John Locke Academy Equality Objectives The Equality Act 2010 requires academies to publish objectives lined to ensuring equality for all pupils and staff Objective Attainment and progress of all pupils will be carefully monitored to make sure that any barriers to learning are addressed, regardless of race, religion, gender or social background. Context John Locke is a new academy in Uxbridge and is likely to attract a diverse population of children and families. We will work with all families to ensure that all children have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. We will know if we have been successful through the monitoring of progress data. All children should make similar progress given the right support. Actions 1. Ensure that all pupils feel safe and secure in the academy so they are keen to learn. Create an inclusive ethos that celebrates the similarities and differences between people. 2. Perform a baseline assessment of pupils when they enter the academy in cooperation with parents and carers. Use this baseline to provide learning opportunities that will help develop areas of learning that may be weaker. 3. Set targets for pupils to help them make expected progress towards the Early Learning Goals of the Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile. 4. Provide intervention for any pupils that need support. 5. Promote equal opportunities clearly throughout the curriculum and display in the academy. 6. Ensure that aspirational images and ideas form part of the learning environment. 7. Actions are taken to ensure that both sexes and all pupils of different cultural backgrounds can access the curriculum in a variety of ways. 8. Ensure that language development features in all planning across the learning experiences provided in both nursery and reception. Objective Monitor and analyse racist incidents in the academy. Context This is a statutory requirement of the Equality Act. The academy will not tolerate bullying of any sort and will do everything it can to ensure that it does not occur. If it does, it will be dealt with quickly and the academy will offer support to the victim, while seeking to stop the bully repeating their actions. We will know if we are successful if bullying is a rare incident and logging and analysing any incidents helps to stop it happening again. Actions 1. Ensure that all pupils know what bullying is and that it is not acceptable. 2. Help children understand that they do not need to put up with bullying behaviour. 3. Constantly remind children and adults of the anti-bullying policy and actively prevent bullying behaviour. 4. Ensure that the PSHE programme encourages pupils to speak up if they are victim of bullying or know that someone is being bullied. 5. If bullying occurs, deal with the incidents and look at strategies for restoring self-esteem for both the victim and the bully. 6. Log any incidents with outcomes so any trends can be identified; review the incident to see if it could be prevented and if safeguarding procedures are robust enough. 7. Report any incidents and consequences to the governing body. 8. Ensure that all staff members know how to manage any racist incidents. 9. The principal should be informed if there are any racist incidents. Objective To ensure that pupil with special educational needs have access to the academy curriculum in line with the new code of conduct for pupils with SEN. Context The new code of practice for children with special educational needs comes into force in September 2014. Within a new cohort of pupils there are likely to be pupils who have special educational needs, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. As an inclusive academy, we will do our best to accommodate those needs and adapt the curriculum and environment where appropriate. Extra support will be provided where necessary to support learning for all pupils Actions 1. Ensure staff members are up to date with changes to the code of conduct for SEN pupils. 2. Ensure that provision is made for pupils’ learning, physical, medical or well-being needs. 3. Ensure the academy is appropriately resourced 4. Ensure teachers have the required training to support pupils 5. Check data to ensure pupils are making appropriate progress. 6. Work closely with parents to ensure a common understanding of any issues and possible resolutions. 7. Support parents and inclusion manager is soliciting the correct support from outside agencies. Objective To ensure that the needs of any pupils with disabilities are met as far as possible within the academy environment and when arranging educational visits outside of the academy itself. Context John Locke Academy is housed in a brand new building which is compliant with accessibility guidance, including a lift, ramps and double bannisters. The academy will always try its hardest to meet the needs of all pupils including those with disabilities. Actions 1. To ensure that the building is safe and secure for all pupils. 2. To ensure that all parts of the academy are maintained to a high standard and repaired if damaged. 3. To ensure that all pupil scan access educational visits outside of the academy building. 4. As far as possible, the outside area is made suitable for all pupils with a disability; or an alternative is sensitively provided. 5. The health and safety of pupils with a disability is planned for at major academy events, in the classroom and around the building.