5 Insurance Coverage Modifications We will now turn our attention to common insurance practices and coverage modifications such as deductibles and policy limits. Much of the “math” for these modifications was covered in Section 2.1 so things should seem at least somewhat familiar as you read this section. Recall from Section 2.1 the following definition. Definition 5.1. A per-loss random variable Y L models the payout for losses X. A per-payment random variable Y P models the payout for losses X conditional on the payout being positive, i.e. Y P = Y L |(Y L > 0). Y L is called “per-loss” because it is defined even if the actual payment the insurance company makes is 0 (i.e. it exists even if the payout is 0). In contrast, Y P is called “per-payment” because it is only defined if the insurer makes a payment. In the absence of modifications (deductibles, policy limits, etc.), Y L = X, since every loss results in a payout for that loss. We’ll now see how these variables are defined for certain modifications. 5.1 Deductibles Definition 5.2. Assume X to be a random variable denoting losses. A policy with an ordinary deductible of d pays 0 if X d and pays X d if X > d. Specifically, 1. A per-loss random variable Y L for a ordinary deductible d is: ( 0 X d YL = X d X >d (5.1) 2. A per-payment random variable Y P for a ordinary deductible d is: ( undefined X d P Y = X d X >d (5.2) By definition of a deductible, losses below d are not covered, which explains why Y L = 0 for X d, in which case insurance companies do not pay a thing. Now let’s look at some distributional properties of Y L and Y P based on our knowledge of X. We will use subscripts to differentiate between the various distributions for Y L , Y P , and X. For the per-loss random variable, note that Y L = 0 corresponds to X d. For y > 0, Y L = y implies X = y + d. Using this fact and the relationships between f (y), F(y), S(y), and h(y), we get: 8 ( <undefined y = 0 FX (d) y=0 fY L (y) = hY L (y) = fX (y + d) : fX (y + d) y > 0 y>0 SX (y + d) FY L (y) = FX (y + d), y 0 SY L (y) = SX (y + d), y 0 Now for Y P , our calculations depend on the loss being large enough (larger than the deductible d). In considering fY P (y), we basically take fY L (y) and divide it by the probability that the loss X exceeds d. All other derivations are done in a similar fashion. Recalling that Y P is undefined if X d, we set fY P (0) = 0: 8 8 y=0 <0 <undefined y = 0 fY P (y) = fX (y + d) hY P (y) = fX (y + d) : : y>0 y>0 SX (d) SX (y + d) FY P (y) = FX (y+d) FX (d) , SX (d) y 0 SY P (y) = Notice that hY P (y) = hY L (y). 61 SX (y+d) SX (d) , y 0 Example 5.3. Let X ⇠ exp(q ). Calculate fY P (y), SY P (y), FY P (y), and hY P (y). Also calculate fY L (y), SY L (y), FY L (y), and hY L (y). Answer 1 fY P (y) = 1 e (y+d)/q fX (y + d) (y+d)/q = q = q e d/q = SX (d) 1 FX (d) e 1 q e(y+d)/q 1 ed/q = ed/q 1 1 = y/q = e (y+d)/q q qe qe y/q Observe that fY P (y) is exactly the same as fX (y)! This reflects the memoryless property of the exponential distribution. Given that the loss is already of size d, the probability of the total loss being y + d is the same as the probability of a loss of size y. Basically, conditioning has no effect! We’ll elaborate on this after the example. Let’s see what happens when we compute the other quantities. SY P (y) = d SX (y + d) e (y+d)/q = = eq d/q SX (d) e y+d q y/q =e = SX (y) Note that we could have arrived at the same conclusion by simply seeing that fY P (y) is exactly the same as fX (y). The calculation confirms this, but is unnecessary. FY P (y) = FX (y + d) FX (d) 1 = SX (d) f P (y) hY P (y) = Y = SY P (y) e y+d q e fX (y+d) SX (d) SX (y+d) SX (d) (1 e d q ) d/q =1 e fX (y + d) = = SX (y + d) e e y/q = 1 q y+d q q y+d q = FX (y) Now, let’s do the same for the variable Y L . fY L (y) = fX (y + d) = FY L (y) = FX (y + d) = SY L (y) hY L (y) e (y+d)/q q 1 e (y+d)/q =1 FY L (y + d) = e (y+d)/q ⇠ ⇠⇠ e (y+d)/q ⇠ f (y) q = SY LL (y) = (y+d)/q ⇠ = q1 ⇠ e ⇠ ⇠ Y Remark. The memoryless property of the exponential distribution says that if X is exponentially distributed, then (X d|X > d) is distributed the same way as X. As a concrete