83. Appeal notice (O. 65 r. 10) Supreme Court of Western Australia General Division No: Appeal notice Parties to the appeal Appellant Respondent Primary court’s decision Primary court Case number Parties Date of decision Judicial officer at Decision details Appeal details Notice of appeal The appellant appeals to the Supreme Court (General Division) against the above decision. Act that allows the appeal1 section: Grounds of appeal2 1. Notice to the respondent If you want to take part in this appeal you must lodge a Form No. 85 under the Rules of the Supreme Court 1971 within 7 days after you are served with this notice and serve it on the appellant. Last date for appealing Last date: Is an extension of time needed? Yes/No Leave to appeal Is leave to appeal needed? Yes/No If yes, state the Act and section requiring leave: Legal representation Is the appellant legally represented in this appeal? Yes/No 3 Is the appellant applying for legal aid? Yes/No Appellant’s details Appellant’s geographical address3 Appellant’s service details3 Signature and date Signature of appellant or lawyer Date: Appellant/Appellant’s lawyer Notes to Form No. 83 — 1. State the short title of the Act under which the appeal is being made. 2. Set out the grounds in numbered paragraphs. 3. Must be in accordance with Order 71A.