deer park football club annual report 2012

President’s Report………………………………………..…………...……3
Board of Management……………………….……………………………5
Treasurer’s Report…………………………………………..…………….6
Juniors Report …………………………………………………………….8
Team Reports:
Under 10s………………………………………………………………...10
Under 12 Girls ………………………………………………………...…12
Under 12s………………………………………………………………...13
Under 14s………………………………………………………………...15
Under 16s summary……………………………………………………...18
Under 16As………………………………………………………...19
Under 16Cs……………………………………………………...…20
Youth Girls……………………………………………………………….21
Under 18s…………………………………………………………………23
League Partners:
Dear Members,
What an eventful year 2012 was for the Deer Park Football Club!
So, if the achievements of 2012 are a sign of what’s to come, then
everyone needs to get onboard for 2013, as the Club will be even
BIGGER and BETTER than it was this year!!
Firstly, and most importantly, a BIG thank-you to my wife and family for tolerating me and my many hours
spent down at the Club!! Secondly, thank-you to the Board of Management for their enduring support.
Team Performances in 2012
In 2012, there were 10 teams representing DPFC, that is the Under 10s, Under 12s, Under 12 Girls, Under 14s,
two Under 16s teams, Youth Girls Team, Under 18s, Reserves, Senior’s and the Women's team. Each team was
a credit to the Club and I’m personally very proud of the level of commitment and dedication shown by the
coaches and support staff, the players, the parents and the tireless volunteers who contributed so much their
respective teams. You can read more about each team in the team reports on the following pages...
Furthermore, a BIG congratulations to the Under 14s who won the Premiership this year!! They were
undefeated (bar the very first game), for the entire season and their convincing win in the grand final is a very
encouraging sign of what’s to come as our under 14s develop into men and eventually leaders of our great Club.
Also, well done to the Youth Girls who made it to the second round of finals!! Which is an outstanding
achievement, given that this is only their second year in the competition! Well done girls and with the
introduction of a women’s team, we now have a pathway for these young women to continue their football
career for many years to come.
Team Configurations in 2013
As the Club is currently experiencing significant growth and there has been a lot of interest from prospective
players to play with us, we are therefore expecting to offer more teams in 2013 to represent DPFC. At this stage
of planning, we are hoping to add an extra 4 teams to our Club, although, of-course it all depends on the number
of players we are able to attract and retain at the Club.
Therefore, unlike other years, this pre-season will see a heavy focus on achieving the aims of our recruitment
strategy, there will be lots of updates over the DPFC website and Facebook page encouraging players, parents
and supporters alike, to bring potential players and volunteers down to Club on registration days and meet the
coach days. If you know anyone that might be interested in either playing or taking a supportive role at the
Club, then please start recruiting!
So please ensure you are connected with the DPFC website and Facebook pages for current information.
Off-Field Highlights in 2012
2012 was a very important year for the DPFC in terms of achieving stability within the management and
hierarchy of the Club. Our Committee of Management (which is made up of volunteers from the Club who
come from a variety of different backgrounds and skill sets) really proved what a GREAT group of people there
are at this Club. We now have strong and clear operating procedures at the committee meetings, in addition to a
new level of professionalism as our Club Secretary Justine brings this particular skill set to our Club. Also, the
outstanding job Steve has done as Treasurer to ensure our finances are up to date, within budget and comply
with all the regulations, is a HUGE bonus to the Club.
Kinna, Colin and Mark Rowbottom have all worked tirelessly to promote the Juniors football within the Club
and ensure they receive all they are entitled to as well as to plan for the future.
Thus, due to the constant hard work and continued passion of these volunteers, the committee of management
for 2012 has ensured that the DPFC is now experiencing our most stable and self-sustainable position ever!
In terms of sponsorship, the Club is experiencing its most successful year to date! We have strong commitment
and signed partnerships with a number of major sponsors who have agreed to continue to provide financial
support to the Club for 2013 and beyond, which is essential to the success of the Club, because as the number of
teams increase, so too do the costs...
Social Functions in 2013
We are working hard to develop a list of social events in 2013 which will engage the entire DPFC family, that
is, we want the wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters of players to come down to functions and feel like a
valuable member of our Club. Which you most certainly are!!
A social functions committee is being developed and will contain representatives from across the Club and will
therefore be able to provide a list of social functions which should be able to entice everyone to at least one
event in 2013… Again, look for updates on the DPFC website and Facebook page.
2013 and beyond…
The Club will continue to lift the bar in the upcoming season and the Seniors will be leading the way for
innovation and growth. As a result of the transition into a playing coach, I felt it was the right time to make
some adjustments to the Senior Playing List. In 2013 you will witness a record number of new recruits into the
Senior ranks that will bolster our on-field performance in both the Seniors and the Reserves.
Whilst it is always disappointing to lose players, we feel that the new players coming to the Club will give
DPFC a substantial lift in profile and inspire our younger players to want to be part of the history that beckons!
The Club is growing quickly and we continue to strive to be the best Club in the area!
