APUSH Unit 10 Test: America in the 1940s and 1950s MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Which of the following declarations renounced war "as an instrument of national policy" after World War 1? A) Treaty of Versailles B) Kellogg-Briand Pact C) United Nations Declaration D) Clark Memorandum E) Locarno Pact 2) In the 1920s and 1930s, isolationists often cited the words and warnings of A) James Madison B) Woodrow Wilson C) James Monroe D) Theodore Roosevelt E) George Washington 3) The Senate Nye Committee hearings of the 1930s A) argued that "merchants of death" compelled the U.S. to join World War I. B) oversaw early atomic research. C) had "strong reservations" to the USA joining the League of Nations D) called for an Anglo-American military alliance. E) proposed complete United States disarmament. 4) The worldwide economic instability of the 1920s and 1930s A) caused disastrous trade conflicts. B) did not significantly impact political systems. C) brought super-nationalistic military governments to power in Europe and Asia. D) promoted international economic cooperation. E) stimulated the growth of centralized democracies. 5) The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936 A) cut off all trade between the United States and Europe. B) offered loans and credit to belligerents. C) outlawed U.S. weapon sales to nations at war. D) prohibited American investment in foreign countries. E) cut off trade with Asia. 6) With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Roosevelt A) made a secret pact with the French. B) immediately declared war on Germany. C) loaned massive quantities of war supplies to France and England. D) warned Germany that if France were attacked, the United States would declare war. E) declared American neutrality. 7) The kind of war adopted by Germany in World War 2 that used massed, fast-moving columns of tanks supported by air power was known as: A) Pazifikkrieg. B) Kristallnacht. C) Flugzeugtr ger. D) Blitzkrieg. E) Dampfkatapult. 8) Which one of the following lists these events in CORRECT order? (1) Germany invades Poland. (2) Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact. (3) Germany annexes the remainder of Czechoslovakia. (4) Germany annexes Austria. A) 1, 3, 4, 2 B) 1, 2, 4, 3 C) 3, 4, 1, 2 D) 4, 3, 2, 1 E) 2, 4, 3, 1 9) In order to assist the Allies immediately after World War 2 began, President Roosevelt A) approved the destroyers-for-bases deal and provided fifty destroyers to the British. B) gave the British and the French technologically advanced communications systems. C) initiated the first peace time draft in U.S. history. D) placed a total embargo on trade to Nazi Germany. E) provided lend-lease assistance to the Allies. 10) To get needed supplies to Great Britain and Russia in 1941 without antagonizing isolationists in America, President Roosevelt launched A) the United Nations. B) the Lend-Lease program. C) Wartime Credit program. D) secret submarine attacks on German ships. E) the United States' invasion of North Africa. 11) In 1939 and 1940, Franklin Roosevelt tried to halt Japanese aggression in China and Indochina by A) imposing economic sanctions to limit Japanese access to raw materials. B) sending troops to mainland China. C) threatening to invade Japanese holdings in the Pacific. D) bombing Japanese cities. E) offering most-favored nation trade status to Japan in return for an end to hostilities. 12) The August 1941 proclamation issued by Roosevelt and Winston Churchill that identified as war aims liberal principles such as free trade, disarmament, and freedom from fear, want, and tyranny was called the: A) North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement. B) Atlantic Charter. C) North Atlantic Trade Organization. D) American-British Contract. E) United Nations Charter. 13) By 1945, the majority of women workers: A) were limited to a few fields and nothing new. B) were ready to go back home to traditional roles. C) wanted to continue to work at the jobs they had. D) agreed with the government's advertising about "Rosie." E) agreed that only unmarried women should keep high-paying positions. 14) During World War 2, Roosevelt and his advisors followed this policy in relation to Holocaust death camps: A) It was propaganda similar to World War I fabrications. B) What the public does not know will not hurt them. C) Soviet troops were closer and could liberate the camps. D) Total Allied victory was the best way to liberate camps. E) Civilian rescue would be employed to distract the enemy. 15) Langston Hughes' question: "How long I got to fight both Hitler-and Jim Crow," was a reference to the A) Guns for Money campaign. B) Arsenal of Democracy program. C) Victory Garden crusade. D) "2nd Front" campaign. E) "Double V" campaign. 16) Beginning in 1941, the brunt of the war for the Allies in Europe fell on: A) the Soviet Union who won the turning point battle in Europe at Stalingrad. B) Italy who won the turning point battle in Europe at El Alamein . C) France who won the turning point battle in Europe at Verdun. D) the United States who won the turning point battle in Europe in Northern Africa. E) England who won the turning point battle in Europe during the Battle of Britain 17) During World War 2, the naval battle that ended Japan's threat to Hawaii was that of: A) Coral Sea. B) Guadalcanal. C) Guam. D) Tinian. E) Midway. 