UpToDate®: 'Controversies in cardiopulmonary resuscitation' http://www.utdol.com.laneproxy.stanford.edu/application/topic/print... ONLINE 13.3 New Search ©2005 UpToDate® Table of Contents Feedback Help Official reprint from UpToDate® www.uptodate.com Controversies in cardiopulmonary resuscitation Roger J Laham, MD Michael Simons, MD UpToDate performs a continuous review of over 330 journals and other resources. Updates are added as important new information is published. The literature review for version 13.3 is current through August 2005; this topic was last changed on May 19, 2005. The next version of UpToDate (14.1) will be released in February 2006. INTRODUCTION — Closed chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has been the standard method of maintaining blood flow after cardiac arrest since it was described by Kouwenhoven in 1960 [1]. Although these investigators reported 70 percent long-term survival in patients receiving CPR after in-hospital cardiac arrest, these encouraging results were never duplicated. More recent studies have found long-term survival rates of 10 to 15 percent in patients receiving CPR after in-hospital cardiac arrest [2-4] and 5 to 7 percent for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in large metropolitan communities [5]. Attempts to improve the outcome have focused on newer means of circulatory support, dosing of epinephrine, and the use of bicarbonate. Advanced cardiovascular life support guidelines and issues related to outcome of the patient who experiences sudden cardiac death are discussed separately. (See "Overview of basic and advanced cardiovascular life support" and see "Acute therapy of sudden cardiac death"). ACTIVE COMPRESSION-DECOMPRESSION CPR — Meaningful survival after cardiac arrest depends upon providing minimal levels of blood flow to vital organs [6]. In particular, coronary perfusion pressure appears to correlate most closely with the success of resuscitation. In one report, for example, the coronary perfusion pressure (defined as the aortic to right atrial pressure gradient during the relaxation phase of CPR) was measured in 100 patients with cardiac arrest [7]. The 24 patients who recovered spontaneous circulation had a substantially higher maximum coronary perfusion pressure than those who did not (25.6 versus 8.4 mmHg); all patients who recovered had values above 15 mmHg. Optimally performed standard manual CPR is barely able to achieve the minimal coronary perfusion pressure required to sustain life. As a result, a number of alternative forms of circulatory support have been developed and investigated. Some of these techniques, including high impulse manual CPR performed at rates of 120 compressions per minute, interposed abdominal counterpulsation, high pressure ventilation, and intermittent occlusion of the ascending aorta have demonstrated hemodynamic improvements in animal studies and limited clinical trials [8-11]. However, none has replaced the original method. Clinical trials of active compression-decompression — On the basis of an anecdotal case report of successful resuscitation using a toilet plunger [12], Cohen and others developed a hand-held suction cup as an adjunct to standard manual CPR [13]. Use of this device in active compression-decompression (ACD) CPR involves a compression phase, as in conventional CPR, but the passive relaxation phase is replaced by active decompression where the chest wall is lifted upwards by the suction cup. Active decompression can rapidly decrease intrathoracic pressure and may thereby increase venous return to the heart [4]. ACD CPR has been shown to improve pulmonary ventilation, cardiopulmonary flow, and vital organ perfusion in animal models and human subjects after cardiac arrest [14-17]. Preliminary investigations also demonstrated improved resuscitation success after both prehospital [18] and in-hospital [19] cardiac arrest. These preliminary findings set the stage for randomized clinical trials to compare active compression decompression to standard CPR. 1 of 7 11/30/05 10:03 PM UpToDate®: 'Controversies in cardiopulmonary resuscitation' http://www.utdol.com.laneproxy.stanford.edu/application/topic/print... Two such trials compared ACD CPR with standard CPR in a total of 1633 patients [20,21]. No significant differences in outcome were seen with either in-hospital or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Phased chest and abdominal compression-decompression — A new method for CPR, which combines ACD CPR and interposed abdominal compression techniques, has been associated with a significant increase in coronary perfusion pressure. A report of 50 patients found that this technique was more effective than conventional CPR for initial resuscitation of patients with asystole or pulseless electrical activity; however, none of the patients survived hospitalization [22]. Inspiratory impedance threshold device — The inspiratory impedance threshold device (IITD) is a small-volume valve that can be attached to either an endotracheal tube or a face mask during resuscitation. The IITD is designed to prevent air entry during chest decompression, thus prolonging the duration of the decompressive phase, increasing negative intrathoracic pressure, and improving venous return to the thorax. Animal models and small clinical trials of the IITD used alone or in combination with active compression-decompression devices have been promising [23-29]. As an example, one controlled trial randomly assigned 230 patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest to treatment with an IITD or a sham device in combination with standard CPR [28]. Patients treated with the device were significantly more likely than control patients to survive until ICU admission (25 versus 17 percent, respectively). Subgroup analysis suggested that patients with