Mark McGoldrick
DPFC, President, 2012
President – Mark McGoldrick
Vice President – Brian Duggan
Treasurer – Steve Krstevski
Secretary / Public Officer – Justine Curatolo
Administrator – Colin Clohesy
Member – Mark Rowbottom
Member – Mark Lanham
Member – Shanon Barry
Member – Garry Allen
Member – Peter Kinniburgh
Member – John Singarella
Member – Jeff Stevens
Member – Sam Stevens
Member – Simone Clohesy – Auskick Co-ordinator
(resigned Sept 2012)
Retirement – Garry Allen
ANZAC Day function with Kevin Sheedy
and Tony Shaw
A Juniors Sub- Committee was created
To focus on fundraising
Planning for 2013 and beyond
Help set the costs for membership fees
Help in the design of merchandise
Selecting Juniors coaches
A Multi-Cultural Sub-Committee was
To increase the cultural diversity within the
DPFC representatives attended the Bulldogs
and AFL multi-cultural cups
Colin Clohesy was nominated for Western
Region Coach of the Year
Steve Krstevski was nominated for AFL
Volunteer of the Year
The Seniors and Juniors Presentation
(excluding Under 10s and under 12s) were
held at Westend with an unprecedented turn
The oval lights were fixed ready for night
games in 2013
Anthony Koutifides played an exhibition
DPFC were successful in receiving a
defibrillator grant and training for it
The Club song was professionally recorded
The traditional owners of the land are now
acknowledged at every board meeting
The board met with the AFL regarding the
growth of AFL in the West and to protect
DPFC’s interests
Marc Bullen was announced as the Seniors
Coach for 2013 and beyond
Season 2012 was another successful year both on
and off the ground. This has happened due to the
collegiate approach by all those who helped the club
in 2012 both on and off the field. Our move up into
Division 1 demonstrates the hard work that has been
invested into the Club.
The 2012 Financial Reports represents another successful year where the club has posted a profit of $3,323.
This result doesn’t just happen but is the result of a lot of hard work from many people within the club in
particular the Board of Management. Thanks also go to those people not on the Board that freely gave their time
to support the club.
Balance Sheet - Cash & Assets: Comprising money in the bank and Assets acquired this year $16,675
Liabilities: The Club continued to pay all its short term debts as they become payable and is again debt free,
there has been an advance however of $15,000 from the Lion’s Den which has been recorded as a liability in the
Balance Sheet.
Income was up substantially in 2012 by $77,292 or $35% from 2011, in particular:
Sponsorship: $76,638 Due to the hard work of Mark McGoldrick who is able to attract new sponsors and the
implementation of the Player sponsor photo boards.
Bar: Down $2,751 due to fewer functions and holding our year end presentation night at West End.
Unfortunately a reduction was not achieved in 2012: This was due mainly to:
Fees: WRFL fees increased by $11,832 this was due to seniors going into first division, youth girls come under
the umbrella of the WRFL and other increases in umpiring etc.
Equipment: Due to the councils forceful removal of all our signs from Ballarat Road we had to spend over
$5,000 to relocate all signs around the ground.
Player Payments: Well within budget, we set out at the start of the year with being under 100,000 and we
managed to achieve this.
Merchandise Costs: Up substantially due to our suppliers delayed and not to the specifications ordered.
Thank you to Mark for all his support, Kinna with the bar, Zoe, Sharon and Liz on Thursday nights, Nathan
& Joe with the merchandise, all the team managers: Jodie, Julie, Karen, Gary and Ron, as well as Mark
Langham, Mark Rowbottom and Shannon for their diligent work managing the player fees. In addition thank
you, Daniel Sammut for his hard work while being employed by the club and finally Justine with just about
everything else.
And finally, the BIGGEST thank-you of all to my beautiful wife Liz for tolerating me and all of my hours
spent down at the Club. I couldn’t have done it without your support!!
2012 saw a number of highlights for Deer Park Football Club, a successful entry into Division 1 and a Grand
Final win to the Under 14’s. Congratulations to the players, coaches and support staff.
Success is something football clubs search for and hopefully we reach our goal in 2013. I wish everyone the
very best in the coming year.
Steve Krstevski
DPFC, Treasurer, 2012
2012 was a fantastic year from a pure numbers
angle – 10’s, 12’s and 14’s all with 25-28 players
plus two under 16’s is a great result for the junior
section club and much credit for this must go to the
junior coaches (Jason, Kim, Phil, David, Colin,
Garry and Jeff) for making the football so
enjoyable for the players and encouraging them to
bring along their friends to participate.
The u12 under David had a phenomenal influx of
players both from other clubs and new to football. A
sure sign that David was able to engage with the
kids and make football enjoyable for them
regardless of how many games they won or lost.
The coaches put many hours into running their
individual teams and the club is most appreciative
of the work that they do as coaches, mentors and
friends of the kids.
Our u10’s are always a little up the air with
numbers early in the pre-season as we wait to see
how many new kids enter the club. This year was
no different however with Phil taking on the
coaching role assisted by Team Manager Jodie –
they were able to recruit high numbers and form a
culture which thrived on both the kids and parents
bonding together and enjoying their time at football,
whether that was training, matches or at the
functions that they organised.
With two under 16 teams this season, it meant
participating in A Grade – a fantastic opportunity
for our boys to be tested against the best. While a
finals spot was not achievable, our boys did carry
themselves extremely well and can be proud of their
efforts. Many of these boys pushed up to play
several games in the under 18 team with some of
them even playing games in the reserves team, an
awesome effort for 15-16yo boys.
For the 2nd team, the boys showed super
commitment to front up each week with the help of
some u14s and give it everything they could to
make both Garry and the club so proud of them.
The u14’s won the premiership – the 3rd for Coach
Colin – which showcases not only the boys abilities
but also the dedication and understanding that Colin
has in winning the respect of his charges and
challenging them to work hard to develop, improve
and achieve.
