Accenture Agile Development Services

G-Cloud III Services
Service Definition
Accenture Agile Development Services
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Table of contents
Scope of services ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Approach ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pricing .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
About Accenture .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Further Information .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
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1. Scope of services
This document describes Accenture’s Agile Development Services, and should be read in conjunction with the associated
Government Cloud III Services documentation.
Agile Development:
Many Central Government organisations are turning to agile development methods as a more flexible way to deliver
technology services to citizens.
In the right sort of circumstances Agile development methods can often:•
Deliver benefits earlier and more frequently than traditional “waterfall” delivery methods
Be less expensive to find and correct defects
Reduce the cost of future solution increments
Accenture Delivery Methods (ADM) for Agile Development
Accenture’s Delivery Methods for Agile Development incorporate a range of services across multiple stages of the
software delivery lifecycle:
Accenture Delivery Methods for Agile Development
Scope of Services
Accenture has included the following Agile Development services on the G Cloud framework. We will be happy to
discuss specific Agile Service requirements with our clients.
Solution Planning. Support to plan your Agile Development project. From “Initialising” the project to
“Developing” the objectives and necessary support structure, “Validating” the approach and “Transitioning” into
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Project and Programme Management. Support to implement Governance, maintain control and track progress
on the Agile Delivery project.
Change Enablement. Services to ensure that the Agile-Developed software is accepted into the customer’s
organisation. Support to enable and/or transform the organisation to ensure the best possible circumstances
for the benefits of the change to be realised.
Application Management. Service Delivery, Service Management, Operations Management and Operations
Support Services.
In addition to the 4 types of Service defined above – “The Software Lifecycle” defined by ADM for Agile is highly
dependent on feedback and adaptation to adjust plans, implementations, deliverables and support as changes occur in
the customers’ vision and business needs.
The major phases of the lifecycle – supported by and included on this framework entry - include:-
Accenture Delivery Methods for Agile Development
The Software Lifecycle
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2. Approach
World Class Delivery:
Accenture’s world-class delivery capabilities bring together our global reach, industrialized assets and deeply skilled
technology and industry professionals—all focused on generating measurable business value for our clients through
reliable, cost-effective and consistently high quality services. We meet our clients’ immediate business challenges while
simultaneously helping them to define and deliver next-generation innovations through the power of our close,
collaborative relationships.
No one is better at delivery than Accenture. With 167,000 professionals in more than 50 centres, Accenture offices and
client locations, the Accenture Global Delivery Network is unmatched—delivering management consulting, technology
and business process outsourcing services using a range of Accenture Delivery Methodologies.
Our clients are the biggest names in their industries as well as emerging powerhouses.
Accenture Delivery Methods (ADM) for Agile Development:
The Accenture Delivery Methods for Agile Development is a methodology which is designed to deliver solutions to the
customer’s business requirements frequently and consistently.
ADM for Agile is a highly disciplined, collaborative and flexible approach that delivers essential business value and
quality capabilities, quickly and frequently. This is achieved by reusing agile best practices as well as being compliant to
the CMMI.
Accenture Delivery Methods (ADM) for Agile Development.
Core Values and Principles
ADM for Agile Development is grounded in a set of Core Values and supporting Principles that guide individuals in
making decisions, prioritising work, and interacting with stakeholders. Our Core Values are the foundation of how we
deliver our professional services to our clients at every stage of the Development Lifecycle.
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Our Agile Approach: Inspection and Adaptation:
One of the core values of ADM for Agile is being Adaptive.
Adaptive describes our ability to continuously inspect and adapt our practices to satisfy our customers. We do this by
building in a “Plan -> Do -> Inspect -> Adapt” feedback loop for each iteration of development and solution delivery:
Accenture Delivery Methods (ADM) for Agile Development.
Our “Adaptive” Core Value
PLAN involves a two-level process that evaluates customers priorities at every iteration start and then breaks
down those priorities into executable tasks for the iteration (or Sprint)
DO includes not only design and coding to execute the tasks, but also developing tests with code and then build
and execution of those tests on the daily work products
INSPECT utilizes our continuous integration environment and testing processes to perform daily inspection of
the quality of our solutions.
ADAPT includes demonstration of the iteration work products to customer and stakeholders as well as a team
retrospective on the execution of the iteration. This feeds back into the next planning cycle to reflect new
customer priorities for the product as well as adjustment of ADM for Agile processes to enable improved
3. Pricing
Our unit price of £713 per day represents a blended day rate for systems integration, agile development and
implementation of Cloud Services. This blend is based on our experience in implementing these kinds of services for
customers across industry in the UK.
Our commitment is to work with you to define the appropriate scope and deliverables to achieve the desired outcome
at the best value for money for you. If the work to deliver the Cloud service is more advisory in nature then our blended
rate may increase to £1299 per day or higher. This increase reflects the need for more senior, more experienced staff to
be involved in the delivery of these types of service.
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4. Contacts
Matthew Coates (Global Lead, Accenture Cloud Services – Strategy)
Telephone: +44 207 844 0247
Sundip Bhatnagara (Technology Account Lead – UK Health)
Telephone: +44 207 844 4275
5. About Accenture
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately
261,200 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive
capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful
companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments.
The company generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2012.
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