The problem Platform 1 New platform A A B Giorgio Buttazzo Platform 2 B Consider two applications, A and B, independently developed on dedicated platforms. How can we guarantee them when they are concurrently executed in the same platform? Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Example with fixed priorities RM schedule (S = 1) A 3 (2,5) 2 (4,8) 4 (6,12) 0 4 8 A 5 0 1 (4,8) 2 (2,12) 10 B 4 3 (1,5) 8 5 2 (2,8) 10 s 4 (3,12) A UB 2 5 17 1 3 18 18 16 overrun 2 (2,12) deadline miss 12 16 B deadline miss 5 18 1 (4,8) 3 (5,18) 0 0 3 (5,18) EDF schedule A+B 15 8 B 1 1 2 2 6 3 Ci 16 12 Application B U TOT 1 (1,4) A UA 12 RM schedule (S = 2) assuming C’i = A+B Application A RM schedule (S = 1) B 1 (2,4) Example with EDF 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 © Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna 3 Resource partitioning © Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna 4 Resource Reservation In general, what we really need is to have: Clearly, when multiple applications execute on the same platform, they compete for the same resources and may delay each others. A 4 Each application receives a fraction i < 1 of the processor sufficient to meet its execution requirements. B What we need is a mechanism able to partition the processor in two subsystems (virtual processors), each dedicated to a single application. In this way, an overrun occurring in an application does not propagate to the others, but only affects the application itself. 10 % Resource partitioning V1 A V2 B 3 45 % 20 % 1 2 25 % Enforcement mechanism A mechanism that prevents an application to consume more than its reserved fraction. In this way, the application executes as it were executing alone on a slower processor with speed i. 1 Priorities vs. Reservations Prioritized Access Resource Reservation A1 A2 A3 P1 READY QUEUE Priorities vs. Reservations A1 A2 A3 P2 1 2 3 Prioritized Access P3 A1 1 = 0.5 50% A1 A2 2 = 0.3 30% A2 3 = 0.2 20% A3 A3 Priorities vs. Reservations Tasks vehicles Resource road Resource Reservation 1 50% 2 3 30% 20% Prioritized approach Problems in overload conditions High priority Medium priority Low priority Shared resource Resource Reservation Each type of vehicle has a reserved lane service lane car lane Benefits of Res. Reservation 1. Resource allocation is easier than priority mapping. 2. It provides temporal isolation: overruns occurring in a reservation do not affect other tasks in the system. Important for modularity and scalability 3. Simpler schedulability analysis: truck lane Response times only depends on the application demand and the amount of reserved resource. 4. Easier probabilistic approach 2 Implementing Reservations 1 server 2b server 2a 3 server Fixed priorities Dynamic priorities Guaranteeing Reservations 1 1 2 3 server 2b Ready queue server 2a CPU 3 scheduler scheduler server RM/DM Sporadic Server EDF CBS server 1 Ready queue 2 CPU 3 scheduler If a processor is partitioned into n reservations, we n must have that: i 1 i A U lub where A is the adopted scheduling algorithm. Hard vs. Soft reservations Constant Bandwidth Server SOFT reservation It assigns deadlines to tasks as the TBS, but keeps track of job executions through a budget mechanism. It guarantees that the served application receives at least a budget Q every P. When the budget is exhausted it is immediately replenished, but the deadline is postponed to keep the demand constant. CBS parameters HARD reservation It guarantees that the served application receives at most a budget Q every P. Maximum budget: Qs Server period: Ts Server bandwidth: Us = Qs/Ts assigned by the user Current budget: Server deadline: maintained by the server qs (initialized to 0) ds (initialized to 0) 16 Basic CBS rules Example of Soft CBS Arrival of job Jk at time rk assign ds 1 if (rk + qs /Us ds) then recycle (qs, ds) else ds = rk + Ts q s = Qs Budget exhausted ds = ds + Ts q s = Qs 8 4 0 12 16 24 20 2 0 16 d1 d0 6 ape r1 qs postpone ds The server remains active 0 2 d2 d3 d4 14 20 26 1 r1 4 6 8 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 CBS: Qs = 2, Ts = 6 17 18 3 Problem of Soft CBS Example with Hard CBS If more bandwidth is allocated during idle intervals, the server deadline goes far away (deadline aging) and the executions tend to become less regular. The deadline aging problem can be avoided by suspending the server when qs = 0 and recharging the budget at ds: 1 1 16 16 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 s 5 1 4 qs 0 2 4 1 8 6 8 1 16 12 10 12 14 16 20 18 s 1 20 24 22 24 5 1 26 8 4 qs 0 2 4 1 6 CBS: Qs = 1, Ts = 4 8 1 16 12 10 12 1 14 16 20 18 20 24 22 24 Hierarchical scheduling Resource