OlKOS 81: 266-278. Copenhagen 1998 Composition and trophic structure of detrital food web in ant nest mounds of Formica aquilonia and in the surrounding forest soil Jouni Laakso and Heikki Setala Laakso. J . and SetaIi, H. 1998. Composition and trophic structure of detrital food web in ant nest mounds of Fornlica oq~riloniaand in the surrounding forest soil. Oikos 81: 266-278. Community composition and food web structure of soil decomposer biota in relation to various habitat properties were compared between upper parts of red wood ant (Fornlica aqtrilotlia) nest mounds and the adjacent forest soil. For a description of trophic structure of the decomposer community in the two habitats, soil decomposers were classified into 14 trophic groups. Classification of the taxa into three habitat preference categories resulted in a clear division of the fauna into either soil or nest specialists, relatively few taxa falling between these two groups. A large majority of the nest specialists belonged to a non-myrmecophilous soil decomposer fauna s o far largely overlooked in studies on ant-invertebrate associations. Trophic organisation of the nest mound community differed clearly from that in the soil by having considerably larger biomass at the base of the food web, and less large predators other than ants - at the top of the web. Contrary to forest soils. the clear dominance of bacterial feeding microfauna over the fungal feeding microfauna in the nest mounds suggests that most of the energy passing through the food web is channelled through a bacterial-based food-web compartment in the nest mounds. Relatively constant temperature and moisture in the nest surface, continuous energy input by the ants to the nests, and ant-induced reduction in predation pressure on macropredators are suggested to be responsible for the development of the typical decomposer community structure in the nest mounds. Thus. the food-web dynamics in ant nest mounds represent an interesting case in which the behaviour of an invertebrate species (i.e. the ant) has a potential to control the development of a system-level organisation. The high biomass of microbi-detritivorous animals, especially earthworms, in the nest mounds suggests that the activities of the decomposer fauna may feed back to the structure of nest mound and indirectly alter the performance of the ant colony. J. Laakso and H. Setalii, Unic. of Jvriiskylii, Depr of Biological and Encirotznlenral Science, PO 5o.v 35, FIN-40351 J~rci'sk~A!i. Finland (jorla@.vzclfi). Nest building wood ants (Formicidae, Forntica) a r e k n o w n f o r their large colony size a n d long-lived nest m o u n d s rich in organic material (Pokarzhevskij 198 1, Holldobler a n d Wilson 1990). These properties make the wood a n t nests a suitable habitat not only for myrmecophilous invertebrates b u t also for a n array of decomposer animals a n d microbes (see reviews by Kistner 1982, Holldobler a n d Wilson 1990). Although the high diversity a n d abundance of fauna Accepted 16 July 1997 Copyright O OlKOS 1998 ISSN 0030-1299 . Printed in Ireland - all rights reserved associated with a n t colonies a r e well recognised, t h e studies are scattered a m o n g various taxonomic a n d ecological studies of selected genera a n d higher taxa (Holldobler a n d Wilson 1990: 472). Consequently, attempts t o explain the composition o f a n t nest f a u n a as a result of ecological processes, such a s a n i m a l dispersion from the surrounding soil, o r a s a n o u t come of trophic interactions a n d abiotic constraints, a r e lacking. There are many theoretical reasons to assume that the species composition and functional organbation of the fauna in wood ant nests differ from that in the soil surrounding the nest. Some of the main community level constraints, such as productivity and predation (e.g. Oksanen et al. 1981, Abrams 1993), and abiotic conditions (Begon et al. 1990) are seemingly different between the nest mound and the soil, and can thus provide a reasonable start in search for mechanisms explaining the community structure in the two habitats. , Forest soil is a network of patches where quantity and quality of basal resources available for heterotrophic organisms, including soil decomposer biota, are mainly determined by plant production. In this respect nest building wood ants generate another type of patch structure in the forest floor. The animal communities in the nest mounds are more or less dependent on resources the input of which are controlled by the ants, and therefore these animals can be considered as "primary produceis" for the nest community. This ant-controlled regular flow of basal resources consists of inputs of fresh litter, prey residues, and honey-dew (up to 230 kg sugar per year) throughout the active season (Skinner 1980). Because these materials are collected from an area much larger than the area of the nest (radius of a territory may reach 50 m), the amount of basal resources received by the ant nest community is evidently much greater than that received by the decomposer community in the adjacent soil. Besides productivity, predation pressure is likely to differ between soil and ant nests. Predatory invertebrates (mainly Coleoptera, Araneae, Formicidae, and predatory mites) have a