Alphabet agencies top trumps Task Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Information Paid farmers to produce less food. This stopped overproduction, which meant that prices went back up and farms started making a profit again. Because of this, farmers’ incomes doubled in four years (19326). For each of the alphabet agencies, produce a top trumps card in order to evaluate the success of the agency and its impact on the people of the USA. Once you have read the information, it is up to you to decide which categories to give each card, as different agencies affected different types of people, or had an impact on different parts of the economy. Try to think of at least one category which benefitted from the agency and at least one where the agency did not make any improvements, e.g. The CCC benefitted the unemployed, but did not help women directly as only men were employed under the scheme. Here are some suggestions for your categories: farmers industry the unemployed the poor and needy black people women housing children long‐term future of the USA. Some criticised this agency as it wasted food – the government bought and slaughtered six million piglets. It also did not help black sharecroppers, many of whom were fired because producing less food and having money to buy machines meant farmers needed fewer employees. /10 /10 /10 Overall score: © 2012 18643 Page 1 of 5 Alphabet agencies top trumps Civil Works Administration (CWA) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Information Gave jobs to men under 25. These men would move to government camps and do jobs in the countryside such as clearing land and planting trees to stop soil blowing away. In return, the men got clothing, food and a small wage ($1 a day), most of which was sent home to help their families. Between 1933 and 1942 nearly three million men were part of the CCC. However, some people criticised the CCC as cheap labour. Of the three million who benefitted from this scheme, only 200,000 were black, who were segregated in separate camps. Furthermore, women did not benefit as the work was only for men. © 2012 Information Gave people short-term jobs. Four million people were employed over the winter of 1933-34. Some of these jobs helped improve infrastructure such as building roads. However, some people criticised this agency because many of the jobs seemed like a waste of tax payers’ money, like scaring away pigeons or getting out-of-work actors to put on free shows. These jobs were called ‘boondoggling’. /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 Overall score: 18643 Page 2 of 5 Alphabet agencies top trumps Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Information FDR gave the FERA $500 million to help the thousands of Americans who were living in poverty because of the Depression. They had no homes, money or food. Most of the money was used to set up soup kitchens and to provide clothing, schools and employment schemes. Information Created public works of real and lasting value. $4 billion were spent employing skilled men to build dams, schools, bridges, hospitals, houses and sewage systems. However, some people criticised this agency as there were still lots of people living in poverty. 30% of black people were still relying on charity in 1935. © 2012 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 18643 Page 3 of 5 Alphabet agencies top trumps Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) National Recovery Administration (NRA) Information Information The aims of this agency were to: Loaned money to people to help them pay their mortgages. This meant that they were less likely to lose their homes. • • • increase workers’ wages so that they could buy more goods, therefore putting money back into the economy increase the price of factory goods improve conditions in the workplace by limiting workers hours, setting minimum wages, allowing workers to join trade unions, and banning child labour. Businesses who signed up were allowed to use the Blue Eagle logo to show that they were part of the scheme. © 2012 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 18643 Page 4 of 5 Alphabet agencies top trumps The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Farm Credit Administration (FCA) Information The Tennessee Valley covered seven states which had had problems with flooding and soil erosion. 33 dams were built to control the Tennessee River, and hydroelectric dams provided cheap electricity for farmers and their families. The TVA became the largest producer of electricity in America. Information Gave loans to a fifth of all farmers so that they would not lose their farms. Jobs were created in building these dams, and the land was improved, allowing farmers to make more money and improving their standard of living. New towns were also built as land was no longer likely to flood. However, when one of these towns, Norris, was built, black people were not allowed to live there. © 2012 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 18643 Page 5 of 5