example, assume X represents time in hours you stand in line at Macy’s on Black Friday before being served by a cashier, and you have already waited for 2 hours. Then the amount of additional time you would have to wait before being served is distributed identically as X. The expected wait time is the same as it was when you just got in line! Now that we have the basic deductible down, let’s consider a franchise deductible. Definition 5.4. Assume X to be a random variable denoting losses. A policy with a franchise deductible of d pays 0 if X d and pays the full loss amount X if X > d. We’re now going to look at Y L and Y P for a franchise deductible. 1. A per-loss random variable Y L for a franchise deductible d is: ( 0 X d L Y = X X >d 2. A per-payment random variable Y P for a franchise deductible d is: ( undefined X d P Y = X X >d 62 The properties of Y L for a franchise deductible can be derived in the same way as we did for an ordinary deductible. 8 ( > <FX (d) y = 0 0 0yd 0<yd fY L (y) = 0 hY L (y) = > hX (y) y > d : fX (y) y > d FY L (y) = ( FX (d) 0 y d FX (y) SY L (y) = y>d ( SX (d) 0 y d SX (y) y>d We’ll briefly discuss the derivation of fY L (y), as the other quantities can be derived simply based off of fY L (y). If payment Y L = 0, then X d, which occurs with probability FX (d). Y L > d similarly corresponds to X > d. Note that there will not be a payment of any amount between 0 and d, because the franchise deductible either pays all or nothing, provided that “all” is above d. FY L (y) can then be computed by integrating over fY L (y), and SY L (y) can be computed as the complement of FY L (y). Similarly for Y P , we have: 8 ( 0yd <0 0 0yd fY P (y) = fX (y) hY P (y) = : hX (y) y > d y>d SX (d) 8 <0 FY P (y) = FX (y) FX (d) : SX (d) 0yd y>d 8 <1 SY P (y) = SX (y) : SX (d) 0yd y>d Note that fY P (0) = 0 because we do not allow Y P to be 0. Also, with a franchise deductible, the minimum payout occurs above d. Thus, we have to scale up the density above d by dividing the positive densities by SX (d). We presented the formulas for completeness. If you have spare time before the exam and you finished learning everything else, then learn these. If you can remember fY L and fY P , you should be able to derive the other functions. The must-know formulas (which often get tested) are summarized in the following theorem: Theorem 5.5. For an ordinary deductible d, 1. the expected cost per loss is: E(Y L ) = E(X) 2. the expected cost per payment is: E(Y P ) = E(X ^ d) E(X) E(X^d) SX (d) Similarly, for a franchise deductible d, 1. the expected cost per loss is: E(Y L ) = E(X) 2. the expected cost per payment is: E(Y P ) = E(X ^ d) + d(SX (d)) E(X) E(X^d) SX (d) +d Memorize the above four formulas. Let’s think about the reasoning behind them, in a “hand-wavy” manner, for an intuitive understanding. For an ordinary deductible, Y L = X X ^ d (see Definition 2.9, and write out what Y L would be for X d and X > d to see this). Taking the expectation of both sides, we get the formula for E(Y L ). For E(Y P ), we take the expression for E(Y L ) and simply condition on X > d by dividing by S(d). Now, considering E(Y L ) for a franchise deductible, we take the expected loss for an ordinary deductible and add on the value of the deductible multiplied by the probability of a payout Pr(X > d) = SX (d). The difference between a franchise deductible and an ordinary deductible is that when there is a payout, a franchise deductible always pays d more than what an ordinary deductible pays. This also implies that E(Y P ) for a franchise deductible is d greater than E(Y P ) for an ordinary deductible. Example 5.6. Let X ⇠ exponential(q = 1000) and let d = 250. When d is an ordinary deductible, what is the expected cost per loss and expected cost per payment? 63 Answer From the formula sheet, we know that E(X ^ d) = q (1 E(Y L ) = E(X) E(X ^ d) = q q (1 d q e d/q ), e d q ) = qe so 250 1000 = 1000e = 778.801 d ⇢ E(X ^ d) q⇢ e q = = q = 1000 d ⇢ F(d) e q ⇢ Now what if this were a franchise deductible? Then we have E(X) E(Y ) = 1 P E(Y L ) = E(X) q = q (1 E(X ^ d) + d(1 d q e d q = (q + d)(e ) + de ) 250 1000 = (1250)(e F(d)) d q ) 973.501 ⇡ E(Y P ) = = E(X) q E(X ^ d) +d S(d) q (1 = q +d e e d q ) d q +d = 1250 Note that for any loss X, a franchise deductible always pays at least as much as an ordinary deductible. Most exam problems pertaining to franchise deductibles involves expected value calculations. Be sure to know the formulas in Theorem 5.5. 