A special issue after Conference:
Dear Kinderdance family, by Carol Kay Harsell .......................................................Page 2
Ideas from sharing sessions, by Darlene Van Der Wal
Pages 3-6
We are allowing individual websites, by Richard Maltese.........................................Page 7
Class Juggler, by Richard Maltese
Pages 8-9
Marketing postcard, by Richard Maltese
Page 10
Zeespeak Column, by Tracey Evans, (Shallotte, NC)
Page 11
Benchmarking, by Sharon Scorzelli
Page 12
Easy Money, by Rebecca Razzano
Page 13
Awards at 2010 Conference, by Darlene Van Der Wal
Pages 14-17
Welcome Aboard, Darlene Van Der Wal ................................................................. Page 18
Sharing Music Ideas, by Darlene Van Der Wal ................................................. Pages 19-23
Different Tempos of Music................................................................................... Pages 24-27
FALL 2010
A Continuing Education Report
Fall 2010
Dear Kinderdance Family,
By: Carol Kay Harsell
The dance season is under way and everyone is very excited to meet the
students, parents and center personal. Start out the year with a positive attitude
and the results will follow. Challenge yourself and your teachers to study the
material one lesson plan at a time and be one month ahead of your time line
for each subject you are teaching. Recruit new centers, train new teachers if
needed and review your videos and patterning DVDs. Hold new Kinderdance
days, Kindergym days, Kindermotion days, depending on what subjects you plan to teach in each
center. Meet your teachers and bring them up to speed on all matters they are responsible for.
Use the marketing tools from KD such as KD general information brochures, posters, flyers,
stickers, post cards and DVD on site telling customers what KD is all about. Call Richard if you
have questions about this new tool. Place your Fall order early so you can deliver dancewear to
your students in a timely manner while you save on shipping. Take advantage of the KD low cost,
high quality dancewear. The parents will love the new tap shoes and puff sleeve leotard from
Leo’s dancewear made especially for KD. The 20-17 and 20-57 KD leotard is still the favorite
choice in leotards for children and adults. Go to the web site, to the boutique, for a visual aide.
This year’s conference was small but mighty. The intimate setting of 22 franchisees dancing and
sharing all enjoyed the experience. A few franchisees felt they were sharing more than others and
this caused some disappointment. Many ideas were shared by all, however if you come next year
please come prepared to share your teaching ideas. I would like to see many new names on the
sharing list. This makes it more exciting for all. All ideas are welcome and nothing is wrong. You
may be using KD material and putting a new slant on it. KD conference is all about sharing ideas
with each other. You take some ideas home and you give ideas of your own. Sharing-just as we
are hopefully teaching the children unites our out reach. Give generously and it will all come back
to you in abundance.
The last tip for the new season is to study your material and know it so well that you can
concentrate on presenting the material with the KD teaching method to the children. The teaching
method works in all subjects. Never let the children be sloppy in the execution of what you are
teaching. Correct movement errors early to build a strong foundation upon which the children
grow. Do introduce the supplemental dances and skills while borrowing skills from the next level
during the second half of the year. Make each class a fun experience for the children and yourself.
Teach academic concepts in each section of the class. Teach numbers, colors, shapes, words,
socialization, cognitive skills, emotional maturity and vocabulary/communication. Each 3-5 year
old should know their full name, numbers to 20, primary and secondary colors, shapes, months,
seasons, vocabulary words 10-20, have socialization skills, build memory sequencing, listening
and speaking skills, sharing with friends, building self confidence, and gain a love for learning.
Follow the lesson plans and the children will grow beyond your belief. Most importantly, the
children learn to respect themselves and others starting with basic manners and a positive attitude.
If you walk in and model these positive manners, and respect for all, the children will respond in
kind and so will those in the school and the customers.
FALL 2010
Ms. Darlene led the movement section, and Ms. Carol invited two franchisees, who are teaching
the program, Heather Hardesty and Jennifer Reid from Texas to be in the discussion panel.
During the movement section, we went through the first month lesson plan (September) and
demonstrated how to put the weeks together in the loco- and non-locomotor section. A packet of
the slide show presentation can be downloaded as well as the example of how to put the
loco/non-loco motor skills together in weeks 1-4 of the first month lesson plan, including a sheet
of ideas on how to move and stretch over objects. You will notice on the sheet that there are
many skills to choose from. Choose skills that the group can handle. Refer to your operations
manual chapter 26, reread that, and review the DVD for the exercises. If you have any further
questions we will be happy to help you.
Ms. Carol places emphasis on not teaching the Kindermotion program and the Kinderdance
program at the same location as some exercises do overlap. We have combined Kindermotion
into levels 1 & 5, 2 & 6, 3 & 7, and 4 & 8, if you should ever happen to enter into a school
system with older children up to ages 9-12. If they have been with you for four years and want to
continue, you start with level 5. They will explore the movements and put more combinations
together as they grow. Always pull in exercises from the operations manual. Kindermotion levels
3 & 7, and 4 & 8 are being finalized and put on DVD. It is all based on Kinderdance teaching
method, and emphasis is placed on motor development and creative thinking.
Sharing ideas on Kindermotion:
Jennifer Reid: Obstacle courses are used more in this class and you must be flexible based on the
children’s abilities. It is nice once you get used to it. Ms. Carol also suggests to ask the children
6-12 to occasionally bring in their favorite music for the motor skill area.
Heather Hardesty: Loves to incorporate salad and fruit props, and uses healthy and unhealthy
sample props. At the end of class she uses healthy and unhealthy food props, and the children
have to place the healthy foods in one hoop and the unhealthy foods in another hoop. The
students love it.
Carol and I especially like seeing how you put your own personalities into the Kinderdance
programs. The teaching technique is the same, show the prop, show the new skill, pattern, do
old/new. Incorporate a number, color, shape, two words, and month and season in each class.
Anything you add will be your personality. That is the beauty of the program and that is why we
share to get ideas.
FALL 2010
Special thanks to Sherrie Bender (Silver Level) from Galena, OH, Tracey Evans (Silver Level),
from Shallotte, NC, Heather Hardesty (Gold Area Developer), from Round Rock Texas, and
Mona Bates (Gold Area Developer), from Port St. Lucie, FL for preparing and sharing their
favorite supplemental dances and how they teach them. We apologize to Mona Bates as we were
running out of time to do “Four Hugs A Day,” but thankfully she agreed to demonstrate next
year. It is an experience, standing in front of the group, with a beautiful sound system, and
leading the dances as they are written in the operations manual. We are very proud of all, and
thank you for your preparations and efforts making this conference very special. Here below are
the dances and presenters.
