Balancing Chemical Equations

Chemistry 101
Oxidation States
 The charge on an atom as a result of the loss or gain of
 Remember these charges
 Group 1 atoms have a charge of: +1
 Group 2 atoms have a charge of: +2
 Group 5A (15) atoms have a charge of: -3
 Group 6A (16) atoms have a charge of: -2
 Group 7A (17) atoms have a charge of: -1
 Polyatomic ions
 A group of atoms that remain together and carry their
own charge.
 Page 54 in your text book contains the polyatomic ions
and their charges.
Oxidation States, cont’d
 Give the oxidation states of the following neutral atoms:
Writing Chemical Formulas
 Chemical compounds must be neutral! The oxidation
states add up to ZERO.
 Example: Write the formula for sodium chloride.
 Na has a charge of +1
 Cl has a charge of -1
 To be neutral, we must have one atom of Na and one
atom of Cl.
 NaCl
Chem. Form. Cont’d
 Subscripts are used to help balance the
charges/oxidation states to make a compound
 Example: Write the formula for sodium oxide.
 Na has a charge of :
 O has a charge of:
 How many Na atoms are needed to balance the charge of
the oxygen?
 Formula:
Writing Chemical Equations
 A chemical equation shows the relationship between the
reactants and products.
 Reactants are on the left side of the arrow
 Products are on the right side of the arrow
 Each substance, reactant or product, should have its own state
 (l) = pure liquid
 (s) = solid
 (g) = gas
 (aq) = aqueous or in solution
 Occasionally reaction conditions are listed above or below an
 The Greek symbol delta, ∆, represents heat
 A temperature may also be listed
Writing Chemical Equations
 Examples:
C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)
What are the reactants?
What are the products?
What is the state of carbon?
What is the state of oxygen?
What is the state of carbon dioxide?
Balancing Chemical Equations
 Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, so we must
balance the number of atoms on each side of the equation.
 Coefficients, NOT subscripts, are used to balance
 Helpful hints for balancing:
 First balance any element that appears in only one
compound on each side of an equation.
 Identify any polyatomic ions or groups of atoms that
may be balanced as one group on each side.
 Last, balance reactants or products that are free
Balancing Chemical Equations
Fe2(SO4)3 + NH3 + H2O → Fe(OH)3 + (NH4)2SO4
Ca + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2
O2 + PCl3 → POCl3
As2S3 + O2 → As2O4 +
Ca3(PO4)2 + H3PO4 → Ca(H2PO4)2
Fe + O2 →
C2H6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Calculations with Chemical
 Reaction stoichiometry expresses the ratios of reactants
and products
 Based on the following balanced equation, answer the
PCl3 + 3 H2O → 3 HCl + H3PO3
 How many moles of HCl are produced when you start with 3
moles of H2O?
 How many moles of HCl are produced when you start with 3
moles of PCl3?
PCl3 + 3 H2O → 3 HCl + H3PO3
 If we have 24.5 grams of H2O, how many grams of H3PO3 are
 24.5 g of H2O is how many moles?
 What is the mole ratio of H3PO3 to H2O?
 Using the moles of H2O from the first question and the ratio
from the second question, calculate the number of moles of
H3PO3 formed.
 Using the molecular weight and the moles calculated in the
previous question, calculate the number of grams of H3PO3
Limiting Reactants
 A limiting reactant is a compound that limits the amount
of products that may form.
 If I have a loaf of bread and only three pieces of
cheese, I can only make three cheese sandwiches.
 The cheese is the limiting reactant.
 Determining the limiting reactant is done through
 Calculate the amount of product that can be formed
from each reactant.
 Whichever reactant gives the smaller amount of
product is the limiting reactant.
Limiting Reactants, cont’d
 Example:
 Magnesium nitride, Mg3N2, is formed from the reaction
of magnesium metal with nitrogen gas.
Write the balanced equation.
How many grams of magnesium nitride can be made from
35.00 g of magnesium and 15.00 g of nitrogen?
3Mg (s) + N2(g) → Mg3N2
 How many grams of magnesium nitride can be made
from 35.00 g of magnesium and 15.00 g of nitrogen?
Percent Yield
 % Yield = (experimental / theoretical) x 100
 The theoretical value for the percent yield must be determined by
the limiting reactant.
 Example: Using the example given above for the limiting reagent,
calculate the percent yield if the experiment made 3.00 g of
magnesium nitride.
 Calculate the theoretical yield based on the limiting reagent.
 Calculate the percent yield.