potential to control decomposer biota (e.g. Moore et al. 1988, Laakso et al. 1995). Wood ants play a dual role in the forest floor by competing with other predators for common prey, and by feeding upon and interfering with these predators (e.g. spiders and carabid beetles; see Cherix and Bourne 1980). Thus, the density and species composition of large invertebrate predators in and close to the ant nest is potentially different from that of the soil. Theoretically this may lead to indirect, cascading effects down to the base of the food web (Pimm et al. 1991, Hunter and Price 1992). That such cascading effects can potentially reach down to decomposer microbes and their grazers has been suggested by Swift et al. (1979). Although nest mound materials originate from the surrounding forest floor, the physico-chemical conditions in the nest mounds are likely to differ from that of the soil. The nests are built non-randomly in relation to temperature conditions and vegetation (Laine and Niemela 1989), and are considerably warmer than other habitats close to the nest mound (Rosengren et al. 1987). Moreover, the nest structure is not static but is actively maintained and re-structured by the ants through continuous input of litter, conifer resin, mineral particles, etc. Consequently, chemical composition, moisture, and organic matter content are reported to differ between nest mounds and the adjacent soil (Pokarzhevskij 1981, Beattie and Culver 1983). Here we report results of a field study to 1) compare the structure and trophic organisation of the decomposer community in the uppermost layer of ant nest mounds with that of the adjacent coniferous forest soil, and 2) to relate the observed differences to biotic and abiotic factors potentially controlling the community level organisation. Due to the high taxonomic diversity and incomplete knowledge on feeding preferences i f soil organisms, quantitative analyses on food web patterns that are sensitive to taxonomic resolution (e.g. Martinez 1991), were not applied. Instead, the taxa in the nest mounds and in the soil were classified into 14 trophic groups using organism size and feeding preference as criteria, this classification serving as a basis for the analysis of functional organisation. Several environmental variables were measured to explain the variation in the species distribution in the ant territories. Material and methods Site description The study site, a 7-ha forest area surrounded by a clear-cutting and a lake, is located in Konnevesi, central Finland (62"37'N, 26'20'E). The site is dominated by mature Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver birch (Betula pendula) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). The area harbours a dense population (9 ant mounds per hectare) of wood ants belonging to the Formica rufa species complex (Formica aquilonia). Due to selective tree logging, the forest floor receives some sunlight and has a dense field layer vegetation dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus. The soil type in the area is a wellformed podsol. Sampling To investigate the spatial distribution of soil animals in wood ant territories, 10 out of the 60 nests in the area were selected for sampling that took place during July and August in 1993. Medium-sized to large nests (mean SD diameter I03 24 cm, and height 43 $. 11 cm) without close neighbours were chosen. Nests close to the edge of the forest area were excluded to avoid edge effects. The main ant trail structure of the selected 10 nests was mapped and used as basis for selecting four line transects for sampling (0, 2, l l and 20 m from the nest centre, 20 m representing the territory edge), Two of the transects were placed in the vicinity of the main trails (0.5 m distance), and two transects between the trails (mean 0.8, 2.9, and 5.9 m from the nearest trail at 2, 11, and 20 m distances, respectively). Thus, + + for each nest site a total of 13 samples (4 cm thick; 1 sample from the top of nest mound, and 12 from the surrounding soil) were taken for analysing soil fauna. Only the uppermost 4 cm of the nest mound was sampled; according to our experience most of the social& non-integrated animals tend to live in the uppermost layer of the nest (J. Laakso and H. Setala unpubl.). Sample size for microfauna (Nematoda and Tardigrada) was 6.3 cm2 (the fauna was extracted using the wet funnel technique used by Sohlenius (1979)), 10 cm2 for microarthropods (modified Macfadyen high-gradient extraction), 25 cm2 for enchytraeids (wet funnel extraction; O'Connor 1962), and 227 cm2 for macroarthropods (large Tullgren funnel extraction), and lumbricids (wet extraction; Huhta and Koskenniemi 1975). Vegetation structure, litter layer composition, water content (24 h at 80°C), organic matter content (5 h at 550°C), and pH (water) wereheasured at each sampling point to explain the variation in the abundance of soil animals. The composition of vegetation and litter layer structure was measured at each sampling point as a percent coverage, separately for the field layer and canopy layer (sample size 0.39 m2 and 12.6 m2, respectively). Organic matter content, pH, and earthworm density were determined from half of the line transects only. A separate sampling was performed on 27 July 