pulseless electrical activity (PEA) were more likely to benefit from IITD therapy than those with ventricular fibrillation or asystole. The IITD remains experimental, and the device is not available for clinical use at this time. Recommendation — In- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest remains associated with a poor prognosis despite significant advances in intensive care management, advanced life support strategies, and accelerated response times. There is no clear evidence that ACD CPR is beneficial. Despite some improvements in hemodynamic indices and initial resuscitation rates, no statistically significant improvement in hospital discharge rate, the most important clinical outcome, has been demonstrated. We do not use ACD CPR or recommend its use at the present time. CPR BEFORE DEFIBRILLATION FOR VF — Most cases of cardiac arrest, including out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, are due to ventricular fibrillation (VF) (show figure 1). Survival for such patients depends upon prompt defibrillation. When VF has been present for seconds to a few minutes, the success rate of defibrillation is high. As VF continues for a longer period of time, the ability to terminate the arrhythmia is reduced. Furthermore, when VF continues for more than four minutes, there is irreversible damage to the central nervous system and other organs, which will reduce survival even if defibrillation is successful [30]. For these reasons, the standard of care for resuscitation from VF has been defibrillation as soon as possible. In a series of over 12,000 EMS-treated patients from Seattle, 4546 had witnessed VF. For these patients, the defibrillation response interval was significantly correlated with survival to hospital discharge (odds ratio 0.88 for every one-minute increase in response time) [31]. (See "Acute therapy of sudden cardiac death" and see "Overview of basic and advanced cardiovascular life support"). However, it has been suggested that outcomes may be improved by performing CPR before defibrillation, at least in patients in whom defibrillation is delayed for more than four to five minutes. In an initial report from Seattle describing such an approach, survival to hospital discharge was significantly increased with routine CPR before defibrillation, primarily in patients in whom the initial response interval was four minutes or longer (27 versus 17 percent without prior CPR) [32]. This benefit was confirmed in a subsequent controlled trial in which 200 patients presenting with out-of-hospital VF were randomly assigned to immediate defibrillation or CPR for three minutes prior to the first defibrillation attempt [33]. There were no differences in outcome between the two groups for patients with a response time 5 minutes. For those with response times >5 minutes, however, patients undergoing CPR first were significantly more likely to survive to hospital discharge (22 versus 4 percent). Recommendation — Despite the physiologic justification for performing CPR prior to defibrillation in patients with VF, the clinical trials data are not sufficient to recommend this practice. Furthermore, no protocol that would tend to result in delaying needed defibrillation for victims of cardiac arrest should be adopted without clear evidence of efficacy. Therefore, we do not recommend CPR prior to defibrillation for patients with cardiac arrest due to VF. HIGH-DOSE EPINEPHRINE — Epinephrine has been the standard vasopressor for cardiac arrest since the 2 of 7 11/30/05 10:03 PM UpToDate®: 'Controversies in cardiopulmonary resuscitation' http://www.utdol.com.laneproxy.stanford.edu/application/topic/print... 1960s [1,34,35]. As noted above, survival after cardiac arrest remains poor [2,3,5]. The outcome is particularly bad in patients whose cardiac rhythm is asystole, pulseless electrical activity (electromechanical dissociation), or refractory VF. Epinephrine remains the first-line adrenergic agent for such patients, but few studies in humans have assessed its efficacy or the correct dosage. Since its introduction, the recommended dose in adults has been 0.5 to 1 mg intravenously every five minutes. This dose was derived from studies in dogs, but does not allow for the large difference in weight between dogs and humans [36]. Clinical trials of high-dose epinephrine — Some animal studies have suggested that the use of much higher doses of epinephrine (0.07 to 0.20 mg/kg of body weight) results in increased coronary and cerebral blood flow and improved rates of survival [37,38]. In small human studies, investigators have demonstrated substantially better hemodynamic responses to 5 to 14 mg of epinephrine than 1 mg [39,40]. This led clinicians to use higher doses of epinephrine in their resuscitative efforts, with case reports indicating that survival may be improved [41]. This initial observations led to several large randomized trials to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose epinephrine. Two trials of 1930 patients with in- or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest found no difference rates of survival to hospitalization or hospital discharge between standard or high-dose epinephrine [42,43]. A third randomized, double-blind trial compared standard to high-dose epinephrine in 816 patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest [44]. High-dose epinephrine significantly improved the rate of return of spontaneous circulation (13 percent versus 8 percent). As in the other studies, however, there was no statistically significant difference in hospital discharge rates (1.7 versus 1.2 percent) or neurologic outcome between the two groups. These findings were confirmed in a meta-analysis of five randomized trials, which found that high-dose epinephrine was associated with a higher rate of return of spontaneous circulation, but