reservation can be used to develop hierarchical systems, where each component is implemented within a reservation: 28 20 Hierarchical scheduling In general, a component can also be divided in other sub-components Application N Application 1 Local Scheduler Local Scheduler Local Scheduler Component N Local Scheduler Component 1 Global Scheduler Global Scheduler Computing Platform Global scheduler: the one managing the system ready queue Local schedulers: the ones managing the servers queues Server S4 Local Scheduler Local Scheduler Computing Platform Hierarchical scheduling Component N Hierarchical Analysis Global analysis: Servers must be schedulable by the global scheduler running on the physical platform. Local analysis: Applications must be scheduled by the local schedulers running on the components. Server S1 Application N Application 1 9 8 26 CBS: Qs = 1, Ts = 4 19 Component 1 28 3 2 1 Local scheduler Local scheduler Local Scheduler Component 1 S4 S3 S2 S1 Local Scheduler Component N CPU Global Scheduler Global scheduler Computing Platform 4 Analysis under RR Analysis under RR Under EDF, the analysis of an application within a reservation is done through the Processor Demand Criterion: To describe the time available in a reservation, we need to identify, for any interval [0, t], the minimum time allocated in the worst-case situation. Under Fixed Priority Systems (FPS), the analysis is done through the Workload Analysis: Supply bound function sbf(t): t 0, dbf (t ) t t (0, Di ] : Wi (t ) t i 1,..., n minimum amount of time available in reservation Rk in every time interval of length t. The difference is that in an interval of length t the processor is only partially available. Example: Static time partition Analysis under RR Example of reservation providing 4 units every 10 (bandwidth = 0.4). Hence the Processor Demand Criterion can be reformulated as follows: t 0, 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 dbf (t ) sbf (t ) t 24 sbf(t) sbf(t) t 8 dbf(t) 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 t t Analysis under RR Supply bound function A simpler sufficient test, can be derived by replacing sbf(t) with a lower bound, called linear supply bound function lsbf(t): t 0, A linear supply bound function has the following form: lsbf (t ) max{0, (t )} dbf (t ) lsbf (t ) t sbf(t) lsbf(t) lsbf(t) dbf(t) t = bandwidth = service delay t 5 Deriving and Deriving and Given a generic supply function sbf(t), the bandwidth is the equivalent slope computed for long intervals: sbf (t ) lim t t While the delay is the highest intersection with the time axis of the line of slope touching the sbf(t): sbf (t ) sup t t 0 sbf(t) sbf(t) sbf(t) sbf(t) t Example: Periodic Server Example: Periodic Server For a periodic server with budget Qs and period Ps running at the highest priority, we have: Qs Ps Ps Qs For a periodic server with budget Qs and period Ps running at unknown priority, we have: Ps Qs Ps sbf(t) Qs Qs Ps – Qs Qs Ps 2( Ps Qs ) 2(Ps – Qs) Observation Observation In a periodic server with bandwidth , we have that: It is worth comparing the following supply functions: Supply function of a fluid partition with bandwidth Supply function of a real partition with bandwidth of a periodic server Q,P Q P 2( P Q) 2 P (1 ) t The delay is proportional to the server period P t Qs sbf(t) Supply function of a full processor t t t t 6 Observation Taking overhead into account Note that, for a given bandwidth , reducing P reduces the delay and improves schedulability, tending to a fluid reservation, but … smaller periods generates higher runtime overhead If is the context switch overhead, we have: P Q smaller P Allocated bandwidth: Effective bandwidth: eff eff 0 Pmin Q 2 P (1 ) P Q P P 1 min 2 Pmin (1 ) 2 t Effective bandwidth Reservation interface Hence reducing the server period P reduces the delay , but also reduces the effective bandwidth eff that can be exploited: Note that the (, ) parameters offer an alternative interface, which is independent of the implementation mechanism (static partitions or Q-P server): eff 1 2 3 / QoS1 2 2 QoS2 3 3 QoS3 Example of sporadic waste service lane truck lane 1 P Avoiding resource wastes car lane 1 demanded bandwidth allocated bandwidth avg A reservation can be wasted because of time occasional load reduction due to early terminations wrong bandwidth allocation at design time application changes due to environmental changes under utilized correctly utilized over utilized 7 Bandwidth allocation error Resource Reclaiming Unused bandwidth in a reservation can be used to satisfy extra occasional needs in another reservation: Bandwidth Demanded Allocated allocation error Bandwidth Bandwidth Resource is insufficient (application is delayed) bandwidth allocation error R1 time R2 The application demands less (resource is wasted) Budget reclaiming 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 1 2 4 Capacity Sharing algorithm 3 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 4 2 5 3 3 CASH: Capacity Sharing algorithm When a job finishes and qs > 0, the residual budget is put in a global queue of spare capacities (the CASH queue), with a deadline equal to the server deadline. A server first uses the capacity in the CASH queue with the earliest deadline dq ds, otherwise qs is used. Idle times consume the capacity in the CASH queue with the earliest deadline. 