On the female side of our juniors the Junior Girls
(U12) team had fantastic numbers and were able to
get a really good understanding of the game under
coach Jason Robertson, who in his 1st year of
coaching was able to relate really well to the girls
and enjoyed his time coaching them. The girls
really developed as the year went on and they were
able to win most of their games. Three girls from
the team graduate to the Youth Girls next season –
Stacey, Chelsea and Rhiannon should all be able to
make the transition without any trouble whatsoever.
The Youth Girls (U18) team developed even
further in their 2nd season and with a revamp of the
competition were able to win their 1st ever game
and made finals and won an Elimination Final.
The girls had fantastic numbers (27) represent the
team during the season and the future looks
fantastic for this area of the club. Caitlyn won her
2nd B&F in a row, whilst Hannah, Bianca M and
Steph fought a really close battle for 2nd place.
Captain - Bianca M along with Chanice graduate
to the Women’s Team next season and we wish
them all the best in their football journey.
Balshaw in the Western Youth Girls Interleague
This year’s Brendan Collins Scholarship winner
was Sohrab Ismail
A job well done to everyone involved with each
junior team and especially to the coaches and team
managers who put in many hours each week
through the season.
Brendan Collins Scholarship winner –
Congratulations to the individual Orica-McLeod
Scholarship winners – Ben Spina, Jatden BerryThompson, Jacob Azzopardi, Jarrod Rowan and
Jessica Singarella. These are awarded to kids who
show outstanding qualities as young people rather
than any football skills that they may have. They are
held in high regard within the club and the aim is
for our future club leaders to come from these.
Nineteen DPFC juniors were selected to represent
the WRFL at the various levels. Congratulations to
Tim Plese, Sohrab Ismail, Akat Mayoum,
Nathan Knuckey, Michael Boyle, Shane Long,
Tim Knight, Andrew Calleja, Matthew Cooper,
James Harrison, Matthew Muscari, Tyson
Maiava, Sam Bonnici, Michael Angelo (Emerg),
Jayden Unwin, Max Lennard, Anthony Petrarca
(Emerg), along with Hannah Elliott and Caitlyn
Sohrab Ismail
Sohrab was Co-Captain of the under 16 team,
represented the club at Interleague and also played
in the Reserves performed admirably. He also
carried himself extremely well around the club,
which is an important part of the criteria to win the
Our aim now is for our juniors to push up to A
Division in each grade and to bolster our number of
junior teams in each grade.
This year the under 10’s made great progress, not
only in their skill level and ability but also with
their understanding and knowledge of the game. We
had 25 players who played with the club this year
who all had a passion to play local Aussie Rules
footy. Under 10’s is a non-scoring competition
which enable us as a club and the coaching staff to
focus on the development of skills to prepare the
kids for a more competitive game in seasons to
At the start of the season a leadership group was
picked by players and coaching staff. This consisted
of five boys who showed the skills and
determination to become team leader and help and
assist their fellow team mates. The leadership group
comprised of Harry, Noah, Cooper, Alessandro
and Jake. The boys took these roles very seriously
and lead the group by personally showing and
encouraging, good team work, maximum effort,
courage, determination and respect for coaches and
other team mates. This group worked well all
This year the coaching team consisted of Philip
Henderson, Head Coach, Frank Politi & Paul Hill
– Assistant Coaches and Brad Turner who assisted
with the development and implementation of
training drills. The coaching teams’ main focuses
for 2012 were:
Skill development - getting the players used
to using the opposite’s side of their body’s.
Enhancing skills in kicking, marking.
Team work.
The season kicked off this year to an amazing start
with one of the first every junior registration days.
All the under 10’s families were invited to attend
the day where parent could make registration
payments, and fully register their children to play in
the 2012 season. The club generously provided a
BBQ lunch, and through generous donations from
local businesses all the players received a
registration show bag. Included in the bag were a
Ross Faulkner size 3 football as well as a drink
bottle and lots of other goodies.
James Condos (Seniors Coach) even took time out
of his busy schedule to come along on the day to
have a talk with the players and answer any
questions that they had. The day was very
successful with over 75% of memberships paid in
full on the day.
All the players played very well this year but the
main awards for the year went to:
Best and Fairest – Jericho Dadis
Second Best and Fairest – Harry Osumi
Most Determined – Dylan Caruleski
Most Courageous – James Ilievski
The under 10’s with the help of their team manager,
Jodie Turner tried to contribute more to the club
this year through supporting our clubs sponsors. A
dinner was held at Nandos Derrimut which was
attended by all the players and 85% of the parents.
Over $600.00 was spent of the night in meals
purchased and the players had a wonderful time
enjoying each other’s company away from the
football setting.
Leadership Award – Liam Micallef
Best Team Player – Alessandro Politi
Most Improved – Jake Turner
Best First Year Player – Joshua Cassar
The under 10’s presentation night this year was
held at the Deer Park Club and over $950.00 worth
of meals where purchased on the night. This year
the team endeavoured to recognise that they were a
part of a club and tried to contribute as much as
possible towards the clubs sponsors.
The players also attended an AFL game at Etihad
Stadium, Western Bulldogs vs Carlton. Always a
big highlight for the year the players and they
enjoyed it immensely.
It was a great year and we are all looking
forward to 2013!!!
Orica – McLeod Scholarship: Ben Spina
The Junior Girls started the year off slowly but soon
started to show signs of something special
unfolding. We started with just 5 girls which soon
became a team of ten (modified rules played with 9
a side). With one loss to their name after two games
the team started to grow. I stepped in to lend a hand
which soon led to me coaching the girls for the rest
of the year, something that I truly enjoyed and
makes me want to coach again in 2013.
