Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report September 2006 Prepared by: STV Incorporated Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 1 II. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 8 III. CREATING THE BERGEN BRT SYSTEM .............................................................. 9 A. Blue Route Description ....................................................................................... 11 B. Orange Route Description .................................................................................. 15 IV. SELECTING THE INITIAL OPERATING SEGMENT ............................................ 19 A. Initial Operating Segment Alternatives ............................................................... 19 B. Selection of the Initial Operating Segment ......................................................... 22 C. Initial Operating Segment Cost Estimates .......................................................... 24 V. ELEMENTS OF THE BERGEN BRT SYSTEM ..................................................... 26 Station Design Components and Locations ........................................................ 26 1. Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) .......................................................... 26 2. Transportation Center (TC) ............................................................................. 26 3. Park & Ride Station ......................................................................................... 27 4. BRT Urban Station .......................................................................................... 27 5. BRT Station Amenities .................................................................................... 27 B. Transit Priority Feasibility ................................................................................... 31 1. Traffic Priority Options .................................................................................... 31 a) Traffic Signal Preemption ............................................................................ 31 b) Queue Jumpers ........................................................................................... 32 c) Designated (Reserved) Lanes ..................................................................... 33 d) Exclusive Transit Vehicle On-ramps ............................................................ 33 C. Benefits of Transit Priority Systems .................................................................... 33 D. Signalized Intersection Survey ........................................................................... 34 E. Transit Priority Findings ...................................................................................... 34 F. OPERATING PLAN ............................................................................................ 35 1. Assumptions ................................................................................................... 35 2. Operating Hours and Frequency of Service .................................................... 36 3. Running Times ................................................................................................ 36 a) Blue Route................................................................................................... 36 b) Orange Route .............................................................................................. 36 4. Ridership ......................................................................................................... 37 5. Peak Vehicle Requirements ............................................................................ 41 6. Fare Collection Strategies ............................................................................... 42 a) Proof of Payment ......................................................................................... 42 b) Smart Cards ................................................................................................ 43 7. Pre-Trip Information Systems ......................................................................... 45 A. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated i Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report VI. FUNDING SOURCES ............................................................................................ 48 A. Funding the Initial Operating Segment: FTA Small Starts Program.................... 48 B. Full System Capital Funding Sources ................................................................. 50 C. Operating and Maintenance Funding Sources ................................................... 52 VII. CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................... 54 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Technical Memorandum 1 APPENDIX B – Signalized Intersection Surveys APPENDIX C – Year 2015 Demand Forecasting Using NJTDFM APPENDIX D – Full System Capital and O&M Costs INDEX OF TABLES Table 1: Blue Route Description .................................................................................... 13 Table 2: Orange Route Description ............................................................................... 17 Table 3: Comparison of Initial Operating Segment Alternatives .................................... 21 Table 4: Initial Operating Segment Capital Costs .......................................................... 24 Table 5: Initial Operating Segment Operating and Maintenance Costs ......................... 24 Table 6: BRT Station Amenities .................................................................................... 28 Table 7: Blue Route Stations - Mahwah to Secaucus Junction ..................................... 