DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURT OF APPEALS No. 04-CM-760 ELEI{A RUTH SASSOWER. Appellant, v. UNITED STATES, Appellee. UNOPPOSEDEMERGENCYMOTIONIFOR APPBLLANT'S RELEASE TO PRECLUDE MOOTNESSOF APPELLATE ISSUE Pursuantto Rules 9 and 27 of the Rules of this Court, appellant hereby moves by undersignedcounselfor releasepending appealfrom service of her sentenceto prevent mootnessof one of her principal issueson appeal- i.e., the validity of any sentenceexceeding92 days'imprisonment. Counselfor the government(John Fisher,Erq.) is not opposedto the grant of this Motion. STATEMENT Appellant was found guilty on April 20, 2004, aft.era trial by jury of disruption of Congressin violation of D.C. Code $ l0-503.16(bX4).She representedherself at the trial. The maximum penalty under the statuteis a sixmonth term of irnprisonment and a $500 fine. The prosecutionrecommendeda five-day suspendedsentence,with a sixmonth period of probationconditionedon completionof an anger-management course.community SupervisionServicesrecommendedonly the imposition of a fine. Appellant appearedfor sentencingon June 28,2004, beforethe FIon. Brian Holeman. The judge noted that he had heard frorn the governmentat a previous hearing"[a]nd so what remainsis Ms. Sassower'sstatement."Transcript of June 28,2004,p. 6. He then askedappelrantto makeher sratement. After some exchangesbetween appellant and Judge Holeman, the judge statedthat he was "readyto imposesentence"(Transcriptof June 28,2004,Exhibit l, p. 74): Ms. Sassower, I'm sentencing you to 92 days,I'm going to give you credit for any time served in this case. I'm going to suspend executionas to all rernainingtime. I will place you on two years probation. During the probationaryterm - well, let me back up then before I get into the probationaryterm. You will pay a $500 fine, rvithin30 daysof the sentencingdate, so that's within 30 daysof today. will pay $250 to the Victirns of Violent Crirnes Fundwithin 30 daysof today' Compensation you Thereafter,JudgeHolemanspecifiedthe termsof probation.Id. pp. 16-21. These includedthe requirementthat appellantkeep recordsof her employmentby tenthsof an hour, that sheserve300 hoursof communityservice,that sheundergo therapy every six months,that she stay away from the LTnited anger-management StatesCapitolcomplex(includingthe Library of Congressand the SuprerneCourt Building), and that she write lettersof apologyand remorseto five Senatorsand thejudicial nomineeat whosehearingsheattemptedto speak. When appellantrefusedto accepttheseconditions(and, thus, declined to consentto probationas is requiredunder the concludingsentenceof D.C. Code 22): $ 16-710(a)),JudgeHolemanstatedthe following(id',p' TFIE coURT: follows: Very well. Then, sentenceis imposed as You are sentencedto six monthsincarceration' you rvill pay, within 30 days, following your incarceration, $500 as the fine that attachesto the penaltyas to the offensefor which you've beenconvicted. You r,r,illalso pay, rvithin 30 days,following )'our incarceration, the $250 compensation- contributionto the Victims of Violent CrimesFund. Ms. Sassower,once again,your pride has gotten in the way of what could have been a beneficial circumstancefor you. This incarcerationbeginsforthwith; stepher back. Court was resumedafter a brief recess,and Judge Holeman then advised appellantthat she had a right to appeal.Appellant orally requesteda stay pending appeal.JudgeHolemandeniedthe requeststating:"To do so would be to show you favorabletreatmentthat I have not in the past shown any other convictedcriminal defendantin this courtroomand I won't start that practicenow." Id., p.24, A noticeof appealwas filed on June29,2004. Appellanthas, as of September23, beenimprisonedin the D.C. Jail for 88 days following her imrnediateremandon June28 upon sentencing.Shealso served 2 daysimprisonmentfollowing her initial arrestbeforeshe was releasedon her The 92-daysentenceinitially irnposedby JudgeHoleman personalrecognizance. 25. would, therefore,concludeon September ARGUMENT APPELLANT'SLEGAL ARGUMENT THAT HER SENTENCECOULD NOT BE INCREASBDFROM 92 DAYS TO SIX MONTHS SHOULDNOT BE NIOOTEDBY SERVICEOF THE SENTENCE Judge Holeman announcedthat he was sentencingappellant"to 92 days," that appellantwould receive "credit for any time servedin this case," and that executionof sentenceon "all remainingtime" would be suspendedwith conditions of probation. Under this initially pronounced sentence,appellant would have served2 daysafter her arrestand the "remaining" 90 dayswere to be suspendedin accordancewith the provision of D.C. Code $ l6-710(a) that authorizesa judge to prescribea periodof probationif he or she"impose[s]sentence sentencing and suspendfs]the executionthereof, or irnposefs]sentenceand suspendfs]the executionof a portionthereof." After an exchange rvith appellant in which she declined the terms of to six months' imprisonment.A probation,JudgeHolemanincreasedthe sentence substantiallegal issuethat shouldbe decidedby this Court is whetherthat increase was permissibleunderRule 32(c)(2)of the CriminalRulesof the SuperiorCourt, which directsthat "[s]entenceshallthereafterbe pronounced." The comparableprovisionof the FederalRules of Criminal Procedurehas beenauthoritativelyconstruedto prohibit a DistrictJudgefrom revisinghis or her orally pronouncedsentence- eitherupward or downward- becauseof a changeof heart. See,e.g., LlnitedStatest'. Aguirre, 214 F. 3d 1122, 1125 (9th Cir. 2000) that the phrase'impositionof sentence'is a 'term ("We havepreviouslysuggested of art that generallyrefersto the time at which a sentenceis orally pronounc.d."'); United States v. Layman, 116 F.3d 105, 108 (4th Cir. 1997); United States v. 33 F.3d Abrett-Cabrera,64 F.3d 67,73 (2d Cir. 1995);LlnitedStatesv. Townsend, 1230,1231(1OthCir. 