Photoshop Photo Gallery “Maybe it’s Maybelline” …Maybe it’s Photoshop Intro. Web Design Photoshop
PHOTO GALLERY !1 Photoshop Photo Gallery “Maybe it’s Maybelline” …Maybe it’s Photoshop Directions Have you ever wanted to walk with the dinosaurs, explore the moon or hang out in most expensive Jaguar with Tom Brady? Now is your chance to make this all happen as you enter yourself into the Photoshop Photo Gallery travel tours. 1. 2. 3. 4. Using the basic Photoshop tools which Mrs. Cullen taught you in class and even any you learned on your own Photoshop yourself into a world which you have always dreamed about! Recommended Tools to Use: selection tools, eraser, magic wand, clone tool, clipping mask, filters, copy, cut, paste, paste into place, brushes, styles, merging layers and command + T Once your photo is complete it is time to showcase it to the class. Leave your photo up on your computer screen. Time for you to enter into the photo gallery! You will be provided two sticky notes and will walk around the room to view the other student’s work in the class. You must leave a sticky note on two different computers. Your sticky note must provide a positive comment on another students work as well something to work on for next time. PHOTO GALLERY !2