18) Basically, the United States won World War 2 by A) Out producing its enemies. B) Military power. C) Superior soldiers. D) Strategy. E) Espionage. 19) The federal agency designed to protect African-American workers against discrimination during World War 2 was the A) Fair Employment Practices Committee. B) Fair Labor Standards Agency. C) War Relocation Authority. D) Congress of Industrial Organizations. E) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 20) World War 2 brought a mass migration of African Americans from farms in the South to A) cities in the North and West. B) war industries throughout the country. C) cities in the South. D) farms in the West. E) farms in the North. 21) During World War 2, Japanese Americans A) experienced about the same amount of discrimination as German Americans. B) were essentially ignored by the American public. C) were asked to voluntarily leave their homes if they lived near the Pacific coast. D) were forced to live as prisoners in concentration camps. E) were systematically slaughtered by the thousands in concentration camps. 22) The so-called "zoot-suit" riots in Los Angeles in 1943 were targeted at A) Native Americans. B) Mexican Americans. C) German Americans. D) Italian Americans. E) African Americans. 23) The United States' strategy against Japan in the Pacific during World War 2 can be described as A) human wave assaults. B) a battleship "slugfest." C) a traditional naval blockade. D) island hopping. E) guerilla warfare. 24) The wartime conference in which Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt laid out plans for post-World War 2 Europe, allowing Eastern Europe to fall under the Russian "sphere of influence" while Western Europe would be under British and American influence, was the __ conference. A) Potsdam B) Casablanca C) Geneva D) Yalta E) Tehran 25) In World War 2, the U.S. and Great Britain agreed to this Allied strategy: A) concentrate on defeating Japan first before turning on Germany B) divide all resources equally between the war against the Axis Powers C) concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan D) fight only the Japanese, leaving the Soviets to fight the Germans alone E) take a passive role and limit operations allowing the German and Soviet armies to defeat each other 26) Which one of the following lists these events in CORRECT order? (1) the attack on Pearl Harbor (2) the Nazi-Soviet Pact (3) the D-Day invasion (4) the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima A) 2, 1, 4, 3 B) 2, 3, 1, 4 C) 2, 1, 3, 4 D) 1, 2, 3, 4 E) 1, 3, 2, 4 27) Between 1935 and the time when it entered World War 2 in 1941, the Roosevelt adminstration implemented all of the following EXCEPT: A) a lend-lease policy B) a program to develop an atomic bomb C) a policy to arm American merchant ships D) a cash-and-carry policy E) a peacetime military draft 28) During World War 2, the main objective of the Manhattan Project was to A) enact revenge on Japan by bombing Tokyo early in 1942 B) rebuild New York City's worst slums C) liberate Germany's concentration camps D) break Germany's secret communications code E) develop an atomic bomb 29) During World War 2. the so-called "cash and carry" legislation was all of the following EXCEPT: A) an attempt to force waring nations who paid cash for U.S. arms to carry them away on their own ships B) an attempt to revise and soften the Neutrality Act of 1937 C) a means of broadening arms sales to waring nations D) an attempt on the part of the Roosevelt administration to help Great Britain E) a way for the United States to strengthen its defenses 30) During World War 2, the government agency that oversaw the conversion of factories to wartime use was the A) Office of Public Information B) War Labor Board C) War Production Board D) Committee on Public Information E) War Commodities Board 31) What were Truman's motives for using the atomic bomb against Japan during World War 2? A) He wanted to end the war quickly to save American lives B) Intelligence reports indicated that the Japanese were close to completing an atomic bomb of their own C) He did not realize that civilians would be killed D) He hated the Japanese and wanted to totally destroy them E) He believed that the Japanese planned an attack on California 32) During World War 2, mericans united behind Roosevelt's decision to ask for a declaration of war when A) Japan attacked the Philippines B) France fell to the Germans C) they learned of the death camps in Europe D) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor E) London fell to the Germans VOCABULARY. Define each term or phrase in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. 33) One of the goals of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to A) employ painters and writers B) restore land to Indian tribes C) provide employment for young men D) increase labor union membership E) provide civil rights for African-Americans MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 34) What did these five countries have in common after World War 2: United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union, France and nationalist China? A) Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. B) Members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. C) Membership in NATO. D) Seats on the International Court of Justice. E) Founding members of the Warsaw Pact. 35) The fundamental disagreement at the beginning of the Cold War involved the question of A) free elections in Western Europe. B) who would control post-war Japan. C) who would control postwar Europe. D) whether Truman or Stalin would lead postwar alliances. E) sharing the secrets of atomic weapons. 