1995, for an estimate of nutrient (N, P, K, Mg, Ca) content, microbial biomass, and decomposer activity in the uppermost 4 cm of ant nest mounds, and in the surrounding soil. The samples (about 500 g in fresh mass) were taken from the surface layer of five randomly selected nests that were included in the previous sampling in 1993, and from the soil (n = 5; 11 m distance from the centre of the nest). For the estimation of total microbial biomass in the samples, the substrate-induced respiration method (SIR; Anderson and Domsch (1978)) was applied. The samples were homogenised and SIR was measured for 4 subsamples (4 X 3 g organic material, n = 5). Total nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method, and concentrations of P, Ca, K and Mg were analysed using plasma emission spectrometry. Micro- and mesofauna were identified mainly to species and genera, and larger invertebrates to families (taxonomic resolution depending primarily on the developmental stage of a specimen). For the trophic structure analysis, the taxa were grouped into 13 trophic groups: 1) bacterivores and 2) fungivores, 3) small, 4) medium and 5) large microbi-detritivores, 6) small and 7) large omnivores, 8) micro-, 9) mesoand 10) macrofauna predators, and 11) herbivores. Due to the high diversity and uncertain nutritional status of staphylinid beetles (particularly in nest samples), macrofauna-predators were further divided into two groups; staphylinids as 12) "miscellaneous feeders", and the rest as predators. Similarly, Tardigrada was categorised as 13) "small miscellaneous feeders". The trophic grouping was based on feeding preferences obtained from the literature (meso- and macrofauna: Luxton 1972, Persson et al. 1980, Karg 1986, Werner and Dindal 1987, Walter et al. 1988, Ponge 1991, Siepel and de Ruiter-Dijkman 1993; microfauna: Yeates et al. 1993). Biomasses were estimated by multiplying individual numbers with actual measured dry masses (10 h at 70°C), or masses acquired from the literature (Nematoda: Andrassy (1956); microarthropods: Huhta et al. (1986); macroarthropods: Persson et al. (1980)). A complete list of biomass parameters and trophic groupings is deposited at < htpp://www.jyu.fi/bio/jounilaakso/oikos1997/appendixl .doc > . Statistics Statistically significant differences in the abundance of taxonomic and trophic groups of the fauna, and in the environmental variables between the ant nests and the soil samples were tested using the Student's t-test or the Mann-Whitney U-test. The fauna was classified into nest or soil inhabiting species (hereafter called "nest preference") by dividing species into three categories based on the ratio of mean density of the taxa in the two habitats (soillnest > 2: "soil preference", nest/soil > 2: "nest preference", the rest being "indifferent"). A chi-square test for the three classes was used to test the null hypothesis that species frequencies in different categories are equal. To examine the relationship between environmental variables (plant species exceeding 10% frequency, abiotic variables, F. aquilonia density, and the location of the sample in the territory) and the fauna, a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was performed using the Canonical Community Ordination program (CANOCO; Ter Braak 1987). A Monte Carlo permutation (provided by CANOCO) was used to test statistically whether the species were significantly related to the environmental variables. Effects of nest- and trail distance (the "a priori-determined" variables) were tested separately, whereafter the "forward selection method" provided by CANOCO was used to select all environmental variables in the analysis that have statistically significant correlations with the species variables. Finally, the eigenvalues of ordination axes were tested for significant relations between species and selected environmental variables relation for the whole data. Since samples for pH, organic matter content, and earthworm density were taken only from half of the line transects, two data sets - one for the whole data set and another for half of the data - were subjected to the CCA analyses. Table 1. Coverages (%, mean f SE) of dominant types of litter, and field and canopy layer vegetation at the soil sampling sites (1 18 samples), and at the nest sampling sites (10 samples). Statistical differences between the means are indicated by asterisks (Student's t-test; ns: P > 0.05, *: P = 0.05-0.01, **: P = 0.01-0.001, **: P < 0.001). Litter Picea abies Betula pubescens/pendula Pinus sylvestris Hay litter Field layer vegetation Vaccinium myrtillus Deschampsia flexuosa Calamagrostis arundinacea Gymnocarpium dryopteris Pteridium aquilinum Canopy layer vegetation Picea abies Betula pubescens/pendula Pinus sylwstris Sorbus auntparia Alnus incana . Populus tremula Soil Nest 3.9 24.4 1.1 3.4 Total 33.1 +0.8 z1.8 k0.2 0.6 +2.1 47.9 23.7 9.3 0.3 81.2 - 10.7 9.2 3.9 z0.3 k5.7 +2.5 +0.8 z2.3 k1.4 k1.1 +2.2 3.5 2.0 6.3 0.0 0.4 13.0 + 1.2 + 2.0 k0.3 k3.11 *** z+2.5 1.6 0.9 17.0 12.0 10.5 1.1 1.1 0.5 45.1 k 10.3 + 5.8 24.3 k0.7 k1.0 - 0.5 f9.0 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns P + 26.8 6.2 12.8 5.9 2.4 Total 66.6 p 16.4 16.0 5O . 