Research Interests of Faculty Members Associated with the Analytical Division on Topics of Environment, Energy and Materials at The Ohio State University The Analytical Chemistry Division at The Ohio State University entails a wide range of very exciting fundamental and applied research with focus on: Spectroscopy Separations NMR Sensors Electrochemistry For more information: Graduate studies application: h t t p : / / c h e m i s t r y . o s u . e d u / g r a d u a t e / a p p l y Research Faculty at The Ohio State University: Depts. of Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Admissions 614‐292‐8917 graduate_admisisons@chemistry.ohio‐ Faculty members associated with the Analytical Division at The Ohio State University On topics of Research Interests in Environment, Energy, and Materials Susan Olesik Dow Professor olesik@chemistry.ohio‐ Analytical Separation Science and Nanomaterials Chemistry: Novel nanostructures for enhanced separation science and development of novel methods for the separation and analysis of highly complex mixtures of polar, nonvolatile polymeric species. Heather Allen Professor allen@chemistry.ohio‐ http://research.chemistry.ohio‐ Philip J. Grandinetti Professor grandinetti@chemistry.ohio‐ Molecular Organization at Interfaces: Biophysics of Lung Surfactant and Model Biomembranes, Atmospheric Aerosols, Geochemical Interfaces, Corrosion, and Nonlinear‐ Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Structure of Non‐Crystalline Solids: Development of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methodology for materials chemistry, environmental chemistry and geochemistry, and biophysics. Anne Co Assistant Professor co@chemistry.ohio‐ Advanced Electrocatalytic Materials for Chemical Conversion and Energy Storage: Fundamental studies of electrochemical reactions, Design of new electrocatalytic materials for batteries, fuel cells and CO2 reduction. Terry Gustafson Professor gustafson@chemistry.ohio‐ Justin Clay Harris Analytical Lab Supervisor Auxiliary Assistant Professor jharris@chemistry.ohio‐ Analytical Spectroscopy, Optical Characterization of Electronic Materials, Biophysics: Relaxation processes in organic electronic materials, and energy and electron transfer in optical materials for solar energy conversion and in biological systems. Analytical Undergraduate Research and Education: Environmental Research Experiences to Enhance Learning (REEL), Colorimetric Anion Indicator Dyes for Aqueous Solutions, Chemometrics. Prabir Dutta Distinguished University Professor dutta@chemistry.ohio‐ Christopher Jaroniec Associate Professor jaroniec@chemistry.ohio‐ Ted Clark Associate Director of REEL Auxiliary Assistant Professor tclark@chemistry.ohio‐ Development of Architecture of Materials: Photochemical assemblies for production of hydrogen and oxygen from water, Harsh environment chemical and biochemical sensors, Toxicity of nanomaterials. Biophysical Chemistry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Protein Structure, Folding and Misfolding : Development of novel solid‐state NMR methods and applications to biological macromolecules of fundamental importance to human health. Undergraduate chemical education, design and evaluation of in‐class research experiences, environmental chemistry, teacher professional development.