REVIEW | Findings From the Pittsburgh Youth Study: Cognitive Impulsivity and Intelligence as Predictors of the Age–Crime Curve Rolf Loeber, Ph.D., Barbara Menting, M.Sc., Donald R. Lynam, Ph.D., Terri E. Moffitt, Ph.D., Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, Ph.D., Rebecca Stallings, B.A., David P. Farrington, Ph.D., Dustin Pardini, Ph.D. Objective: This article first summarizes key research findings from the Pittsburgh Youth Study from 1987 to the present, and focuses on delinquency in 1,517 young men who have been followed up from late childhood into their 20s. Second, the article addresses how indicators of self-control prospectively predict later offending, and whether the prediction shows individual difference in the age–crime curve, particularly the up-slope, peak, and down-slope of that curve. Method: Longitudinal analyses were conducted on a sample of boys in the middle sample of the Pittsburgh Youth Study (n ¼ 422), whose cognitive impulsivity and intelligence were assessed at about age 12 years. Criminal records on the sample were until age 28. Results: The results show that cognitive impulsivity and intelligence, measured between ages 12 and 13 by means of psychometric tests, predicted the age–crime curve. The age– arrest curve was substantially higher in boys with high cognitive impulsivity and in boys with low IQ. However, there was a significant interaction between cognitive impulsivity and intelligence. For boys with high IQ, cognitive impulsivity was associated with a greater escalation in the prevalence of offending during early adolescence, followed by a more rapid decline in offending as boys entered early adulthood with a slight subsequent increase in criminal offending then occurring late 20. In contrast, there was no evidence that cognitive impulsivity independently influenced criminal offending at any developmental period for boys with low IQ. Conclusions: The results are discussed in terms of interventions to reduce individuals’ delinquency from childhood through early adulthood and lower the age–crime curve for populations. However, the association was complex because it was moderated by both age and intelligence. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry; 2012; 51(11):1136–1149. Key Words: impulsivity, intelligence, delinquency, age–crime curve. T his article first presents a selection of findings from the Pittsburgh Youth Study (PYS) mainly pertaining to violence and property crime, and then presents new findings concerning the role of cognitive impulsivity and intelligence in predicting the age–crime curve. THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY Although there are many longitudinal studies on the development of male antisocial and delinquent behavior and mental health problems, most This article will be discussed in an editorial by Drs. James J. Hudziak and Douglas K. Novins in an upcoming issue. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 studies have relatively small cohorts, making it difficult to trace the antecedents and causes of relatively serious delinquency, and have only a small number of assessments spaced over many years. This makes it impossible to track changes in risk factors that are followed by changes in deviancy, which only can be achieved by assessments of both risk factors and outcomes at regular and frequent intervals. These requirements were in our minds when we started, in 1987, the Pittsburgh Youth Study, which is a prospective longitudinal survey of the development of juvenile offending, mental health problems, drug use, and their risk factors in innercity boys (N ¼ 1,517). To date, the study has produced 175 published or in-press papers and 1136 LOEBER et al. five books.1–5 The following is only a selection of findings to date, and focuses on developmental pathways of antisocial and delinquent behavior, violence and homicide, and victims of homicide. DESIGN AND METHODS Participants. Boys attending the first, fourth, and seventh grades in virtually all public school system in inner-city Pittsburgh (called the youngest, middle, and oldest cohorts) were randomly selected for participation in a longitudinal study of the development of disruptive and delinquent behaviors. Participant selection and assessment methods have been described in detail elsewhere2,3,6 and are summarized only briefly here. Of those families contacted (about 1,000 in each grade), 85% of the boys and their parents agreed to participate. An initial screening (S) assessment followed to identify approximately 30% of the boys with the most severe disruptive behavior problems (approximately 250 boys in each of the three cohorts). In addition, a random selection of boys from the remaining 70% of each cohort was made (approximately another 250 boys in each cohort). This selection process resulted in 503, 508, and 506 boys, in the youngest, middle, and oldest cohorts, respectively, about equally divided between African American and Caucasian boys, reflecting the racial composition of Pittsburgh Public Schools at the time. The average age at screening were 7.0, 10.2, and 13.4 for the respective cohorts. Follow-up. The youngest cohort has now been followed up a total of 19 times (initially nine halfyearly assessments from age six onward; thereafter yearly from age 10 to 20, once more at age 25, and at age 28). The oldest cohort has been followed up 16 times (initially six half-yearly assessments from age 13, thereafter yearly from age 15 to 25, and currently at age 35). Because of financial reasons, the follow-up of the middle cohort was more restricted (seven half-yearly assessments starting at age 10, and a single assessment at age 24). Most of the results that follow pertain to the youngest and oldest cohorts because their data is the most extensive over long periods of time, and is overlapping between ages 13 and 25. Measures. Hundreds of measures have been administered to the boys and their parents and teachers (the latter two informants until age 16). For reasons of space, these cannot be fully documented here, and the reader is referred to earlier summaries.2,7,8 SELECTED FINDINGS Developmental Pathways. We tested the extent to which homicide, violence, and serious property crime are the culmination of a gradual developmental process over years from less serious to serious behaviors. Research showed evidence for three pathways. These are the overt, covert, and authority conflict pathways.7,9,10 Youths typically follow an orderly progression from less to more serious antisocial behaviors from childhood to adolescence.10,11 The Overt Pathway starts with minor aggression, has physical fighting as a second stage and more serious violence as a third stage. The