3 3 CASH queue Handling wrong allocations There are situations in which the reservation error is caused by a wrong bandwidth allocation: 2 2 1 4 2 3 5 1 1 3 2 1 Need for adaptivity In these cases, the only solution is to design the system to be adaptive so that reservations can be changed based on runtime requirements: any reservation is not appropriate resource needs safe but not efficient resource needs efficient but not enough time time 8 Adaptive QoS Management Reservation parameters can be changed at run time by a Reservation Manager (Global adaptation): Local adaptation A local adaptation approach is also possible for a task to comply with the assigned reservation: demand i Reservation Manager Ci 1 2 3 1 1 QoS1 2 2 QoS2 3 3 QoS3 Ti Reservation Si Local Policy Real-Time System probes Shared Resources 1 server 2b R server 2a 3 server 2 3 Ready queue CPU scheduler Tasks are usually not independent as they share resources (e.g., data structures, peripherals, common memory areas). Problems with Reservations Resource sharing may break isolation: Problems with Reservations Resource sharing may break isolation: The major problem is that the resource is locked but no task is actually using it normal blocking due extra blocking due to to reasource sharing budget exhaustion deadline miss 1 wait 2 deadline miss 1 wait 2 Ts Ts server server S2 S2 9 Possible approaches Reactive approaches Let the budget finishes and react with a given strategy: Overrun without Payback When the budget exhausts inside a critical section, do nothing. Overrun Isolation is broken! Without payback With payback Proxy execution (BWI) 1 Proactive approaches 2 Prevent the budget to finish inside a critical section: Check and wait (SIRAP) Check and recharge (BROE) wait Ts server S2 The budget goes negative Overrun without Payback Let k be the length of the critical section to be entered. In the worst-case the server consumes Qs +k budget units Overrun with Payback When the budget exhausts inside a critical section, do nothing. Payback at the next budget replenishment. Isolation is broken! Note that the worst-case bandwidth consumption does not change wait 2 k 1 2 wait Ts Ts server server S2 S2 k The budget goes negative Proxy Execution When the budget exhausts inside a critical section, inherit the bandwidth of another server 1 wait 2 1 Budget payback Proactive Approaches Let k be the length of the critical section to be entered, and qs be the budget of the server at the lock time; Proactive approaches are based on a budget check before locking the resource (i.e., qs k ?); The scheduler requires the knowledge of k at run-time. server S1 2 qs k ? NO qs k ? YES Ts server S2 10 SIRAP SIRAP If (qs k) then enter, else wait for the next replenishment. Penalizes the response-time of the task wishing to access the resource; Check and wait Note that off-line we must guarantee that Qs max{k}. 1 checking point Potentially inserts idle-time (unused budget). 1 2 checking point 2 Ts Ts server server S2 S2 BROE BROE Check and recharge Performs better than SIRAP in most situations; If (qs k) then enter, else recharge the budget at full value and proportionally postpone the server deadline. Note that off-line we must guarantee that Qs max{k}. 1 checking point BROE works only with EDF-scheduled reservation servers. 