5.2 Coinsurance and Policy Limits Definition 5.7. The loss elimination ratio (LER) is the percent decrease in the expected payment with a policy modification. For losses X, and per-loss Y L , LER = E(X) E(Y L ) E(X) The numerator represents the decrease in expected payment when a deductible is included, and the denominator represents the regular expected payment. For an ordinary deductible d, the LER is given by: LER = E(X) [E(X) E(X ^ d)] E(X ^ d) = E(X) E(X) For a franchise deductible d, the LER is given by: LER = E(X) [E(X) E(X ^ d) + d(1 E(X) Example 5.8. Let q = 1000 and d = 250. What is the LER? 64 FX (d))] = E(X ^ d) d(1 E(X) FX (d)) Answer LER = E(X) = 1 e = 1 e [E(X) E(X ^ d)] E(X) d q 250 1000 ⇡ 0.221199 Theorem 5.9. Consider X, a random variable denoting losses for the current year. Given an ordinary deductible d after inflation of r, the expected cost per loss variable for next year is: ✓ ◆ d E(Y L ) = (1 + r) E(X) E X ^ (5.3) 1+r d If SX ( 1+r ) > 0, then, the expected cost per payment for next year is: P E(Y ) = ⇥ (1 + r) E(X) SX d E X ^ 1+r d 1+r ⇤ (5.4) Consider (5.3). Inflation increases all losses. If X represents the loss amounts for the current year, then (1 + r)X models the loss amounts for the next year. The deductible of d is applied to (1 + r)X. Note that if the formula above relates losses in the current year to expected costs in the next year. If we wanted to consider the expected costs in t years, then we replace all occurrences of 1 + r with (1 + r)t . This assumes that the annual rate of inflation is constant, an oversimplification that is permitted on the exam. d In (5.4), we condition on a payment being made. If SX ( 1+r ) = 0, then a payment is never made, and there is no “cost per payment” variable. Example 5.10. Suppose d = $242 and r = 10%. Also suppose losses X ⇠ exponential(q = 1000). What is the expected cost per loss and the expected cost per payment next year? Answer First 1 + r = 1.1 and E(X ^ d 1+r = 242 1.1 = 220. Then, d ) = E(X ^ 220) = q (1 1+r Thus, (1 + r)[E(X) d Further, F( 1+r ) = F(220) = 1 e 220 1000 E(X ^ e 220 q ) = 1000(1 d )] = 1.1[1000 1+r e 220 1000 ) ⇡ 197.481 197.481] = 882.771 ⇡ 0.197481, which is less than 1. Thus the expected cost per payment is: 882.771 882.771 = = $1, 100 d 1 F( 1+r ) 1 0.197481 Note that for an exponential distribution, the expected cost per payment is q (1 + r). We’re now going to talk about a policy limit, which is closely tied to the limited loss variable (Definition 2.9). Definition 5.11. A policy limit of u specifies u as the maximum payout, after the application of a deductible. 65 Policy limits are used by insurance companies to limit their upside risk. In that regard, it is the exact opposite of a deductible. If u = 10, 000 and d = 5000, a loss of X = 25, 000 will pay out 10,000 since we apply the deductible first (without the policy limit, the payout would be 20,000). Let Y denote the payout for losses X after a policy limit of u is imposed. It is possible that X is a per-loss variable that has already been adjusted for a deductible, or X could be simply the raw loss amount. Then, ( FX (y), y < u FY (y) = 1 y u fY (y) = ( fX (y), 1 y<u FX (u) y = u The most important result to remember here is the following. Theorem 5.12. For a policy limit of u applied after inflation of r, the expected cost per loss is: ✓ ◆ u E(Y L ) = (1 + r)E X ^ 1+r Notice the similarities to a deductible with inflation (namely, you divide the limit by (1 + r) and then multiply the entire quantity by (1 + r)). Example 5.13. Let losses X ⇠ exponential(q = 1000) and let r = 10% with u = 2000. What is the expected cost per loss? What is the proportional reduction to the case where there is no limit? Answer The expected cost per loss is ⇣ ⇣ u ⌘ (1 + r)E X ^ = 1.1E (X ^ 1818) = 1.1q 1 