Covert Pathway starts before age 15 and begins with minor covert acts (shoplifting and frequent lying), with property damage (i.e., vandalism and fire-setting) as a second stage, moderate delinquency (i.e., fraud, pick-pocketing) as a third step, and serious delinquency (i.e., auto theft and burglary) as a fourth step. The Authority Conflict Pathway, before the age of 12, starts with stubborn behavior, has defiance/disobedience as a second stage, and authority avoidance (i.e., truancy, running away from home, and staying out late at night) as a third stage. Young males can advance on all three pathways at the same time; an early age of onset, compared to a later age of onset, is associated with young males’ progression deeper into the overt and covert pathways. The pathways model has been validated in other samples.9,12 Stability and Changes in Prevalence. The stability of physical aggression tends to increase between ages 6 to 7 and 9 to 10 years,13 well before adolescence. However, the prevalence of aggression, including physical aggression, tends to decrease between childhood and adolescence indicating that some aggressive individuals outgrow physical fighting and verbal aggression. However, a minority of aggressive juveniles start to engage in more serious violent acts, such as robbery, rape, aggravated assault, and homicide.14 Whereas serious theft and violence other than homicide appear to be more common in the early part of criminal careers (ages 13–16 years), homicide tends to occur later. We also found that the persistence of violence is higher than that of serious theft. This implies that desistance from JOURNAL 1137 OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 FINDINGS FROM THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY serious theft tends to occur earlier than desistance from violence.4 Causation. The causes of violence lie in the individual, family, peer group, school, and neighborhood.4,15 There is a dose–response relationship between the number of risk factors to which young males are exposed and the probability of their becoming violent.15 Explanatory factors in the PYS for violence, such as poor school achievement and having few friends, are similar to explanatory factors for violence in inner-city London.16,17 The causes of violence differ only partly from the causes of theft. In the PYS, the strongest predictors of violence were generally similar to the strongest predictors of theft at younger ages but not at older ages. This indicates that there are many unique factors predictive of violence and unique factors predictive of theft. For example, gun carrying and the family living on welfare were the best predictors of violence, whereas child maltreatment, theft victimization, and white race/ethnicity were the best predictors of theft.4 Race and Violence. Serious violence is more common in African American than in white males.18–20 African American males were more likely than their white counterparts to be arrested and convicted for violence. However, results showed that African American race did not predict reported violence (based on self-reports and information from parents and teachers), once other risk factors (such as bad neighborhood, old for the grade) were taken into account. We concluded that African American males were more likely to be violent primarily because they were exposed to more risk factors for violence. However, when the analyses were repeated with court reports of violence as the outcome, African American race contributed to the prediction of violence even when other factors were taken into account.21 Homicide Offenders. By May 2009, of the 1,517 boys in the PYS, 37 had been convicted in court for committing a homicide.2 Results show that the great majority of the homicides committed by PYS young males, like the homicides in other major inner city, metropolitan areas, can be characterized as ‘‘street’’ homicides involving acquaintances and strangers (and often gangs, guns, and drugs) rather than homicides of relatives committed by individuals ‘‘engaging in dangerous, violent behaviour,’’ resulting in death (Kelly and Totten,22 p. 146). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 The only psychiatric diagnosis related to homicide was disruptive behavior disorder (i.e., a summary index of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], conduct disorder [CD], or oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]). Significantly more of the homicide offenders compared to the controls qualified for a diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorder when young. However, because delinquency overlaps with the criteria for conduct disorder (one of the three disorders comprising disruptive behavior disorders), this indicates that many future homicide offenders showed earlier behavior problems (see also Hagelstam and Häkkänen23). We cannot conclude that disruptive behavior disorder had any causal effect on later homicide offending, but it may have been an earlier step in a developmental pathway. However, almost all homicide offenders (95%) had committed violence before committing the homicide.15 We investigated psychopathy among the homicide offenders. We did not find that factors typically associated with psychopathy (lack of guilt, cruelty to people, and callous-unemotional behavior) were predictive of homicide offenders. Interviews with homicide offenders using the Psychopathy Checklist–Screening Version (PCL-SV) showed that three-fourths of them scored high on all PCL-SV factors. These results were largely driven by higher scores on factors 3 (impulsiveness and irresponsible lifestyle) and 4 (juvenile delinquency and criminal versatility) and not on the crucial personality Factor 1 (arrogance and deceitfulness) and Factor 2 (lack of empathy and guilt). Thus, there was little evidence suggesting that the homicide offenders had a psychopathic personality. What are the predictors of homicide? We distinguished among three categories of predictors: explanatory, behavioral (behaviors correlated with delinquency), and criminal. Integrated analyses were based on factors that were independent and statistically significant in each of the three preceding regression analyses. The results showed that factors from three domains (individual, family, and neighborhood) independently contributed to the prediction of homicide offenders. These factors included prior delinquent acts, including conviction for simple assaults and weapon carrying; living in a bad neighborhood, and having a young mother. Thus, no single factor could explain or predict homicide offenders. Instead, the integrated homicide risk 1138 LOEBER et al. score for the prediction of convicted homicide offenders out of the whole population showed a dose–response relationship between the number of risk factors and the probability of becoming an offender: the higher the number of risk factors, the higher the probability of becoming a homicide offender. None of the boys who had no risk factors became a homicide offender, compared to 19% of those who had five to seven risk factors. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses show good predictability (AUC ¼ 0.870) at a level that was higher than for explanatory, behavioral, and criminal risk factors alone. Not surprisingly, the false-positive error rate was high (87%), indicating overprediction, whereas the false-negative error rate (38%) was moderately high, indicating that about four of 10 homicide offenders were not identified on the basis of the prediction score. Homicide Victims. Compared to controls, the homicide victims (n ¼ 39) were more likely to have carried a gun, to have used a weapon to attack someone, to have engaged in gang fights, or to have committed a robbery. They also were more likely to have sold marijuana or hard drugs. The majority of homicide victims had a history of law breaking, especially engagement in illicit activities such as receiving stolen property, stealing cars, or stealing from a car; in addition, aggravated assault was one of the predictors of homicide victimization. In an analysis of explanatory, behavioral, and criminal risk factors, the independent predictors of shooting victims (who did not die, n ¼ 78) were a broken home, self-reported drug selling, low school motivation, truancy, and peer delinquency. Less than 1% of the boys at least risk, according to these five variables, became shooting victims, compared with 12% of the boys at most risk. However, shooting victims were predicted less well by these risk factors than were homicide victims. Shared Features of Homicide Offenders and Homicide Victims. We were particularly interested in the shared risks among homicide offenders and homicide victims earlier in life and the shared criminal activities24 that may bring homicide offenders and their victims together for the fatal act. We found that homicide offenders and homicide victims often engaged in the black economy by dealing in stolen goods and drug dealing. It is likely that the administration of personal justice to deal with conflicts arising from these transactions ‘‘in the street’’ and gang membership for a proportion of the offenders further fuels victimization and retaliation. This is aided by the fact that the delinquents with the widest varierty of crime, living in disadvantaged neighborhoods, when they were victimized, tended to underreport their victimization to the police.25 Instead, the victimization of innocent bystanders is most reported to the police and receives the most media attention. These are just a fragment of all findings to date. Cognitive Impulsivity, Intelligence and the Age– Crime Curve. Developmental psychopathology and criminology over the past years have increasingly focused on changes in deviant behavior with age. Two neglected areas of investigation are which factors explain the up-slope and peak of the age–crime curve, and what explains the downslope of the curve between adolescence and adulthood. The search for answers has swayed between individual and external factors. Within the individual factors, several explanations have been proposed of which we emphasize impulsivity and intelligence, but it is far from clear which of the two is more important or how they might interact. In western populations of youth, the prevalence of delinquency increases from late childhood, peaks in middle to late adolescence, and then decreases. This is known as the age–crime curve.26 Most criminological theories have focused on the explanation of why there are individual differences in offending and why these differences are maintained with age,27 and much less on why offending decreases between midadolescence and adulthood. The two sides of the age–crime curve pose challenges for explanatory frameworks. Whereas risk factors are usually considered for the prediction of who will become an offender (the up-slope of the age–crime curve), protective factors are called on to predict desistance from offending (the down-slope of the age– crime curve). It appears much easier to predict who will become a serious offender rather than which serious offender will desist.4,28,29 Most well-researched risk factors, such as poverty, living in a disadvantaged neighborhood, or parents’ poor child-rearing practices are better in predicting individual differences the up-slope of the age–crime curve. Research shows that desistance from offending takes place throughout late childhood to adulthood,4 but is most common during the late adolescent period.2,30 It is less well-known, JOURNAL 1139 OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 FINDINGS FROM THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY however, that most of the desistance of different age-at-onset categories of offenders (e.g., onset in late childhood or early adolescence) occurs during late adolescence and early adulthood,31 thus in the down-slope of the age–crime curve. The important question that remains unresolved is why desistance of different age-at-onset offenders is concentrated between adolescence and early adulthood. It appears plausible that the search should focus on factors that are shared by all youth who offend during this critical period of life. We are not aware of studies of factors that explain both the up-slope and the down-slope of the age–crime curve. In fact, most statistics used in the study of risk factors, understandable for the search of stable individual factors, have focused on linear relationship between predictors and outcomes.32 Furthermore, meta-analyses of the association between impulsivity and later antisocial behavior and offending only tested for linear models.33,34 Thus, what is needed are analyses that test the relationship between risk (or protective factors) with quadratic or cubic models that are known to fit best the age–crime curve.35 There has been a long tradition in psychology and criminology to search for underlying mechanisms that can explain individual differences over time. Examples are poor self-control, reckless behavior, low intelligence, impulsivity, and sensation seeking.36,37 Currently, there is no agreement among scholars regarding the underlying factors that best explain individual differences in the age–crime curve,38 and different categories of delinquent acts (e.g., theft versus violence). Violence tends to be more stable than theft; desistance in theft tends to occur earlier