Citizenship Lesson Guidebook - Literacy Mid

 The Citizenship Lesson Guidebook was developed for tutors working with low-literate students studying
to prepare for the U.S. naturalization test. It was designed by Alan Sefton, a Literacy Mid-South tutor,
with the help of Philip McDermott, an AmeriCorps*VISTA. Many ESL students that are eager to
demonstrate their commitment to our country through citizenship are beginning level students, but study
for citizenship test preparation is designed for students at higher levels.
The desire for citizenship can often be a primary goal when ESL students enroll in a class or seek
tutoring. Research shows that persistence for adults in education begins with goal setting and students
being matched with instruction to meet their needs. The lessons presented in this guidebook allow the
beginning student to study with a civics focus and prepare for the citizenship exam.
The lesson outlines can be used in one-on-one tutoring or small group settings. The rate of progression
may be varied according to your student, and the lesson outlines can extend over several sessions where
needed. An excellent resource list can be found at the end of the guidebook.
It is the desire of Literacy Mid-South that students become literate and have a passion for life-long
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Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 1 Preface/Introduction
This Citizenship Lesson Guidebook was developed to explain and provide comprehensive and
informative resources for Literacy Mid-South Tutors dedicated to helping our non-native
English-speaking Students become American citizens!
The majority of the materials will be available through the teacher resource links on:
the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services homepage
USCIS Teacher Lesson Plans and Activities-Beginner Level
Preparing for the Oath - US History and Civics for Citizenship
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 2 Teacher’s List of Necessary Materials
1. Computer Access–All Lessons
2. Pledge of Allegiance Handout/Poster–Various Lessons
3. 100 Questions–All Lessons
4. United States Calendar/Pictures/ Holidays–Lesson 3
5. Patriotic Song Lyrics–Lesson 3
6. USCIS Video –“A Promise of Freedom”, Lesson 7, Various Lessons
7. Maps–US Colonies/Civil War/Louisiana Purchase–Lesson 11
8. WW I/WW II Background–Lesson 12
9. Cold War / MLK JR/ Civil Rights–Lesson 13
10. YouTube Video – Mock Interview–Lesson 14
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 3 Citizenship Lesson Guidebook
By Alan Sefton with Help from Philip McDermott
Lesson 1
Objective: Student and Tutor will get to know each other and discuss US Flag and symbols. In
addition, Tutor will cover some rights and responsibilities of a United States citizen.
1. Student and Tutor will each make a name tent to introduce persons. Tutor should provide
paper and folder for Resources –10 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will interview each other about countries of origin, and put a pin on an
Interactive World Map to indicate where each was born –10 minutes
3. Tutor briefly covers main topics for the course, from major symbols (American flag,
Liberty Bell, etc.) and holidays (Veterans Day, Memorial Day, etc.) to geography
(directions, important cities/locations) and politics (Branches of Government) – 10
4. After introducing and utilizing brainstorming and associative mapping, Student and Tutor
will cover what US citizenship means, including definitions and responsibilities –10
5. Student and Tutor will receive background information about the Pledge of Allegiance
including significance and meaning. Student and Tutor will write down and then recite
the Pledge of Allegiance together. USCIS Celebration Resources –15 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will discuss major symbols of the United States, including the United
States Flag, the Statue of Liberty, the Seal and Eagle, etc. Major United States Symbols –
15 minutes
7. Student and Tutor will learn about rights and responsibilities of citizenship through
brainstorming and then surveying the questions and answers to #49-52 of the Civics
Questions for the Naturalization Test. Check out Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
and The People's Almanac –10 minutes
Resources: Text and vocabulary (Flashcards) to the Pledge of Allegiance United States
Symbols and Celebrations
100 Questions: #49, 50, 51, 52
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 4 Lesson 2
Objective: Student and Tutor will review materials from Lesson 1, and become more familiar
with major United State places and locations.
1. Student and Tutor will orally review Pledge of Allegiance and repeat it after Tutor United
States Symbols and Celebrations –10 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will orally review essential meaning of symbols, including the US
Flag, Statue of Liberty, and Seal, etc. Major United States Symbols –15 minutes
3. Review Lesson One’s content on the difference between rights and responsibilities of US
citizens. Examples include: freedom to worship, to bear arms, right to vote, and
responsibility to be on a jury – 10 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will discuss where they have been in the United States – 10 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will look Blank United States Map and filled in map focusing on
important geographic characteristics (California is close to Mexico; Alaska is United
State’s largest state; Mississippi River’s importance) - 30 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will discuss directions and map-reading. Tutor can help Student find
known islands, American territories and Native American tribal locations - 15 minutes
Resources: Handouts
100 Questions: #88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 5 Lesson 3
Objective: Student and Tutor will discuss major United State holidays, and learn about US
History through currency.