Sherrie Bender:
"Each Of Us Is A Flower"
Tracey Evans:
"Kite Song"
"Tip Toe Teddy Bear"
Heather Hardesty:
"Swinging on a Star," and "The More We Get Together."
Mona Bates:
"Four Hugs A Day"
Devin McHugh:
Shared her Kindergym summer camp, ideas and suggestions for teaching
Kindergym classes during the summer. Incorporate the fit spots, makes
stations and an obstacle course with the mat, beam and fit spots. Make
sure they do skills that they have covered all year, test their memory and
always pattern.
Heather Hardesty (TX): While doing the Rond de Jambe going clockwise, I say “en dehors, out
the door.” While doing a toe-tap back, I say “I hear knock, knock, knock, on the back door, and
nobody is home.”
Carol Baird: A body awareness exercise. While sitting on the ground, play one of the
recommended pieces of music, wiggle your toe and say “hello” in English, wiggle your hips and
say “Aloha,” wiggle your knees and say “conichua, keep wiggling different body parts and call
out “gutentag,” and “bonjour,” any language you can think of to say “hello.” Carol also has a
nice way of patterning the cartwheel. The child is standing on the mat and you stand next to the
child. Place your right hand on their left hip, your left hand holds their left wrist. Their feet are in
second position and ask them to step on one foot, then the other so they get the feel of
transferring weight. Use the charts to show them what the cartwheel should look like so they can
picture that in their minds. Pull gently on their arm towards the left, while holding their wrist,
and hold their hip for support so they feel the transfer of weight.
Make sure you step back just a little bit, so you don’t get kicked. On the count of one, as you pull
gently, they step on their left foot, then push them gently to the right, count 2, repeat, count three,
you place their hand on the mat, grab their hips and help them over. Also refer to the
Kinderdance method of patterning this skill on the patterning DVD level 2, and Kindergym
level 2.
FALL 2010
One of Carol Baird’s favorite CDs is “Movin,” by Hap Palmer, and she demonstrated song 11
called “Pause.” This is a fun body awareness activity that is done during Tots in the Summer
session, which can be found in chapter 15, page 33. Any cd you choose is fine to do this activity,
but this is especially enjoyable to watch when Carol presents this. She starts out moving her
head, and when the music stops playing, “FREEZE!” then bounce your hands, and “FREEZE!”
bounce your feet, and “FREEZE!” bounce your shoulders and “FREEZE!” bounce your hips and
“FREEZE!” bounce everything, jump around in a circle and “FREEZE!” then bounce your
elbows and “FREEZE!” bounce your knees and head, “FREEZE!” When Carol presents her
elevator story every year it is a joy to watch. She starts out explaining to the children that we
have elevator rules. She explains that “we walk into the elevator, and there are animals that live
in the mat.” She also mentions that she uses different kinds of themes, such as people, fire men,
super heroes, dancers, musicians, teachers. She opens up the mat and asks the children to walk to
the mat, closes the mat, and goes to another floor. The mat opens up and now the elephants come
out. They go back in the mat, go to the next floor, and parrots come out, etc.
Mona Bates: Mona also loves the bouncing song as well as the mat activity. She has incorporated
that into her classes as well. She suggested to choose to clap your hands slowly, then fast, then
wiggle your fingers fast and slow, and finally shake your head, fast and slow. She also loves the
mat and has an alternative method. One child enters the mat, and the mat is closed. She says the
word “abracadabra” while turning the mat, she opens it up and the child disappears. She closes
the mat again, turns it around, and says “abracadabra,” opens up the mat, and there she/he
reappears. The idea is to practice to turn the mat the correct way, so when you open it, the
children who are sitting on the line can not see the child. The child is actually on your side of the
open folded mat and the children can only see the open folded mat, and not your body or the
Jennifer Reid: Jennifer does the song “Humpty Dumpty,” and loves talking about stuffed toys,
Mr. Happy, and Mr. Giggles. Explains that they will give the children a hug, and giving the
children a hug at the end of class also sets the tone.
Devin McHugh: shared her thoughts on motor muscle memory. If you teach correctly from the
very beginning in level one KD-KG-KM your students will progress as designed in the lesson
plans, and the material will not be considered too difficult.
Carol Baird: Another great activity that Carol upon request shows every year is the candy and the
parachute. All the children stand around the parachute, grab on and explain to the teacher which
color they are holding on to. The handle is attached to one of the colors and they announce which
color that is. Then the teacher asks them to look who is standing next to them. Then the teacher
calls out, if you are holding on to a red or green color you have to go into the middle. The child
or children in the middle have to put their hands up into the air, next to their ears so they don’t
get tangled in the parachute later on.
The other children who are still holding on to the handles take a giant step inward, and start
mouse running around the children.
As they are mouse running they are being wrapped up by the parachute. On the count of three,
here we go, everybody hold on. One, Two, Three, now they all step back and the child(ren) in
the middle get twirled around. Then the other children get a turn to be in the middle. A larger
parachute is best for this activity.
FALL 2010
Tracey Evans: A crawl tunnel is great to use. Every time a child goes through the tunnel, they
come out roaring like a tiger or another animal. Also it is nice to teach the children to share props
because we are all friends in Kinderdance. Call the child by their first name reinforces better
listening skills.
Carol Baird: Sing a little tune while having different kinds of faces, and every time you say “pop
goes the weasel,” change your facial expressions. You can start out by having a mean face, a sad
face, a happy face, be a princess, clown, or a batman. This is a take off on the KD 2 “Clown Face
Sherrie Reel (Crandley): Loves the idea of using hoops to do old/new combinations. Walking or
marching around a hoop combined with jumping into the hoop. Alternating motor skills or any
skill, depending which section you are working on, is a great station idea. Carol Harsell also
mentions in the manual the Robot Walk song and dance, which incorporates robot walks around
a hoop and jumping in and out of the hoop. Found in the “Introduction to KD” material.
Carol Harsell: study your material and know it so well that you can concentrate on having fun
and presenting the material, with the KD teaching method to the children. The method works
with all subjects and ages. Do not let the children be sloppy, correct movement errors earlier,
repetition works every time.