Rounds 3 to 9 saw us develop into a team that was
able to string a number of wins together. Some of
the highlights for the year was Bella, not only
getting the ball around the ground but kicking 49
goals for the year including 13 in one game.
Another star was Chelsea who dominated all parts
of the ground with her Chris Judd like displays
every week. Shanae with her wild but extremely
long distance kicking soon learnt to control it to
kick 4 goals in a game and was laying tackles like a
tackles and putting son some great shepherds which
resulted in goals.
Rhiannon also kicked her 1st goal ever and didn’t
let her fans down with dancing as she celebrated her
goal in fine style. Poor little Sky who didn’t have a
great year because she was injured most of the time,
showed signs of being a handy pocket-rocket the
way she went after the ball. All in all we had a great
year and loads of fun. I hope the girls all come back
next year with a friend or two, to continue
improving their skills and I’m sure they will be
surprised how good they really have become.
Thanks for all the support and help I received
from the parents and girls.
Under 12s Coach
Jasmine and Shanelle also got better as the season
went on with Jasmine kicking her 1st goal in a
matter of weeks and Shanelle proving a handful in
the ruck and even learnt to just get rid of it when
she got it. Stacey was the 1st to master the art of
getting the ball and bolting like lightening and even
taking a bounce or two!
Chantel was our unluckiest player, playing more
games for other teams than ours but when given her
chance she didn’t disappoint kicking a bag of 4
goals in a game. Emilee who continued to remind
me every week, that she had never touched the ball
in her life during a match got put in the middle of
the ground and had 5 touches and also was laying
The Deer Park Under 12's had a good year being
quite competitive against most sides and winning 3
games. Unfortunately we only got to play the sides
below us on the ladder once and all the ones above
us twice,
was Runner Up Best And Fairest and Polled 10
votes in the League Best and Fairest.
The players that had played for Deer Park
previously all improved and contributed greatly and
all had their moments.
In all 30 players played for the side. We had great
support from the parents and had some very
memorable moments during the year and some
outstanding individual efforts.
These were namely Dante Mallia , Rhys Scerri,
Brandon Camilleri, Shawn Plant, Nathan Galea,
Nathan Grima, Chris Mackie Wright, ,Tommy
Kuno, Jackson Balshaw,Jack Eeles,Lachlan
Gregorio, Jeremy Taleski, Kiana Lester Graham
and Chris Kumar.
Our games against Old Westbourne were great
games and we were unlucky to lose both but they
were great efforts. The first time we played
Flemington Juniors, the eventual Premiers, was one
of our best but again we were unlucky not to get up
for a win going down by 3 points.
We beat Hoppers twice and Wydhamvale the time
we played them. Inaccurate kicking against Altona
was frustrating as we again played a great game
losing Altona 3- 1 - 19 to 0 - 13 - 13.
Settling in and being a big part of the side having
come to the club from other sides were Max
Lennard, Michael Gurrie, Jayden Berry
Thompson, Mutaz El Nour, Liam Foley, Daniel
Forde, Josh Mayes and Kyle Collins. Max won
Inter League selection and won the Most Consistent
Award, Mutaz won our Best and Fairest a great
effort seeing it was his first year of Under 12's.
Jayden won the John McLeod Scholarship Award.
The Captains Anthony Petrarca and Leo Harrison
had great years and led really well. Anthony played
Inter League and won Most Determined and Leo
Playing their first season of Football and showing
great potential were Clinton Martin, Jacob Weate,
Christopher Kiselis, Zane Enoka and Dakoda
We had a bad run of injuries both on and off the
field with Jack, Liam, Jayden and Josh all missing
weeks with broken arms or wrists.
Off field highlights included the pie night on the
night the Western Bulldogs Players attended and
having question and answers in the room.
I would like to thank all parents that helped during
the year. Craig Gurrie as Assistant Coach/Runner,
Kylie Martin as our Trainer, Jason Thompson as
our Goal Umpire, Tony Gregorio as our Boundary
Umpire and Rob pollock for assisting at
Training.Special mention goes to Julie Foley for
being such a highly organised Team Manager.
Under 12s Coach
It was a good year and we look forward to
2013 - Go Parkers!
The trip to MCG to see the Richmond vs Western
Bulldogs Game and those that volunteered to be
mascot for the Seniors. We were fortunate to have
AFL great Doug Hawkins address the team pre
game and at 3 quarter time against Hoppers
Crossing at home - we us getting up to win.
The Presentation night held at the Deer Park Club
was a great success.
At the start of the year I set some goals or standards
to be respected by all our opponents, and show
respect in return and to Umpires.
It was immense pride that I can say we achieved
this and on two occasions Umpires approached me
after the game to say that we were the best team
they had umpired as far as playing hard but fair
Best and Fairest – Mutaz El Nour
Second Best and Fairest – Leo Harrison
Most Consistent – Max Lennard
Most Determined – Anthony Petrarca
Most Improved – Shawn Plant
Most Improved – Michael Gurrie
Encouragement Award – Jackson Balshaw
Coaches Award – Chris Mackie – Wright
Best Club Man – Liam Foley
Orica – McLeod Scholarship Winner: Jayden
The Under 14’s enjoyed a boom year in 2012.
There were a number of reasons for this, not least of
which was the winning of this groups first
premiership for 25 of the 27 players. It was also a
year of great growth in sportsmanship, human
development, commitment and other life skills that
only team sport can offer in a single package.
Pre-Season began as usual back in February and
was for the first time for this group a hard grind.