1. Student and Tutor will discuss major holidays and calendar items in his or her country of
origin United States Holiday Traditions –10 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will learn about terms and major features of United States’ calendar
(Days of the Week, Sun-Sat format, etc.) Gregorian Calendar –10 minutes
3. Student and Tutor will make list of major United States holidays, and then match each
holiday with Holiday Pictures – 15 minutes
4. After brainstorming together, Student and Tutor will discuss traditions around each major
US holiday and how different cultures might celebrate each occasion –10 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will discuss major Patriotic Songs (Star-Spangled Banner, America
the Beautiful, God Bless America, etc.) Discussion will include appropriate singing
occasions and lyrics –15 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will study how American currency has changed throughout history, as
well as introducing physical currency used today in the USA. Video on US Currency ,
US Currency History
Extra: Students can bring their own country’s currency, if they want -10 minutes
7. Student and Tutor will discuss three new things each has learned during this course –10
8. Student and Tutor will orally review the Pledge of Allegiance, using US Symbols and
Celebrations –5 minutes
Resources: United States Federal Holidays; Blank Calendar; Patriotic Songs Lyrics
100 Questions—#98, 99, 100
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 6 Lesson 4
Objective: Introduce Student and Tutor to the original 13 colonies and evolving United States
1. Student and Tutor and tutor will orally review United States geography and directions,
and practice on a map Map of United States –10 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will succinctly review and define American colonization, beginning
with initial interaction with Native Americans, and why the original colonists left
England –30 minutes Colonial America Overview, Review American Colonies
Dictionary, Thesaurus
3. Student and Tutor will orally review the connection between the original 13 colonies and
13 stripes on the original US Flag –10 minutes United States Flag Symbolism
4. Student and Tutor will be given Resources and discuss dates founded, and terms such as
Puritans, Pilgrims, founded, banished, colony, and haven –30 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will orally recite Pledge of Allegiance – 5 minutes
Resources: Chart with 13 colonies, dates founded, and by whom
100 Questions: #58, 59, 64
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 7 Lesson 5
Objective: Student and Tutor will learn about the American Revolution and the Declaration of
1. Student and Tutor will review Colonization and the settling of original Thirteen Colonies
- 20 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will gain a better understanding of taxation and events leading up to
American Revolution. Tutor will provide important context for events leading to the
American Revolution - 30 minutes
3. Student and Tutor will learn about the Declaration of Independence. Eduplace
Declaration of Independence Lesson, Fascinating Facts of the Declaration of
Independence - 20 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will discuss the importance of the Battles of Yorktown and Camden,
followed by viewing scenes from Patriot movie Battle of Camden; Militia at Church
Scene Yorktown scenes Yorktown Scene, Battle of Yorktown Speech,
Yorktown Resource -15 minutes
5. Student and tutor will stand and repeat Pledge of Allegiance, after the tutor US Symbols
and Celebrations – 5 minutes
Resources: US Constitution timeline United States Constitution Timeline and/or US
Constitution Timeline Resource
100 Questions—#61, 62, 63
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 8 Lesson 6
Objective: Student and Tutor will cover the forming of the United States through the
Constitution and founding fathers.
1. Review Declaration of Independence, 1776, Philadelphia, and Thomas Jefferson
Eduplace Declaration of Independence Lesson, Fascinating Fact of the Declaration of
Independence –15 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will cover the United States Constitution, including the Preamble,
Seven Articles and Bill of Rights (Amendments #1-10) Summary of United States
Constitution – 25 minutes
3. Student and Tutor will watch Preamble Video from School House Rock and have a brief
discussion about it –10 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will gain knowledge about the Federalist Papers, including who wrote
them; why; and their importance – 10 minutes
5. Student and tutor will discuss the Founding Fathers – 10 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will learn about other early famous leaders – 10 minutes
American Revolution Terms, American Revolution Flashcards, Colonial America: From
Jamestown to Freedom
7. Founding Fathers matching game, pairing up pictures and accomplishments – 15 minutes
Name That Founding Father Game, Founding Fathers Matching Game
Resources: Teacher’s discretion based upon Student and Tutor’s ability and progress
100 Questions: #1-9; #65-70
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 9 Lesson 7
Objective: Student and Tutor will review previous lessons materials and begin topic of American
System of Government.
