Muscle contraction 1 Introduction Living muscle : is highly specialized tissue that is capable of converting chemical energy into mechanical energy through its contraction . Muscles are positioned and attached to the skeleton in such a way that their contraction and relaxation lead to movement and locomotion . 2 Introduction The ability to contract and relax is lost when muscle is converted to meat. The biochemical processes that provide energy for muscle function in the living animal are the same processes that cause lactic acid production and loss of water holding capacity during the postmortem period. 3 Muscle how to contract and generate force and perform work At first, a muscle contraction is initiated by a stimulus that arrives at the surface of the muscle fiber. This stimulus is coming from the brain and spinal cord and is transmitted to muscle via a nerve Membrane potential 4 Membrane potential Divided into two, one is the resting membrane potential and another one is action membrane potential. A electrical potential always exists between the inside and outside of the cell. Vary from 10-100 millivolts. Nerve and muscle fibers exhibit membrane potential 5 The resting membrane potential Generally, a slight excess of negative ions accumulates in the intracellular fluid along the inner surface of the membrane and a slight excess of positive ions is present along the extracellular surface of the membrane. This condition is exist in the normal resting nerve fiber 6 7 The resting membrane potential Is the result of The active transport of iron through the membrane. Te selective permeability characteristics of the membrane to the diffusion of ions and small molecular. The unique ionic composition of the intracellular and extracellular fluids. 8 The ionic change Extracellular fluid contains high concen. Of Na+ and Cl- , but very low concen. Of K + and nondiffusible negative ions, in contrast, K + and nondiffusible negative ions are very high in intracellular fluid and Na+ and Cl- are quite low. Concentration gradient, maintained by active transport. Need a Na+ and K + pump – which is located in the plasma membrane. Energy required for pump action 9 Action potentials : the stimuli An electrical impulse, can along muscle and nerve membrane surface. An action potential is transferred from a motor nerve to muscle fibers. Is a wave of reversing electrical polarization that results from chemical changes in membraneelectro-chemical process. Is initiated by a several thousandfold increase in the sodium ion permeability of the membrane . 10 Action potentials : the stimuli If Na+ permeability increase to a higher value than that which exists for K+ , the high concentration of Na+ in the extracellular fluid cause s a more rapid rate of diffusion of Na+ into the cell, than of the K+ out of the cell. This results in an excess of positive charge inside the cell membrane and negative charges on its outside, thus reversing the resting membrane potential. 11 12 Action potentials : the stimuli The entire sequence of events in the transmission of an action potential past any point on the nerve fiber requires about 0.51.0 millisecond. 13 Myoneural Junction The stimulus that initiates muscle contraction in transferred from the nerve fiber to the muscle fiber at the myoneural junction . Structure as figure 14 15 Action potential -- chemical A special mechanism amplifies – the electronic signal and transfers it to the muscle fiber. The action potential arrives at the end of the myoneural junction , it causes a chemical transmitter -acetycholine ( 乙醯膽鹼 ) to be released. Acetycholine will act on sarcolemma then make more permeable to Na+ , its polarity reverses and an action potential is propagated along its length. 16 Acetycholine Acts on the sarcolemma for only a few milliseconds , then destroyed after it release by cholinesterase. 17 Action potentials in muscle That occurs in muscle fibers when acetylcholine contacts the sarcolemma is nearly identical to that which occurs in nerve fiber. The entire sequence of events in the transmission of an action potential past any point on the muscle fiber requires about 510 millisecond. 18 Contraction of skeletal muscle Involve four myofibrillar proteins : actin, myosin, tropomyosin and troponin. Contractile protein: actin and myosin Crossbridges formed between the filamentscontractile force No crossbridges between actin and myosin filaments-relaxed state. If a permanent crossbridges form and prevent the sliding of these filaments-rigor mortis 19 20 Contraction of skeletal muscle Relax state: Calcium concentration is less than 10-7 moles/liter. Total of Ca+2 concentration is about 1000 times 10-7 moles/liter( about 10-4 moles/liter). Need pump into SR, so need higher level of energy-ATP Most of ATP is found in Mg-ATP, must be present in order to prevent interaction of actin and myosin (crossbridges). 21 Inhibit crossbridge (Contraction of skeletal muscle) Two factors : sarcoplasma Ca+2 concentration is low (less than 10-7 moles/liter). the Mg-ATP concentration is high. 22 Contraction of skeletal muscle When action potential is transmitted from the sarcolemma to muscle and T tubles system. Ca+2 concentration is released from SR and also increased sarcoplasm Ca+2 concentration. (10-5 ~10-6 moles/liter), the contractile mechanism will be started. Ca+2 will bound by troponin (activated ) and interacts with tropomyosin causing it to shift its position along the actin filament. 23 Contraction of skeletal muscle The shift by tropomyosin allow the myosin head s to form crossbridges between the myosin and actin filaments= a contractile force : pulled toward the center of the sarcomere. (figure) The change of the sarcomere (distance of two Z line). Crossbridges=actomyosin 24 25 Energy-ATP Muscle contraction required energy, which is derived from ATP by a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme myosin ATPase. ATP ADP +Pi High Ca+2 concentration also can increase ATP splitting . 26 Relaxation of skeletal muscle sarcoplasma Ca+2 concentration is low (less than 10-7 moles/liter). the Mg-ATP concentration is high. As the troponin loss these Ca+2 , it is again able to inhibit the formation of crossbridge then relaxation state will be occurred . 27 28 Source of energy Muscle glycogen Blood glucose Aerobic metabolism 29 How to supply energy 30 Energy , lactic acid and heat 31 The end of this chapter 32