than in violence; and risk factors for theft only partly overlap with those for violence.4,39,40 Scholars have speculated that the brain maturation that usually takes place between adolescence and early adulthood may help to predict why some early offenders seem to exhibit improvements in self-control and decreases in impulsivity over time.41,42 Research shows that impulsivity is not highly stable and tends to decrease in the first decades of life,43,44 which may fit the down-slope of the age–crime curve. Most studies on the link between cognitive impulsivity and deviant and delinquent behavior have been cross-sectional,34,37,45,46 or retrospective,39,40 and therefore do not shed light on how JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 well impulsivity predicts future delinquency, including the age–crime curve. Thus, it is important to use longitudinal data to show first that impulsivity is temporally earlier, before the upslope of the age–crime curve accelerates. Second, it is necessary to have at least a decade of followup of the participants so that their age–crime curve can be delineated. It can be argued that intelligence, instead of deficits in impulsivity, is the key factor predicting the age–crime curve. Studies agree that low intelligence is predictive of delinquency,14,37,45–49 and that delinquent youth score lower on verbal intelligence compared to nondelinquent youth.37 It is also clear that intelligence and cognitive impulsivity are correlated.50 The reason for this, including the possible interaction between the two, has been much debated.33 According to an alternative conceptualization tested in the present paper, both low intelligence and cognitive impulsivity are implicated in the prediction of offending. Second, we expect that low intelligence and high impulsivity, compared to high intelligence and low impulsivity, are associated with an age– crime curve that has a higher peak. One of the problems with the lack of independence of measurement of impulsivity in developmental research is that it is often based on ratings by adults,51 and sometimes by selfratings,28,43 and combinations of different informants.52 We argue that with these informants it is difficult to separate impulsivity from delinquent acts and antisocial behaviors (e.g., many parents know that their children have been arrested for delinquent acts). Instead, measurement independence would be much better achieved if it were based on more objective measures of cognitive functioning, such as psychometric tests of impulsivity that are independent from measures of offending. This was one of the aims of a study undertaken by White under the guidance of Moffitt using the middle sample of the Pittsburgh Youth Study,50 in which a battery of psychometric tests was administered in addition to parent, teacher, and self-reported ratings of the participants’ impulsivity. Measures were found to load on two different impulsivity factors: cognitive impulsivity, composed of psychometric test scores, and behavioral impulsivity, based on behavioral ratings. Because of the measurement complications surrounding impulsivity, we will focus on measures of cognitive impulsivity based on laboratory 1140 LOEBER et al. tasks.50 We will examine the degree to which measures of cognitive impulsivity and intelligence predict the age–crime curve.53 To that end, we will address the following questions. First, how can the age–arrest curve be best described in terms of linear, quadratic, or cubic functions of age? Second, does cognitive impulsivity predict the age–arrest curve even when controls are taken into account, and is the prediction the same for being charged with any offence, theft, or violence? Third, does intelligence predict the age–arrest curve for being charged with any offence, theft, or violence? Fourth, does cognitive impulsivity independently add to intelligence predicting the age–arrest curve? Finally, does the effect of cognitive impulsivity on the age– arrest curve depend on the level of intelligence? METHOD Participants Participants were a subsample of the middle cohort of the Pittsburgh Youth Study (PYS; details can be found in the first part of this article),54 whose cognitive impulsivity and intelligence were assessed in a laboratory setting. No such assessments took place for the youngest and oldest cohorts. For 422 boys (83.1% of the total sample of 508 boys), scores were available on the three tests of cognitive impulsivity and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised (WISC-R) used in this study. These 422 boys did not differ from the total 508 sample on race or screening risk status (all p 4 .05), but boys without cognitive impulsivity data had lower mean socio-economic status (SES) scores (F1,506 ¼ 6.77, p ¼ .01). Procedures Several cognitive tests including cognitive impulsivity and IQ tests were conducted, when the boys were on average 12.73 years old (SD ¼ 0.87, range ¼ 10.75– 16.08). It should be noted that the assessments of cognitive impulsivity and IQ were on average conducted at a slightly older age than the first assessment of offending at age 11. The 90-minute laboratory session was conducted by trained examiners who were unaware of the boy’s delinquency status. Tasks were assessed in two blocks of 45 minutes and in the same order, because a similar motivational set was required at the beginning of each task for each boy. Measures Cognitive impulsivity (CI) was measured with the three tests from the test battery with the highest factor loadings in the CI construct described by White et al.50 These were the Trail Making Test, the Stroop Color and Word Association Test, and Time Perception. The Trail Making Test measures the ability to initiate, switch, and stop a sequence of complex purposive behavior, requiring attention and concentration skills. After drawing lines between consecutively numbered circles (Form A), the participants had to draw lines between consecutive numbers and letters (Form B), switching between the two sequences (i.e., A to 1 to B to 2 to C, etc.). Scores used were the time needed for Form B minus the time needed for Form A.50 The Stroop Color and Word Association Test tests the ability to inhibit an automatic overlearned response and generate a competing new response instead,55,56 requiring sustained attention and mental control. In the first trial, participants had to read color names, followed by the inhibition trial, in which participants were asked not to read the name of the color but instead to name the different color of the ink in which the words were printed (suppressing reading the color names). The number of errors in the inhibition trial was used in this study, because the time needed