36) When the Soviet Union sealed off the city of Berlin in 1948, President Harry Truman A) declared war. B) threatened to drop nuclear weapons on Moscow. C) responded by invading Czechoslovakia. D) organized a massive airlift to resupply the city. E) did nothing, fearing escalation to a "hot" war 37) The Marshall Plan proposed A) the rearming of Germany. B) the division of Germany. C) a series of Western military alliances. D) a massive military buildup in Europe. E) the infusion of massive amounts of American capital in Western Europe. 38) Overall, the Marshall Plan A) did little to halt Soviet encroachment in Western Europe. B) received wholehearted support from the Soviets. C) had no effect on the U.S. economy. D) failed as an economic measure. E) generated a broad industrial recovery in Western Europe. 39) The Truman Doctrine committed the United States to A) Reinstating the Monroe Doctrine. B) Reducing the U.S. military presence abroad. C) Supporting United Nations efforts to stabilize countries. D) Intervening to prevent further communist takeover attempts. E) Sending combat troop to the Middle East. 40) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization A) was perceived as nonthreatening by the Soviets. B) continued the old American tradition of involvement in European alliances. C) represented a departure from traditional American isolationism. D) received little support from European nations. E) was opposed by the United Nations secretary-general. 41) The National Security Act of 1947 established the A) Department of State. B) Central Intelligence Agency. C) Truman Doctrine. D) House Un-American Activities Committee. E) Marshall Plan. 42) The defense policy statement known as NSC-68 A) emphasized the need to rely on diplomacy to deal with the Soviets. B) symbolized a lessening of Cold War anxieties. C) led to a weakening of the American military. D) advocated a massive expansion of the American military in an attempt toliberate communist countries. E) showed the Truman administration's lack of determination to confront the Soviet threat. 43) In the Korean War, the Chinese threatened a massive invasion of Korea if the United States A) invaded North Korea. B) did not agree to peace talks. C) attempted to aid South Korea. D) broke out of the Pusan perimeter. E) did not withdraw its troops. 44) Julius and Ethel Rosenberg A) opposed the Soviet attempt to blockade Berlin. B) were executed for passing American atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. C) helped the CIA break a Soviet spy ring in the United States. D) admitted their guilt. E) were responsible for exposing Alger Hiss as a communist. 45) The leading figure of the Red Scare of the early 1950s was A) Dwight D. Eisenhower. B) Richard M. Nixon. C) Roy Cohn. D) Dean Acheson. E) Joseph McCarthy. 46) President Harry Truman's domestic program was known as the A) Square Deal. B) New Deal. C) Fair Deal. D) Great Society. E) New Frontier. 47) Truman's practical contribution to the civil rights movement was A) The Civil Rights Act of 1948. B) Challenging the segregation laws in Washington, D.C. C) Introducing legislation based on the To Secure These Rights report. D) Implementing recommendations from his presidential committee on civil rights. E) Integrating the armed services by executive order. 48) The great economic growth of the late 1940s and early 1950s resulted from A) government success in balancing the budget. B) great consumer demand and heavy defense spending. C) radically new industrial production methods. D) government decisions to remove federal regulations on business. E) across-the-board wage increases. 49) The title of Galbraith's book, The Affluent Society, is an apt description of the 1950s for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A) there was an emphasis on society's well-being. B) the idea of the "good life" imbued American culture. C) the economy was prosperous in the 1950s. D) there was a popular belief that life would continuously improve. E) the force driving the economy was personal consumption. 50) These two trends encouraged a change in the middle-class family after World War 2: A) Higher wages and more college educated parents. B) The baby boom and high rates of consumer spending. C) Younger marriages and fewer children. D) Birth control and returning veterans. E) Inflation and higher military spending. 51) The suburbs in the 1950s: A) emphasized fitting in and having security. B) brought a reaction against the New Deal. C) were made possible by the interstate highway system D) were almost exclusively populated by college-educated, white-collar workers. E) isolated people and stressed anonymity. 52) All of the following are true of "rock 'n' roll" EXCEPT it: A) removed racism from society for the young. B) celebrated a new youth culture. C) demonstrated the power of youth as consumers. D) heralded a generational shift in American society. E) represented rebellion and independence. 