1.3 0.2 0.4 Total 39.4 +_ f0.3 +0.1 z0.3 f2.3 + + ** ns ns + *** *** *** ns + 2.0 * *** 70.0 ns + Animal community structure in relation to environmental variables Results Habitat characteristics Composition of litter, and composition of field layer vegetation differed between the nests and the soil (Table 1). The nest mounds were topped with a thin (0.5- 1.5 cm), dry layer of fresh litter, underneath which there was a moist layer (2-10) of more decomposed litter. Significant amounts of conifer resin particles (diameter <0.5 cm) and earthworm faeces were found in the surface layer of the nest mounds. pH, dry matter content, and organic matter content were all significantly higher in the nest material than in the soil organic layer (Table 2). Amounts of N, P, K and M g per unit dry matter did not differ between the soil and the nest materials. However, concentration of C a was 37 % higher in the nest material than in the soil. When nutrient content was examined in relation t o organic matter content, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were higher in the soil than in the nests (Table 2). A total of 180 taxa and developmental stages o f fauna were identified, 127 of which were found i n the nests (average 50 groups per sample), and 168 were present in the soil (average 55 groups per sample). A s C C A analyses with the smaller data set (see methods) gave essentially the same results for the nest-soil comparisons a s analyses with the large data set containing fewer environmental variables, only the results obtained from the smaller data set are vresented. C C A analvsis with Monte Carlo permutation showed that distance from the nest and trails (the a priori-determined variables) alone can significantly explain variation in the animal densities (Table 3; significance tests for the axes). When data analysis is performed by selecting only the most significant environmental variables out of the 38 measured environmental variables ("forward selection" method at P < 0.05 level), other variables, being however correlated with nest and trail distances also be- Table 2. Characteristics of soil and ant nest materials (mean +_ SE). dm = dry matter content (%), om = organic matter content (O/O).Total nutrient concentrations are g/kg. Statistical differences between means are indicated by asterisks (Student's t-test); n = soil/nest sample size. For explanation of the asterisks see Table 1. p - pH (water) Soil Nest 1-test n 4.69 +0.06 dm om 29 + 1 50+3 5.42 kO.08 54+4 86+2 *** *** *** 60110 60110 60110 N dm N om 12.4 1.9 10.6 k0.6 21.2 +1.3 12.2 +0.6 515 515 * P dm P om K dm K om Mg dm Mg dm Ca dm Ca om 1.06 1.9 0.93 k0.12 k0.2 k0.12 0.91 1.0 1.08 k0.05 k0.0 k0.06 ns * ns 515 515 515 1.7 k0.3 1.2 k0.1 ns 515 0.62 k0.07 0.77 k0.04 ns 515 1.3 k0.4 0.9 k0.1 ns 515 3.65 k0.72 5.80 f0.34 6.5 +l 6.7 k0.5 ns 515 * 515 Table 3. A biplot of the relationship between environmental variables and species composition of the samples in canonical correspondence analysis (CCA): eigenvalues for the three ordination axes, percentage of variation explained by the a priori- or forward selected environmental variables (axis I), and test of significance (Monte Carlo permutation) for the first axis, and all axes with 99 permutations that gives a minimum confidence level of P = 0.01. Eigenvalue, explained, Permutation, Permutation, overall test % axis 1 axis 2 axis 3 axis I axis 1 CCA for the a prioriselected variables (nestand trail distance) CCA with the forward-selected variables (nest distance, dry and organic matter content, pH, Picea coverage 0.263 0.025 0.420 91.2 0.515 0.079 0.046 F-ratio 8.72, P = 0.01 F-ratio 4.84, P = 0.01 came included (Table 3 and Fig. 1 for the species-environment biplot). Community composition of soil fauna was significantly correlated with nest distance, Picea canopy coverage, soil pH, organic matter and water content (Table 3). Most of the variation explained by the environmental variables was between the nests and the surrounding soil (Fig. 1; axis 1 separates nests from surrounding soil and has the highest eigenvalue: Table 3; ordination results with forward selected variables) and consequently these two habitat types can be compared without loosing much information. Characteristic taxa in the nests and in the soil Classification of the taxa into three "preference categories" resulted in a clear division of the fauna into either soil or nest specialists, relatively few taxa falling between these two groups (Fig. 2; chi-square test for random grouping: P < 0.0001). See ,< htpp://www. jyu.fi/bio/jouni~laakso/oikosl997/appendixl .doc > for classification of each taxa. Microfauna Ant nests were dominated by one or two taxa of bacterial (family Rhabditidae and genus Plectus) and fungal feeding (two Aphelenchoides species) nematodes, while the composition of the Nematoda community in the soil was more diverse and more evenly distributed among the taxa (bacterivorous Plecrus spp., Rhabditidae, Teratocephalus spp. and Acrobeloides spp., and of the fungal feeders two Aphelenchoides species, Tylencholaimus spp. and Malenchzrs spp.). Densities of both bacterial feeders and fungal feeders were higher in the nests than in the soil, whereas the predatory mononchids (genus Prionchulus) were more numerous in the soil. he mononchids were the dominant microfaunal predators in the soil, but in the nest mounds