FALL 2010
From Richard Maltese:
For the first time in Kinderdance History we are allowing individuals to have
their own websites.
While this is good news for some, remember that we are a low cost – low overhead franchise
system and the least expensive way is to use the editable page through the Kinderdance
Corporate website. This is no cost to you!
However if you want to spend the extra money to host your own website please make sure that
before you post it live YOU MUST get the approval of the website from Corporate.
Therefore please contact Richard for any questions and for approval before going live with
your own website.
The Kinderdance logo must be used on the home page and a link must be present back to the
Kinderdance Corporate website. Class Rates should be avoided.
Please view Angela Fox’s website for a nice template that might help you design yours.
FALL 2010
By: Richard Maltese
Get Started With ClassJuggler
Sign up for your account
From Safari on your Mac or Firefox on your
Windows PC go to:
Complete the sign-up form and click submit
Your user ID and temporary password will be
emailed to you.
Schedule a time for your one-on-one
personal training
Contact Jon Koerber at (866) 214-6128
Monday - Friday, 8 - 5pm Pacific time
Choose a cutoff date to move from paper
reports to automatic ClassJuggler reporting
We recommend getting your ClassJuggler account
up-and-running early to mid-month to begin online
reporting on the 10th of the following month.
FALL 2010
Benefits to Kinderdance®
 All Kinderdance® franchisees receive a 25% discount
off ClassJuggler subscription pricing
 Your Royalty Report, Enrollment Report, and
Merchandise Income reports are automatically
generated for you. All you have to do is keep your
account up-to-date
 Hundreds of powerful features & tools to help you run
your franchise
 ClassJuggler backs up & protects your data for you for
peace of mind
 ClassJuggler is available anywhere you have online
access: PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, etc.
 Merchant processing allows you to collect payments
from your customers easily and efficiently
 The Customer Self-Service Center gives your customers
access to their own accounts to view & manage
information and make online payments
 Dozens of reports to keep you informed
 Comprehensive class scheduling and enrollment
 Great customer support for busy franchise owners
 Bill tuition for hundreds of customers in a single click
FALL 2010
From Richard Maltese:
About 6 – 8 months ago Elizabeth Capozzi, your fellow franchise from NY., called about
an idea to help increase enrollment “after the dance day”.
We talked on the phone and we all liked her idea so much we created a new Dance Day
Postcard Flyer and Video!
Hand it out and/or send it home to the parents after your dance/demo day and the parents
will view a 1 ½ minute video of a movement class. Include your name and contact
information on the postcard and then watch your enrollment grow!
Check out the video yourself and then order your Dance Day Postcard Flyer from KD
Corp. today. They come in packs of 50 and are on the order forms.
(They are also available by special order in Spanish)
This idea came from a franchisee, was introduced to the advisory council for help with
the design, photos and the video content. It then became a reality.
Just the way a franchisee system should work!
FALL 2010
By: Tracey Evans (Shallotte, NC)
This is a letter our Rookie of the year (2010) received from a parent.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have personally seen Kinderdance Classes help my special need students. Not only did my
students, most of which were Autistic, enjoy the music and movements but they became more
focused and engaged. They learned new vocabulary and the experience of this program was
wonderful for overall learning. Language development and social skills are weak areas for
children with Autism. Since the Kinderdance programs stress these areas it was beneficial not
only for my Autistic students but all my students.
This year I have had the privilege of working with children three years old and younger that have
some developmental delays. I have sat in on weekly Kindertots classes and have observed not
only my developmentally delayed student but also typically developing children.
My student has become more focused. She is using her words more to communicate, follows
directions better and is more sociable than when she first began her “dance class”. The children
are enthusiastic about going to their Kindertots class.
If all children had the opportunity to experience this program I have no doubt improvements
would be noted in all domains: fine motor skills, gross motor skills, language skills, social skills,
self-help skills, and cognitive skills.
Janet E. Shirdon
Special Educator with 25 Years experience teaching children
FALL 2010
By: Sharon Scorzelli
I sent out the benchmark reports that include the latest dance year history of 2009-2010 on
August 11th 2010.
Benchmarking - This form compares statistical information from dance year 2008-2009 vs.
2009-2010 for gross tuition (sales), annual attendance, average tuition charge to students, and
inventory sales (boutique).
By looking at the information on this form you will find out where you are compared to other
Kinderdance franchisees. Where you rank among the top 20 franchisees and where you are in
relationship to others in your franchise level. How do you compare against others in charging
for your services? And more!
For those of you that are amongst the top franchisees-Congratulations. For others it might
show you where you can adjust your business to help you achieve your goals. Also, keep in
mind that with any statistical information no one can read into the numbers and discover your
particular situation.
As with any form of communication please feel free to express yourselves and your ideas even
if it doesn’t relate to this Benchmark form. This will allow us to target your ideas and concepts
to benefit all of us in the Kinderdance family.
Please email or call Richard so he can discuss any questions that you have or your feedback
when you receive this information.
Thanks for your help!
FALL 2010
Easy Money!!!
By: Rebecca Razzano
One of the best ways to grow the Kinderdance family is to refer a family
member, a friend, or an acquaintance to Kinderdance. Remember the more
franchisees that Kinderdance has throughout the U.S. and the world the more
your franchise benefits through name recognition, fellow support, PR, and
These are the mutual benefits and then here’s an individual benefit just for
Refer and get $$$!!
If the referral buys a new franchise you get 5% of the initial
franchise fee if they sign a franchise agreement within 90
days of the referral as follows:
Bronze – $ 600.00
Silver - $1,000.00
Gold - $1,500.00
Area Dev - $2,000.00
If you know someone who would make a good Kinderdance
franchisee and would like more information on how this
works call me and I’ll explain.
FALL 2010
By: Darlene Van Der Wal
The “Certificate of Teaching Excellence” was awarded to all Franchisees based on the number
of years teaching Kinderdance.
