Team Contract Guidelines:


ENGR 215 Team Contract Guidelines:

Your team must submit a signed contract which details the ground rules that you have all agreed to for conducting your Engineering 215 team design project. All team members must sign and date the document and submit a typed copy by the specified due date

Your contract should clearly state the ground rules for group behavior and the consequences for violations of the rules. You are free to choose the exact wording of your document given the following constraints.


You must include the following ground rule.

There will be no illegal activity during any working sessions. Illegal activity includes, but is not limited to, underage drinking and illicit drug use. This rule must be enforced regardless of whether the meeting takes place on or off campus. The group must notify their instructor immediately (or by the next class meeting) if a violation of this ground rule occurs and the offending team member will be removed from the team and assigned an F for the design project.


You should discuss and come to an agreement on the following bullets. a) Team goals. State clearly your team goals and the terms your team has agreed upon if a member does not have this goal. How will you resolve differences in goals? b) How will you ensure respect for differences such as gender, orientation, and/or beliefs? c) How will you scheduling meetings? What modes of communication are acceptable for scheduling meetings? d) What are the acceptable reasons for missed or late meetings or for missing class? How will group members communicate when they miss or are late to meetings or class? e) Will the group assign roles for group members? Will those roles by rotated? How will you explore group strengths and weaknesses? f) How and when will the group communicate information to instructors? (Note that you will be required to provide weekly progress reports). g) What is the agreed upon working style for the group? How will your group resolve differences in working style (e.g. the super organized person who gets everything done 3 days early versus the procrastinator who works well under pressure and gets everything done 30 seconds before it’s due).

Code of Cooperation

You may choose to use some of the following from the Code of Cooperation. This Code is used in other

Introduction to Design courses around the US and is used in industry as well.

· EVERY member is responsible for the team's progress and success.

· Attend all sessions and be on time.

· Listen to and show respect for the contributions of other members; be an active listener.

· Criticize ideas, not persons.

· Resolve conflicts constructively.

· Pay attention - avoid disruptive behavior.

· Avoid disruptive side conversations.

· Only one person speaks at a time.

· Everyone participates -- no one dominates.

· Be succinct, avoid long anecdotes and examples.

· No rank in the room.

· Attend to your personal comfort needs at any time but minimize team disruption.