the mononchids represented only 1.S% of the microfauna predator biomass. Tardigrada showed similar patterns as nematodes, their density being 4.6 times higher in the nests than in the soil. 74.1 F-ratio 18.66, P = 0.01 F-ratio 5.61, P = 0.01 Enchytraeids and earthworms The enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum was the most numerous mesofaunal species in the forest soil, but it was almost absent in the nests. Earthworms were abundant in the nests: an average of 128 (0.95 g d.m.) and 705 (6.87 g d.m.) earthworms per m2 were found in the soil and in the nests, respectively. Dendrodrilus rubidus was found almost exclusively in the nests, whereas ~endrobaenaoctaedra inhabited both the nests and the soil. Collembola and Acari In the forest soil collembolans and mites were equally numerous with several abundant species (see t h t p p : / j www.jyu.fi / bio / jouni-laakso / oikos1997 / appendixl. doc > for a complete listing). In the nests, however, several mite species (belonging to Oribatida, Uropodina and Gamasina groups) were abundant and only two collembolan species (Friesea mirabilis and especially Lepidocyrtus cyaneus) reached moderate densities. Typical "nest specialists" in Oribatida were Brachychtoniidae, Heminothrus peltifer, Ramusella clavipectinata (Ramusella instead of other Oppioidea species that were abundant in the surrounding soil), Pergalumna nervosa and Carabodes subarcticus. Insects The nests harboured a ten times more abundant insect fauna (l1 687 m-2) than the soil (1191 m-2). Typical insect taxa in the nests were of Ptilidae, Staphylinidae and Coleoptera larvae (type 1, classified as predaceous) and Diptera larvae (Nematocera). In soil, Protura, Heteroptera, Coccoidea and small Diptera larvae (type 1 ) were commonly found. Food-web architecture The food-web configuration of the decomposer community in the soil and in the nests is presented in Fig. 3. Dominant species in terms of biomass within each trophic group and habitat are listed in Table 4. The OIKOS 8 1 2 (1998) NESTDIST AXIS t--t---t I Fig. 1. Distribution of soil fauna in the ant nest mounds and in the surrounding forest soil in a biplot with respect to the five significant environmental variables (indicated as arrows; nestdist = distance from the nest; pH = substrate pH; drymatt = dry matter content; om-cont = organic matter content; pi-cov = Picea canopy coverage), using CCA. = nest samples; = 2 m distance from nest, and 50 cm distance from nearest trail; 0 = 2 m, between trails; W = 11 m, 50 cm from trail; = 11 m, between trails; A = 20 m, 50 cm from trail; V = 20 m, between trails. * basal resource for the soil food web is mainly composed of litter, humus, and roots. The surface layer of the ant nest differs clearly from that of the soil, the dominant basal resources including needle litter, unquantified amounts of prey residues, and conifer resin. The first trophic links in both habitats are the ones between dead organic matter (DOM) and microbes, and between DOM and microbi-detritivorous fauna. Fungi and bacteria are the dominant groups exploiting the DOM both in the nests and in the soil. The total microbial biomassC was 3 times higher in the nests than in the soil (Table 5). Similarly, biomass of the fauna that feed upon detritus (mostly earthworms) was approximately 4-fold in the nest mounds as compared to that in the soil. A large majority (68%) of animal biomass in the nests (totalling 10.0 g d.m./m2) was composed of large microbi-detritivores (earthworms), that formed the second trophic link together with the two smaller microbi-detritivore groups and microbivorous nematodes. The total biomass of small and medium-sized microbi-detritivores was two times higher in the nests than in the soil. Contrasting to the nests, animal biomass (2.6 g d.m./m2) in the soil was more equally distributed among large (36.5% of the total biomass) and medium-sized (37.9%) microbi-detritivores, macrofauna predators (7.8%) and herbivores (5.7%). Biomass of bacterivorous nematodes was 10.0 times higher in the nests than in the soil, whereas fungivorous nematodes were 4.4 times less abundant in the nests than in soil (the ratio of bacterial to fungal feeders being 0.44 and 18.9 in the soil and in nests, respectively). Quantitative differences in the food web configuration between the nest and the soil were found also high up in the food web. The biomass of macrofauna predators in the nest mounds was only 47.3% of that in the soil (note that staphylinid beetles are excluded from the group). The biomass of mesofauna predators was 3.2 times'higher in the nests than in the soil (the ratio of mesofauna predators to their potential prey - small and medium-sized microbi-detritivores - was 0.051 and 0.089 in the soil and .the nests, respectively). Microfauna predators were 9.1 times more abundant in the nests than in the soil; the ratio of microfauna predators to nematodes - the potential prey for microfauna being 1.37 in the soil and 3.97 in the nests. Staphylinid beetles, of which some species are predators and some microbial/detrital feeders and social parasites (Kistner 1982), were a significant component of the nest fauna (biomass 8.7 times larger in the nests than in the soil). Small miscellaneous feeders (Tardigrada) and omnivores had