Skeletal System

When not to eat your spinach
Skeletal System
I. Functions
1. support
2. protection
3. levers– movement
4. mineral storage Ca++ - 90%
PO4-5. hemopoiesis by red bone marrow
II. Anatomy of a long bone
A. Know Fig. 6.1 – all terms & word roots
epiphyseal line
compact bone
spongy bone
marrow (medullary)cavity
red marrow
yellow marrow
articular cartilage
B. Blood and nerve supply
1. nutrient artery (via nutrient foramen)  supplies diaphysis
2. epiphyseal & periosteal arteries provide alternate sources
3. veins accompany arteries
4. nerves accompany vessels = neurovascular bundle
- most sensory are in the periosteum
shin splints
III. Histology of bone
A. Components
1. Cells (Fig. 6.3)
 osteogenic cells
bone “stem cells”
deep to periosteum, endosteum, line central canals,
 mitosis
 osteoblasts
secrete matrix (fibers and salts)
 mature
 osteocytes
mature, resting cell
maintains bone
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 “break”
develop from WBC
huge, multinucleated
resorb matrix
2. matrix
25% H2O
25% collagen fibers (organic component) – provide tensile strength
50% mineral salts (inorganic component) – provide hardness
 calcium phosphate = hydroxyapatite  85% of inorganic
 CaCO3, Mg, Fl, SO4
 Calcification – deposition of salts on collagen
 Matrix is not solid
B. Compact (dense) bone tissue
 location – external layer of all bones
– bulk of diaphysis
 structural unit is the osteon
 Know Fig. 6.4 (Note legends for c & d reversed)
osteon (haversian system)
central (haversian) canal
perforating (Volkmann) canals
concentric lamellae
circumferential lamellae
interstitial lamellae (ADD)
C. Spongy (cancellous) bone tissue
 location – everywhere else
– bulk of epiphysis
 structural units are flat trabeculae = “little beams” and pointed spicules
 only site of red marrow in adults
IV. Bone formation: ossification
A. Overview
1. two pathways, both start with
fibrous c.t. membrane
2. both form spongy bone which is then remodeled to compact bone
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B. Intramembranous ossification (Fig. 6.7)
- flat bones of the skull and clavicle
fibrous membrane with mesenchymal cells
and blood vessels
 fetal c.t
mesenchymal cells surround blood vessels
& differentiate into osteogenic cells
become osteoblasts  deposit osteoid
(non-mineralized bone)
(Fig. 6.7)
Calcification converts osteoid into
fibrous membrane now a periosteum
bony spicules & trabeculae
w/trapped osteocytes
(Fig. 6.7  &  )
- result is multiple trabeculae separated by miniature marrow cavities filled with red
marrow & many blood vessels
Fig. 6.7  Osteoid deposition and bone formation continue; peripheral bone is remodeled into
compact bone, creating “sandwich” (Fig. 6.2)
C. Endochondral ossification (Fig. 6.9) Know Handout
- most bones are formed this way
1. mesenchymal cells become chondroblasts, which form a cartilage model of the
**Ossification will occur simultaneously  around shaft (like intramembranous)
 from the inside toward both ends
Steps 2-5 on Handout
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V. Bone growth
A. In length: interstitial growth (Fig. 6.10 & 6.11)
1. occurs at metaphysis  transition between epiphyseal plate & diaphyseal bone
Sketch  5 zones
2. mechanism
- division and enlargement in middle two zones pushes epiphysis away
from diaphysis
- zone 5 creates a region of spongy bone at end of marrow cavity
- rate of proliferation = rate of ossification, so plate remains same width until
teen years
3. growth is controlled by hormones, but stops when cartilage is replaced by bone:
epiphyseal plate becomes epiphyseal line.
B. In diameter: appositional growth
1. occurs under periosteum
-- osteoblasts deposit bone on outside, while
2. osteoclasts lining the endosteum resorb bone from the inside, widening marrow
VI. Remodeling
– osteoblast/ osteoclast balance continually altered
 rapidly adjusts plasma levels of Ca++ and PO4—
 allows response to applied stresses (Rule #1? = Wolff’s Law)
weight-bearing exercise 
increases bone mass
 allows quick fracture repair
VII. Aging and Osteoporosis (= “porous bone”)  Fig. 6.16
A. Loss of Ca++ and minerals
 bone mass (density)   compression fracture risk
- entire skeletal system affected
- females > males due to hormone loss at menopause
PREVENTION  Diet and Exercise
B. Decreased rate of protein synthesis
 collagen  loss of tensile strength  SNAP!  increase fracture risk
(brittle bones)
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