The Club was buoyed by the return of 4 star players
returning home from stints at other clubs. Luke
Warden, Tyson Maiava , Nathan Nelson and
Jarrod Fox gave us a great lift in class and depth .
We were lucky to also pick up experienced players
in Johnny Foti, Troy O’Shea and Amar El Nour
from rival clubs. Adding to that, 4 great first year
players Robbie Plese, Haries Ismail, Michael
Parsons, Jahmon Perese all played major roles in
2012 in their first season for Deer park
We did not have things all our own way in 2012
although the ladder might appear to tell it otherwise.
It was an extraordinarily evenly contested season,
with a mere 2 wins separating first from fifth, and
even bottom side North Footscray pushing us all the
way, on our home ground in round 13.
The Season
After losing the season opener to Eventual A Grade
team Spotswood. Deer Park never looked
Sweeping aside St. Albans, Albion and Albanvale
over the next three Weeks rounds (2 to 4) set us up
for a month of tough uncompromising football
Rounds 5-10 were all tight games against the best
opposition that the competition could throw at us.
The class of Flemington Juniors and the strength of
Caroline Springs saw them out play us in the first
half and second Half respectively. Then came
Werribee Districts away in round 11,Werribee
Centrals home in Round 12 and North Footscray
home in round 13 all expected wins and all players
were given full exposure to impress for finals
selection. We cannot fit all 27 Players into 25 spots
for finals.
The round 14 clash against 2nd place Flemington
juniors was a tight and torrid affair, there were
clashes of high intensity and players prepared for
the finals series just a week later. We got the result
that day and that rounded out our 13th consecutive
win and minor premiers by finishing on top of the
ladder at the completion of the 2012 home and
away season
The Finals
13 wins from their 14 minor round matches was
good enough to see Deer Park finish top of the
ladder. Caroline Springs was 4 wins behind in 2nd
place, while Flemington Juniors and Wyndhamvale
made up the remainder of the ‘four’.
The Semi Finals
Our semi-final saw us firm as premiership favorites
with a 10.12 (72) to 3.6 (24) defeat of Caroline
Springs at Altona Juniors home ground in blustering
But Caroline Springs’s stunning preliminary final
win against Flemington Juniors caused many to
regard the grand final re-match as ‘line ball’.
The Grand Final
Played on the Western Jets ground of Crofts
Reserve, on a beautiful calm sunny Sunday.
Caroline Springs got the better of the first quarter
with Cooper Bond controlling the centre and
winners on every line such as Joel Ives and Max
Tessari. If it wasn’t for great defensive players
Jarryd Domotor, Michael Gorgevski and Tyson
Maiava Caroline Springs would have had a 4or 5
goal lead, however we did manage a handful of
inside 50s and were lucky enough to get 2 goals on
the board thanks largely to Mark Galea and Jamie
Deer park 14.7.91 defeated Caroline Springs 6. 9.
Nobody at the ground was left in any doubt that
Deer Park was by some considerable measure the
superior team when it mattered over the finals series
Deer park 2.0.12 trailing Caroline Springs 2.2 14
The second quarter saw a shift in momentum. Led
by a remarkable quarter by Jacob azzopardi and
Matt Muscari. Deer Park started kicking longer
and moving the ball quickly. This resulted in a
match winning break, outscoring Caroline Springs
5.4 to 1.0 for the quarter.
The Backline
Deer park 7.4.46 leading Caroline Springs 3.2 20
Our defensive unit in 2012 was again very solid,
ranking Best in the competition for points against
with an average of only 31 points kicked against us.
Led by the ever consistent players Tyson Maiava ,
Corey Krstevski, jarryd Domotor and Amar
Elnour. The backline was a very big key to the
season for the Under 14’s and it proved so in 2012.
The Third Quarter was almost identical to the 1 st
Quarter with Caroline Springs dominating the inside
50’s but not hitting the scoreboard in the way they
would have liked.
The Under 14’s midfield shaped up to be one of the
best in the business!
Deer park 10.4.64 leading Caroline Springs 5.5 35
The Final Quarter was all Deer Park with Sam
Bonnici, Jaydan Unwin and Matty Boyle all
playing superbly. After kicking the first goal in the
last quarter Caroline Springs couldn’t be blamed for
letting up a little. This led to a dominating display
by Deer Park as every player tried to get on the
scoreboard. We final ran out easy winner and was
the greatest winning margin the club has had in the
juniors for many many years
With Mark Galea and Sam Bonnici out for the
first half of the year after breaking a leg and
injuring a Achilles tendon respectively. Luke
Warden and Jacob Azzopardi became the
important (in and under) players the team needed.
Captain James Harrison had arguably his best
season yet, leading the way in possessions and great
disposals for the season. Those possessions often
ended in the hands of our forwards. Midfielder
Robbie Plese, a prolific possession winner and
great run and carry player, showed he has blistering
speed and became an integral part of the Under 14’s
midfield. Johnny Foti made his debut for the club
and is fast becoming an elite player/Ruckman and
leader. Michael Angelo had another great year
while, Nathan Nelson and Michael Gorgevski
continue to show there courage, skill and ball
winning abilities. Rhys Candido also had a great
pack when they aren’t under pressure. The latter
will aid the former naturally but goals are what the
Under 15’s need to continue their improvement next
Looking Forward
This is probably the area that needed the most
improvement at the beginning of the year. So often
this year we would go forward only to find the
opposition defenders coming right back at us with
the ball. At times we struggled to hit targets, and
consequently kick goals. When talented forwards
Sam Bonnici and Mark Galea returned to the side
from injury, the forward line really started to gel.