only a small contribution to the total faunal biomass in both habitats. When the habitat-preference classification of the taxa is studied in relation to the biomass of the fauna, it becomes apparent that the functional organisation of the nest fauna is dominated by habitat specialists (97.4% of the nest fauna, including the earthworms), whereas in the soil habitat specialists were less important group (50.3%). Discussion Habitat characteristics and species composition The uppermost surface layer of the ant nest mound harboured an abundant and functionally specialised decomposer community that clearly differed from that of the surrounding soil. This is not surprising since the many environmental factors known to affect the abundance and distribution of soil fauna (see e.g. Anderson 1977) differed strongly between the ant nests and the soil. For example, the high temperature and' constant moisture in the nest mounds (Rosengren et al. 1987, J. Laakso and H. Setala unpubl.) evidently impact the development of the community composition of the decomposer food web. According to Rosengren et al. (1987) the mean temperature in the nest centre (30-60 cm from the top) is typically 25-30°C during the active period for the ants. The uppermost layers are cooler about 22°C from May to September - yet significantly warmer than the surrounding soil (ca 12°C at the study site during the summer; H. Setala and J. Laakso unpub].). The high temperature in the nest mound can result from microbial activity in the decomposing ant nest materials (Coenen-Stass 1980), or is an outcome of thermoregulatory activities of the ants (Rosengren et al. 1987) in the nest centre. We hypothesise that the constant moisture in the nest surface results from this biotic activity: the warm, uplifting air produced in the nest centre contains water vapour that condenses in the cooler surface layer of the nest. This, together with a continuous and abundant input of resources, such as litter and prey residues, is responsible for the distinct and highly suitable conditions for many decomposer microbes and fauna to live in. The distinctness of the faunal composition in the two habitats is further demonstrated by the clear classification of the fauna into habitat-preference categories: both habitats harboured large amounts of specialists, whereas generalists inhabiting both habitats were scarce. The abundance of nest specialists makes the nests unproportionally important for species richness of the forest floor; nest mounds, covering an area less than 0.1% of the whole study site, harbour approximately 36% of the taxa that are scarce in the adjacent soil (see Fig. 2). It is, however, worth noticing that a large part of the taxa named here as "nest specialists" (such as Dendrodrilus rubidus; Stop-Bijwitz (1969)) are common inhabitants of more fertile soils than is the one at our study area, and that soil sampling in this study did not include other special habitats, such as decaying tree stumps, mushrooms and carcasses. SOIL INDIFFERENT NEST Forest soils can be characterised as relatively stable Fig. 2. Frequency of soil animal taxa in the F. rufa territories classified as soil specialists, indifferent species, or ant nest habitats for soil biota because the turnover times of specialists. The classification is done by dividing animal spe- trees, and particularly that of humus, are vastly longer ciesltaxa into categories based on the ratio of mean density of than that of the fauna (Bengtsson 1994). Nest mounds the taxa in the ant nest mounds and in the adjacent soil (soil/nest > 2: "soil preference"; nest/soil > 2: "nest prefer- of wood ants may well be even more stable habitats than forest soils because of the active regulation of . ence"; the rest: "indifferent"). (a) FOOD WEB OF THE SOIL ORGANIC LAYER Total biomass 2.6 g /m2 MC&-Detntl- -D. H h i d ~ 9 % FOOD WEB OF THE ANT NEST SURFACE Total biomass 10.0 g /m2 + F. aquilonia ants (>>l0 g/m3 Large Microbri-DegitiYms: E w t h w m s 6.87 g / &a D. nrbieim 638 952 D. o c t a e h 32 % Micd-Wt- FUNGI and BACl'E.UA (4.92 mg C, / g dw) Fig. 3. Trophic organrsation of decomposer food web in the so11 and m the upper surface layer of ant nest mounds. The area of the boxes 1s proportronal to the mean b~omass(dry mass) of a trophic group in the habitats. BV = bacter~vorousmicrofauna (excluding Protozoa), FV = fungivorous mtcrofauna, MDV = small mtcrobi-detnt~vorousfauna. A question mark followed by ap arrow, denotes unknown feedrng relat~onshtps Table 4. Biomass (d.m. mg/m2) of the fauna in each trophic group, and proportion (%) from total animal biomass in the ant nest and in the soil. The dominant taxa (taxa having >5% proportion of group biomass in soil or the nests are included) within a trophic group in soil and the nests (percentage calculated from a trophic group biomass). See Table 1 for explanation of the asterisks denoting statistical differences between the means. Soil YO 67.2 18.6 13.8 9.44 8.66 150 51.6 14.3 10.6 7.2 6.6 5.7 1.0 I O - ~ 4.74 < 1.0 X I O - ~ 0.44 26.4 32.6 <O.l 14.5 <0.1 1.4 81.1 0.3 3.24 1.14 0.8 1 0.75 0.69 0.44 Total 7.69 42.2 14.8 10.5 9.8 8.9 5.8 0.3 7.7 I 59.4 0.06 0.04 3.39 4.07 75.7 10.2 78.5 0.1 0.1 4.5 5.4 0.8 17.0 0.49 0.08 17.6 96.8 2.8 0.5 0.7 < 1.0 X I O - ~ 2.83 1.18 4.01 <0.1 70.7 