KD Boutique Dancewear Recognition Certificate: (June 08 – May 09)
This certificate of recognition goes to those who realize the importance of providing their
customers the KD convenient shopping service thereby insuring safety, comfort and enjoyment
of the programs for the children. The following franchisees qualified for special recognition:
$5,997.00 Certificate Award: Gold – Heather Hardesty (TX)
$8,957.00 Certificate Award: Silver – Jennifer Reid (TX)
$3,491.00 Certificate Award: Bronze – Tracey Evans (NC)
KD Boutique Dancewear Recognition Certificate: (June 09 – May 10)
$9,782.36 Certificate Award: Gold – Heather Hardesty (TX)
$14,622.95 Certificate Award: Silver – Jennifer Reid (TX)
$2,547.90 Certificate Award: Bronze – Jennifer Perrell (NC)
Franchisee’s Of the Month Awards 2007-2008 presented with a Kinderdance Colored Crystal
pin (only if attending conference) and a certificate of recognition as well as a name plaque
display at corporate. The recipients since last conference (2008) are:
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
FALL 2010
Doris Velez (NY)
Michelle Detellis (CA)
Laura Abraham (ME)
Mariangely Berrios (PR)
Sherrie Bender (OH)
Myrna Camacho (NJ)
Elizabeth Capozzi (NY)
Sharon Cameron (AUST)
Blessilda Canlas (CA)
Sherrie Bender (OH)
Tracey Evans (NC)
Marilu Escalante Santana (PR)
Mary Esposito (NC)
Carla Beth (MO)
Devin McHugh (FL)
Laura Smith (VA)
Jennifer Reid (TX)
Betsey Penne (FL)
Nichole Towers (VA)
Dawn Chan (HK)
Kathy & Trisha Brewer (CA)
Sharon Simmons (TX)
May 2009
Barbara Gonzalez (IL)
Terrie Guevarra (CA)
Highest Average Enrollment for June, July, and August:
Doris Velez, (NY) average of 284 students
Laura Abraham, (ME) average of 1,017 students
Heather Hardesty, (TX) average of 2,262 students
Doris Velez, (NY) average of 554 students
Chenell Wright, (TX) average of 890 students
Carol Baird, (NY) average of 2,095 students
Kinderdance Club Awards:” The following Franchisees were awarded the “Kinderdance Club
Awards” and have met all of the requirements for the 2008-2009, and 2009-2010 dance years.
These awards are presented to those franchisees who attended the current Kinderdance
conference to receive their award.
"3,000 CLUB" AWARD: Grossed $3,000.00 or more at least three times during the dance
year plus has a min. of 100 students. Awarded the Gold & Diamond Pendant if attending this
years conference.
Terrie Guevarra (CA)
Sharon Cameron (Aust)
Marilu Escalante Santana (PR)
Doris Velez (NY)
Tracey Evans (NC)
"7,000 CLUB" AWARD: Grossed $7,000.00 or more at least two times during the dance year,
plus a min. of 200 students. Awarded the Gold & Diamond Earrings.
Carla Beth (MO)
Debbie Sackett (OR)
Marilu Escalante Santana (PR)
"14,000 CLUB" AWARD: Grossed $14,000.00 or more at least two times during the dance
year plus a min. of 300 students (Gold & Diamond Bracelet)
Jennifer Reid (TX)
"20,000 CLUB" AWARD: (two times, plus a min. of 500 students—two FREE nights at the
KD conference hotel in the current year of the award, plus the “20,000 Club” Plaque).
FALL 2010
Madeline Vera (NY)
"15 YEAR FRANCHISEE CERTIFICATE:” (Gold and diamond bracelet)
Barbara Gonzalez (IL)
Elizabeth Capozzi (NY)
"20 YEAR FRANCHISEE AWARD:” (1 Gold ballerina pendant-Special edition – only three
in existence), Carol Harsell (1982), Devin McHugh (2006), and now Mary Esposito (NC).
“Rookie of the Year 2009” Receives one free night at this year’s conference hotel, a cross
stitch, by Anne Maltese and an award Plaque. Our Rookie of the Year has demonstrated
successful implementation of all aspects of the KD business. Showing steady growth,
development, loyalty and commitment to the KD philosophies. We have honored two rookies.
We will first start with the rookie of 2009. She trained in August 2006 and started her KD career
as a Gold Area Developer. She has been instrumental in awarding 2 new franchisees in her Area
Development territory. Marilu Escalante Santana and Margarita Crespo, both Silver levels. She
herself teaches around 100 students each month in several locations and has five teachers. She
received both the $3,000 Club Award and the $7,000 club awards in 2008. She also has the
distinction of being named the Franchisee of the month for September of 2008. She has obtained
a BA degree in Business Administration with a major in Marketing, and has experience as a real
estate agent, in sales, and served as a marketing manager. Our rookie is married to Ricardo who
gives her his support while working in the control tower of the airport to make sure planes land
safely. We are proud to give this “Rookie of the Year Award” to our previous advisory council
member Mariangely Berrios of Puerto Rico. (Brief talk)---(Award: The Plaque and Purple
Our 2010 Rookie of the Year from Shallotte, N.C. trained and started her KD career in June of
2008. She started out as a Bronze level franchisee and bought up to Silver in 2009. She teaches
over 100 students each month in several locations. She received the $3,000 Club Award in 2009.
She also has the distinction of being named the Franchisee of the month for April of 2009.
She is married to Brandon and they have a boy Rowan, 6 years and a girl, Lily, 3 years of age.
Tracey has obtained a Bachelor’s of Science degree for dance education and has experience
teaching dance and theatre at a public school, and teaching creative movement, tap, ballet, jazz
and has coached a dance team at two private studios as well as creative movement for special
needs students. Before Kinderdance, she also managed teachers, did the ordering and billing for
costumes, office administration, lesson planning, implementation and scheduling. She is happy
to share this new venture with her husband Brandon who has supported her since the beginning
of her new Kinderdance adventure. She has put a lot of effort into her business and we all share
in her happiness when she decided to buy up to a Silver level. Her courage, strength, energy
level, and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated by all who know her. We are proud to give this
“Rookie of the Year Award” to your new advisory council member Tracey Evans of North
Carolina. (Brief talk)—(Award the plaque and Purple Ballerina).
FALL 2010
“Franchisee of the Year 2009” receives two free nights at the conference hotel, a Cross Stitch
by Anne Maltese and an award Plaque. Our Franchisee of the Year has demonstrated successful
implementation of all aspects of the KD business. Showing steady growth, development, loyalty
and commitment to the KD philosophies. First we will start with 2009. Our Franchisee started as
a Silver level and recently upgraded to the Gold level. She trained in March 2004.