We ended the season scoring an impressive average
on 86 points a game.
This is largely helped by star Key forwards Matt
Muscari and Matt Boyle
Then with the multi-talented Jaydan Unwin
Stepping up to the plate The Parkers Forward Line
became an unstoppable force, The most feared in
the competition and one of the best potent forward
line the juniors have produced in many many years
The job was shared between Matt Boyle Jahmon
Perese and Johnny Foti .
The Under 15’s have a bright future ahead. Next
year should see our team develop into a dangerous
combination of speed and skill
The Under 14’s early in 2012 looked like they
would struggle, but after a dramatic change to a
more intense and great work ethic brand of football,
the team turned their fortunes around and played
like a real professional team.
All in all, it was ultimately a successful
year for the 2012 Under 14’s!
Under 14s Coach
Best and Fairest – James Harrison
Second Best and Fairest – Sam Bonnici
Most Consistent – Matthew Muscari
Most Consistent – Tyson Maiava
Most Determined – Robbie Plese
Most Courageous – Jacob Azzopardi
Best Team Player – Luke Warden
Most Improved – John Foti
Orica – McLeod Scholarship Winner: Jacob Azzopardi
Matt Boyle and Johnny Foti, in my mind was the
competitions best rucking duo in 2012. They
showed just what a dangerous combination they are
as they dominated the final series and went forward
and back to add further strings to the bow. What is
The 2013 Under 15’s need one or two things for
2013. They need another line breaking (run and
carry player to step up and complement Robbie
Plese, and they need to identify and hit long
targets up the ground instead of just kicking to the
DPFC Under 16 Report for season 2012
Training for the 2012 football season started in early February for the majority of the squad. It soon became
apparent that we were going to have enough numbers to make two teams for the first time in quite a number of
years in the under 16’s. This meant that we had to find a set of coaches and support staff for the second side.
The head coach Jeff Stevens approached Garry Allen and asked him if he would be interested in taking on a
coaching role .It then went to the Board and was agreed that if we achieved a number of 46 players within the
age group we would put a second side into the competition. As history shows we did reach this number and then
Moving onto numbers and stats, we had a total of 66 players play within the two sides. 30 players played in the
Under 16 A’s and 36 players played in the Under 16 C’s. We had a total of 11 Under 14 players participated in
Under 16 games throughout the season giving all of them some great exposure to a higher and faster level of
We also had 18 of our Under 16 players play in the Under 18 competition once again giving them great
exposure to a higher and faster level of football. We had a total of 14 new players come to the club from other
clubs and 3 of these were new to the sport.
The coaches worked on the model of promotion and demotion between the two sides of which 8 players played
in both teams. The Under 16 C’s were also asked if there was anyone who did not want to play in the A side and
there were two players that advised that they wanted to play in the C side only.
The coaching staff opted to have a Captain, Vice Captain, and Deputy Vice Captain for the season.
The coaching staff had all of the players training together in one squad for the majority of the season. It was
felt that this would be the most beneficial way to train the large group with support from the Under 16 C
assistant Coach John Singarella, some parents and there were more than several sessions that were taken by
Dyson Stevens especially during the Pre-season where Dyson was able to bring his skills and knowledge from
his training sessions at Werribee Tigers and also at SEDA College.
Orica – McLeod Scholarship Winner: Jarrod Rowan
Training was intense right from the start. We had
the players training for three sessions a week for the
first 6 weeks of training, the reason being was that
we wanted to raise the fitness and skill level to
enable the boys to be competitive in the A grade
competition. Coming from B grade the previous
season we felt it was important to bridge the gap
between the 2 levels of footy. Pushing them so hard
so early we introduced them to many new and
interesting drills to keep their spirits high, this paid
off in lots of bonding between the players that
quickly became a very tight knit unit.
successful in representing the WRFL. Which gave
us a total of 10 players at the Interleague Carnival.
The main areas of success this year were the
development of the players they showed that they
were able to match it within the A grade scene of
their eligible age group not only at club level also at
Interleague level. They were also rated very highly
at the Under 18 level.
In conclusion I believe that the season was a great
Under 16 As Coach
The season proper began for the side with immense
pressure coming from having to face the top 5 sides
in the first 5 weeks of the season. It became
apparent that the standard of the completion was
extremely high, we were very competitive against
all of these sides, however we found that we were a
little lacking in physical size compared to these 5
sides. Round 6 saw us win our first game which was
a morale boost for the side. We went on to win 3
games in the season and had a draw in another.
Best and Fairest - Sohrab Ismail
Second Best and Fairest - Mitch McLean
Most Consistent - Tim Knight
Most Determined - Tim Plese
Best Team Player - Michael Boyle
Most Courageous - Josh Tabone
Most Courageous - Akat Mayoum
We have very good representation at the Interleague
with 7 Under 16’s going to try outs and 6 of these
were successful in representing the WRFL and there
were 3 Under 15’s going to try outs and all were
We started the season really well and got a couple
of wins on the board early. We had good numbers
of players and had an interchange bench which
enabled us to rotate players through different
positions on the field. We went into round 3 and
some discipline issues arose, these continued into
round 4 and it was decided that a few of the players
that we had recruited did not fit into the culture that
we were trying to instill in all of our players. Some
players chose to leave the club which caused a bit of
an issue with player numbers, the up side of this
though was that all players were getting nearly full
game time. Lack of numbers continued to be the
main issue for the rest of the season, in saying that
though we were continually getting new players
turning up to training and wanting to have a go.