29.3 <0.1 Herbivores Curculionidae Coccoidea Lygaeidae Heteroptera juv. Lepidoptera juv. Total Bacterivores Plectus spp. Rhabditidae Teratocephalus spp. Acrobeloides spp. Plecrus sp. 1 Cervidellus spp. Fungivores Tylencholaimus spp. Aphelenchoides sp. 1 Aphelenchoides sp. 2 Total Microbi-detritivores, large Dendrobaena octaedra Dendrodrilus rubidus 868 86.6 955 Total Microbi-detritivores, medium size Cognettia sphagnetorum 534 Nothrus silvesrris 141 Nanhermannia sellnicki 61.1 Heminothrus peltifer 56.2 Carabodes subarcticus 4.37 Pergalumna nervosa 2.90 Total 992 Microbi-detritivores, small Isotomiella minor 14.0 Isdoma hiemalis 12.9 Oppiella nova 13.0 Conchogneta traegardhi 11.9 Folsomia quadrioculata 11.8 Tectocepheus velatus 8.76 Suctobelbidae 7.04 Nothridae juv. small 6.96 Folsomia jimetaria 6.12 Porobelba spinosa 0.94 Belbidae spp. 0.84 Ramusella clavipectinata 0.05 Total 117 Macrofauna predators Araneae 101 Carabidae 67.7 Coleoptera juv. type 1 25.7 Total 205 Mesofauna predators Gamasina juv. 29.9 Veigaia nemorensis 10.1 Pergamasus brevicornis 5.06 Gamasina spp. 4.17 Rhagididae 3.61 Sejus toecatus 0.21 Total 56.9 90.9 9.1 36.5 Nest % 2195 4669 6865 32.0 68.0 68.4 53.9 14.2 6.2 5.7 0.4 0.3 37.9 31.4 5.69 25.5 712 272 403 1900 1.7 0.3 1.3 37.5 14.3 21.2 18.9 12.0 11.0 11.0 10.1 10.0 7.5 6.0 5.9 5.2 0.8 0.7 <0.1 4.5 0.80 1.99 0.93 0.43 0.72 2.72 0.48 39.5 0.30 6.44 15.6 26.1 116 0.7 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.6 2.4 0.4 34.1 0.3 5.6 13.5 22.6 1.2 49.1 33.0 12.5 7.8 31.9 < 1.0 X I O - ~ 64.3 97.1 32.9 <0.1 66.2 I .O 52.6 17.8 8.9 7.3 6.3 0.4 2.2 163 0.86 < 1.0 X low' 2.51 0.33 12.7 180 90.7 0.5 <0.1 1.4 0.2 7.1 1.8 , U-test Table 4 (continued) Soil Microfauna predators Mononchidae Trachyfes spp Nest 100 10.0 X lo3 % U-test 11.9 5.99 4.20 3.58 3.20 2.93 0.73 0.54 Total 34.7 Parazercon radiatus Uropodina juv Urodiaspis tecta Dinychus perforatus Oodinynchus polyctenaphila Oplitis paradoxa Miscellaneous feeders, small Tardigrada 1.52 Total 1.52 Miscellaneous feeders, large Staphylinidae 52.0 Total 52.0 Omnivores, large Pulmonata type 2 (without shell) Pulmonata type 1 (with shell) Omnivores, small 19.8 16.9 Total 36.7 8.90 3.43 0.25 Total 12.9 Dorylaimus Rotylenchus Friesea mirabifis , YO Total 2.62 X 103 Animal biomass, abiotic conditions in the nest, and due to the continuous energy supply by the ants. As a result of these activities the small-scale habitat heterogeneity in the nest surface is also reduced. The two factors, environmental stability and homogeneity, are commonly regarded to increase the strength of biotic interactions (e.g. Begon et al. 1990) which can therefore be assumed to tk an important factor in structuring the species assemblages in ant nest mounds. Indeed, the lack of the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum - the most abundant species in the food web of the forest soil - and the massive increase of earthworms in the nests may results from competition between these faunas. Enchytraeids and earthworms use similar resources (Persson et al. 1980), and have been reported to show competitive interaction with each other (Persson et al. 1996). However, the two species do not seem to compete under low pH conditions, whereas in high pH earthworms may practically exclude C . sphagnetorum (Persson et al. 1996). Intense predation is also a plausible explanation for the absence of C. sphagnetorum due to the extremely high amount of ants and microarthropods that can feed on the enchytraeids. Further, it should be noted that the absence of C. sphagnetorum in the nests cannot be explained by unsuitable abiotic conditions or lack of food resources in the nests: in our two-month experiment (H. Setala and J. Laakso unpubl.) with individuals of C . sphagnetorum enclosed in 27-km mesh-bags containing defaunated substrate, neither the substrate quality (soil organic matter vs nest-mound litter) nor the abiotic conditions (the litter-bags incubated in the humus layer of the soil or in the moist surface material of an ant nest) had a negative influence on the growth rate of Cognettia. As pointed out by Rahel (1990) stable communities with predictable environmental conditions are the best candidates to study intense biological interactions (e.g. for examining competition theory). We conclude that ant nests would be excellent candidates for such studies: besides predictable abiotic or biotic conditions, nest mounds are distinct habitats with sharp boundaries allowing easy manipulation of both the biotic and abiotic environment for experimentation. Table 5. Microbial biomass C (mg C,,,/g dry mass), basal respiration at 22OC (pg C g-' dry mass h-'), and metabolic quotient (g CO,-C/g C,!,) in the soil and in the surface layer of ant nests (mean SE). See Table 2 for explanation of the asterisks denoting statlst~caldifferences between the means (Student's t-test, n = 5). + -- Soil Nest P Microbial biomass Basal respiration Metabolic quotient 1.72 +_ 0.3 4.92 f 0.33 37.98 + 9.06 84.68 + 3.59 0.0214 + 0.002 0.0174 f0.001 ns *** ** Therefore these "hot spots" of biological activity can be seen as a kind of "natural microcosms" providing an unrestricted opportunity for the organisms to freely disperse into and out of their habitat. Food-web organisation The most profound difference in