She is a former Rookie of the Year in 2006. She received her $3,000 and $7,000 Club Awards in
2006. Her KD business now teaches approximately 500 students per week, she serves 27 centers
with 7 teachers. She helped us test the new record keeping system and in the beginning stages
introduced the Kindermotion program to her teachers. Her enthusiasm and support is enjoyed by
all who know her. We hope she continues to achieve her future goals. Our Franchisee of the
year is a ray of sunshine. She is always upbeat with a never say no attitude. She will always jump
in to help at Conferences and trade shows and gives her all to her customers. The numbers of
students, boutique sales and satisfied customers continue to rise. Our franchisee of the year has
served on our advisory board and earned a $14,000 Club Award the hard way, she earned it
through hard work, determination and persistence. Also, she is now the proud owner of the Gold
level KD franchise in San Antonio, TX. Our Franchisee of the year JENNIFER REID of Texas.
“2010 FRANCHISEE OF THE YEAR AWARD”- She receives two free nights at the
conference hotel. Our Franchisee of the Year has demonstrated successful implementation of all
aspects of the KD business. She trained in January 2002. She received her $3,000 Club award in
2005, and her $7,000 Club Award in 2007. Our franchisee’s life changed already during training.
As a single Mom with three children ages 10, 11, and 13, she took a courageous step as a Bronze
level franchisee and bought her way up to Silver, Gold, and now an Area Developer. She always
is willing to lend a helping hand during Conferences and local gatherings. She always has a very
enthusiastic and positive attitude. KD has changed her life completely. Her previous work
experience entailed sales and working within the financial industry, her hobbies were teaching
dance and gymnastics at various local dance studios. This was the perfect opportunity to do
something fun for herself and make a living out of it at the same time. Her KD business now
teaches approximately 200 students per week, she serves 11 centers with 1 teacher. We are proud
to give this “Franchisee of the Year Award” to your new advisory council member MONA
FALL 2010
Welcome Aboard & Happy Kindering
By: Darlene Van Der Wal
We would like to congratulate two more survivors from
KD boot camp training week in Florida. We welcome
you to the Kinderdance® family and know
you will work hard to make the children in your life
happy and successful within your community. Hope to
see you soon during our annual conferences in July.
Shasta Bridges & Ms. Carol: above
Shasta Bridges: Shasta has been awarded a Gold Plus
Area Developer Franchise in Atlanta, GA. Shasta has
obtained many degrees in education and certificates in
dance. She has danced with Joy Sinnott during Dance
Masters gatherings. Shasta has taught pilates, dance,
was a group fitness and athletic director, group exercise
instructor, personal trainer, as well as a sales associate
in fitness. She has danced since the age of 5 and her
passion is to grow her area and continue to do what she
loves doing.
Susan Richardson: Susan has been awarded a Bronze
level Franchise in Denver, CO. Susan has been dancing
since she was a child and graduated from Booker T.
Washington School for the Performing Arts in Dallas.
She has traveled and performed extensively while
teaching beginning through advanced classes. Susan is
dancing professionally with a Denver based company
and combined with the KD philosophy of marketing
and her father’s help is a perfect match.
We would also like to congratulate Kirthana
Ramarapu, Area Developer in India with opening two
new Bronze franchises. These have been awarded to:
Latha Madjusdhan and Asha Mathews.
Above: Bernie, Susan Richardson, Carol
Asha Mathews: Asha has been awarded a Bronze
level Franchise in Annanagar, Chennai, India. Asha
has obtained a BA degree in English, a Diploma
specializing in Montessori Kindergarten, and a
Diploma in special needs. Asha has experience not
only as a pre-school teacher in an international
school, but is also running her own school, and has
found Kinderdance to be a perfect match to enrich
their curriculum, and provide after school programs
as well.
Latha MadhuSudhan: Latha has been awarded a
Bronze level Franchise in Indiranagar, Bangalore, India.
Latha graduated with a Master of Science Degree in
Psychology. Latha has experience being a Senior
Montessori Director, as well as a consultant teacher
trainer. She understands that movement is the most
important part of a child’s development and is crucial in
developing skills, such as speech, retaining concepts,
improving memory, increasing attention span, focus,
and concentration.
FALL 2010
Here below Ms. Darlene would like to insert music ideas. We have a wonderful general music
order form with suggestions to help you with old/new, as well as cross floor work activities.
These music suggestions might be helpful. We have mentioned this before, and are sure that it
will remain useful.
Sharing Music Ideas
By: Darlene Van Der Wal
Please refer to the music order forms to get ideas as to what music pertains to a particular level you
are teaching in. Any other music you use please send to us in original format for approval. No
copying permitted. Here below are some ideas I would like to share with you and are only
These are the Old/New combinations we reviewed and are done once without, three times with music.
The first month lesson plan is in chapter 9, page 18. A quick review: Kinderdance® levels 1, 2 and 3 are
taught to 3-5 year olds. Kindercombo™ is for children ages 6-9 that have never had Kinderdance®
before. You start them out with Kinderdance® level 2, then they move on to Kinderdance® level 3.
Old/new: Rock side to side, hug knees and pop them out
(Song “1” or “12” – “Hugs” – Charlotte Diamond – 10 Carrot Diamond)
Old/new: Head up/down, arms in a box shape:
(Song “3” – “La Bamba” from 10 Carrot Diamond
Skip: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves” Songs 14 (“Hip if you Skip”)
and 13 (“Hop on one Foot Bop”)
Gallop: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves” Song 11 (“Twistin’ and Turnin”). “Dance Like This
Mr. Al” song 10, “A Tooty Ta”, song 5, (“At the Swing Set”)
Slide: “Dance Like This Mr. Al”, song 2 “Dance Like This”
FALL 2010
Old/new: 1st position/demi plié, shake out legs
“10 Carrot Diamond”, song 11 (“I am a Pizza”)
“Songs From My Childhood”, songs 13 (“Degage”), 16 (“Quick Waltz”)
Music for Sauté Arabesque (Song 13 KD level 2 Beg/Int cd)
Music for Chainé Turns (“Songs from my Childhood”, song 15)
Music for Bourrées (“Songs from my Childhood”, songs 9, 10)
Also songs 4 and 16 are nice to add too from the same cd.
Mr. Al: “Put your Groove On”, songs: 1, 11, 13, 14 – mind your manners, 15
Old/new: toe-tap back and clown walk in a circle (Center Floor Work)
Music: “Toe Tapping Tunes by Hap Palmer”, songs: 7 (“Slinky”- fast), 2 (“Stop Time Blues” this one is
great for freeze poses - fast), 11 (“On a little street in Singapore” - slow), moderate songs: song 4 (“You
Got It”), song 6 (“Feeling Fine”), song 8 (“Taking A Walk), song 10 (“Time Step Swing”), Song 12
(“Nice ‘n Easy”), song 6 (“Feeling Fine”- fast).