1 2 2 server server S2 S2 checking point BROE BROE BROE is designed to guarantee a bounded-delay partition (, ). Note that a deadline shift of X/ guarantees that the server never consumes a bandwidth higher than , provided that A budget recharge of X time units reflects as a proportional deadline shift of X/ Ts S2 j i In fact, since D 2 server i j 1 X/ Q The deadline increment D that guarantees a bandwidth with a budget (Q + x) can be found by imposing: Qx D D thus: D D Qx D Q x x 11 BROE BROE: bandwidth guarantee BROE Design Goals Overcome to the problem of budget depletion inside critical sections Avoiding budget overruns; Ensuring bandwidth isolation (i.e., each server of the processor must consume no more than bandwidth); Guaranteeing a bounded-delay partition to the served tasks. When the budget is not enough to complete the critical section, BROE performs a full budget replenishment; To contain the server bandwidth, the budget replenishment must be reflected in a proportional deadline postponement To bound the service delay, the server must be suspended until a proper time. BROE: bounded-delay To guarantee real-time workload executing upon a reservation server, the server must ensure a bounded-delay service ∆ BROE: bounded-delay The budget replenishment and the corresponding deadline postponement can easily result in a violation of the worst-case delay ∆ 2 , if not properly handled! 2 BROE: bounded-delay Consider a BROE server with Q=4 and P=8 accesses a resource having 2 BROE: bounded-delay Consider a BROE server with Q=4 and P=8 1 1 server server accesses a resource having 2 12 BROE: bounded-delay Consider a BROE server with Q=4 and P=8 2 accesses a resource having The worst-case delay ∆ 2 is violated! BROE: bounded-delay How to solve this problem? The idea is to prevent the server to execute “too earlier” with respect to its deadline, after a budget replenishment The worst‐case the delay can be potentially unbounded! 11 1 2 8 8 11 8 server 1 2 8 8 8 server BROE: bounded-delay If the server is “not executing too earlier”, it is not possible to violate the worst-case delay ∆ BROE: bounded-delay For how long the server must be suspended? Depending on the execution state, BROE decides to suspend the server or not no server suspension is needed This execution must be delayed 6 ∆ 2 1 1 server server BROE: bounded-delay How to compute time tr such that the bandwidth in [tr, d] is exactly ? q (t ) d tr explicit server suspension 1 server d - tr tr tr d tr 8 d The slack is greater than (P-Q) =8 8 8 BROE: bounded-delay How to compute time tr such that the bandwidth in [tr, d] is exactly ? q (t ) d tr q(t ) 1 6 0.5 explicit server suspension 1 d - tr tr tr d q(t ) P d server 13 BROE: bounded-delay Note that, thanks to the suspension, the worst-case service delay is still = 2(P - Q): BROE: goals BROE Design Goals Overcome to the problem of budget depletion inside critical sections • Avoiding budget overruns; • Ensuring bandwidth isolation (i.e., each server of the processor must consume no more than bandwidth); explicit server suspension ∆ 1 2 8 8 • Guaranteeing a bounded-delay partition to the served tasks. server BROE: rules BROE Resource Access Policy Consider a BROE server having budget Q and period P. The current budget at time t is denoted as q(t). of length k at time t: When a task wishes to access a resource if , enter the critical section (there is enough budget); else compute a recharging time If , the server is suspended until time , the budget is replenished to Q and the deadline is shifted to BROE: constraints The BROE resource access policy can work only with EDF due to the proportional deadline shift. The support for FP is currently an open problem; To perform the budget check, BROE requires the specification of the worst-case holding time for the shared resources; BROE is intrinsically designed for the worst-case: the budget check can cause a scheduling decision that could be unnecessary. Otherwise, the budget is immediately replenished to Q and BROE: recap The BROE server is a scheduling mechanism providing resource reservation including the support for shared resources Hard reservation implementing the Hard-CBS algorithm; Resource access protocol that guarantees both bandwidth isolation and bounded-delay to the served application. Resource Holding Time In general, the BROE budget check has to be performed using the Resource Holding Time (RHT) of a shared resource; RHT = budget consumed from the lock of a resource until its unlock 14 Resource Holding Time Resource Holding Time In general, the BROE budget check has to be performed using the Resource Holding Time (RHT) of a shared resource; Interference from high-priority task has to be accounted in the budget consumed when a resource is locked RHT = budget consumed from the lock of a resource until its unlock 2 s 2 s lock unlock lock 1 unlock 1 server budget RHT Resource Holding Time Resource Holding Time RHT = Critical Section WCET + Worst-case Interference The interference is caused by the task preemptions If resources are accessed in a non-preemptive manner, the RHT is equal to the worst-case critical section length; Trade-off: lower threshold for the budget check, but greater task blocking due to non-preemptive blocking non-preemptive blocking 2 s 2 lock s unlock 1 RHT unlock RHT BROE: example Consider 2 