to finish the card and the number of errors were highly correlated, and the error score was more normally distributed.50 Time perception was measured with time estimation and time production tasks, measuring cognitive tempo.50 In time estimation, the stopwatch was run for seven consecutive intervals of 2, 2, 4, 4, 12, 25, and 60 seconds in this study. Participants had to estimate after each interval how many seconds had passed. In time production, participants had to indicate when they thought 2, 2, 4, 4, 12, 25, and 60 seconds had passed. Time estimation and reflected time production scores (r ¼ .54) were summed.50 The three tests were significantly associated (r ¼ 0.15–0.27). The scores at each of the three tests were first standardized, and then summed to obtain a CI score (with positive scores indicating higher CI, and negative scores lower CI). This sum score was standardized once more within the sample of 422 boys. Intelligence (IQ) was measured using a short form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised (WISC-R).57 Shortened versions of all 10 subtests were used, administering every other item of each subtest. Full-scale IQ scores were on average 101.03 (SD ¼ 15.49); performance and verbal IQ are only used in auxiliary analyses. Full scale IQ was negatively correlated with cognitive impulsivity (r ¼ 0.51). Official Criminal Records from age 11 to 28 were obtained via local, state and federal sources.58 Three types of arrest data were used: any charge (i.e., being charged with any offence, such as murder, rape, robbery, fraud, theft, drug possession, traffic violation); theft (e.g., larceny, burglary); and violence (e.g., assault, robbery, homicide). For each type of criminal charge, participants with at least one charge at a particular age received the score 1 and participants without any charge received the score 0. JOURNAL 1141 OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 FINDINGS FROM THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY Race, test age, and SES were added as control variables. Because participants were primarily white or African-American (95.9%), race was dichotomized into African-American (score ¼ 1) or other ethnic backgrounds (score ¼ 0).59 Test age was participants’ age at the time the cognitive tests were conducted (summer 1990). SES was the mean of the available SES scores from seven semi-annual assessments based on Hollingshead’s index (Hollingshead AB. Four factor index of social status [unpublished manuscript]. New Haven, CT: 1975).60 Statistical Analyses Data were analyzed with logistic populationaveraged generalized estimating equation (GEE) models, using STATA version 10.60 GEE models account for nonindependent observations on dependent variables, such as repeated measures over time. The association between the dependent variables over time was modeled using an autoregressive correlation structure. This model assumes that the association between arrest outcomes measured at different ages decreases as the temporal separation between the assessments increases in a systematic manner.61 Standard errors that are robust to potential misspecification of dependent variable correlation structure were also used.62 For each criminal arrest outcome (i.e., any charge, violence, theft), we first modeled developmental change in the proportion of boys being arrested across time by entering age, age squared (age2), and age cubed (age3) as predictors into the model. This was done because a preliminary examination of the data indicated that the prevalence of arrest increased rapidly during early adolescence, peaked in middle adolescence, and rapidly declined into the early 20s, with this decline decelerating across the mid to late 20s. The main effect of CI was also entered into these models. Subsequently, the interaction between CI and age, age2, and age3 was entered into the model. This was done to determine whether CI predicted the increase, decrease and/or stabilization over time (i.e., whether the shape of the curve differed between different levels of CI). These models were then repeated using IQ in place of CI to contrast findings across the two measures of cognitive ability. A final overarching model was then conducted by including both CI and IQ, as well as their interactions with age, into a single model. Finally, interactions between CI, IQ and age (first two-way CI IQ, then three-way CI IQ with age) were added to the model to examine whether different combinations of CI and IQ differently affected the age–arrest curves. Significant interaction terms were probed to examine the direction of the moderation by manipulating the 0 point for one of the variables (i.e., IQ),63 and then estimating the effects of CI (two-way), and/or CI Age, CI Age2 and CI Age3 (three-way) in the model at IQhigh JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 (IQ ¼ 116.5) and IQlow (IQ ¼ 85.5). Except for the first age-only step, all models controlled for race, test age, and SES. RESULTS Modeling the Age–Crime Curve Results of the GEE model with age (without any covariates) predicting probability of being arrested are reported in Table 1. Age (positive), age squared (negative), and age cubed (positive) were significant for any charge, theft, or violence charges. As expected, the probability of being arrested increased, followed by a decrease, which then stabilized during adulthood. Effects of Cognitive Functioning on the Age–Crime Curve Second, CI was added to the models with age, age2, and age3 (Table 1), while controlling for race, SES, and test age. Results showed that CI significantly and positively predicted the probability of being arrested for any charge and violence, but not for theft. The interaction between CI and the three age variables was also significant for total arrests, and a trend was found for theft. Figure 1a depicts the estimated total age–arrest curve for boys with high (þ1 SD) and low (–1 SD) CI scores, showing that high CI boys had a higher probability not only of being arrested across the whole age range, but also a stronger increase in adolescence, a decrease in late adolescence/early adulthood, and a small increase again around age 26–28 that was not observed in the low CI group. Models examining the effect of IQ on criminal charge outcomes are presented in Table 1. IQ significantly and negatively predicted the probability of being arrested for any charge, theft, and violent offences, implying a higher probability for low IQ boys across time compared to high IQ boys. However, there was a significant interaction between IQ and all three age variables in predicting any criminal charge. To elucidate this finding, the estimated criminal charge probabilities