actions, taking full responsibility for what they create and for what they contribute to the community. Respect Respect is a prerequisite for enhancing learning. Community members who respect themselves and others help create a safe, yet open, climate of learning. Responsibility Instructor and students will foster an environment that actively promotes taking responsibility for one’s actions and obligations. Critical Thinking Instructor and students will strive actively to improve the critical thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation-both in academics and in everyday actions. Communication Instructor and students will strive actively to ensure clear understanding in both written and oral communications. Collaboration Instructor and students will strive to develop collaborative skills required in achieving team goals. Revised: 5/18/12 Tentative Course Schedule ACC 120 Principles of Financial Accounting (Note: subject to change with fair notice.) Week Topics 1-2 Orientation, Chapter 1, (Learning Objectives 1-7) 3-4 Chapter 2, (Learning Objectives 1-6) 5 Chapter 3, (Learning Objectives 1-7) 6 Chapter 4, (Learning Objectives 1-6) 7-8 Chapter 5, (Learning Objectives 1-8) 9-10 Chapter 6, (Learning Objectives 1-8,10) 11 Chapter 7, (Learning Objectives 1-4, 6-7) 12 Chapter 8, (Learning Objectives 1-4, 6) 13 Chapter 9, (Learning Objectives 1, 2, 7) 14 Chapter 10, (Learning Objective 1-8) 15 Chapter 11, (Learning Objectives 1-4) Optional Chapter 12, (Learning Objectives 1-6) 16 FINAL EXAM WEEK, if applicable