BROE servers: (Q1 = 4, P1 = 8) Implementation Issues (Q2 = 5, P2 = 10) 2 t r 20 16 0.5 2 tr 8 4 0.5 1 lock 1 Goal: Implementation of a two-level Hierarchical Scheduling Framework using the BROE algorithm. S1 0 2 4 6 t r 10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 2 6 0.5 2 Server scheduling according to EDF S2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 15 Implementation Issues Implementation Issues Goal: Implementation of a two-level Hierarchical Scheduling Framework using the BROE algorithm. Goal: Implementation of a two-level Hierarchical Scheduling Framework using the BROE algorithm. BROE Server: Hard‐CBS + resource access policy Local scheduler: can be either EDF and FP Implementation Issues Multi-layer scheduling infrastructure Task Task Task Implementation Issues Ready queue structure Task VCPU 1 TASK 1.1 TASK 1.2 TASK 1.3 VCPU 2 TASK 2.1 TASK 2.2 EDF order VCPU 3 TASK 3.1 VCPU n TASK n.1 Classical Resource Sharing EDF/FP Scheduler BROE Resource Access Policy Hard CBS EDF Scheduler EDF order TASK n.2 TASK 1.4 FP order TASK n.3 CPU Implementation Issues OS with tick: the kernel comes into operation periodically, even if there are no scheduling events to be handled; OS tick-less: the kernel come into operation only when is needed, i.e., in correspondence of scheduling events. Implementation Issues EDF scheduling implementation needs a timing reference having both High-resolution; Long life-time (to handle absolute deadlines). Example: budget management for reservation It Requires 64‐bit data structure for time representation We look at tick-less RTOS implementation on small microcontrollers. Dealing with 64-bit data structures in small microcontrollers imposes a significant overhead in the scheduler implementation. 16 Implementation Issues Implementation Issues Circular timer: avoid an absolute timing reference. The notion of time is relative with respect to a free running timer. Let T the lifetime of the free running timer. It is possible to handle temporal events having a maximum spread of T/2. Consider two events and . be the absolute time of an event, and Let relative representation by using the circular timer. To compare two events having If 0 then If 0 then If Implementation Issues its /2 0 then Implementation Issues Warning: a relative representation becomes inconsistent after T/2! Hard-CBS Server: its implementation requires to manage two main operations Inactive servers: It is necessary to perform a periodic check of inconsistent deadlines; Budget enforcement; Budget recharge. A special timer has to be reserved for that job. 5 The implementation of EDF requires 2 timers: • Free running timer • Periodic timer for deadline consistency server 8 4 qs 0 2 Implementation Issues 4 6 8 16 12 10 12 14 16 20 18 20 24 22 24 26 Implementation Issues Budget enforcement: when then server starts to execute at time , set up an one-shot timer with the current budget . If a preemption occurs, the timer is reconfigured; otherwise, it will fire to notify a budget exhaustion. Budget recharge: when a server exhaust its budget, it has to be suspended until its deadline, where the budget will be recharged. A deadline-ordered queue of suspended server has to be provided. Another one-shot timer triggers the budget recharge event for the first server in the queue. 5 5 server server 8 4 qs 0 2 4 6 8 16 12 10 12 14 16 20 18 20 24 22 24 26 8 4 qs 0 2 4 6 8 16 12 10 12 14 16 20 18 20 24 22 24 26 17 Implementation Issues Budget recharge: when a server exhaust its budget, it has to be suspended until its deadline, where the budget will be recharged. A deadline-ordered queue of suspended server has to be provided. Another one-shot timer triggers the budget recharge event for the first server in the queue. One‐Shot Timer d=10 VCPU 1 d=10 VCPU 3 d=40 VCPU 6 d=120 Queue of suspended servers waiting for budget replenishment Implementation Issues Hard-CBS Server: its implementation requires to manage two main operations Budget enforcement; Budget recharge. The implementation of the Hard CBS requires 2 timers: • One‐shot timer for budget enforcement • One‐shot timer for budget recharge Implementation Issues BROE server suspension: can be implemented exploiting the budget recharge queue “If One‐Shot Timer d=10 , the server is suspended until time VCPU 1 d=10 VCPU 3 d=40 ” VCPU 6 d=120 Queue of suspended servers waiting for budget replenishment Implementation Issues BROE server suspension: can be implemented exploiting the budget recharge queue “If One‐Shot Timer d=10 , the server is suspended until time VCPU 1 d=10 VCPU 3 d=40 ” VCPU 2 =50 VCPU 6 d=120 Queue of suspended servers waiting for budget replenishment 18