the functional organisation between the nest and the soil decomposer community was the large biomass concentrated at the lower trophic positions (microbes, microbivores and detritivores) in the nest mounds. With some exceptions, the increased productivity at the lower trophic levels should reflect in increased biomass of the upper trophic levels if they are not intensively regulated from above (e.g. Oksanen et al. 1981, Abrams 1993). That this was not the case for predatory arthropods (e.g. spiders and carabid beetles), other than ants, can be readily explained by the capability of ants to deter or predate upon these arthropods (Cherix and Bourne 1980). Besides providing food source to the ants, the lack of large generalist arthropod predators reduces the risk of ant developmental stages of being predated by these predators (Holldobler and Wilson 1990). Further, it is unlikely that ants themselves can directly contribute to the top-down regulation of the total biomass of microbivore and detritivore populations; even weak predatory interactions under the extremely high density of ants should effectively reduce or exclude these populations in the nests. Thus, the large biomass of mediumsize and large microbi-detritivores in the nests can be explainable by abundant basal resources, and weak (or non-uniform) predatory pressure on this fauna, both of which are determined by the behaviour of the ants. Moore and Hunt (1988) suggested that resources in decomposer food webs are compartmentalised into "energy channels" originating from detritus, bacteria, fungi, and plant roots. In coniferous forest soils the majority of microbial biomass is in fungal mycelia (Persson et al. 1980), which is mainly responsible for the energy transfer in these habitats (Ingham et al. 1989). It is, however, reasonable to assume that in ant nests the energy flow starting from decomposing litter material is channelled mainly via the bacterial-based food-web compartment. That nematodes can be classified into fungal and bacterial feeders can be used to indicate the relative abundance of bacteria and fungi (Twinn 1974, Ingham et al. 1989), and thus to indirectly describe the relative significance of the two energy channels. In our data, the ratio of bacterial to fungal feeding nematodes in the soil was in favour of fungivores, whereas in the nests the ratio was strongly biased to bacterial feeders'. Our presumption on the dominance of bacteria in the nest mounds is further supported by the high biomass and activity of earthworms (Edwards and Bohlen 1996, Persson et al. 1996), high pH and Ca content (Alexander 1977), and the low amount of plant roots that support mycorrhizal fungi, all of which are reported to increase the bacteria:fungi ratio in soils. The high and relatively constant temperature inside the Formica nest mounds throughout the active season (Rosengren et al. 1987) is likely to increase the turnover rates of microbes and their consumers. Therefore the difference in the secondary production between the nest and soil decomposer communities must be considerably greater than the measured biomasses and basal respiration rates (the latter obtained by incubating the nest and soil samples at a constant temperature) would suggest. This would further emphasise the position of ant nests as "hot spots" for decomposer communities in forest soils. Function of the decomposer food web and ant-nest performance As the behaviour of ants (e.g. choice of prey, nest building materials and regulation of temperature) can actively,modify the structure and function of the community in the nest mounds, it is possible that this behaviour can indirectly reflect on ant performance and consequently act as selective, community/ecosystemlevel feed back mechanism which modifies ant behaviour. Creation of highly favourable conditions for decomposer activity may increase costs for maintaining the physical structure of the nest mound. Further, the high energy input by the ants can favour not only the growth of heterotrophic decomposer microbes, but also the development of microbes to be facultatively pathogenous for the ants (Gillot 1980: 649). Another question is whether the maintenance of a certain kind of trophic organisation or a composition of decomposer species could benefit the ants. For example, the large earthworm biomass in the nest surface is a potential source of nutrition for the ants - yet this fauna is untouched by the ants. An explanation for this curious phenomenon is that the earthworms can secrete ant repelling mucus, and/or that the behavioural traits of the ants have been selected for an active avoidance because of the benefits the worms provide when not eaten are greater than the benefits they provide as a food source (Laakso and Setala 1997). The potential benefits include feeding on fungi and increase of bacteria to fungi ratio (Edwards and Bohlen 1996, Persson et al. 1996) by the earthworms which may prevent the nest surface from becoming overgrown by moulds and fungal mycelia. Excessive hyphal mats - sometimes occurring in old, almost abandoned nest mounds (J. Laakso and H. Setila unpubl.) - bind litter particles tightly together, potentially hindering the ants to re-structure the nest mound. 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