1. Review materials from previous lessons–20 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will watch video from USCIS , “A Promise of Freedom” – 12 minutes
3. Tutor-led discussion about the video–5-10 minutes
4. Discussion about the 3 Branches of Government–Legislative, Judicial, and Executive.
Student and Tutor will learn about Checks and Balances, also known as Separation of
Powers – 25 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will go over the election process for the President of the United States
Electing President Video
Electoral Process Lesson Plan, Election Resources for Teachers – 15 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will stand and repeat pledge of Allegiance – 10 minutes
Resources: Videos; online Checks and Balances presentation; PDFs
100 Questions: #13, 14, 19, 26, 27
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 10 Lesson 8
Objective: Student and Tutor will further cover US System of Government, and gain knowledge
specifically about the Judicial and Executive branches.
1. Student and Tutor will review materials on the Separation of Powers , checks and
balances, and the three branches of Government –15 minutes
2. Utilize game(s) to help review the 3 branches of government Three Branches of
Government Quiz; Truman Whistle stop Lesson Plans on the Legislative (16.pdf),
Executive/President (17.pdf) & Judicial Branch (23.pdf) (Requires up-to-date Adobe
Shockwave Player), as well as PBS Three Branches Game –15 minutes
3. Student and Tutor will review materials on the US Presidential Election process Electing
President Video, Electoral Process Lesson Plan, and Election Resources for Teachers
4. Student and Tutor will cover President and Cabinet – 15 minutes
Cabinet Resource
5. Student and Tutor will use lesson plans to distinguish between the members of the
Executive and Judicial Branches of Government – 20 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will stand and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance – 10 minutes
Resources: Truman Library Whistle stop lesson plans #16, 17 & 23 on the Legislative,
Executive/President (#17) & Judicial Branch #23; USCIS Civics Flash Cards
100 Questions–Executive: #28-32; 35, 36, 45, 46; Judicial: #37, 38, 39, 40
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 11 Lesson 9
Objective: Student and Tutor will discuss US Congress, the election of its members, and how a
law is made.
1. Student and Tutor will review separation of powers and three branches of government
Separation of Powers –15 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will discuss the Legislative Branch Lesson Plan, including numerical
representation within the House of Representatives and Senate; term lengths; and election
process - 30 minutes
3. Student and Tutor will discuss the entire law-making process, including nomination,
passage through Congress, to signing or veto by President; and Congress’s ability to
overriding a President’s veto Congress Making Laws, Making Rules, YouTube Video –
20 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will watch the Bill Video from School House Rock Election Collection
and then have a discussion –10 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will review questions using USCIS Civics Flash Cards and Civics
Questions for the Naturalization Test – 20 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will stand and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance – 5 to 10 minutes
Resources: How a Bill Becomes Law Diagram
100 Questions: #16-25; 33, 34, 47
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 12 Lesson 10
Objective: Student and Tutor will gain knowledge about state and Federal rights, rights and
responsibilities of citizenship, and begin review of USCIS 100 questions.
1. Student and Tutor will review Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship –10 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will review government material from previous lessons – 30 minutes
a. Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances.
b. Election of President Electing President Video, Electoral Process Lesson Plan,
Election Resources for Teachers
c. How Congress makes laws Congress Making Laws, Making Rules, YouTube Video
3. Student and Tutor will brainstorm at table a list of State and Federal Rights ; Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities – 10 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will discuss members of Congress from Tennessee, and also the name
of Tennessee’s Governor Tennessee Elected Officials – 10 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will review answers to USCIS questions #10, 11, 12 Civics Questions
for the Naturalization Test – 5 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will answer USCIS questions – 30 minutes Civics Flash Cards
Resources: Current Members of Congress from Tennessee
100 Questions
1. State and Federal Rights - 41, 42, 43, 44
2. Rights and Responsibilities - 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
3. Other Questions – 10 (Freedom of Religion), 11, 12
Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 13 Lesson 11
Objective: Student and Tutor will create an overview of 1800’s American History from
Louisiana Purchase through the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln’s assassination.
1. Student and Tutor will review American Revolution material, colonization and introduce
Western Expansion – 20 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will discuss the Louisiana Purchase , Territorial Acquisitions Resource
– 10 minutes
3. Student and Tutor quickly review the Civil War, and Lincoln’s Assassination Wars of
1800s and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test – 20 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will view scenes from Gone with the Wind and Glory meant to offer
context, particularly on Southern plantation life (Gone With Wind Opening Scenes) vs.