Some of these players that came later in the season
even played a couple of games in the A side. We
also had a player come to play just the last five
games of the season. I hope he continues on again
next year.
We had a total of 36 different players play in the
side for the year, there were a total of 9 under 14
players play in the under 16’s. We had 3 first year
players, one of which went on to place third in our
Best and Fairest awards.
training track it translates into better performance
on the field, this meant that they were able to be less
frustrated with their bodies as they pushed
themselves for longer in games due to more fitness.
I will finish off with a snap shot of the last game of
the season. We played Point Cook at their home
ground. It seems like they had dropped a few of
their A grade players back into their C side because
their A side was out of finals contention. They had
about 6 players on the bench and were able to do
plenty of rotations. Conversely we had just 18
players and therefore had no bench. We out scored
them in the first quarter, they came back in the
second quarter and eventually won the game by
about 7 goals.
While Point Cook won the game on the score board
I think we had the moral victory, because our guys
did not give up at any time during the day. They
laid tackle after tackle, they chased out of the back
line and the forward line, they applied pressure all
day. The biggest reason though was the fact that
they all came off the ground with a smile on their
face at the end of the game. If that does not speak
volumes about the tenacity and strength of character
of these boys then I do not anything else that does.
All in all I think that the season for the Under 16
C’s at the Deer park Football Club in 2012 has been
Under 16 Cs Coach
Sure we did not win many games,however winning
games of football is not the only measure of success
of a football side. What we did achieve for the
season was the development of some young boys
into young men in some cases. We also saw some
of the group change their attitude to training and
learn that if they do put in the hard work on the
Best and Fairest – Chase Singarella
2nd Best and Fairest – Paul Edwards
Most Determined – Fsha Gebremeskal
Most Consistent – Bryce Buttigieg-Clarke
Most Improved – Josh Webb
Best Team Player – Kevin Cruz
Coaches Award – Alex Talevski
Our season started with a really good pre-season,
most of last years girls returned and after a few runs
prior to xmas, we really got stuck into it in the new
year. We had a few new girls in Chanelle,
Shannon, Ebony, Tahlia, Brodie and Natalie. We
also had a practice match planned for the 1st…last
year being our 1st year, we didn’t have that luxury.
This year we had games lined up against
Westbourne and Williamstown. We lost to
Westbourne by 1 goal, but it proved to be a real
springboard for our season. The girls had improved
over the previous year but still hadn’t got close to
winning a game - this 1 goal loss would certainly
For the Williamstown game, most of the girls were
there however Willi couldn’t field a team and only
1 girl turned up (Hannah), we trained instead and
she trained with us and ended up playing the whole
year with as well as bringing her friend from Willi
(Carli) to play also. On top of this we were lucky
enough to have the Willi coach (Kim) join us which
proved to be an enormous boost to the team. We
had worked on our body language and our talk and
it would be put to the test during early games.
After an awesome pre-season we got jolted back to
reality in round 1 – we got thumped by
Wyndhamvale. We did have some patched during
the game where we looked ok. Over the next few
weeks the girls continued to improve and during
this time Bianca M, Caitlyn, Hannah, Jordyn,
Ebony, Bianca B, Amanda B who had been
instilled as the leadership group worked hard to
show the way. Jess, Steph, Amanda R, Maddy,
Kyra and Edda…. Were all tyring to deliver our 1st
ever win and it wasn’t too far away.
Amanda R brought Jem down to play and after a
couple of weeks of training she said she was ready.
The game was against Westbourne and Jem’s 1st
game proved to be the girl’s first ever win. 9 points
down with about 2-3 minutes to go, the girls were
able to kick 2 quick goals to steal the win and enjoy
the sweet taste of winning for the very first time.
Carli kicked 4 goals and Hannah kicked the
winner on the run from 30m.
We had some ‘guest appearances’ throughout the
season – Billi and Kirra from the women’s team
played a couple of game when the women had a
bye, Courtney played a few games and proved she
is an extremely good player already, Chanice
played a couple and Alana played some early
games before hurting her shoulder and helping out
with the stats.
Throughout the season the girls showed great
improvement and whilst only being able to beat
Westbourne (3 times), games against other teams
were fantastic and brought the losing margins a lot
closer. We also were lucky enough to pick 2 new
recruits in the last couple of weeks. Rachel and
Lauren played the last game of the season and
showed enough to suggest they will be valuable
additions next season.
Bianca in the women’s team, you have been a great
leader for the girls and good luck to all Youth Girls
for next season.
Youth Girls Coaches
Our semi final against Altona, who had really
smashed our girls a few weeks earlier was great for
the girl credibility and confidence. The 1 st quarter
was the best for the season. We kicked 2 goals and
missed a few others including 2 that hit the post
keeping Altona goalless until the very last couple of
minutes. Altona managed to over run us but
everyone who saw both of the games against Altona
was extremely proud of every one of our girls.
So we finished the year winning some games,
increasing our numbers, improving our skills and
meeting new friends. What this means is a little
pressure next season – pressure to continue to
improve. Our whole attitude has been to have fun
and improve each week and to show enough spirit
to never ever give up. We had Caitlyn and Hannah
selected in the interleague team, Hannah selected
as an emergency in the Vic U16 team, Hannah,
Jordyn, Bianca M and Amanda B selected in the
Trident Academy. Next year we hope to improve
these numbers and to push deeper into the
finals…wouldn’t it be great to see these girls
playing in a Prelim final, or even a Grand Final.