53) The National Defense Educational Act of 1958 was passed in response to A) Truman's call for educational reform. B) the discovery that the Soviets had nuclear weapons. C) Truman's attempted nationalization of atomic energy. D) the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. E) a populace unsure of what to do in the event of nuclear war. 54) The one significant legislative achievement of the Eisenhower years was the A) Taft-Hartley Act. B) Social Security Act. C) Fair Employment Act. D) Highway Act of 1956. E) Truth in Advertising Act. 55) Betty Friedan's work The Feminine Mystique A) Urged women to be more accepting of their role as wives and mothers. B) Articulated the frustrations of suburban women. C) Stressed the power of positive thinking to middle-class women. D) Celebrated suburban life and the nuclear family. E) Chronicled the hazards of working women. 56) The 'Beats" produced literature in the 1950s that A) Condemned the 1960s counterculture. B) Expressed faith in American ability to retain individuality. C) Warned against the anti-Communist rhetoric of the mass media. D) Promoted American dominance in the world. E) Challenged mainstream conformity and consumption. 57) In his 1952 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Eisenhower projected an image of a/an A) Liberal who would pull America out of Korea. B) Aggressive anti-communist who would get total victory in Korea. C) Moderate but firm candidate who could achieve honorable peace in Korea. D) Conservative determined to undo remaining elements of the New Deal. E) Reformer who could fulfill the dreams of the New Deal. 58) With respect to the New Deal, President Eisenhower: A) was a firm believer in the effectiveness of its programs. B) maintained its welfare programs but limited their expansion. C) maintained all central structures except welfare. D) actively sought to dismantle its key programs. E) pushed for the creation of new, more radical programs. 59) In foreign policy, President Eisenhower: A) advocated a full military involvement in Indochina. B) won the Korean War after it had stalemated. C) called for liberating Eastern Europe. D) used the CIA to overthrow governments. E) believed in using the military as the first option. 60) In response to the Cold War, President Eisenhower: A) vowed to break the Soviet Union and achieve total victory. B) thought the United States had to become a security or "garrison" state. C) relied on the threat of nuclear weapons. D) built up the United States's conventional forces. E) abandoned the strategy of containment. 61) Eisenhower's Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, called for a "new look" in American foreign policy was a change from the A) Military Industrial Complex. B) Heavy-handed interventionist diplomacy in Latin America. C) Containment policy of Truman and Kennan. D) "Spy wars" and covert actions of the Truman administration. E) Massive retaliation and atomic diplomacy of Truman. VOCABULARY. Define each term or phrase in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. 62) The following ware all measures of the First New Deal EXCEPT: A) Civilian Conservation Corps B) the bank holiday and creation of the FDIC C) using the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to issue relief checks D) Social Security E) Tennessee Valley Authority 63) The primary goal of France in supporting the American Revolution was to A) assist the spread of the Catholic religion B) control the fur trade C) weaken the British Empire D) increase its exports E) regain Canada 64) Which of the following statements accurately reflects African-Americans in the late 18th century? A) A larger percentage of slaves were sold "up river" from the B) Many slaves were freed when some states abolished slavery after the Revolutionary War C) Most freed blacks and slaves lived west of the Mississippi River D) The Thirteenth Amendment was passed, ending slavery in the Deep South only E) The black population grew largely in the North 65) In his interpretations of the Constitution, Chief Justice John Marshall consistently stressed the importance of A) strict construction B) a strong central government C) individual rights D) overturning judicial review E) balancing state and federal power 66) "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes." In defending the rights of the common people during his first term, President Andrew Jackson used these words as part of a message regarding the A) Tariff of Abominations B) nullification crisis C) Supreme Court's Indian removal decision D) Maysville road veto E) Bank of the United States charter veto 67) The most significant improvement to America's system of transportation during the 1850s was A) the completion of the Erie Canal B) the invention of the steamboat C) the completion of the transcontinental railroad D) a surge in railroad building E) a surge in turnpike building 68) Martin Van Buren's belief during the Panic of 1837 that "the less the government interferes with private pursuits, the better for the general prosperity" could also be attributed to A) Herbert Hoover B) Franklin Roosevelt C) Grover Cleveland D) John Maynard Keynes E) Theodore Roosevelt 69) "Away, away with all these cobweb tissues of right discovery, exploration, settlement, contiguity, etc...