Cow Eyeball Disection Activity

Cow Eyeball Dissection Activity
• Students will observe the major parts of the eye (eyelid, eyelashes, iris,
pupil, cornea, lens, sclera, vitreous body, tear gland, optic nerve, retina)
• Students will be able to identify the major parts of the eye
• Students will write a thank you note to their volunteer college students
who lead the dissections
Suggested Grade Level
Subject Area(s)
2 or more pre-taught lesson(s) to teach parts of eye
One 30-45 minute class period
Extension of Art- Eyeball mobile
Teacher- Most classes have been learning about the eye and now students are
ready to have college students come demonstrate a discection and let students
explore what the parts really look like!
• Teacher will need to contact several months in advance the college which
will send their students to conduct the disection
• Teacher also will need to contact several months in advance a science
shop or connect with another source to purchase the cow eyeballs.
• Be prepared to pick them up the day of the disection.
• ALERT! Not all students will want to participate by touching or may need
to watch at a distance at first. Allow for this.
Student- A few lessons on the eye, how it works, and terms is needed.
College students names
Class list of names in each room
Cow eyeballs
Rubber gloves for students
Handout with definitions
Soap and paper towels for end
paper or thank you notes
camera, digital and/ or video
1. Vocabulary
Eyelid- skin covering eye, can open and close
Eyelashes- small hairs attached to edge of eyelids
Iris- colored part of eye around pupil
Pupil- open hole at center of eye; appears Black; can get smaller and
bigger (dialate)
Cornea- clear, thin covering over the pupil to protect the eye
Lens- the part inside the eye which flips the picture being taken in
ScleraVitreous body- the gooey, clear part inside eye
Tear gland- the gland in the inner corner which produces tears
Optic nerve- the nerve delivering the signal to the brain
Retina- portion at the back of the eye which acts as a screen for the
picture being transmitted by the lens
2. Organize volunteers in rooms for discections
3. Explain that the students are to observe only until the college leader of
each group indicates it’s okay to reach in and touch. Always use gloves
4. Divide into groups
5. Circulate and assist as needed
6. Discection begins - Give college students as well as primary students
copies of the vocabulary list. Have the college leaders locate and point
out each part to the students.
7. Discuss with class if anything was different than they thought it would be?
Was anything just like they thought? Do they see their eyes differently
8. Terminology list- fill in descriptors/ definitions now that you have seen the
9. This will be an incredible experience! The students should show the kids
wonderful detail and generally all students participate. Parents may assist
as guides and help any shy student who may eventually participate.
10. Thank the college students and write thank you notes.
11. Review term list.
1. If there’s an older cow’s eye to dissect, do so and note the differences
caused by aging
2. Make a mobile of a large stuffed eye. Use 2 sheets white butcher paper,
water color, pencil, newspaper to stuff with, cellophane for cornea, twisted
pixie wires for optic nerve, marker to label (or cut out labels glued on),
stapler to close and string and hole-punch. Guide students through the
drawing/ outline, water color, labeling, stuffing, stapling and hanging
process. Hang in room after process.
Evaluation/ Assessment
• Students will observe the major parts of the eye (eyelid, eyelashes, iris,
pupil, cornea, lens, sclera, vitreous body, tear gland, optic nerve, retina)
• Students will be able to identify the major parts of the eye
• Students will write a thank you note to their volunteer college students
who lead the dissections
Linda Tripp, Retired Master teacher from Ute Pass Elementary School in
Cascade, CO
Eye Dissection WorksheetEyelid:
Aqueous fluid:
Vitreous fluid/ body:
Tear gland:
Retina (with rods and cones):
Optic nerve:
Blood vessels: