Students should be prepared to seek help or call

Students should be prepared to seek help or call 911 when a peer may be experiencing a drug overdose
or alcohol poisoning. Students are expected to take action in such situations and not be a passive
bystander. DePaul University will take into account the actions of any student who appropriately seeks
help for a peer in distress. Additionally, it is unlikely that law enforcement will punish individuals who call
for help when a drug overdose or alcohol poisoning is suspected. Here are the symptoms of alcohol
poisoning, and remember that not all symptoms need to be present for alcohol poisoning to occur:
Person is unconscious and cannot be roused;
Person is in a stupor or exhibits confusion;
Person is vomiting (prop unconscious persons on their sides so that they won’t choke on their
own vomit);
Skin is pale, has a blue tinge, and/or skin is unusually cold to the touch;
Abnormally slow breathing (less than 8 breaths per minute) and/or irregular breathing (a gap of
more than 10 seconds between breaths);
See “Facts about Alcohol Poisoning” for more information:
Drug overdoses can vary depending on the drug consumed, but here is a general list of symptoms that
indicate help is needed. Remember that not all symptoms need be present for an overdose to occur:
Abnormal pupil size;
Agitation, aggressive, and/or violent behavior;
Delusional or paranoid behavior;
Difficulty breathing;
Nausea and vomiting;
Nonreactive pupils (pupils that do not change size when exposed to light);
Staggering or unsteady gait;
Sweating or extremely dry, hot skin;
Unconsciousness or death.
See the National Institutes of Health website for more information on drug overdose:
Feel free to contact DePaul University’s Alcohol & Drug Prevention Specialist to discuss anything related
to substance use. Students will not get into trouble for seeking help or information about alcohol and/or
Rebecca Aronson, LCPC
Alcohol & Drug Prevention Specialist
2250 N. Sheffield Avenue, Suite 308C
Chicago, IL 60614