(Cross Floor Work music for tap with suggested combinations)
CD: “Toe Tapping Tunes”
Song 2: (“Stop Time Blues”) – chugs and clap jump backs
Song 4: (“You Got It” or song 8 “Taking a Walk”) – Toe-tap step front and toe tap step back
Song 6: (“Feeling Fine”) – Clown walks and slides
Song 7: (“Slinky”) – Robot walks and jump across rope
Song 8: (“Taking a Walk”) – Heel step front and heel toe front
Song 10: (“Time Step Swing”) – Shuffle step front and toe heel back or front
CD: “21 Really Cool Songs”
The first songs mentioned will be from the cd “21 Really Cool Songs” and all the other suggestions will
be mentioned.
Song 7: (“Don’t You Just Know It”) – Jump across rope and robot or heel walks
Also nice for this combo is: the cd: Salsa, Soul & Swing, song 9 (“Take The “A” Train”)
Song 14, “Twist and Shout”, Toe-tap step front and toe-tap step back (Salsa song 7, “Soul Man”)
Song 17 “Higher and Higher” Heel step front and heel toe front (Salsa song 6 “Little Brown Jug”)
Song 19 “Hit The Road Jack”, Shuffle Step Front and toe heel front or back (Salsa song 3 “In The
CD: “How Sweet it is”
Song 2: “We Got The Beat” – March and shuffle step back (Salsa song 4, “Get on your feet”)
Song 6: “Jive Talkin” – Chugs and clap jump back (Salsa song 12, “Twist and Shout”)
FALL 2010
These are the Old/New combinations we reviewed and are done once without, three times with music.
Old/new: step-clap spiral and gallop, from the cd: “Dance like this Mr. Al” song 12 “Doin’ The Rooster”
--- Or circle arms once to the right, then circle your head and hop in a circle, song 2 “Dance Like This”
Old/new: 5 positions of the arms and clown walk
cd: “Math in Motion” (Songs 12 “Five Little Monkeys” or 15 “The Hokey Math Pokey”)
Skip: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves” Songs 14 (“Hip if you Skip”)
and 13 (“Hop on one Foot Bop”)
Gallop: “Gotta Dance” Song 4 (“Boot Scootin’ Boogie”)
Slide: “Gotta Dance”, song 3 “We are Family”
Song 2 “Teach Me How To Shimmy” from “Gotta Dance” is also nice for any of the skills
Old/new for dance 5: 1st and tendu to 2nd positions of feet and arms, back to first and changement
cd: “Songs from my childhood” - song 19 “Grand Allegro”
Old/new for dance 7: changement and lift R, then L foot up like a pas de chat without jumping. (Like
stepping on hot coal). cd: “Mr. Al Sings & Moves - song 10: “The Jumping Song”
Old/new for dance 8: 1x Right cou de pied, repeat Left, then Bourrée turn, repeat cou de pied then bourrée
turn to the right, repeat cou de pied bourrée to the left.
Music for Chassé (Gallop) and Sauté Arabesque, cd: “Songs From My Childhood”, song 4 (“Degage”),
song 16 (“Quick Waltz”), song 19 (“Grand Allegro”)
Music for Chainé Turns: cd: “In Private”, song 19 “Pique Turns”
The dance 13 “Ballet Color Dance” is used for combination motor skills and ballet cross floor work. Song
18 (“Songs From My Childhood”, song 18 “Allegro” is also nice to use with this activity.
Music for acrobatics, cd: Mr. Al: “Put Your Groove On”, songs 11, 13 & 15 (“Junior’s Hand Jive”, “No
More Monkeys”, “Take Your Groove Off”)
Song 15: “My Magic Dancing Shoes”
Old/new: Tendu R, Tendu L, Bourrée FW and back, then, repeat tendu and change direction of bourrée go
to the Right and Left. Music: “Songs From My Childhood” song 10 “Grand Battement”
FALL 2010
Old/new for dance 19: “Tap, Tap, Tap” Heel/toe and chug in a circle. Cd: “21 Cool Songs”, song 21
Old/new: Ball-Change-Clap and March, cd: “21 Really Cool Songs”, song 14: “Twist and Shout”
Old/new: Shuffle-Step and Shuffle Ball Change, cd: “21 Really Cool Songs”, song 19: “Hit The Road
Jack”, or cd: “Salsa, Soul and Swing”, song 3: “In The Mood”
Old/new: Toe-Tap-Stamp and Heel-Tap-Stamp, cd: “21 Really Cool Songs”, song 17: “Higher and
Higher” or cd: Salsa, Soul and Swing, song 9: “Take the A Train”
Old/new: Toe-Heels and heel or toe drops, cd: “21 Cool Songs”, song 21: “Shout!” or cd: “How Sweet It
Is”, song 10: “Land of a Thousand Dances”
Old/new: Clap jump front or back and cramp roll, cd: “How Sweet It Is”, song 6: “Jive Talkin”
or cd: “Salsa, Soul and Swing”, song 12: “Twist and Shout”
Old/new: Flaps and Jump-Toe, cd: Salsa, Soul and Swing, song 4: “Get on your Feet”, or cd: “How Sweet
It Is”, song 8: “Stand”
Old/new: Step-Dig and Chainé Turns, cd: “How Sweet It Is”, song 1: “How Sweet It Is (to be loved by
you), or “Salsa, Soul and Swing”, song 7: “Soul Man”, or “21 Cool Songs”, song 7: “Don’t You Just
Know It”
Old/new: Shuffle-Hop-Step and Shuffle-Jump-Toe, cd: “How Sweet It Is”, song 2: “We Got The Beat”,
or cd: “Salsa, Soul and Swing”, song 6: “Little Brown Jug”
Supplemental Dances for Kindermotion® and Kindergym® level 2 from the cd “Car Tunes” may be used
for the following dances: “Fun, Fun, Fun” (Body Isolations), “Car Wash” (Motor Skills) and “Route 66”
(Stretch Dance). You can find these dances on the following dvd’s: KG2, Supplemental Dances 2-3-4 and
KM. Song 3: “Animal Aerobics” on the cd: “Nutricise” can be found on the dvd: “Holiday Dances”. If
you are teaching a half hour class, you start with a cardio dance, then do the stretch or body isolations, not
both, then proceed to the motor, loco and non-locomotor skills, if there is time do Imagery and end with
cool down. With a 45 minute class there will be time for Imagery and on every fourth class you can do the
cardio, stretch and body isolations dance, otherwise just start out with two dances. When giving an hour
class you may add the acrobatics.