no beneficial effect on hospital discharge [45]. Recommendation — Given the finding of these three trials involving over 2700 patients and the meta-analysis, high-dose epinephrine cannot be recommended for clinical use in cardiac arrest. SODIUM BICARBONATE — During cardiopulmonary arrest, hypoxia-induced anaerobic metabolism results in the generation of lactic acid and the development of metabolic acidosis. At the same time, ventilatory failure leads to carbon dioxide (CO2) retention and respiratory acidosis, further reducing the pH. Prompt and effective ventilation and maintenance of the circulation of blood are the major modalities for preventing and managing the acidemia associated with cardiac arrest [46,47]. In comparison, the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate administration has been a source of controversy [47,48]. Sodium bicarbonate reacts with the hydrogen ion to form water and carbon dioxide and has been used in the treatment of lactic acidosis. It can lead to a number of problems however including fluid overload, hypernatremia, and postrecovery metabolic alkalosis. In addition, it may only transiently raise the plasma bicarbonate concentration due at least in part to the associated generation of CO2. As the administered bicarbonate buffers hydrogen ions, approximately 260 to 280 mmHg of CO2 are generated for each 50 meq of bicarbonate given [49]. Under normal circumstances, the extra CO2 would be eliminated by the lungs. During CPR, however, pulmonary blood flow is substantially reduced. As a result, some of the CO2 that is produced accumulates in the venous system raising the venous PCO2 and lowering the venous pH [50]. This effect will be missed clinically if the mixed venous pH is not measured. The arterial PCO2 may be normal or even below normal because, if ventilation is maintained, the lungs are able to clear the CO2 that is delivered to the pulmonary circulation [50]. (See "Arterial and mixed venous blood gases in lactic acidosis"). The rise in PCO2 in the venous blood that is perfusing the tissues may then exacerbate or at least prevent correction of the intracellular acidosis [51,52], leading to an impairment in both hepatic lactate utilization and cardiac contractility [52]. These changes promote further lactic acid accumulation which can neutralize the effect of the administered bicarbonate. (See "Bicarbonate therapy in lactic acidosis" for a more complete review of these issues). The effect of continued acidemia and bicarbonate administration on VF and defibrillation is not clearly established. The following experimental and clinical observations have been made: Metabolic acidosis itself may lower the threshold for the development of VF, but appears to have no effect on the defibrillation threshold [53]. 3 of 7 11/30/05 10:03 PM UpToDate®: 'Controversies in cardiopulmonary resuscitation' http://www.utdol.com.laneproxy.stanford.edu/application/topic/print... In vitro studies suggest that alkali therapy does not prevent the progressive decline in myocardial cell pH during VF and does not alter the defibrillation threshold [51]. Administration of sodium bicarbonate does not facilitate recovery from VF or survival during cardiac arrest in dogs [54]. Only one prospective, randomized, double-blinded trial has examined the use of buffering agents in the treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest [55]. 502 adults with asystole or VF refractory to an initial defibrillation attempt received a 250 mL infusion of either saline or a mixture of sodium bicarbonate, tromethamine (THAM), and phosphate with a buffering capacity of 125 mmol. No significant differences between saline- and buffer-treated groups were observed in the rates of survival to intensive care unit admission (36 versus 36 percent) or survival to hospital discharge (14 versus 10 percent). Recommendation — The absence of proven efficacy and the numerous adverse effects associated with sodium bicarbonate have led to the recommendation that sodium bicarbonate not be routinely used during CPR [47]. Definitive therapy consists of prompt defibrillation, effective chest compression, endotracheal intubation and hyperventilation with 100 percent oxygen, and the administration of epinephrine [47]. Sodium bicarbonate administration, although not recommended, can be considered in specific clinical circumstances, such as documented preexisting metabolic acidosis with or without hyperkalemia. NEED FOR MOUTH-TO-MOUTH VENTILATION — It is well established that bystander-initiated CPR is associated with a significantly higher survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest when compared to CPR initiated by emergency medical personnel because the CPR is initiated earlier [56]. (See "Outcome of sudden cardiac death"). However, even with extensive training of citizens, many victims of witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest do not receive bystander-initiated CPR. The need for and safety of mouth-to-mouth ventilation is an important concern regarding the complexity of CPR and the inexperience of bystanders. To overcome this limitation, one study evaluated whether chest compression alone was as effective as chest compression and mouth-to-mouth ventilation. Emergency telephone dispatchers randomized 520 patients to receive chest compression plus mouth-to-mouth ventilation or chest compression alone from bystanders [57]. There was no significant difference in the number of patients admitted to the hospital (34 versus 40 percent for compression alone) or survival to hospital discharge (10 versus 15 percent). Use of UpToDate is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement. REFERENCES 1. Kouwenhoven, WB, JUDE, JR, Knickerbocker, GG. Closed-chest cardiac massage. JAMA 1960; 173:1064. 2. 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