1994). WhetherJudgeHolemanwas perrnittedto increaseappellant'ssentenceonce he had orally announced(after her allocution)that he was sentencingher to a 92on appeal. day term of imprisonmentis one of severalissuesof law to be presented But Ms. Sassowerwill have fully completedserviceof 92 days in D.C. Jail on September 25. It seemsclearthat,unlessMs. Sassower is releasedpendingappeal,she will serveher entire six-monthsentencebeforeher appealis resolvedon the merits. If that happens,one substantialissueshewill presenton appeal-- whethera sentence in excessof the 92days initiallyarlnounced is lawful -- rvill becomemoot.In order to preservethat issue,we respectfullyrequestthat appellantbe releasedwith reasonable conditionslimiting, amongotherthings,her travel.r THE EMERGEI{CYNATURE OF THIS APPLICATIONTAND THE TRIAL JUDGE'SDENIAL OF THE ORAL REQUESTFOR A STAY WARRANT APPLICATTONTO THIS COURT Becauseappellant'sserviceof 92 dayswill be cornpletedon September25, any lmprisonmentbeyond that date might constituteirreparableharm if appellant were to prevail on her legal argument.Moreover,appellant'spresencein White I ' Specifically,with the government'sconsent,we ask the Court to impose the following conditions: (1) That appellantobey all lau's,ordinances,and regulations,and that sheincur no arrestsfor probablecause. (2) That appellantlimit her travel to the Statesof Ner.vYork, New Jersey, Florida, and the District of Columbiaas well as traveldirectlyin betweensuchstatesand localities. (3) That appellantstay away from the United StatesCapitolcomplexand that appellant haveno physical,verbal.or written contactwith the senators,the senators, staff, or the United StatesCapitolPoliceofficersinvolved in this case,with respect to the issuesinvolved in this caseor appellant's1996anest in the District of Columbia. Plains,New York, on the eveningof September24 and all day on September25 will substantiallybenefit her cornmunity.As the ietter to Judge Holeman from Rabbi Gordon Tucker (Exhibit 2) attests,appellant'sparticipation in activities involving "the young children of this community" at the Temple on Yotn Kippur (which is September25) "would have both a beneficialeffect on her studentsand an irnportant rehabilitative effect on Ms. Sassower."As such, we respectfully requestthat Ms. Sassowerbe releasedin time for her to engagein this one-time-ayear communityservice. Finally, the government is not opposed to appellant's reiease upon completionof her 92-daysentence-- pendingresolutionof this appeal,in order to avoid mooting a substantiallegal issueshewill be presentingto this Court. JudgeHoleman deniedappellant'srequestfor a stay on groundsthat would appearto apply to any statedreasonfor such relief. Hence we submit that it is appropriateand in the interestof justice for this Court to considerand grant the requested relief. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons,the Court should releaseappellant forthwith, subject to the conditionsenumeratedin footnote 1 -- which are acceptableto the government-- pendingdecisionof her appeal. Respectfullysubrnitted, NATHAN LEWIN (D.C.Bar No. 38299) ALYZA D. LEWIN (D.C.BarNo. 44ss06) LEWIN & LEWI]\, LLP 1828L Street, N.W.,Suite1000 D.C. 20036 Washington, (202)828-1000 fax QAD 828-0909 Attorneys for Appellant Dated: 23,2004 September CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I herebycertify thata trueandcorrectcopyof the foregoing(Inopposed EmergencyMotion For Appellant'sReleuseTo PrecludeMootnessOf Appellate fssue andAppesranceof CounselForms weresentby facsimiletransmissionand U.S.FirstClassmailon this23nd dayof September,2004, to: JohnFisher,Esq. United StatesAttorney'sOffice For the District of Columbia 555 4thSffeet,N.W. Washington,DC 20530 Fax: 202-514-8779 NathanLewin Districtof Columbia Courtof Appeals 500 lndianaAvenue,NW Washington, DC 20001 APPEARANCE Ap p e alNo.: 04-c1,1-760 C ase Caption: The Clerkwill enter my appearancein the above matteras: V P ro B ono/ Retained Co u n s e lf o r: p,,,1-hil=.r-,,.--, r . lll^ .F , n . l. l a . t I herebycertifythat I am a memberin good standingof the D.c. Bar. D .C. Bar No. Nathan 38299 Lewin (PrintAttor4ey's Na (Attorney's Signature) 1828 L Street, NW, Ste 1 000, (Address) 20 2 - 828-1 000 ( Ph o n eNo.) Date: Septernber ?3;e-so-t/ Wa-shington, DC 20A36 Districtof Columbia Courtof Appeals 5 00 In d ia n a Ave n u eNW , W a sh in g to DC n, 20001 APPEARANCE App e alNo.: 04-cM-760 C a s eCa p ti o n : The Clerkwill entermy appearan c ein t h e a b o v ema t t e ra s : ,/ y' Pro Bonoi Retained Counselfor: iiln a Rl,th-l-a qsowe., \ t r, F eI I a n f I herebycertifythat I am a memberin good standingof the D.c. Bar. D .C.BarN o. aas s oo Alvza (Prin D. o rn e y'sN a me ) (Attorney' 'l 828 Lewin nature) L Street, NW, Ste 1000. (Address) 2 0 2 - B 2 B -10 0 0 ( Pho n eNo.) Date: September Z-f, 26dq- Washinqton, DC 20036