Glory Scene Civil War Battlefield - 10 minutes
5. Student and Tutor will create a Human Timeline, during Civil War America, by using
cards with major events and dates (Civics Flash Cards) – 10 minutes
6. Student and Tutor will review USCIS Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test (#7176), and information from previous lessons – 20 minutes
Resources: Louisiana Purchase, Territorial Acquisitions Resource
100 Questions: #71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the
Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 14 Lesson 12
Objective: Tutor will provide Student with an overview of the Suffrage Movement, World War I,
and World War II.
1. Student and Tutor will review Louisiana Purchase/Civil War material, verbally and in
written form (if necessary) –15 minutes
2. Student and Tutor will become familiar with Susan B. Anthony and the Women’s
Suffrage Movement – 15 minutes Susan B Anthony Biography, Suffrage Timeline ,
Votes for Women Image
3. Student and Tutor will review Key Events of World War I, including Armistice Day, or
Veterans Day History – 15 to 20 minutes World War I Timeline, , Veterans Day
4. Student and tutor will discuss World War II and its global impact – 15 minutes World
War II Effects , World War II Causes and Impacts
5. Student and Tutor will review USCIS questions #1-50, using website audio and
flashcards – 20 Minutes 100 Civics Questions and Answers with MP3 Audio
6. Student and Tutor will stand and repeat Pledge of Allegiance–5 minutes
USCIS Citizenship Resource Center Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test and
Smithsonian Institute, The 1900s
100 Questions #77-82 Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 15 Lesson 13
Objective: Student and Tutor will gain knowledge about the Cold War, Civil Rights Movement,
and the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on World Trade Center buildings.
7. Student and Tutor will review the Women’s Suffrage Timeline ; Key Events of World
War I and World War I Timeline. Student and Tutor will review World War II and its
global impact World War II Effects , World War II Causes and Impacts –20 minutes
1. Student and Tutor will receive information on the Cold War – 5 minutes
Cold War Resource
2. Student and Tutor will discuss the Civil Rights Movement – 10 minutes Civil Rights
Lesson Plan, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day Resource
3. Student and Tutor will watch and discuss a video scene (The Movement Begins) from Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr: A Historical Perspective (Show the first two or three minutes
only, to offer context) - 10 minutes
4. Student and Tutor will listen to Short Version " I Have a Dream" Speech Video by Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. and I Have A Dream Background Resource - 15 minutes overall
5. Student and Tutor will discuss Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack - 5 minutes September 11
Resources, September 11 Timeline, September 11 History
6. Student and tutor will review USCIS questions #51-100 – 20 minutes, 100 Civics
Questions and Answers with MP3 Audio
Resources: Websites, documents and videos on the Cold War; the Civil Rights Movement;
Holidays (Memorial Day, MLK Jr. Day); and September 11, 2001
USCIS Citizenship Resource Center Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test and
Smithsonian Institute (Themes: The 1900s and National Holidays)
100 Questions: #82-86 Civics Flash Cards and Civics Questions for the Naturalization Test
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 16 Lesson 14
Objective: Student and Tutor will become familiar with skills necessary for successful USCIS
interview, and have a chance to practice these skills in a mock interview setting.
1. Student and Tutor will receive information on Interview Related Skills–20 minutes
USCIS Study Aids, USCIS Interview Video
2. Student and Tutor will view You Tube’s USCIS Interview Video - 20 minute
Student and Tutor will participate in practice interviews, based on USCIS interview
study and plans (videos, documents, etc.) – 35 minutes USCIS Study Aids, USCIS
Interview Video
4. Student and Tutor will stand and repeat Pledge of Allegiance – 5 minutes
USCIS Teacher Lesson Plans and Activities-Beginner Level
Preparing for the Oath - US History and Civics for Citizenship
100 Questions: None
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 17 Citizenship Resources List
American Revolution. Web.
American Revolution Flashcards. Web.
American Revolution Terms. Web.
Battle of Yorktown Speech. Web.
Ben’s Guide. Web.
Blank United States Map. Web.
Brainstorming. Web. engagement/images/idea.jpeg
Cabinet Resource. Web.
Civil Rights Lesson Plan. Web.
Civil Rights Timeline. Web.
Cold War. Web.
Cold War Resource. Web.
Colonial America: From Jamestown to Freedom. Web.
Colonial America Overview. Web.
Colonial Resources. Web.
Congress Making Laws. Web.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 18 Current Members Congress from Tennessee. Web.
Dictionary. Web.
EduPlace Declaration of Independence Lesson. Web.
Electing President Video. Web.
Election Resource for Teachers. Web.
Electoral Process Lesson Plan. Web.