1.1 If there was no limit, then the cost per loss is e 1818 q ⌘ ⇣ = 1.1(1000) 1 e 1818 1000 ⌘ ⇡ 921.415 1.1E(X) = 1.1q = 1100 Thus, by imposing a policy limit, there is a reduction of 1100 921.415 ⇡ 16.235% 1100 We now turn our attention to one final policy modification before combining all the modifications together. Definition 5.14. A coinsurance of a is the proportion of a loss covered by the insurance company, after applying inflation and the deductible. (The customer pays the rest). Thus, the insurance company is only responsible for aY of each post-deductible/inflation-adjusted loss Y . Definition 5.15. A maximum covered loss of u is the largest amount of your losses that will be covered. Remark. The maximum covered loss is not to be confused with the policy limit, also denoted as u. The maximum covered loss is applied before the deductible, unlike the policy limit. This means that if you have a maximum covered loss of u and a deductible of d, the maximum payout on any loss will be u d. If instead u is the policy limit, the maximum payout on any loss would be u. In the remainder parts of this section, u will be used to denote maximum covered loss. 66 For losses X, subject to ordinary deductible d, maximum covered loss u, inflation r, and coinsurance a, the per-loss variable is given by 8 d > 0, X < 1+r < L d u Y = a[(1 + r)X d] 1+r X < 1+r > : u a(u d) X 1+r Using this, we get to the final formula which is really the only one you need to memorize; all preceding formulas are simplifications of this one, as we’ll show. Theorem 5.16. Given a maximum covered loss u, inflation r, a deductible (ordinary) d and coinsurance a, ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ u d E(Y L ) = a(1 + r) E X ^ E X^ 1+r 1+r E(Y P ) = E(Y L ) d SX ( 1+r ) (5.5) (5.6) If we rewrite (5.5) as E(Y L ) = (A) ⇥ (B)[(C) (D)], then the following simplifications can be made. If there is no limit (u = •), simply modify (C) to be E(X). If there is no deductible (d = 0), simply remove all of (D). If there is no coinsurance, set term a = 1 and if there is no inflation, set r in term (B) equal to 0. These modifications simplify to yield the E(Y L ) expressions given earlier. Remark. In the presence of an ordinary deductible d, coinsurance a, and maximum covered loss u, the effective policy limit is a(u d), since that is the maximum amount that can be paid out for a given loss. Example 5.17. Suppose losses are exponentially distributed with q = 1000. Let inflation r = 10%, maximum covered loss u = 2000, d = 250, and a = 70%. What is the expected cost per loss and the expected cost per payment? Answer First, u 1+r = 2000 1.1 = 1818.18 and d 1+r = 250 1.1 = 227.27. Thus, u d ) E(X ^ )) 1+r 1+r = (0.7)(1.1)[E(X ^ 1818.18) E(X ^ 227.27)] E(Y L ) = a(1 + r)(E(X ^ = (0.7)(1.1)[1000(1 = 0.77[837.679 e 1818.18 1000 ) 1000(1 e 227.27 1000 )] 203.294] = 488.48 The expected cost per payment is then 488.48 488.48 = = d 1 1 FX ( 1+r ) 1 FX ( 250 1.1 ) 488.48 488.48 = 227.27 = 613.12 F(227.27) e 1000 While most problems will be a little more in depth (such as solving for the coinsurance or inflation, or setting appropriate limits), the idea is the same. Write out the whole formula, plug in all the variables and solve. We’ll include some difficult problems at the end of this section for practice. 5.3 Second Moments (semi-optional) We now know how to compute the expected cost per loss given all the policy modifications. Computing higher moments becomes much more complex and is not part of the syllabus. However, you should learn to compute the second moment since then you are expected to compute the variance for Y L . Theorem 5.18. For losses X, inflation r, maximum covered loss u, coinsurance a, and ordinary deductible d, the second moment of the cost per loss (next year) variable is ⇥ ⇤ u 2 E[(Y L )2 ] = a 2 (1 + r)2 E (X ^ 1+r ) ⇥ ⇤ d 2 d u (5.7) E (X ^ 1+r ) 2( 1+r )E(X ^ 1+r ) d d + 2( 1+r )E(X ^ 1+r ) 67 This formula has been tested once or twice, but it is certainly not common exam material. Memorize it if you have time, but don’t worry about it if you don’t. However, keep in mind that because the formula is so