This is possible as only one girl (our awesome
captain Bianca M) is too old to play. Good luck to
Best and Fairest – Caitlyn Balshaw
Second Best and Fairest – Hannah Elliot
Third Best and Fairest – Bianca Mahkae
Most Determined – Stephanie Gustalegname
Most Valuable – Ebony Stevens
Most Improved – Bianca Bettin
Orica – McLeod Scholarship: Jessica Singarella
I started the season knowing I was going to have a
challenge in front of me with not many turning up
to training. With a lot of phone calls and chasing
around I managed to get a team together. Most of
the team were first year U18’s so this made A grade
a challenge. We had a get together/ pizza night to
make the boys all feel comfortable with each other
and myself as this was the first year of coaching a
senior team for me.
During the first couple of rounds positions of
players were still being sorted, once the positions
were worked out the boys really started playing
together as a team. We got our first win on the
board in round 3 and it was an awesome feeling.
We went on to lose a couple more rounds and a few
of the boys started to lose interest in the game.
Numbers started to dwindle a little and a few of the
U16’s were more than happy to step up. In all we
had 12 U16’s help us out throughout the season.
As well 7 U18 players went up to play senior
football. This was a rewarding experience and great
for the development of all those involved in playing
a higher age group.
Throughout the year the boys found it very tough
playing in A grade, losing game after game but their
determination and effort kept going. They should be
very proud of themselves.
Thank you to Matt Smyth (assistant Coach), Gary
Allen (team manager) Grant Setterfield (runner) and
my two trainers for all your support and help. Thank
you also to the Deer Park Football Club for giving
me the opportunity to coach at a higher level.
Lastly, a BIG thank you to all the players that stood
by me to the end.
Under 18’s coach
Best and Fairest – Gary Cadman
Second Best and Fairest – Craig Plant
Third Best and Fairest – Brandon Domotor
2012 was the inaugural year for the DPFC women’s team!
Success is measured in many different ways, and
for the DPFC Women’s team, success was
measured by the individual improvements made by
the players. Each player proved their commitment
to the Club and the team with their level of training,
even in the middle of winter with the pouring rain
and puddles of mud!
For many of the players 2012 was their first season
of playing football, therefore to have all of the same
players from the beginning of the year to the end, in
addition to another 15, is an amazing tribute to the
positive culture of DPFC.
Academy and State players and was part of the
winning Metro Side. From this experience she
gained a greater knowledge of the game and team
2013 is building to a successful year, as we have
secured Justin Charles (an ex-AFL player) to take
the pre-season training commencing from October,
we have also implemented more stringent internal
structure and clear roles for the leadership group, in
addition to us feeling more settled at the Club.
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Belinda Johnstone for
representing DPFC in the ADF Cup in April,
players selected from Premier Reserve, North West
and South East conferences.
Alyssa Galea for being selected in the Vic Country
vs Vic Metro game. Alyssa played alongside
Best and Fairest
Alyssa Galea
Presentation night was a great night for the
women’s team and DPFC. Congratulations to all the
award winners!
2nd B& F
3rd B&F
Most Courageous Most Improved Coaches Award
Brooke McInley Shannon Barry Justine Curatolo Emma Hartmann Rachel Garthe
Overall, it was a very encouraging season for the
reserves. With a new coach appointed 3 weeks
before the start of the season and players departing,
it was always going to be a challenging year.
With 72 different players, including U16s and U
18s playing in the side due to injuries in the Seniors
and the Reserves alike, it was hard for the team to
settle. But to their credit, the second half of the
season improved dramatically with an 87 point turn
around against Spotswood from the first time they
played them.
And that was the season that was
Reserves Coach
Best an Fairest – J. Granvilliani
Second Best and Fairest – A. Horvath
Third Best and Fairest – A.Bryson
Fourth Best and Fairest – D. Hastings
The reserves started playing more as a team and
their self belief improved 10 fold, they were a lot
more competitive against the top teams.
Finishing 7th on the ladder for their first year in
Division 1 football was a great accomplishment.
The reserves played with spirit and endeavour,
learning a lot from their first year, by the end of the
season, the players were excited about what they
had achieved, and were looking forward to getting
together for pre-season, with an outlook for better
things to come in season 2013.
Overall 2012 was a challenging year for the DPFC
Seniors, yet we still managed to complete the year
having done ourselves proud in addition to creating
a rock solid foundation and exciting future for next
To beat the eventual premiers and third on the
ladder is an outstanding effort never done before
from any team promoted to the elite Division.
This year, we struggled with injuries to a number of
key players early on in the season, as well as
moving into a higher division for the first year, is a
tough ask for the boys, especially some of the
younger and less experienced players, although the
older and more experienced players did step up and
show great leadership, as we expect at DPFC.
It’s incredibly important to acknowledge the
contribution, experience and skills that James and
Nick Condos, together with Bluey Callahan,
brought to the Club. The DPFC seniors have
benefited enormously from integrity, leadership
skills and care that they showed all of the players,
James, Nick and Bluey supported the seniors and
the DPFC in every way they could, not only through
exemplary coaching practices, but also through
attending all the Club social events and by
providing outstanding role models to all who
followed. A BIG thank-you and best wishes to
The Kouta exhibition match was a great opportunity
for many of the boys to experience playing with an
ex-AFL champion, together with playing in front of
such a large (and boisterous) crowd!
Whilst we did not enjoy the success on the field as
we expected to, 2013 under the capable leadership
of Marc Bullen is shaping up to be an exciting and
hopefully successful season for the players and the
Best and Fairest – Kevin Klix
Second Best and Fairest – Rhett King
Third Best and Fairest – Ben Foley
Fourth Best and Fairest – Luke