The Crucible Act I-II Vocabulary Words The Crucible Act III

The Crucible
Act I-II Vocabulary Words
1.) Ameliorate (V)- to make or become better, more bearable
2.)Base (ADJ)- having low moral standards
3.) Conjure (V)- to call upon or command (a devil or spirit)
4.) Defamation (N)- injury to one’s reputation (see alternate verb form defame)
5.) Deference (N)- respect for another (see alternate verb form defer)
6.) Dissemble (V)- to conceal or hide the truth or real nature of something
7.) Evade (V)- to escape from by trickery or cleverness; avoid
8.) Formidable (ADJ)- very serious or important
9.) Indignant (ADJ)- expressing strong displeasure at something unjust or offensive
10.) Inept (ADJ)- lacking skill or ability
11.) Lechery (N)- sexual sin; lust; the act of committing adultery
12.) Licentious (ADJ)- poor behavior, as a result of low morals
13.) Pretense (N)- pretending; make believe
14.) Prodigious (ADJ)- extraordinary in size, amount, degree, or force
15.) Trepidation (N)- fear, alarm
The Crucible
Act III-IV Vocabulary
1.) Adamant (Adj.)- Full of conviction; unyielding; very sure of
2.) Befuddle (V.)- To confuse
3.) Beguile (V.)- To fool or mislead
4.) Callous (Adj.)- Cold, hard, unfeeling by nature
5.) Incredulous (Adj.)- Beyond belief; not believable