were plotted for boys with high (þ1 SD) and low (1 SD) IQ (Figure 1b). Similar to findings with CI, the arrest probability of the boys with a lower IQ increased more rapidly in adolescence, followed by a sharper decrease in late adolescence/early adulthood, as compared with that in boys with a higher IQ, and boys with a lower IQ, but not those with a higher IQ, showed a slight increase in their late 20s. 1142 LOEBER et al. 1143 TABLE 1 Cognitive Impulsivity (CI) and IQ as Predictors of the Age–Arrest Curve (Total, Theft, and Violence) From Age 11 to 28 Years Total JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 Age effects (no covariates) Age Age2 Age3 CI Step 2.1 Age Age2 Age3 CI Step 2.2 CI Age CI Age2 CI Age3 IQ Step 3.1 Age Age2 Age3 IQ Step 3.2 IQ Age IQ Age2 IQ Age3 CI and IQ Step 4.1 Age Age2 Age3 CI IQ Step 4.2 CI Age CI Age2 CI Age3 IQ Age IQ Age2 IQ Age3 Note: OR ¼ odds ratio. *p o .05; **p o .01; yp o .10. Theft Violence B SE z OR B SE z OR B SE z OR 3.885 0.185 0.0028 0.390 0.020 0.0003 9.96** 9.19** 8.27** 48.668 0.831 1.0028 4.202 0.211 0.0033 0.544 0.029 0.0005 7.72** 7.36** 6.77** 66.807 0.809 1.0033 2.870 0.129 0.0018 0.588 0.031 0.0005 4.88** 4.20** 3.45** 17.633 0.879 1.0018 4.139 0.198 0.0030 0.155 0.408 0.021 0.0004 0.070 10.2** 9.37** 8.45** 2.23* 62.721 0.821 1.0030 1.168 4.298 0.216 0.0034 0.098 0.558 0.029 0.0005 0.080 7.71** 7.36** 6.77** 1.23 73.575 0.805 1.0034 1.103 2.940 0.132 0.0018 0.177 0.596 0.031 0.0005 0.079 4.93** 4.25** 3.50** 2.23* 18.917 0.876 1.0019 1.194 0.817 0.043 0.0007 0.367 0.019 0.0003 2.23* 2.28* 2.32* 2.263 0.958 1.0007 0.813 0.043 0.0007 0.439 0.023 0.0004 1.85y 1.89y 1.93y 2.254 0.958 1.0007 0.217 0.010 0.0001 0.499 0.027 0.0005 0.43 0.37 0.29 4.160 0.199 0.0030 0.375 0.410 0.021 0.0004 0.081 10.1** 9.36** 8.45** 4.63** 64.101 0.820 1.0030 0.687 4.315 0.217 0.0034 0.406 0.559 0.029 0.0005 0.105 7.72** 7.37** 6.78** 3.85** 74.786 0.805 1.0034 0.666 2.941 0.132 0.0018 -0.420 0.598 0.031 0.0005 0.097 4.91** 4.23** 3.49** 4.35** 1.113 0.055 0.0009 0.422 0.022 0.0004 2.64** 2.47* 2.29* 0.329 1.056 0.9991 0.388 0.016 0.0002 0.588 0.032 0.0006 0.66 0.50 0.40 0.679 1.016 0.9998 0.538 0.022 0.0003 0.601 0.032 0.0005 0.89 0.70 0.52 4.165 0.199 0.0030 0.060 0.346 0.411 0.021 0.0004 0.065 0.088 10.1** 9.37** 8.45** 0.93 3.91** 64.406 0.820 1.0030 1.062 0.708 4.314 0.217 0.0034 0.007 0.410 0.559 0.030 0.0005 0.078 0.114 7.71** 7.36** 6.78** 0.09 3.60** 74.767 0.805 1.0034 0.993 0.664 2.946 0.133 0.0019 0.092 0.374 0.598 0.031 0.0005 0.075 0.105 4.92** 4.24** 3.49** 1.22 3.56** 0.423 0.025 0.0005 0.881 0.041 0.0006 0.408 0.021 0.0004 0.467 0.025 0.0004 1.04 1.18 1.31 1.89y 1.67y 1.46 1.526 0.976 1.0005 0.414 1.042 0.9994 0.932 0.053 0.0009 0.157 0.015 0.0003 0.537 0.028 0.0005 0.663 0.035 0.0006 1.74y 1.87y 1.99* 0.24 0.42 0.54 2.541 0.949 1.0009 1.170 0.985 1.0003 -0.533 0.023 0.0003 0.840 0.035 0.0005 0.581 0.031 0.0005 0.647 0.034 0.0006 0.92 0.75 0.59 1.30 1.04 0.79 0.805 1.010 0.9999 18.934 0.876 1.0019 0.657 0.584 1.023 0.9997 19.038 0.876 1.0019 1.096 0.688 0.587 1.024 0.9997 0.432 1.036 0.9995 FINDINGS FROM THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY FIGURE 1 (a) Estimated age–arrest curve (probability of being arrested between age 11 to 28) for any charge for high cognitive impulsivity (CI) (mean þ SD) vs. low CI (mean – SD), controlled for race, socio-economic status, and test age. (b) Estimated age–arrest curve for any charge for high IQ (mean þ SD) vs. low IQ (mean – SD). a 0.70 Probability arrested (total) 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -0.10 Age CIhigh (M+SD) Probability arrested (total) b CIlow (M-SD) charge, and a trend for violence (Table 2). Subsequently, the significant three-way interaction terms were probed by estimating the effects of CI Age, CI Age2, and CI Age3 in the IQhigh model (E 116.5), and IQlow model (E 85.5). For any charge, results showed that the three CI Age interactions were significant in the IQhigh model, but not in the IQlow model. Closer examination of the three CI Age interactions indicated that these terms reached significance for those boys whose IQs were above 97. Thus, there was a stronger increase, peak, and decrease in the age– arrest curve for boys with higher CI scores as compared to lower CI scores, but only for those with IQ scores higher than 97. Figure 2 depicts the influence of CI on the age–crime curve for boys with low IQ and high IQ boys. For violence, the CI Age interactions did not reach significance with both IQhigh and IQlow in the model. 0.70 DISCUSSION 0.60 Consistent with previous studies on the age– crime curve, the proportion of boys in the overall sample who had been charged with a crime rapidly increased from early to middle adolescence, then precipitously decreased during the transition from middle adolescence to early adulthood, with this decline beginning to asymptote toward the late 20s.4 Both IQ and cognitive impulsivity in early adolescence predicted individual variability within the overall shape of the age–crime curve, particularly when these neuropsychological factors were examined in separate models. Specifically, both low IQ and high cognitive impulsivity were associated with a more rapid acceleration in criminal behavior across middle adolescence, as well as a more rapid decline in delinquency into late adolescence/ early adulthood. Even after controlling for cooccurring cognitive impulsivity, low IQ was associated with an increased probability of being charged with a crime from adolescence through early adulthood. In contrast, cognitive impulsivity only affected the shape of the age–crime curve for boys with relatively high levels of intelligence. These findings could not be accounted for by the potential confounds of race and socio-economic status. The association between cognitive impulsivity and criminal behavior from adolescence into early adulthood in the study was complex, as it was moderated by both age and IQ. For boys with high 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Age IQlow (M-SD) IQhigh (M+SD) When CI and IQ were jointly entered into a single model, only IQ remained a significant predictor of all offense types. Regarding the three-way interactions with age, a trend was found for CI and the age variables as predictors of theft (note that Age3 CI significantly predicted theft in Step 4.2 in Table 1), as well as for IQ and age and IQ and age2 as predictors of any charge. Interaction Effects Between CI, IQ, and Age Fifth, interaction terms between CI and IQ were calculated and added to the models, together with the standardized main effects of CI and IQ, and controls (Table 2). The interaction terms between CI and IQ did not reach significance