Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4) 12-14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran Quantum mechanical study of structure and stability of small silver clusters Halimeh Najafvandzadeh*, Hamideh Kahnouji, S. Javad Hashemifar, Hadi Akbarzadeh Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran * Abstract: The quantum mechanical calculations in the framework of density functional theory are applied to investigate the structural and binding energy properties of 2-9 atoms silver clusters. It is discussed that the most stable two dimensional (2D) isomers of silver clusters have a close pack 2D triangular lattice while silver clusters with 7 atoms or more relax into 3D lattices. We calculate and analyse the binding energies and second order energy differences of clusters and argue that, consistent with experimental data, the two and eight atoms clusters are the most stable small silver clusters. Keywords: Density functional theory, Silver cluster, numerical atom centred orbitals, FHI-aims Introduction Atomic clusters extend across the gap between the microscopic and macroscopic materials and hence they are attracting more and more research attention in recent years. The coinage metallic (Au, Ag, Cu) clusters have great potential applications in catalysis [1,2] and nanotechnology [3,4]. Therefore, determination of the stable structural isomer and electronic properties of the coinage metal clusters are of much interest both experimentally [5,6] and theoretically [7,8,9], to undesrtand and realize their potential applications. The clusters with pronounced peaks in their mass spectra are generally considered to be more stable than others and are referred to as magic number. For alkali metal clusters, the first magic numbers are 2, 8, and 18. Since the electronic configuration of the coinage metals (Cu: [Ar]3d104s1, Ag: [Kr]4d105s1, Au: [Xe]5d106s1) consists of a closed d shell and a single s valance electron, due to the presence of a single s electron in the atomic outer shells, the noble metal clusters are expected to exhibit certain similarities to the alkali-metal clusters. Among coinage metals, silver clusters are particularly interesting due to their practical importance in medicine and their potential use in new electronic materials. Therefore, in the present work, quantum mechanical calculations are employed to investigate the structural aspects of silver clusters. In the following sections, after brief introduction of the method of calculations, we will present the obtained structural properties of 2 to 9 atomic silver clusters, and examine the relative stability of these clusters. the radial function ui(r) is numerically tabulated and thereforefullyflexible. All calculations reported here are donewiththe“tier1+spd” group of basis sets containing 119 basis functions. Results and Discussion A. Geometry optimization For each given size of silver cluster, all possible structural isomers were accurately considered, relaxed and compared together to find out the optimized geometry as well as physical properties of the most stable structures, displayed in figure 1. We observed th at up to size of 6 (heptamer), silver clusters prefer 2 dimensional (2D) planar structure while larger clusters stabilize in a 3D geometry. Computational Method The quantum mechanical calculations are carried out in the framework of density functional theory by using the all electron full potential code FHI-aims[10] and the PBE generalized gradient approximation to the exchangecorrelation functional. FHI-aims employs atom centered numerical orbitals (NAO) basis functions of the form: Fig. 1, The lowest-energy structure of Agn (n=2-9) clusters, ordered (from left to right and top to bottom) by increasing size. 1621 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4) 12-14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran It is observed that the most stable 2D isomers of Ag clusters are composed of atomic triangels , leading to the highest possible packing factor among 2D lattices . Notably, bulk silver also crystalizes in the FCC structure which has the highest packing factor among 3D lattices. (a) B. Magnetic and structural properties Magnetization of the most stable Ag clusters, defined as the difference between numbers of spin up and down electrons, is calculated and plotted as a function of system size in figure 2. Although bulk silver is a non-magnetic material, we observe that clusters with odd number of atoms have a finite magnetic moment. It is a kind of atomic like magnetism which is originated from the uncompensated spin moment of a single unpaired electron in the clusters with odd number of atoms. Since valence electrons in silver clusters have mainly s character, clusters with even number of atoms have a close electronic shell and hence become nonmagnetic. The average coordination number of atoms (nc( and the average bond length (d) in the most stable structures of Agn clusters (2≤n≤9) is presented in figure 3. The values of nc and d are definedasthenumberofbondsand sum of the lengths of all atomic bonds in the system, respectively, divided by the total number of atoms of cluster. Fig. 2, Magnetization of silver clusters as a function of size (b) (c) Fig. 4, The calculated binding energy Eb, dissociation energies and second difference energy It is clearly seen that small atomic clusters have considerably smaller nc and d values, compared with bulk. It is attributed to the presence of broken bonds at the cluster surfaces. Some part of the electron density of these broken bonds is rehybridized with the existing bonds and consequently enhances surface bonds compared with bulk. Therefore, less coordinated surface atoms have stronger (shorter) bonds, compared with bulk. We reasonably observe that by increasing the cluster size, both nc and d quantities smoothly approach the corresponding bulk values. The coordination number of atoms in bulk silver with FCC structure is 12 while the experimental value of bond length in this system is about 2.89 Å [11]. It is also observed that the rate of the increase of the average coordination number and bond length between 6 and 7 atomic clusters is higher than other regions. We attribute this feature to the 2D to 3D structural transition taking place between 6 and 7 atoms silver clusters. C. Binding energy and Relative stability (a) (b) Fig. 3, (a) The average coordination number of atoms nc and (b) the average bond length as a function of size of the silver cluster 1622 In order to investigate the relative stabilities of silver clusters, we have calculated their binding energies per atom as follows: where Etot(n) is the minimized total energy of the silver cluster with n atoms. Since the values of Eb, displayed in figure 4, measures the average strength of chemical bonds in clusters, it helps to address the stability and reactivity of the system. The experimental binding energy of bulk silver is about 2.95 eV [11]. It is seen the binding energy of small clusters is smaller than bulk and increases toward bulk value by increasing the cluster size. Similar to the previous section, it is attributed to the surface Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4) 12-14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran broken bonds in clusters which increase the total energy of system. The important point is that although binding energy is generally increasing by increasing the cluster size, a local maximum is visible in the binding energy of the 8 atoms cluster. This could be a theoretical evidence for observation of magic number 8 in the experimental investigations on silver clusters. Dissociation energies, the required energies to cleave a cluster in two or more fragments, are also useful parameters for studying stability of systems. The dissociation energy of an Xn cluster into fragments of Xn-p andXp is calculated as: larger clusters stabilize in 3D structures. Presence of one unpaired electron in the silver clusters with odd number of atoms makes these systems magnetic and also less stable than others. The calculated binding energies and second order energy differences confirm 2 and 8 as the magic numbers of silver clusters, in agreement with experiment. Acknowledgment This work was supported jointly by the Vice Chancellor for Research Affairs of Isfahan University of Technology, Center of Excellence for Applied nanotechnology, and ICTP Affiliated Centre. References We have calculated the dissociation energy D1 of the silver clusters and plotted the results in figure 4. The obtained data indicate that cleaving one atom from the clusters with odd number of atoms is easier than those with even number of atoms . Therefore, the graph of dissociation energy confirms more relative stability of the structure with even number of atoms. The next energy based quantity which is very useful and popular for investigating stability of atomic clusters, is the second energy difference, defined as: where Etot(n), as before, stands for the total energy of the n atoms silver cluster. The second difference energy 2E measures the energy difference between two fragmentation paths Xn+1→Xn+X and Xn→Xn−1+X. Hence a positive Δ2E value means that the dissociation of Xn+1 into Xn and one free atom is more favorable than the dissociation of Xn into Xn−1 and one free atom. Therefore Δ2E is an appropriate measure of the relative stability of clusters and is expected to agree with the observed experimental magic numbers. The calculated second energy differences of the most stable silver clusters (figure 4) exhibit even-odd oscillations. This can be explained in terms of electron pairing in electronic shell of clusters. Clusters with odd number of atoms have an unpaired electron and hence are less stable the clusters with even number of atoms. We observe that 2 and 8 atoms clusters have the highest positive Δ2E values, in agreement with the experimental magic numbers (2,8). It is worth to mention that results are in agreement with the simple jellium model, where in filled shells clusters with 2, 8, 18, 20, 40, 58, 92,... valence electrons have increased stability, the mass spectra of cluster distribution shows pronounced intensity in clusters with these number of atoms, the so-called magic numbers. Conclusions In summary, we have studied small neutral silver clusters by using DFT-PBE calculations. It was observed that up to 6 atoms cluster, 2D isomers are more stable while Journal article [1] M. Valden, X. Lai, and D. W. Goodman, “ Onset of Catalytic Activity of Gold Clusters on Titania with the Appearance of Nonmetallic Properties”, Science 281 (1998), 1647 [2] P. L. Hansen, J. B. Wagner, S. Helveg, J. R. RostrupNielsen,B. S. Clausen, and H. Topsoe , “Atom-Resolved Imaging of Dynamic Shape Changes in Supported Copper Nanocrystals”Science(2002) 295, 2053 [3] C. Binns," Nanoclusters deposited on surfaces", Surf. Sci. Rep. 44(2001),1 [4] D. I. Gittins, D. 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