complex, when it is tested, it is usually a straight plug-and-chug problem. That could mean easy points if you remember it. Example 5.19. For the setup of Example 5.17, compute the standard deviation of Y L ? Answer In the previous example, we already computed E(Y L ) = 488.48. Now we need E[(Y L )2 ]. We proceed by computing the various parts of the formula in (5.7). a 2 = (0.7)2 = 0.49 (1 + r)2 = 1.12 = 1.21 u 2 2000 2 ) ] = E[(X ^ ) ] = E[(X ^ 1818.18)2 ] 1+r 1.1 If you look in the formula sheet, you get a big mess involving the gamma distribution. However, with a little bit of work, we can compute the formula directly. E[(X ^ In general, Z v E[(X ^ v)2 ] = 0 Z v = Z0 v x2 f (x)dx + Z • v x2 f (x)dx + v2 v2 f (x)dx Z • v f (x)dx x2 f (x)dx + v2 S(v) | {z } | {z } (B) = 0 (A) So now we consider separately for an exponential(q ) distribution,R and work with the terms in the above separately. R v (B) becomes v2 e q . To calculate (A), we use integration by parts gdh = gh hdg twice. Z v 0 Let g = x2 and dh = x e q q dx ) h = e x q x2 ( e ) x q x2 f (x)dx = Z v 0 x2 x q e q dx (5.8) and dg = 2xdx. Thus (5.8) becomes Z v v 0 0 e x q x v 2xdx = x2 ( e q ) + 2 | {z }0 | Z v 0 (C) To do (D), we do integration by parts one more time. Let g = x and dh = e (D) becomes 2 (x( q e x q )) Z v v 0 0 x q qe dx = 2( xq e x q xe {z x q (D) dx } dx ) dg = dx and h = x q q 2e x q ) qe x q so that v 0 Thus, (A) = (C) + (D), and our calculation of (A) becomes: x2 ( e x q ) + 2( xq e x q q 2e x q ) v 0 (x2 + 2xq + 2q 2 )e = = h 2 2 (v + 2vq + 2q )e = [ (v2 + 2q v + 2q 2 )e v x q 0 x q v q i [ (02 + 0 + 2q 2 )e0 ] ] + 2q 2 Thus (A) + (B) combined equals [ (v2 + 2q v + 2q 2 )e v q ] + 2q 2 + 2q 2 + v2 e v q 68 = [ (v◆2 + 2q v + 2q 2 v v◆2 )e q ] + 2q 2 v = [ (2q v + 2q 2 )e q ] + 2q 2 (5.9) In our case, v = 1818.18, E[(X ^ 1818.18)2 ] = [ (2 · 1000 · 1818.18 + 2 · 10002 )e 1818.18 1000 ] + 2 · 10002 = 1, 085, 100.9 d 2 2 2 Now we need E[(X ^ 1+r ) ] = E[(X ^ 250 1.1 ) ] = E[(X ^ 227.27) ]. Plugging back into (5.9) computed a moment ago, we get 227.27 [ (2 · 1000 · 227.27 + 2 · 10002 )e 1000 ] + 2 · 10002 = 44, 454.132 u Now we need E(X ^ 1+r ) = E(X ^ 1818.18). Thankfully, this formula is available in the Exam Tables, namely x E(X ^ x) = q (1 e q ). 1818.18 E(X ^ 1818.18) = 1000(1 e 1000 ) = 837.68 d We also need E(X ^ 1+r ) = E(X ^ 227.27). Using q (1 1000(1 e e x q 227.27 1000 ), we get ) = 203.29 We now have all of the parts to plug into (5.7). Thus, ✓ E[(Y L )2 ] = (0.49)(1.21) 1, 085, 100.9 ✓ ◆ ◆ 250 + 2· (203.29) 1.1 = 446, 031.4 44, 454.1 2· ✓ ◆ 250 (837.68) 1.1 From the previous example, we got that E(Y L ) = 488.48, so the variance is then equal to 446, 031.4 Hence, the standard deviation is p 488.482 = 207, 418.7 207, 418 = 455.43. Whew!! Although this problem was lengthy, none of the individual steps was too hard. On the test, you might be given E[(X ^ u)2 ] and E[(X ^ d)2 ], from which you’ll be required to compute the rest. As I mentioned earlier, if you have time, memorize the formula if you have time. Also observe that if the formula in the Exam Tables is too complicated, it might be easier to compute it from first principles. Check the Exam Tables first before making a decision. 5.4 Problems for Section 5 1. Suppose X ⇠ Pareto(a = 4, q = 5000). Compute fY P , SY P , FY P , hY P and fY L , SY L , FY L , hY L when an ordinary deductible d = 750 is applied. 2. Repeat Problem 1 when d = 750 is a franchise deductible. 3. Suppose X ⇠ Pareto(a = 4, q = 5000). Compute E(Y L ) and E(Y P ) for both a regular and a franchise deductible of d = 750. 4. Let F(x) = ( 0 1 x<0 0.4e 0.00005x x 0 Compute E(Y L ) and E(Y P ) for both a regular and franchise deductible of d = 1500. 5. Risk 1 has an exponential distribution with q = 2000. Risk 2 has an exponential distribution with q = 2500 with a deductible (ordinary) of d. What is the expected cost per loss for risk 1. What is the expected cost per loss for risk 2? What is the ratio of the E(Y L ) for risk 2 to the E(Y L ) for risk 1 as d ! •? What would happen to this ratio if we were interested in per payment loss variables? 