for any of the outcomes (any charge, theft, or violence). However, the three-way interactions between CI, IQ and age/age2/age3 were significant for any JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 1144 LOEBER et al. 1145 TABLE 2 Interaction Effects Between Cognitive Impulsivity (CI), IQ, and Age Any Charge B JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 CI IQ CI IQ CI IQ CI IQ Age Age Age2 Age3 CI IQ CI IQ CI Age CI Age2 CI Age3 IQ Age IQ Age2 IQ Age3 CI IQ Age CI IQ Age2 CI IQ Age3 SE z 0.139 0.336 0.106 0.080 0.091 0.066 1.75 3.70 1.61 4.139 0.199 0.0030 6.479 5.123 5.957 1.153 0.064 0.0011 0.803 0.037 0.0005 1.022 0.054 0.0009 0.446 0.023 0.0004 3.453 2.854 2.752 0.556 0.029 0.0005 0.466 0.024 0.0004 0.449 0.023 0.0004 9.27** 8.60** 7.80** 1.88y 1.79y 2.16* 2.07* 2.21* 2.32* 1.72y 1.52 1.30 2.27* 2.31* 2.30* Note: OR ¼ odds ratio. *p o .05; **p o .01; yp o .10. Theft OR 1.149 0.715 1.112 62.73 0.820 1.003 0.002 167.9 3.168 0.938 1.001 0.448 1.038 0.999 0.003 2.778 0.947 1.001 B SE Violence z 0.085 0.404 0.110 0.112 0.121 0.101 0.76 3.35 1.09 4.437 0.225 0.0036 8.394 0.588 3.765 1.475 0.080 0.0014 0.191 0.017 0.0004 0.654 0.034 0.0005 0.671 0.035 0.0006 4.542 4.114 3.497 0.739 0.039 0.0007 0.675 0.036 0.0006 0.570 0.030 0.0005 6.62** 6.37** 5.91** 1.85y 0.14 1.08 2.00* 2.07* 2.09* 0.28 0.48 0.61 1.15 1.14 1.07 OR 1.089 0.668 1.116 84.51 0.798 1.004 0.000 0.555 4.370 0.923 1.001 1.210 0.983 1.000 0.023 1.924 0.967 1.001 B SE z 0.144 0.373 0.062 0.093 0.107 0.076 1.54 3.50 0.81 3.062 0.141 0.0020 0.571 5.687 5.195 0.266 0.021 0.0005 0.828 0.035 0.0004 0.946 0.052 0.0009 0.635 0.033 0.0006 4.043 4.115 2.967 0.671 0.036 0.0006 0.661 0.035 0.0006 0.494 0.027 0.0005 4.82** 4.26** 3.62** 0.14 1.38 1.75 0.40 0.58 0.73 1.25 1.01 0.75 1.91y 1.97* 1.96y OR 1.155 0.688 1.064 21.37 0.868 1.002 0.565 295.1 1.304 0.979 1.000 0.437 1.035 1.000 0.006 2.575 0.949 1.001 FINDINGS FROM THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY FIGURE 2 (a) Estimated probability of arrest curve (any charge) for high (mean þ SD) vs. low (mean – SD) cognitive impulsivity (CI) in boys with a low IQ (mean – SD) as a function of age. (b) Estimated age–arrest curve (any charge) for high (mean þ SD) vs. low (mean – SD) CI in boys with a high IQ (mean þ SD). Probability arrested (total) a 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Age CIhigh Probability arrested (total) b CIlow 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Age CIhigh CIlow IQ, cognitive impulsivity was associated with a greater escalation in the prevalence of offending during early adolescence, followed by a more rapid decline in offending as boys entered early adulthood. Following this decline, higher cognitive impulsivity was associated with a slight increase in criminal offending during the late 20s, but only for boys with a high IQ. In fact, there was no evidence that cognitive impulsivity independently influenced criminal offending at any developmental period for boys with low IQ. However, the age–arrest curve is substantially higher in low IQ boys, regardless of the level of CI. Although previous studies have reported that poor performance on cognitive impulsivity tasks is associated with later increases in conduct problems in youth even after controlling for IQ,34,64,65 none of these studies tested the interaction between these two neurocognitive factors JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 in predicting future criminal behavior. Consistent with the current findings, some cross-sectional evidence does suggest that self-regulation abilities are associated with increased aggressive behaviors for boys with high verbal IQ, but not for those with low IQ.66 Although some studies have found that having a high IQ may protect boys with multiple risk factors from becoming involved in crime,67 this may be strongest for boys with low levels of cognitive impulsivity. The findings suggest that there may be a subset of cognitively impulsive boys who have a circumscribed and subtle neurobiological vulnerability for engaging in criminal behavior that is not adequately captured by traditional intelligence tests. In contrast, the criminal offending of boys with low IQ was not significantly influenced by individual differences in cognitive impulsivity. The overall findings indicate that low intellectual functioning and cognitive impulsivity have the greatest negative impact on criminal behavior during middle adolescence, when the overall base rate of offending is relatively high. During the transition from middle adolescence to early adulthood, the proportion of boys who continued to be charged with a crime in any given year declines dramatically, with this decline being somewhat more pronounced in boys with low intelligence (regardless of their cognitive impulsivity level), and in boys with high IQ and high cognitive impulsivity. As a result, by the late 20s there is little difference in the prevalence of offending between boys with high versus low intellectual and cognitive problems in early adolescence. Several other studies have found that poor neurocognitive test performance is associated with the early onset and escalation of criminal behavior over time, but does not explain why a relatively small portion of adolescents continue offending into adulthood.68,8,69 It is possible that neurodevelopmental maturation may contribute to the lack of a strong link between neurocognitive test performance and persistent criminal behavior. It is well documented that dramatic developmental changes in brain structure and function occur during adolescence, including significant increases in axon myelenation, decreases in cortical and subcorticol gray matter, and functional changes in the prefrontal neural networks subserving cognitive control abilities.70 It is also possible that a significant proportion of boys who were cognitively impulsive in early adolescence experienced significant maturational changes in brain morphology 1146 LOEBER et al. and function over time, which served to improve their cognitive control abilities and decreased their criminal behavior. The current findings regarding the association between neurocognitive abilities and trajectories of different types of offending (i.e., theft, violence) contrasts somewhat with a previously published longitudinal study in the area.39 Although both studies found that measures of higher cognitive impulsivity and lower IQ were related to higher levels of violence over time, the findings for theft were in opposing directions. Specifically, Barker et al.39 found that better performance on IQ and cognitive control tasks was associated with an increased risk of engaging in theft from adolescence to