Biology 253 Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2002 page 1 of 9

Biology 253
Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 1 of 9
1) Blood belongs to which of the following types of tissues?
A) connective
B) areolar
C) skeletal
D) reticular
E) loose irregular connective tissue
2) Identify the correct statement about abdominal surface regions.
A) the hypogastric region is superior to the iliac region
B) there are both right and left hypogastric regions
C) the hypochondriac region is deep to the umbilical region
D) the hypochondriac region is superior to the iliac region
E) the iliac regions are lateral to the hypogastric region
3) Which of the following tissues is most vascularized?
A) bone
B) dense regular connective tissue
C) epithelium
D) adipose
E) cartilage
4) Which of the following carpals do NOT articulate directly with one another?
A) scaphoid and trapezium
B) scaphoid and hamate
C) triquetrum and lunate
D) scaphoid and lunate
E) trapezium and trapezoid
5) Which of the following terms most appropriately applies to the groin?
A) inguinal
B) sural
C) popliteal
D) perineal
E) axilla
6) Bone elongation occurs:
A) at the epiphyseal plate of endochondral bones
B) at the epiphysis of endochondral bones
C) at the diaphysis of endochondral bones
D) at the metaphysis of endochondral bones
E) none of the above
7) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) supination - pes
B) flexion - genu
C) circumduction - thigh
D) extension - vertebral column
E) abduction - brachium
8) Identify the correct position of the following bony features on the ulna.
A) styloid process - anterior
B) head - proximal
C) olecranon process - medial
D) coronoid process - medial
E) trochlear notch - proximal
Biology 253
Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 2 of 9
9) Which of the following terms applies to bone but not hyaline cartilage?
A) lacunae
B) collagen
C) extracellular matrix
D) appositional growth
E) apatite
10) Which of the following is a bone of the orbit?
A) maxillary
B) nasal
C) vomer
D) temporal
E) parietal
11) Which of the following is NOT a bone of the skull?
A) ethmoid
B) sphenoid
C) coccyx
D) occipital
E) mandible
12) Which of the following describes the elbow region?
A) axillary
B) inguinal
C) cervical
D) cubital
E) deltoid
13) Which of the following cranial bones does NOT include an air-filled sinus?
A) temporal
B) frontal
C) occipital
D) maxillary
E) sphenoid
14) An articular cleft, or synovial cavity, characterizes what kind of joint?
A) gomphosis
B) synarthrosis
C) syndesmosis
D) synchondrosis
E) none of the above
15) The tibiotalar joint is capable of which of the following movements?
A) dorsiflexion/plantar flexion
B) flexion/extension
C) pronation/supination
D) inversion/eversion
E) circumduction
16) In which direction does the glenoid cavity face?
A) anterior
E) medial
B) lateral
C) posterior
D) superior
17) With which of the following bones does the fibula articulate?
Biology 253
Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 3 of 9
A) patella and tibia
B) femur and tibia
C) talus and tibia
D) calcaneum and tibia
E) tibia only
18) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) nuchal - neck
B) midaxillary – lateral thorax
C) femoral - thigh
D) carpal - wrist
E) hallux - thumb
19) Which of the following terms describes movement from midsagittal to parasagittal?
A) medial
B) distal
C) lateral
D) abduction
E) horizontal
20) Which of the following terms apply to epithelium?
A) apical
B) basement membrane
C) brush border
D) luminal
E) all of the above
21) Which of the following is a ligament (or cartilage) of the vertebral arch?
A) ligamentum teres
B) annulus fibrosus
C) ligamentum flavum
D) nucleus pulposus
E) sacroiliac joint
22) Which of the following is a diarthrotic joint?
A) sternocostal
B) proximal tibiofibular
C) sternoclavicular
D) acromioclavicular
E) coracoclavicular
23) Which of the following tarsal bones has the fewest articulations with other bones?
A) calcaneus
B) talus
C) cuboid
D) 2nd cuneiform
E) navicular
24) Which of the following bones forms the posterior cranial fossa?
A) frontal
E) occipital
B) ethmoid
C) temporal
D) sphenoid
25) Which of the following bones is characterized by intramembranous development?
A) scapula
Biology 253
Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 4 of 9
B) patella
C) ilium
D) parietal
E) femur
26) Which of the following joints is capable of circumduction?
A) pollical metacarpal - trapezium
B) intercarpal
C) coxofemoral
D) glenohumeral
E) all of the above
27) With which of the following bones does the sacrum articulate?
A) lumbar vertebra 1
B) lumbar vertebra 5
C) femur
D) pubis
E) none of the above
28) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) radial tuberosity - radius
B) tibial tuberosity - tibia
C) ischial tuberosity - ischium
D) odontoid process – atlas vertebra
E) external occipital protuberance – occipital bone
29) The coracoid process is part of which of the following bones?
A) humerus
B) clavicle
C) scapula
D) sternum
E) pelvis
30) The sella turcica is part of which of the following bones?
A) femur
B) sphenoid
C) temporal
D) petrosal
E) occipital
31) Which of the following is NOT part of the temporal bone?
A) pterygoid process
B) inferior orbital fissure
C) foramen ovale
D) cribiform plate
E) all of the above
32) Which of the following structures is NOT paired (right and left)?
