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Each No Fear Shakespeare contains the complete text of the original play, a line-by-line translation, a complete list of characters, and helpful commentary. They provide the complete text on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right. 6 NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE Let's face it. Hearing people talk about Shakespeare can be pretty annoying. Particularly if you feel like you don't understand him. When people talk about which of Shakespeare's plays they like best, or what they thought of so-and-so's performance, they often treat Shakespeare like membership in some exclusive club. If you don't "get" him, if you don't go to see his plays, you're not truly educated or literate. You might be tempted to ask whether the millions of people who say they love Shakespeare actually know what they're talking about, or are they just sheep? No Fear Shakespeare: A Companion gives you the straight scoop on everything you really need to know about Shakespeare, including: What's so great about Shakespeare? How did Shakespeare get so smart? Five mysteries of Shakespeare's life – and why they matter Did someone else write Shakespeare's plays? Where did Shakespeare get his ideas? Shakespeare's world Shakespeare's theater Shakespeare's language The five greatest Shakespeare Characters 7 NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE TITLE NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE ANTONY & CLEOPATRA NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE AS YOU LIKE IT NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE CANTERBURY TALES NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE COMEDY OF ERRORS NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE HAMLET NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE HENRY IV,PARTS ONE & TWO NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE HENRY V NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE JULIUS CAESAR NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE KING LEAR NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE MACBETH NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE MERCHANT OF VENICE NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE:A COMPANION NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE OTHELLO NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE RICHARD THE III NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE ROMEO & JULIET NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE SCARLET LETTER NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE SONNETS(THE) NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE TAMING OF THE SHREW NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE TEMPEST(THE) NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE TWELFTH NIGHT ISBN BIND 9781411499195 P 9781411401044 P 9781411426962 P 9781411404373 P 9781586638443 P 9781411404366 P 9781411401037 P 9781586638474 P 9781586638535 P 9781586638467 P 9781586638504 P 9781411401013 P 9781411497467 P 9781586638528 P 9781411401020 P 9781586638450 P 9781411426979 P 9781411402195 P 9781411401006 P 9781586638498 P 9781586638511 P RRP 8.99 8.99 14.99 8.99 8.99 9.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 9.99 8.99 8.99 14.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 9.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 GRAPHIC NOVELS - NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE The original No Fear series made Shakespeare’s plays much easier to read, but these dynamic visual adaptations are impossible to put down. Each of the titles is illustrated in its own unique style, but all are distinctively offbeat, slightly funky, and appealing to teen readers. Paperback HAMLET ISBN: 9781411498730 $ 14.99 MACBETH ISBN: 9781411498716 ROMEO & JULIET ISBN: 9781411498747 8