adulthood. This discrepancy may have resulted from several methodological differences between the two samples. Specifically, the prior study consisted of assessments that occurred every 3 years over with a more limited age range (i.e., 12–24 years), and assessed cognitive abilities in late adolescence and early adulthood (i.e., 18–24 years). This study also reported on the association between neurocognitive test performance and theft after controlling for co-occurring violent behavior.39 Finally, self-report measures were used to assess violence and theft, rather than official record data. It is possible that males with lower cognitive abilities are less cunning when stealing from others, increasing the likelihood that their thefts will be detected by the police, even though they are less likely to report stealing. However, other research has found that lower IQ is associated with increased levels of self-reported stealing in adolescents,71 and lower IQ has not been associated with an increased risk for being arrested in delinquent adolescents.72 The study had several limitations. First, it focused on an enriched sample of urban males and it remains unclear whether the findings will apply to all males or will translate to females. In addition, the assessment of neuropsychological functioning took place at a single time point in early adolescence, preventing us from investigating the influence of cognitive factors on later criminal behavior changes across development. It also made it impossible to determine whether significant changes in cognitive abilities occur across time for some adolescents and parallel fluctuations in criminal behavior. Similarly, cognitive impulsivity was measured using a limited number of executive function tasks that are considered indirect and relatively crude indicators of neural functioning. The subtle neurological deficits in cognitive control that underlie persistent criminal behavior may not be adequately assessed using these behavioral methods, and more sophisticated neuroimaging techniques design to explicitly asses the functional integrity of the neural networks subserving cognitive control may demonstrate greater utility in predicting future criminal behavior. Similarly, there is an ongoing debate about whether cognitive impulsivity is best conceptualized as a unidimensional construct as was done in the current study, or a set of distinct, yet related, cognitive processes that have unique developmental outcomes.73 It is possible that certain forms of cognitive impulsivity may be more strongly related to violent behavior than theft. For example, youth who have particular problems with cognitive impulsivity when affectively aroused may be particularly prone to engage in violent behaviors. Finally, the current study did not examine the potential environmental factors that may lead to poorer neuropsychological functioning in boys, such as a lack of adults teaching children and adolescents to control their impulses. A further examination of these factors could be used to develop preventative interventions for boys exhibiting early features of cognitively impulsivity. Although the overall elevated arrest rate of boys who had high cognitive impulsivity or low IQ is consistent with prior literature, we did not expect that these boys would show more rapid desistence in our police arrest data during their late teens and early 20s. Prior theory has implicated neurodevelopmental difficulties such as low intelligence and poor impulse control in the persistence of crime beyond the adolescent period.27,30 However, as young adulthood is the peak age for incarceration, individuals who offend at a high rate as adolescents are particularly likely to become incarcerated, and incarceration precludes further arrest for a period of time. As such, it has been observed that research into the age–crime curve is enhanced if it is possible to compare periods of ‘‘street time’’ versus ‘‘jail time’’ in timevarying models.74 One possibility that we were unable to rule out is that some males in the Pittsburgh Study cohort who scored low on IQ and high on cognitive impulsivity spent more time behind bars during our period of arrest observation. If so, this could have generated the appearance that they had desisted from crime, as indicated by arrest records. Unfortunately, we did JOURNAL 1147 OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 FINDINGS FROM THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY not have information on the length of incarceration for participants in the study, so we were unable to rule out this possibility. & Accepted August 23, 2012. Drs. Loeber, Stouthamer-Loeber, and Pardini, and Ms. Stallings are with the University of Pittsburgh. Ms. Menting is with Vrije University, Amsterdam. Dr. Lynam is with Purdue University. Dr. Moffitt is with Duke University. Dr. Farrington is with the University of Cambridge. This article is part of a special series on recent findings and progress in the fields of birth cohort and longitudinal studies of child and adolescent psychopathology. This special series is intended to showcase some of the most important new findings and promising leads in the study of developmental psychopathology over time, and to demonstrate the Journal’s renewed commitment to publishing the highest quality articles on the topic. Each article is in part a review of the most important findings to date from the study and in part original research to allow readers to learn about a new research finding with a more complete context of the study than is usually possible. Research for this paper was supported by grants from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Disclosure: Drs. Loeber, Lynam, Moffitt, Southamer-Loeber, Farrington, and Pardini, and Ms. Menting and Ms. Stallings report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest. This article will be discussed in an editorial by Drs. James J. Hudziak and Douglas K. Novins in an upcoming issue. Correspondence to Rolf Loeber, Ph.D., 201 N. Craig Street, Sterling Plaza, Suite 408, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; e-mail: 0890-8567/$36.00/C 2012 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry REFERENCES 1. Boots DP. Mental Health and Violent Youth: a Developmental/ Lifecourse Perspective. New York, NY: LFB Scholarly Publishing; 2008. 2. Loeber R, Farrington DP. Young Homicide Offenders and Victims: Development, Risk Factors and Prediction from Childhood. New York, NY: Springer; 2011. 3. Loeber R, Farrington DP, Stouthamer-Loeber M, Van Kammen WB. Antisocial Behavior and Mental Health Problems: Explanatory Factors in Childhood and Adolescence. 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