A) occipital condyle
E) occipital bone
B) acetabulum
C) mandibular fossa
D) coxal bone
33) The term "buccal" applies to what region of the body?
A) cheek
B) eye
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Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 5 of 9
C) ear
D) palm
E) buttocks
34) Through which of the following does a branch of the trigeminal nerve (nV) NOT pass?
A) foramen rotundum
B) infraorbital foramen
C) foramen spinosum
D) mandibular foramen
E) foramen ovale
35) Spinal nerves exit the vertebral column via which of the following openings?
A) transverse foramina
B) vertebral foramina
C) intervertebral foramina
D) sacral canal
E) all of the above
36) Which of the following bones do NOT articulate with one another?
A) cervical vertebra 7 and thoracic vertebra 1
B) occipital and atlas
C) right and left clavicles
D) temporal and parietal
E) right and left pubes
37) Hyperextension of the crus likely results in injury to which of the following ligaments?
A) patellar
B) acromioclavicular
C) anterior cruciate and medial meniscus
D) ligamentum teres
E) fibular collateral
38) Which of the following statements is/are correct?
A) the choanae are anterior to the foramen magnum
B) the external auditory meatus is lateral to the internal auditory meatus
C) the cribiform plate is superior to the hard palate
D) the maxillary bones form a symphysis
E) all of the above
39) In anatomical position the pollex is:
A) proximal to the carpals
B) superior to the metacarpals
C) medial to the radius
D) medial to the ulna
E) distal to the radius
40) What term describes movement of the brachium posteriorly?
A) flexion
E) abduction
B) extension
C) eversion
D) adduction
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Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 6 of 9
41) The optic foramen, foramina rotundum and ovale, and clinoid processes are all most specifically associated
A) the cranial cavity
B) the sphenoid bone
C) the skull
D) the temporal bone
E) the orbit
42) Where is McBurney’s point located?
A) the hypogastric region
B) the lower left abdominal quadrant
C) the epigastric region
D) superficial to the vermiform appendix
E) the upper left abdominal quadrant
43) Which of the following is located on the distal surface of the bone(s) of which it is a part?
A) intercondylar notch of femur
B) fovea capitis of femur
C) intercondylar eminence of tibia
D) greater tubercle of humerus
E) head of radius
44) Which of the following anatomical relationships are NOT antonyms in human anatomy?
A) ventral - posterior
B) ventral - dorsal
C) superficial - deep
D) palmar - anterior
E) inferior - craniad
45) Which of the following is NOT a bone of the upper appendage?
A) humerus
B) radius
C) metacarpal
D) navicular
E) phalanx
46) Which of the following ligaments faces posteriorly?
A) superior glenohumeral ligament
B) sacrotuberous ligament
C) annular ligament
D) ligamentum teres
E) patellar ligament
47) What is the appropriate term for a semi-movable cartilaginous joint such as is exhibited by sternocostal
A) symphysis
B) synchondrosis
C) suture
D) fissure
E) syndesmosis
Biology 253
Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 7 of 9
48) Which of the following is not a path of blood flow into or out of the cranial cavity?
A) internal acoustic foramen
B) foramen spinosum
C) jugular foramen
D) foramen magnum
E) foramen lacerum
49) The single feature that distinguishes exocrine glands from endocrine glands is that:
A) they are epithelial
B) they exhibit ducts
C) they are excretory
D) they secrete hormones
E) they are lined with elastic cartilage
50) Which of the following is a feature pelvis and hip?
A) greater sciatic notch/foramen
B) anterior sacral foramina
C) arcuate line
D) obturator foramen
E) all of the above
51) Which of the following structures is NOT associated with the hard palate?
A) maxillary bone
B) choana
C) palatine bone
D) vomer
E) incisive foramen
52) The pelvic outlet is comprised of which of the following?
A) pectineal crest
B) pubic tubercle
C) arcuate line
D) sacral promontory
E) none of the above
53) An air filled space within the skull is termed a:
A) medulla
B) cranial cavity
C) sinus
D) lacuna
E) foramen
54) Identify the correct statement.
A) there are eight cervical vertebrae
B) there are ten thoracic vertebrae
C) there are five lumbar vertebrae
D) there are four sacral vertebrae that become fused into one sacrum
E) all of the above are correct statements
Biology 253
Human Anatomy
Exam I
Fall 2002 page 8 of 9
55) Which of the following is NOT part of the femur?
A) linea aspera
B) intertrochanteric crest
C) adductor tubercle
D) fovea capitis
E) acetabular notch
56) The humerus exhibits of which of the following types of joints?
A) diarthrosis only
B) syndesmosis only
C) synchondrosis only
D) diarthrosis and syndesmosis
E) syndesmosis and synchondrosis
57) Which of the following bones lacks a head?
A) humerus
B) radius
C) ulna
D) femur
E) tibia
58) The terms mandibular foramen, coronoid process, angle, and mandibular condyle refer most specifically to
which of the following?
A) axial skeleton
B) cranium
C) mandible
D) mandibular ramus
E) mandibular body
59) Which costa or costae articulate at the sternal angle?
A) 2
B) 1-7
C) 8-12
D) 11-12
E) atlas
60) The lesser trochanter is a part of which of the following?
A) femur
B) cranial cavity
C) orbit
D) spenoid bone
E) temporal bone