Nice music ideas for Kindermotion®.
Cd: “Basic Skills Through Music”, song 9 (traffic: “Stop, Look and Listen”)
Cd: Hanukkah, moderate songs for the (non)-locomotor skills, song 7: “Hava Nagila Circle Dance”, songs
4 and 8: “Hava Nagila”
Nice cool down song: “Sally The Swinging Snake”, song 11, “On The Count Of Five”, or
Cd: “How Sweet It Is”, song 9: “It’s A Beautiful Morning” or cd: “Health, Hygiene and Hugs”, song 11:
“It’s All Right”
Also nice moderate music: cd: “Follow A Dream”, songs 13 and 14 (“Good Foods”, “Move Those
Muscles”). Also from the cd “Movin”, song 7 “Enter Sunlight” is a beautiful Latin Song.
Nice to walk through a zigzag or any kind of obstacle course before doing motor skills: cd: “Dance Like
This”, song 13: “Walking Feet”
Cd: “Mr. Al A La Carte”, song 14: “The Train”, nice song to practice walking in a straight line
Cd: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves”, song 7: “Wiggle Your Knees Boogie”. This is a nice song to do an
old/new combination with before doing the cardio warm up song: “Hound Dog” song 12 from the cd:
“Gotta Dance”.
FALL 2010
The following music is also mentioned in chapter 25 to use during your Kindermotion classes:
“Put your Groove On”, “Gotta Dance”, “Salsa, Soul and Swing”, “Health, Hygiene and Hugs”, “Back To
The Beat”, “Cars, Trucks and Trains”, “Macarena The Train”, “Motown Dances”, “How Sweet It Is”,
“Basic Skills Through Music”, “Nutricise”, “Four Baby Bumblebees”.
Refer to lesson plan in chapter 26 for the music used for Kindermotion levels 2 & 6.
Feel free to use any suggested music.
“Dance Like This”, song 13: “Walking Feet” (walking through obstacle course)
“Hanukkah and Chinese New Year”, songs 9-14 “Lion Dance Song-Mary Had A Little Lamb”, “Dancing
Dragon-China Traditional”, “Dancing Dragon-Instrumental”, “Show Ha Mo-nice to do leap frogs”,
“Chinese New Year”, “Dancing Dragon-Instrumental”
Cd: “Follow A Dream”, song 4 “Swim To The Top” has a nice Latin sound, song 7 “A Place On The
Farm” is a nice western sound, song 18 “Follow A Dream-Kinder Games” sings about Kinder Games!
Cd: “Toe-Tapping Tunes”, song 11: “On A Little Street In Singapore”
cd: “In Private”, song 15 “Pirouette” is also nice for Chainé Turns
cd: “Songs From My Early Childhood”, songs 9 and 10 are nice for bourrées (“Petit Battement” and
“Grand Battement”)
Cd: “Cars, Trucks and Trains”, songs 1 and 8 (“The Freight Train”, “Whee! Whee! Wheels!”)
Cd: “Mr. Al Sings Colors and Shapes”, songs 11-16 (nice songs about shapes)
Cd: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves”, song 7 “Wiggle Your Knees Boogie” nice for an old/new combination for
“Hound Dog” (song 12 from the cd: “Gotta Dance”)
More ideas for “Mr. Al Sings and Moves” are: songs 10 “The Jumping Song” for changements, song 13
“Hop On One Foot Bop” for hopping, song 14 “Hip If You Skip” for skipping and song 15 “Move To
The Music” for all other motor skills.
Cd: “My Bear Gruff” song 6 “All The Nations Like Banana” (sounds Latin), song 10 “It’s A Rainy Day”
(nice for cool down or Imagery of a rainy day during cool down), song 12 “The Forest Is Calling” (also
nice for cool down being in the forest).
Cd: “Movin”, song 7 “Enter Sunlight”, nice slow latin song
FALL 2010
cd: “Macarena and The Train”, song 2 “The Train” (nice to practice doing motor skills in a straight line,
preparing for YED.
Cd: “Gotta Dance”, song 4 sounds like a good Western theme for a gallop “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”
Cd: “I’ve Got Music In Me”, song 9 is nice and upbeat for motor skills, song 11 “Months Of The Year
Line Dance” is nice to practice and sing along with the months, song 14 “Watson”, nice song about a dog,
song 18 “One Small Voice-Music Only” is a nice cool down.
Cd: “Mr. Al A La Carte”, song 7 “You Gotta Have Hugs”
Cd: “Hanukkah and Chinese New Year”, songs 11 and 14 “Dancing Dragon”and different version of
“Dancing Dragon”
Cd: “Follow A Dream”, songs 10, 11, 17 and 18 “One Voice For Children”, “Be The Best You Can Be”,
“Follow A Dream”, “Follow A Dream-Kinder Games”
Cd: “Toe Tapping Tunes”, songs 9 and 11 “Sophisticated Popcorn” and “On A Little Street In Singapore”
Cd: “In Private”, songs 1, 2, 3, 5, 15 (“Battement Tendu With Demi Plie”, “Plie”, “Battement Tendu”,
“Rond De Jambe A Terre”, “Pirouette”.