El Civics. Web.
Fascinating Facts Declaration of Independence. Web.
Federalist Papers. Web.
Filled In Map. Web.
Founding Fathers. Web.
Founding Fathers Matching Game.
Glory. Civil War Battlefield Scene. Web.
Gone With the Wind. Opening Credits. Web.
Gregorian Calendar. Web.
Holiday Pictures. Web.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 19 House of Representatives. Web.
How a Bill Becomes Law Diagram. Web.
Interactive World Map. Web.
Key Events World War I. Web.
Louisiana Purchase. Web.
Louisiana Purchase. Web.
Louisiana Purchase. LSU. Web.
Major United States Holidays. Web.
Major United States Symbols. Web.
Making Rules. Web.
Map of United States. Web.
Martin Luther King, Jr: A Historical Perspective. Web.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Resource. Web.
Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have a Dream. Web.
Martin Luther King Jr. I Have A Dream. Web.
Name That Founding Father Game. Web.
PBS Three Branches Game. Web.
Pledge of Allegiance. Web.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 20 Preparing For the Oath. Web.
President Cabinet. Web.
Review American Colonies. Web.
School House Rock. Bill Video. Web.
School House Rock. Preamble Video. Web.
Separation of Powers. Web.
September Eleven History. Web.
September Eleven Resources. Web.
September Eleven Timeline. Web.
Smithsonian Institute. Web.
State and Federal Rights. Web.
Statue of Liberty. Web.
Suffrage Timeline. Web.
Summary of United States Constitution. Web.
Susan B Anthony Biography. Web.
Tennessee Elected Officials. Web.
Territorial Acquisitions Resource. Web.
The Patriot. Web. Battle of Camden.
---. Militia Recruited In Church.
---. Yorktown.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 21 Thesaurus. Web.
Thirteen Colonies Chart. Web.
Three Branches of Government Quiz. Web.
Truman Whistle Stop Lesson Plans. Web.
United States Constitution Timeline. Web.
United States Constitution Timeline Resource. Web.
United States Currency History. Web.
United States Flag Symbolism. Web.
United States Holiday Traditions. Web.
United States Senate. Web.
Veterans Day History. Web.
Veterans Day Resource. Web.
Video United States Currency. Web.
Votes for Women Image. Web.
Wars of 1800s. Web.
Word List. Web.
World War I Timeline. Web.
World War II Causes and Impacts. Web.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 22 World War II Effects. Web. WarII/WorldWarIIEffects.htm
Yorktown Resource. Web.
USCIS Resources
USCIS 100 Questions Text. Web.
USCIS 100 Questions with Audio. Web.
USCIS A Promise to Freedom: Training Guide. Web.
USCIS Celebration Resources. Web.
USCIS Citizens Almanac. Web.
USCIS Civic Flashcards. Web.
USCIS Guide to Naturalization. Web.
USCIS Interview Video. You Tube. Web.
USCIS Lesson Plans and Activities. Web.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 23 USCIS Rights and Responsibilities. Web.
USCIS Quick Civic Lessons. Web.
USCIS Reading Flashcards. Web.
USCIS Reading Vocabulary. Web.
USCIS Study Aids. Web.
USCIS Writing Flashcards. Web.
Supplemental Resources
Aleisi, Gladys. US Citizenship Test Guide. 2008. Barron. Print.
American History I 1492-1877. Quick Study Academic. Print.
American History II 1859-Present. Quick Study Academic. Print.
Applying Research in Reading Instruction for Adults. National Institute of Literacy. Print.
DAR Manual for Citizenship. Daughters of American Revolution. Print.
Goldberg, Robert and Richard Haynes. Unlocking the US Constitution and Declaration of
Independence. 2003. Globe Fearon Publishing. Print.
Murphy, Daniel. The Everything American Revolution Book. 2008. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Schlusberg, Paula. Citizenship: Starting a Citizenship Class. 2009. Pro Literacy Worldwide.
Short, Deborah. How to Integrate Language and Content Instruction: A Training Manual (2nd
ed.). Center for Applied Linguistics. Washington DC. Print
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 24 Swick, Edward. US Citizenship Test Prep. 2005. Cliff Notes. Print.
Weintraub, Lynne. Citizenship: Passing the Test (Civics). 2009. New Readers Press. Print.
---. Citizenship: Passing the Test (Interview). 2001. New Readers Press. Print.
---. Citizenship: Passing the Test (Reading). 2008. New Readers Press. Print.
Literacy Mid-­‐South Citizenship Lesson Guidebook 25 