69 6. Consider the following table: x F(x) E(X ^ x) 20,000 0.5 10,000 25,000 0.6 18,000 30,000 0.7 21,000 35,000 0.8 24,000 • 1 27,000 There is a per-loss ordinary deductible of $20,000. The deductible is then raised so that 60% of the number of losses exceed the new deductible as compared to the old deductible. What is the change in the expected cost per payment (as a percentage). 7. Repeat Problem 6 for a franchise deductible. 8. Let losses be distributed by a Pareto(a = 4, q = 5000) distribution. Let d = 1000, where d is an ordinary deductible. Compute the LER. 9. Repeat Problem 8 for a franchise deductible. 10. Suppose the coinsurance is 70%, the interest rate is 5%, the maximum covered loss is 30,000 and the deductible is 5,000. Further suppose losses follow a Pareto(a = 2, q = 20, 000) distribution. What is the expected cost per loss at the end of one year. What about the cost per payment? 11. Repeat Problem 10 but for the expected cost per loss and cost per payment at the end of 3 years. Hint: You need to adjust the divisor when you see u 1+r and d 1+r as well as the (1 + r) term in front. 12. At the end of this year, total losses are expected to be $50,000,000. Individual losses are Pareto(a = 3, q = 10, 000). A reinsurer will pay the excess of each loss that is greater than 135% of the expected individual loss. In return, the reinsurer is paid a premium P. How much should P be so that the reinsurer takes in enough to cover expected losses? How much should P be if the reinsurer wants a 10% profit? 13. Reconsider Problem 12. At the end of this year, losses increase by 5% due to inflation. If the reinsurer wants to keep the same profit margin, how much should the premium be increased by as a percentage of the old premium? 14. Losses are uniformly distributed between 0 and $10,000. For losses below $2,000, nothing is paid. For losses between $2,000 and $8,000, the full loss is paid. For losses between $8,000 and $10,000, the policy limit of $8,000 is paid. What is the expected cost per loss and expected cost per payment? 15. Losses are uniform on [0, 100] for cars, [300, 500] for houses and [800, 1000] for luxury yachts. 50% of losses come from cars, 40% from houses, and 10% from yachts. What is the E[(Y ^ 450)2 ]? 16. Losses are exponentially distributed with q = 10, 000. From 0 to 3,000, the insured pays everything. Losses from 3,000.01 to 10,000 are paid by the insurer with a coinsurance of 65%. Losses above that are paid by the insured until the insured pays a total of $9,000. After that, the insurer covers everything with a coinsurance factor of 95%. What is the expected cost per loss? What about the expected cost per payment? 17. Losses are Pareto(a = 2, q = 10, 000) distributed. Policy 1 has a 2,000 ordinary deductible. Policy 2 has no deductible but a coinsurance factor of a. What should a be so that the expected cost per loss is the same for policies 1 and 2? 70 5.5 Solutions for Section 5 1. From the formula sheet, we see that a Pareto(a, q ) variable has the following attributes: aq a (x + q )a+1 ✓ ◆a q F(x) = 1 x+q f (x) = From the second equation, we can deduce that S(x) = 1 F(x) = ✓ q x+q ◆a Hence, we can substitute the above information directly into the formulas presented earlier in this section. fX (y + d) , y>0 SX (d) fY P (y) = aq a (y+d+q )a+1 a q d+q = = a(d + q )a (y + d + q )a+1 = 4(750 + 5000)4 (y + 750 + 5000)4+1 = 4(5750)4 , y>0 (y + 5750)5 SX (y + d) , y>0 SX (d) ⇣ ⌘a SY P (y) = q y+d+q = a q d+q ✓ ◆a d +q y+d +q ✓ ◆4 5750 , y>0 y + 5750 = = FY P (y) = 1 = 1 SY P (y), y > 0 ✓ ◆4 5750 , y>0 y + 5750 fY P (y) , y>0 SY P (y) hY P (y) = 4(5750)4 (y+5750)5 = ⇣ 5750 y+5750 ⌘4 4 , y>0 y + 5750 = 71 fY L (y) = fX (y + d), y > 0 aq a (y + d + q )a+1 = 4(50004 ) , y>0 (y + 5750)5 = SY L (y) = SX (y + d), y > 0 ✓ ◆a q = y+d +q ✓ ◆4 5000 = , y>0 y + 5750 FY L (y) = 1 = 1 SY L (y), y > 0 ✓ ◆4 5000 , y>0 y + 5750 hY L (y) = = hY P (y) 4 , y>0 y + 5750 2. We can use the corresponding set of equations for a franchise deductible in the same way. ( FX (d) y = 0 fY L (y) = fX (y) y > d ( a q 1 y=0 d+q = aq a y>d (y+q )a+1 8 5000 4 < 1 y=0 5750 = 4 4(5000) : y > 750 5 (y+5000) FY L (y) = ( FX (d) 0 y d FX (y) y > d 8 a q < 1 0yd d+q ⌘ ⇣ a = q : 1 y>d y+q 8 5000 4 < 1 0 y 750 5750 ⇣ ⌘4 = 5000 : 1 y > 750 y+5000 SY L (y) = 1 FY L (y) 8 < 5000 4 ⇣5750 ⌘4 = 5000 : y+5000 72 0 y 750 y > 750 hY L (y) = = = ( > > : ( = = = = 0yd hX (y) y > d 8 > 0 y 750 > < 0 fY P (y) = SY P (y) = 0 4(5000)4 (y+5000)5 ⇣ 5000 y+5000 0 ⌘4 4 y+5000 ( y > 750 0 y 750 y > 750 undefined y = 0 fX (y) SX (d) y>d 8 > < undefined y = 0 aq a (y+q )a+1 > y>d : a q ( d+q ) ( undefined y = 0 a(d+q )a (y+q )a+1 ( ( y>d undefined y = 0 4(5750)4 (y+5000)5 1 SX (y) SX (d) 8 > < 1⇣ ⌘a q y+q a q d+q y > 750 0yd y>d 0yd > y>d : ( ) 8 < 1 0yd ⇣ ⌘a = d+q : y+q y>d 8 < 1 0yd ⇣ ⌘4 = 5750 : y > 750 y+5000 FY P (y) = 1 SY P (y) 8 < 0 ⇣ ⌘4 = 5750 : 1 y+5000 hY P (y) = = = ( ( ( 0 0 y 750 y > 750 0yd hX (y) y > d 0 a y+q 0 4 y+5000 73 0yd y>d 0 y 750 y > 750 3. This question simply applies Theorem 5.5. Note that for a Pareto(a, q ) distribution, the exam formula sheet yields: ✓ ◆a q F(x) = 1 x+q q E(X) = a 1 " ✓ ◆a 1 # q q E(X ^ d) = 1 a 1 d +q For an ordinary deductible, we use: E(Y L ) = E(X) E(X ^ d) " q q 1 a 1 a 1 ✓ ◆a q q a 1 d +q = = = 1 ✓ q d +q ◆a 1 # q4 1)(d + q )3 (a 50004 3(5750)3 1095.86 = = E(X) E(X ^ d) 1 F(d) E(Y L ) 1 F(d) 1095.86 E(Y P ) = = = a q d+q 1095.86 = 5000 4 5750 = 1916.67 For a franchise deductible, we use: E(Y L ) = E(X) E(X ^ d) + d(1 F(d)) ◆ ✓ 5000 4 = 1095.86 + 750 5750 = 1524.67 E(X) E(X ^ d) +d 1 F(d) = 1916.67 + 750 E(Y P ) = 2666.67 = 4. Note f (x) = F 0 (x) = 0.00002e 0.00005x . We proceed as follows for an ordinary deductible. E(Y L ) = = Z • Zd • d) f (x)dx (x 1500 0.00002(x = 7421.95 74 1500)e 0.00005x dx E(X) E(X ^ d) 1 F(d) 7421.95 = 0.4e 0.00005(1500) = 20, 000 E(Y P ) = Now for a franchise deductible: E(Y L ) = = = E(X) E(X ^ d) + d(1 F(d)) 0.00005(1500) 7421.95 + 1500 · 0.4e 7978.60 E(X) E(X ^ d) +d 1 F(d) = 20, 000 + 1500 E(Y P ) = = 21, 500 5. From the formula sheet, we get the following for an exponential(q ) distribution: F(x) = 1 e x/q E(X) = q E(X ^ d) = q (1 Hence, E(Y1L ) = E(Y2L ) = E(X) e E(X ^ d) = 2000 2000(1 = 2000e d/2000 2500e d/q d/2500 ) e d/2000 ) by a similar calculation The ratio then becomes E(Y1L ) 2000e = lim d!• E(Y2L ) d!• 2500e lim d/2000 d/2500 Now similarly, E(Y1P ) = = lim d!• 4 e 5 d/2000+d/2500 = 4 lim e 5 d!• d/10,000 = 4 5 E(Y1L ) 2000e d/2000 = = 2000 1 F(d) e d/2000 E(Y2P ) = 2500 The ratio between these two expectations is independent of d. Hence, taking the limit as d ! • is exactly equal 4 to the ratio 2000 2500 = 5 . 6. At the old deductible of 20, 000, 50% of losses resulted in payments since 1 F(20, 000) = 0.5 At the new deductible, we know that 60% · 50% = 30% of losses will result in payments. This implies that at the new deductible d, we have 1 F(d) = 0.3 ) d = 30, 000 75 Before we proceed to calculations, it is important to note that E(X ^ •) = E(X). Intuitively, this makes sense because E(X ^ d) is essentially the expected payout on a loss with a maximum payout d. If d is infinite, then that is equivalent to a payout on a loss with no cap, as would be represented by E(X). We proceed to calculate expected cost per payment for both deductibles. E(Y1P ) = E(X) 1 E(X ^ 20, 000) 27, 000 10, 000 = = 34, 000 F(20, 000) 1 0.5 E(Y2P ) = E(X) 1 E(X ^ 30, 000) 27, 000 21, 000 = = 20, 000 F(30, 000) 1 0.7 The change in expected cost per payment is thus 20, 000 34, 000 = 41.2% 34, 000 7. For a franchise deductible, we simply modify our calculation of the expected costs per payment. E(Y1P ) = E(X) 1 E(X ^ 20, 000) 27, 000 10, 000 + 20, 000 = + 20, 000 = 54, 000 F(20, 000) 1 0.5 E(Y2P ) = E(X) 1 E(X ^ 30, 000) 27, 000 21000 + 30, 000 = + 30, 000 = 50, 000 F(30, 000) 1 0.7 The change in expected cost per payment is thus 50, 000 54, 000 = 7.4% 54, 000 8. Recall the formula for the LER: LER = E(X) [E(X) E(X ^ d)] E(X ^ d) = E(X) E(X) Using what we know about the Pareto distribution, the LER is simply h i a 1 q q ✓ ◆a 1 ✓ ◆3 a 1 1 d+q q 5000 LER = =1 =1 = 0.42 q d +q 1000 + 5000 a 1 9. We can modify the LER as follows to accommodate for a franchise deductible. LER = E(X) [E(X) E(X ^ d) + d(1 E(X) F(d))] Again, using our knowledge of the Pareto distribution, we get h i a 1 q q 1 a 1 d+q LER = q = 1 ✓ ✓ = 1 = 0.132 q d +q ◆a a 1 1 5000 1000 + 5000 76 d ◆3 = d E(X ^ d) d(1 E(X) a q d+q a q d+q q a 1 5000 4 6000 5000 3 1000 F(d)) 10. This question simply applies Theorem 5.16. Refer back to the theorem should you require a reminder of what each of the variables are. ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ u d L E(Y ) = a(1 + r) E X ^ E X^ 1+r 1+r and E(Y P ) = E(Y L ) d 1 FX ( 1+r ) From the formula sheet we compute: " u 30, 000 20, 000 E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ 28, 571) = 1 1+r 1.05 1 " d 5000 20, 000 E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ 4762) = 1 1+r 1.05 1 Hence E(Y L ) = 0.7(1.05)[11, 765 and E(Y P ) = 1 ✓ ✓ 20, 000 48, 571 20, 000 24, 762 ◆1 # ◆1 # = 11, 765 = 3846 3846] = 5820 5820 5820 =⇣ ⌘2 = 8921 FX (4762) 20,000 24,762 11. By the hint, we simply replace (1 + r) with (1 + r)3 in each equation. Thus, we need to calculate: " ✓ ◆ # u 30, 000 20, 000 20, 000 1 E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ 25, 915) = 1 = 11, 288 (1 + r)3 1.053 1 45, 915 " d 5000 20, 000 E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ ) = E(X ^ 4319) = 1 1+r 1.053 1 Now, substituting, we get: E(Y L ) = 0.7(1.053 )[11, 288 and E(Y P ) = 1 12. The expected loss for an individual is E(X) = ✓ 20, 000 24, 319 ◆1 # = 3552 3552] = 6269 6269 6269 =⇣ ⌘2 = 9269 5000 FX ( 1.053 ) 20,000 24,319 q a 1 = 10, 000 = 5000 2 Thus, the deductible is d = 1.35(5000) = 6750. Per loss, the reinsurer’s expected cost is calculated as " " ✓ ◆a 1 # ✓ ◆ # q q 10, 000 2 E(X) E(X ^ 6750) = 5000 1 = 5000 1 1 + = 1782 a 1 6750 + q 16, 750 Since the total expected loss is 50,000,000, and an individual expected loss is 5000, dividing the two yields a total of 10,000 expected claims. Thus, the total premiums should be set to 10, 000(1782) = 17, 820, 000 in order to cover expected losses. If the reinsurer wants a 10% profit, the premiums should be 10, 000(1.10)(1782) = 19, 602, 000. 77 13. Similar to the above, the new expected cost per loss is: 1.05(E(X) " ✓ 10, 000 1+ 16, 429 E(X ^ 6750/1.05)) = 1.05(5000) 1 ◆2 # = 1945 Total premiums would then be set to 10, 000(1.10)(1945) = 21, 395, 000. As a percentage of the old premium, 19,602,000 this is 21,395,000 = 9.15% higher. 19,602,000 14. Given the losses come from a uniform[0, 10, 000] distribution, we know that 1 10, 000 x F(x) = 10, 000 f (x) = Thus, L E(Y ) = Z 8000 2000 x 1 dx + 8000(1 10, 000 E(Y P ) = 15. The density functions over the intervals are E(Y L ) 4600 = = 5750 1 F(2000) 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 100 , 200 , 200 . 2 E((X ^ d) ) = Thus, we compute Z 450 E((Y ^ 450)2 ) = Z d 0 Recall that 2 x f (x)dx + Z • d d 2 f (x)dx Z • 4502 f (y)dy ✓Z 100 ◆ ✓Z 500 ◆ Z 1000 0.5 2 0.4 2 0.4 0.1 2 2 = y dy + y dy + 450 dy + 450 dy 100 0 300 200 450 200 800 200 = (1666.67 + 42, 750) + (20, 250 + 20, 250) 0 y2 f (y)dy + F(8000)) = 3000 + 8000(0.2) = 4600 450 Z 450 84, 916.67 = 16. We first compute where the breakpoint above which the insurer covers everything with a coinsurance factor of 95% lies. To do so, realize that this coverage begins after the insured has paid a total of $9,000 from the previous few brackets. This means the breakpoint can be computed as (3000 0) + (1 0.65)(10, 000 3000) + (x 10, 000) = 9000 ) x = 13, 550 To summarize, let Y L be the amount covered by the insurer. Then, 8 0 X < 3000 > > > <0.65(X 3000) 3000 X < 10, 000 YL = > 0.65(10, 000 3000) = 4550 10, 000 X < 13, 550 > > : 4550 + 0.95(X 13, 550) X 13, 550 Thus, E(Y L ) = = Z 10,000 3000 e 0.65(x x/10,000 3000) e x/10,000 10, 000 (0.65x + 4550) = 4874.6 10,000 3000 dx + Z • 10,000 + 4550(e 4550 e x/10,000 10, 000 10,000/10,000 dx + Z • 13,550 ) + 0.95(10, 000)(e Carrying this over to our calculation of expected cost per payment, we get E(Y P ) = 4874.6 E(Y L ) = = 6580.0 1 F(3000) e 3000/10,000 78 0.95(x 13, 550) 13,550/10,000 ) e x/10,000 10, 000 dx 17. For Policy 1, we have L E(Y ) = E(X) 10, 000 E(X ^ 2000) = 1 For Policy 2, we have E(Y L ) = aE(X) = a Setting the two equations equal, we get that a = 0.833. 79 " 10, 000 1 1 ✓ 10, 000 12, 000 10, 000 = 10, 000a 1 ◆1 # = 8333.33