[It is the American right] to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty..." The statement reflects the 19th century concept of A) big stick diplomacy B) the Roosevelt Corollary C) the Monroe Doctrine D) dollar diplomacy E) manifest destiny 70) Which was NOT an example of U.S. foreign relations with Great Britain in the first half of the 19th century? A) Webster-Ashburton Treaty B) Rush-Bagot Agreement C) purchase of Alaska D) War of 1812 E) settlement of the Oregon boundary dispute 71) All of the following added to the growing tension between the North and South prior to the Civil War EXCEPT A) the Fugitive Slave Law B) John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry C) California's request for statehood D) The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson E) The publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin 72) Because of its states' rights doctrine, the Confederate States of America most closely resembled A) the Articles of Confederation B) the United States Constitution C) the British Constitution D) the Virginia House of Burgesses E) the Mayflower Compact 73) Reconstruction ended in the South as a direct result of A) Democrats' acceptance of Hayes as president in exchange for the withdraw of federal troops in the South B) general Northern fatigue with the programs of the Radical Republicans C) the collapse of the remaining carpetbag governments in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana D) increased activities of white supremacist groups, like the KKK E) ratification fo the 14th Amendment 74) The Populist Party of the late 19th century was an outgrowth of A) the end of Reconstruction in the South B) resentment over government farm policies C) the union movement in Eastern industrial centers D) efforts to obtain equal rights for women and minorities E) the Second Great Awakening 75) Which of the following statements best summarizes Theodore Roosevelt's position on trusts? A) Good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts should be prevented from manipulating markets B) Only trusts in the meatpacking industry should be broken up C) Trusts are an economic evil and must be destroyed D) Only trusts in the railroad and oil industries are acceptable E) Anything that stands in the way of unrestricted economic competition should be removed or weakened 76) The Spanish-American War spurred building of the Panama Canal by A) discrediting congressional opponents of the project B) demonstrating the need to shift naval forces quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific C) removing the threat that any possible canal could be blockaded by Spanish forces based in the Caribbean D) demonstrating the ease with which Latin American countries could be overcome by U.S. military force E) demonstrating that such tropical diseases as malaria and yellow fever could be controlled 77) Which of the following are examples of legislation enacted under President Wilson's New Freedom program? A) Underwood Tariff and Federal Reserve Act B) Forest Reserve Act and Platt Amendment C) Newlands Act and Pure Food and Drug Act D) Mann-Elkins Act and Kellogg-Briand Pact E) Payne-Aldrich Tariff and Teller Amendment 78) In 1914, President Wilson responded to the beginning of World War I in Europe by A) declaring American neutrality B) expelling German diplomats C) extending Lend-Lease aid to Britain D) traveling to Paris to negotiate a peace treaty E) honoring the French-American treaty of 1778 79) What was the major factor which brought the United States into World War I? A) The moral obligation to keep England and France from losing a war of attrition to the Germans B) Failure by the British to respect American "freedom of the seas" in German shipping waters C) Terror bombing of British cities by German airplanes and zeppelins D) Reports of German war atrocities by the German army including the mass execution of European Jews E) Unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans against shipping in British waters 80) In 1924, Congress wrote into law the National Origins Act which A) established immigration restrictions from China and Japan B) established immigration quotas that restricted immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe C) created an open border policy between Canada and the United States D) established the federal census every ten years E) required all public officeholders to be native-born citizens 81) The following ware all measures of the First New Deal EXCEPT: A) Civilian Conservation Corps B) the bank holiday and creation of the FDIC C) using the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to issue relief checks D) Social Security E) Tennessee Valley Authority 82) One of the goals of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to A) employ painters and writers B) restore land to Indian tribes C) provide employment for young men D) increase labor union membership E) provide civil rights for African-Americans 1) B 2) E 3) A 4) C 5) C 6) E 7) D 8) D 9) A 10) B 11) A 12) B 13) C 14) D 15) E 16) A 17) E 18) A 19) A 20) A 21) D 22) B 23) D 24) D 25) C 26) C 27) B 28) E 29) E 30) C 31) A 32) D 33) c 34) A 35) C 36) D 37) E 38) E 39) D 40) C 41) B 42) D 43) A 44) B 45) E 46) C 47) E 48) B 49) A 50) B 51) A 52) A 53) D 54) D 55) B 56) E 57) C 58) B 59) D 60) C 61) C 62) d 63) C 64) B 65) B 66) E 67) D 68) A 69) E 70) C 71) D 72) A 73) A 74) B 75) A 76) B 77) A 78) A 79) E 80) B 81) D 82) C