Cd: “Songs From My Early Childhood”, songs 1, 2, 11, 14 “Tendu With Plie”, “Plie”, “Port De Bras”,
Cd: “My Bear Gruff”, songs 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 (“It’s A Rainy Day”, “Listen To The Water”, “The Forest
Is Calling”, “Five Little Sparrows”, “Wounded Bird”)
FALL 2010
Cd: “Movin”, songs 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 (“Midnight Moon”, “Far East Blues”, “Gentle Sea”, “Enter Sunlight”,
“Haunted House”, “Twilight”)
Cd: “How Sweet It Is”, song 9 “It’s A Beautiful Morning”
Cd: “Back To The Beat”, songs 4 and 13 “Shower The People” and “I Can See Clearly Now”
Cd: “Health, Hygiene and Hugs”, song 11 “It’s All Right”
Cd: “Learning Basic Skills Through Music”, song 6 “Brush Away”
Cd: “I’ve Got Music In Me”, songs 8 and 18, “One Small Voice” and “One Small Voice-music only”
Cd: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves”, song 6 “Moonbeams”
Cd: “Mr. Al - Dance Like This”, songs 2 and 5 “Dance Like This” and “At The Swing Set”
Cd: “Mr. Al A Al Carte, song 14 “The Train”
Cd: “Hanukkah and Chinese New Year”, songs 4 and 7 “Hava Nagila-Instrumental”, “Hava Nagila Circle
Dance-Israel, Traditional”
Cd: “Motown”, songs 5, 6, 8, 11, 12 (“I Can’t Help Myself”, “Please, Mr. Postman”, “I Heard It Through
The Grapevine”, “You Can’t Hurry Love”, “Heat wave”)
Cd: “Follow A Dream”, songs 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, (11 & 12 between fast and moderate),
13, 14, 15, 16, 20 (“Spread A Little Sunshine”, “Swim To The Top”, “Sports Dance”, “The Olympic
Games”, “A Place On A Farm”, “Be the Best You Can Be”, “My Body’s a Friend to
Me”, “Good Foods”, “Move Those Muscles”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “If You’re Angry and
You Know it”, “Friends”
Cd: “Toe Tapping Tunes”, songs 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 (“Funky Choo Choo”, “You Got It”, “Feeling Fine”,
“Taking A Walk”, “Time Step Swing”, “Nice ‘n Easy”)
Cd: “Gotta Dance”, song 11 “Beautiful Life”
Cd: “Salsa, Soul and Swing”, songs 6, 9, 11, 12 (“Little Brown Jug”, “Take The “A” Train”,
“I Need To Know”, “Twist and Shout”)
Cd: “How Sweet It Is”, songs 3 and 6 (“Lime In The Coconut”, “Jive Talkin”)
Cd: “Back To The Beat”, songs 3, 6, 9, 12 (“Celebration”, “Mockingbird”, “Iko Iko”, “I Can See Clearly
FALL 2010
Cd: “I’ve Got Music In Me”, songs 2, 5, 14 (“Five Little Fish”, “Hip-Hop Hokey Pokey”, “Watson”)
Cd: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves” songs, 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 (“Creepy Crawlin’”, “Rock ‘N Roll Body
Parts”, “Shake Everything”, “The Jumping Song”, “Hop On One Foot Bop”, “Hip if You Skip”, “Move to
The Music”.
Cd: “My Bear Gruff”, songs 6, 8, 11 (“All The Nations Like Banana”, “No More Dishes”, “Listen To The
Cd: “Movin”, songs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 (“Funky Penguin”, “Tipsy”, “Far East Blues”, “Jamaican Holiday”,
“Haunted House”, “Movin”)
Cd: “Songs From My Early Childhood”, song 8, 15, 16 (“Stretch”, “Pirouette”, “Quick Waltz”)
Cd: “Learning Basic Skills Through Music”, song 9 “Stop, Look and Listen” (nice song about traffic)
Cd: “Mr. Al Dance Like This”, song 10 “A Tooty Ta – Instrumental”
Cd: “Mr. Al A La Carte”, song 6 (“Pizza Rules”) and 8 (prepares for Boogie Beat) “Bop ‘Til You Drop”
Cd: “Motown”, songs 1, 2, 3, (12 moderate to fast), “A B C”, “Proud Mary”, “Dancing In The Street”,
“Heat wave”
Cd: “Car Tunes”, song 11 “Mustang Sally”
Cd: “Follow A Dream”, songs 2, 3, (12 moderate to fast), “5 Big Dinosaurs”, “The Dinosaur Stomp”,
“My Body’s a Friend to Me”
Cd: “Sing Me A Color”, songs 20, 22 “Brown Is The Coolest Color Around”, “The Color Rap”
Cd: “Toe Tapping Tunes”, song 7 “Slinky”
Cd: “In Private”, songs 4, 6, 11, 13, 17, 18 (“Battement Degage”, “Battement Frappe”, “Center Practice”,
“Adagio Two”, “Ballotte”, “Grand Allegro”
Cd: “Music for Ballet Class”, songs 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 19 (“Tendu”, “Degage”, “Frappe”, “Petite Battement”,
“Small Jumps”, “Quick Waltz”)
Cd: “Songs From My Early Childhood”, songs 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19 (“Tendu”, “Degage”,
“Frappe”, “Petit Battement”, “Grand Battement”, “Tendu”, “Degage”, “Quick Waltz”, “Petit Allegro”,
“Allegro”, “Grand Allegro”)
FALL 2010
Cd: “Math In Motion”, songs 12, 15, 18 (“Five Little Monkeys”, “The Hokey Math Pokey”, “The
Counting Song”)
Cd: “21 Really Cool Songs”, songs 14, 17, 19, 21 (“Twist and Shout”, “Higher and Higher”, “Hit The
Road Jack”, “Shout!”)
Cd: “Put Your Groove On”, songs 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 (“Put Your Groove On”, “Fast Boogie”, “I
Don’t Like It”, “Eye Spy”, “Dance And Boogie”, “Turn Around And Dance”, “Juniors Hand Jive”, “No
More Monkeys”, “Take Your Groove Off”)
Cd: “Gotta Dance”, songs 2, 4, 9 (“Teach Me How To Shimmy”, “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”, “Conga”)
Cd: “How Sweet It Is”, songs 1, 4 (“How Sweet It Is”, “Last Train To Clarksville”)
Cd: “Salsa, Soul and Swing” songs 2, 3, 4 (“Shake A Tail Feather”, “In The Mood”, “Get On Your Feet”)
Cd: “Back To The Beat”, songs 1, 10 (“Locomotion”, “La Bamba”)
Cd: “I’ve Got Music In Me”, songs 1, 9, 13 (“Be The Best You Can Be”, “I’ve Got Music In Me”,
“Riding On The Bus”)
Cd: “Mr. Al Sings and Moves”, songs 1, 7, 11, 14 (“Hello Everybody”, “Wiggle Your Knees Boogie”,
“Twistin’ and Turnin’”, “Hip If You Skip”
Cd: “Rockin’ The Alphabet”, songs 5, 8, 13 (“Shake It Up”, “I Feel Good”, “The Counting Song”)
FALL 2010