29 Table 8: Orange Route Stations - Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction .. 30 Table 9: Bergen Rapid Transit Travel Time Savings ..................................................... 38 Table 10: First Cut Preliminary BRT Ridership .............................................................. 39 Table 11: Peak Vehicle Requirements .......................................................................... 41 INDEX OF FIGURES Figure ES 1: Blue Route Initial Operating Segment – Ridgewood Park-and-Ride to NJT Secaucus Junction …………………..……………………………………….........................4 Figure ES 2: Bergen Rapid Transit Blue and Orange Routes …………………………….6 Figure 1: Bergen Rapid Transit Blue and Orange Routes ............................................ 10 Figure 2: Blue Route - Mahwah to Secaucus Junction .................................................. 12 Figure 3: Orange Route – Bergen Community College to Secaucus ............................ 16 Figure 4: Blue Route Initial Operating Segment – Ridgewood Park-and-Ride to NJT Secaucus Junction ........................................................................................................ 23 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated ii Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The existing public transit network in Bergen County is primarily oriented toward bringing commuters to and from New York City during the morning and afternoon rush hours. This system was developed incrementally by various competing private entities during a time when most suburban residents commuted to Manhattan. Mirroring a national pattern, employment has decentralized with more and more jobs moving to suburban areas. The majority of Bergen County residents - 57.6% - work within the County. Intra-county trips to work, coupled with suburban land use patterns that encourage automobile use, have resulted in increasing traffic congestion within Bergen County. The spine of the County – the Route 17 Corridor – experiences congestion from rising traffic volumes and decreasing roadway speeds and Levels of Service. Building new limited access highways to relieve this road congestion is not a viable option given the high cost of property acquisition and construction and the high societal costs of highway expansion, including air quality impacts and homeowner and business displacements. Even if new highways were built, past experience has shown that the new transportation capacity is quickly absorbed by new users. Meanwhile, Bergen County’s comprehensive network of bus and rail transit services, while very effective at providing express service to Manhattan, is much less effective at serving intraBergen County travel needs. Currently there is no express or limited stop transit service oriented towards intra-county travel. Bergen County residents and visitors must take circuitous routes for travel to employment, entertainment, recreation, or shopping trips within the County. While local buses provide some service for travel between intra-county destinations, the service is slow and infrequent. Trips involve multiple transfers resulting in extended wait times. The proposed Bergen Rapid Transit (BRT) system is based upon the emerging concept of bus rapid transit service, a new mode that is favorably viewed by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) because of its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Bus rapid transit combines the customerfriendly and attractive features of light rail with the flexibility of roadway-based transit services that cost much less than rail systems. Bergen Rapid Transit is specifically designed to offer a viable travel option for intra-county trips. Offering a new, high-speed, premium-quality transit service this system will take Bergen County residents and visitors to work, entertainment, recreation, health care, and shopping by connecting to the myriad destinations within the County. Bergen Rapid Transit is customized for the unique needs of Bergen County residents and will entice people from their cars, thereby reducing singleoccupancy vehicle travel by offering a fast, reliable, and efficient transit service that is competitive with the automobile. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 1 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary What differentiates Bergen Rapid Transit from other transit services? Bergen Rapid Transit offers: Flexibility. Service can adapt and expand in response to demand, unlike rail service which is confined to a single right-of-way. Cost Effectiveness. Lower capital and operating costs than light rail or commuter rail, and it is a more effective service for lower density suburban settings. Efficiency. Routes are designed to provide direct service wherever possible, minimizing time consuming detours and indirect routings. Frequent Service and Reliability. Service operates throughout the day with consistent scheduled departure times that are easy to remember, eliminating the need to carry a schedule. Traffic Priority Treatments. Shoulder lanes, queue jumping, and traffic signal preemption which will help reduce travel times. Premier Service. Stylish vehicles will have a light rail look and feel to them, stopping at stations that feature attractive platforms, canopies, shelters, seating, maps, and artwork. Increased Transit Visibility. Strong brand identity will distinguish Bergen Rapid Transit from other services. Applied to vehicles, stations, maps, schedules, and advertising, it will create a consistent image. Enhanced Accessibility. Station platforms that offer level boarding, making it easy for the elderly, disabled, and children to board. Reduced boarding time will help expedite your trip. Real-Time Information. Electronic message signs at stations will provide specific arrival time and routing information. Website. Route, schedule and service information will be posted on the Bergen Rapid Transit website, along with a virtual tour to show new and potential customers how to use the Bergen Rapid Transit system. Development Opportunities. Larger stations could become the focal point for new Transit Oriented Development. Expedited Fare Collection. Off-vehicle fare collection using the proof of payment method and smart card technology will offer quicker and more convenient payment choices, fare flexibility, and speed vehicle boarding. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 2 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary An Overview of the Bergen Rapid Transit System Initial Operating Segment To provide immediate tangible results, Bergen County has expressed a desire to implement an Initial Operating Segment to institute the proposed BRT service concepts and to provide “starter” service to the County. The Initial Operating Segment has a focused scope and scale of service, as funding for the full Bergen Rapid Transit may not yet be available. The Initial Operating Segment consists of the most promising BRT route segments. The full BRT “treatment” is applied during the Initial Operating Segment and consists of sleek, low-floor vehicles, limitedstop, frequent service, enhanced stations, free or discounted transfers to other transit services, a strong brand image, and other premium features to test public acceptance of these concepts. An Initial Operating Segment would allow the BRT system to be developed incrementally and expanded in phases as funding permits and as ridership grows. Several Initial Operating Segment alternatives were examined and Alternative 1: The Blue Route: Ridgewood Park & Ride to NJT Secaucus Station was identified as the most promising (shown in Figure ES-1). Alternative 1 provides new regional, intermodal connections anchored by the Ridgewood Parkand-Ride and the NJT Secaucus Junction. Serving the Secaucus Junction station provides connections to the NJT Pascack Valley Line, Main and Bergen Lines, Montclair-Boonton Line, Morris and Essex Lines, Northeast Corridor Line, and North Jersey Coast Line with service to New York City, Hoboken, Newark, Newark Airport, Princeton and Trenton. If agreements can be made, then new park-and-ride facilities may be established along the route at the Paramus Park Mall, Fashion Center, Garden State Plaza Mall, and the Bergen Mall. During the Initial Operating Segment Phase, BRT service would operate every 15 minutes during peak periods and every 30 minutes during off peak times. The projected cost of the Initial Operating Segment is $45.5 Million. Since this project is still at a conceptual level, a 30% unallocated contingency cost is also included in this cost estimate. The annual operating and maintenance cost is estimated to be $7.9 Million. All operating assumptions, statistics and unit costs will be further refined during future phases of this project. There are a number of potential funding sources that may be used for the construction and operation of the BRT system. Capital costs represent the costs of long-term assets such as transit priority improvements and vehicles. These could be funded through a combination of various Federal programs, NJDOT grants, a bond issue or public-private partnerships. As the BRT would help increase capacity along the Route 17 corridor, various highway funding sources could be used to help fund construction costs. Further details on the selection of the Initial Operating Segment can be found in Section IV of the Final Report. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 3 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary Figure ES-1: Blue Route Initial Operating Segment – Ridgewood Park-and-Ride to NJT Secaucus Junction _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 4 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary Future Expansion It is recommended that the proposed Bergen Rapid Transit (BRT) system ultimately encompass two routes within the Route 17 corridor—the Blue Route and the Orange Route—both shown on Figure ES-2). These two intertwined routes combine to offer both express and limited stop services, with multiple timed transfer opportunities to transfer between routes. Just as New York subway riders transfer easily between express and local trains, the pairing of these routes offer similar possibilities. The Blue Route—from Ramapo College in Mahwah south to Secaucus Junction Station in Secaucus—essentially runs express on a north-south axis using major highways and arterials within the Route 17 corridor to connect major intra-county destinations. To access the portions where the Blue Route runs express, new Park & Ride facilities are envisioned. The end-to-end running time for the Blue Route from Ramapo College to Secaucus Junction Station is approximately 93 minutes. The Orange Route—from Bergen Community College in Paramus south to Secaucus Junction Station in Secaucus—has a different character; it includes limited stops and is more of an urban route, oriented toward linking the neighborhoods to the major intra-county destinations. It runs along arterial and local roads, including the high-density Prospect Avenue residential corridor near downtown Hackensack. The Orange Route is intended to serve “walk on” customers, who can transfer to the Blue Route for express services. Major stops served by both the Blue Route and the Orange Route (Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Secaucus Junction), serve as transfer points along the BRT system. The running time for the 27-mile-long Orange Route from Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction Station is approximately 83 minutes. The BRT is also designed to facilitate transfers to other existing and proposed NJ Transit rail service on the Main Line, Bergen County Line, and Pascack Valley Line, as well as NJ Transit local and express buses and various private bus carriers such as Academy, Air Brook Express, Red & Tan, and Short Line. The intent is to foster connectivity between modes and carriers so that customers can use the routes that best suit their needs in terms of preference for speedy travel times, low fares, and travel mode preferences. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 5 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary Figure ES-2: Bergen Rapid Transit Blue and Orange Routes _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 6 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Executive Summary Given the high number of signalized intersections along the BRT routes, it is recommended that an active traffic signal priority strategy be implemented. Using this strategy, BRT vehicles would be given special treatment (i.e., giving an early green signal to the transit vehicle only, or holding a green signal longer so a transit vehicle can pass through the intersection). This is a costeffective means of reducing BRT trip times and can be implemented quickly and at less disruption than building new BRT-only lanes or converting existing general use highway lanes to BRT-only lanes. Span and Frequency of Service The full BRT system is proposed to operate from 6AM to 12 midnight, seven days a week. During the peak periods (weekdays 6AM to 9AM and 4PM to 7PM), service on each route would operate every 10 minutes. In off-peak periods, the BRT system will operate at 15-minute intervals on each route. These frequencies can be adjusted to meet ridership demand and growth. Time Savings and Ridership The BRT system will provide Bergen County residents, commuters, and visitors with new transit links that do not exist in the current transportation network. The two new, full routes will provide Bergen County with a “county focused” transit service that caters to customers making intracounty work, shopping, personal, and recreational trips. Time savings is an important determinant of projected ridership. Many ridership models correlate time savings with increased ridership. In general, the faster the trip, the greater the number of riders. Estimates of travel time savings for various BRT scenarios were developed. For example, the trip from Fairleigh Dickinson University to the Secaucus Junction Station would be reduced from 55 minutes using existing transportation to 40 minutes using the BRT, almost a 25% savings in travel time. The trip from Ramapo College to the Paramus Park Mall would be reduced from 80 minutes to only 34 minutes, a savings of 46 minutes or more than 50%. Preliminary ridership projections suggest that the daily weekday ridership on the Blue Route would be 4,200 passengers and the Orange Line 3,200, for a total of 7,400 daily riders. These preliminary projections are indicative of a very strong demand for BRT service. When presented with the ridership projections, NJ Transit was enthusiastic about the proposed BRT service and indicated a desire to become a partner to help implement the project. The proposed BRT system responds to the new realities of Bergen County’s travel needs. It provides a new rapid, high-quality transit service to address demand that is not currently met, and provides new capacity within the Route 17 corridor. While BRT cannot alleviate all traffic congestion in the County, it can help by providing a new travel alternative. Above all, the BRT is a flexible system. The system can grow – adding new routes, stops, and services as demand increases – and meet the needs of both current and future travelers. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 7 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report II. INTRODUCTION The analyses conducted for the proposed Bergen Rapid Transit (BRT) system as well as recommendations are described in this Final Report. This effort builds on the work originally presented in Technical Memorandum 1 (provided in Appendix A). It included discussions of the original long list of potential BRT routes, the preliminary screening criteria applied to the routes on the long list, as well as the evaluation results. The Final Report includes the refinement of the routes advanced for further consideration, the routes ultimately selected, proposed Initial Operating Segment, the design and location of stations, traffic priority treatments for each route, running times, frequency and span of service, peak vehicle requirements, fare collection strategies, ridership estimates, cost estimates and potential funding sources. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 8 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report III. CREATING THE BERGEN BRT SYSTEM The development of the BRT routes has been a highly collaborative, iterative process. To begin with, 14 segments (both north and south of Route 4) were considered as potential “trunk lines.” These routes would essentially run on a north-south axis and include express stops. Route 4, a major east-west arterial, was used as a separator for the north-south segments to allow flexibility in “mixing and matching” segments to create routes that capture the largest share of potential riders and that have the capacity for the infrastructure improvements necessary to implement the BRT system. Two potential “community routes” were also evaluated. These were envisioned as making limited stops to collect passengers and connecting to the trunk lines at key locations. Technical Memorandum #1 presented the results of the preliminary screening process. Based on the initial screening, nine trunk line segments and both community routes were advanced for further evaluation as the short list of alternatives. The Bergen County Department of Planning and Economic Development reviewed the short list of alternatives and further refined the routings by combining/modifying the potential routes assessed in Technical Memorandum #1. In some cases, new route segments and/or alignments were proposed. This new set of routes became Bergen County’s short list of routes. The two short lists were compared to determine where overlaps might exist and where they might be consolidated to create a harmonized set of routes. In consultation with the Bergen County Department of Planning and Economic Development, the two sets of routes were reviewed and refined and the most promising route segments were combined to form the two recommended BRT routes, known as the Blue Route and Orange Route (shown in Figure1). The Blue Route essentially runs express on a north-south axis through Bergen County connecting major intra-county destinations. The Orange Route, although still making limited stops is more of an urban route, oriented toward linking the neighborhoods to the major intra-county destinations. The two routes interconnect at major stops (Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Secaucus Junction), allowing transfers between the Blue and Orange Routes. In addition, intermodal and transportation center stations are proposed along both routes to provide connections to NJ Transit rail service, express bus service to New York City, local buses, as well as private bus operators such as Short Line. The market area of the BRT system would be extended by integrating it with other services. Based upon the two recommended routes, Bergen County has expressed a desire to implement, in the nearer-term, an Initial Operating Segment to institute some of the proposed BRT service concepts and to provide a “starter” service that would provide immediate tangible results at a significantly lower cost. For an Initial Operating Segment, the scope and scale of service would be focused, as funding for the more comprehensive Bergen Rapid Transit may not yet be available. The Initial Operating Segment proposed is described in detail in the next section of this report (Section IV). It is crucial however, to explain the full-build Blue and Orange Routes and the development of these concepts, in order to understand the context and evolution of the proposed Initial Operating Segment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 9 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Figure 1: Bergen Rapid Transit Blue and Orange Routes _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 10 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report A description of both full-build routes, the roadways used, and station stops are provided in the following sections. A. Blue Route Description The Blue Route would run from Ramapo College in Mahwah to Secaucus Junction in Secaucus, primarily functioning as an express route while running mostly on major highways within Bergen County. In the northern part of the County, there are no signalized intersections along Route 17, and limited commercial development, thereby allowing the free flow of the BRT vehicles. In Hackensack, the Blue Route shifts to Farview Avenue to parallel Route 17 and bypass its most congested segment. The Blue Route (shown in Figure 2) would extend from Mahwah to Secaucus for a total length of 38.6 miles. This route serves the following municipalities: Mahwah, Ramsey, Ridgewood, Paramus, and Hackensack. It uses major highways such as Route 17, Interstate 80 (I-80) and Interstate 95 (I-95) for much of its length in the northern and southern segments of the route and provides express service over much of its length. Some of the major activity centers served by the Blue Route include: Ramapo College, NJ TRANSIT Ramsey-Route 17 Station, Paramus Park Mall, Fashion Center Mall, Bergen County Regional Medical Center, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Secaucus Junction Station. A detailed description of the Blue Route stations, routing, and locations/activities served is provided in Table 1. The route operates both in the north and south directions along the same roadways. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 11 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Figure 2: Blue Route - Mahwah to Secaucus Junction _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 12 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Table 1: Blue Route Description Station Ramapo College NJT Ramsey Rt. 17 Station Ramsey Square Shopping Center (SB) / Interstate Shopping Center (NB) Ridgewood Park & Ride Paramus Park Mall Fashion Center Mall Oradell Ave. Park & Ride Bergen Regional Medical Center Garden State Plaza Mall Locations/Activities Served Serves major educational institution. Provides connections to Ramapo College Shuttle and Short Line Route 1. Provides intermodal connections to NJT Main Line commuter rail. Route East on Rt. 202 to Rt. 17 South on Rt. 17 Station to Station Distance (miles) - South on Rt. 17 2.65 Serves major regional retail destinations. South on Rt. 17 0.72 Provides connections to NJT bus routes 163,164,175, 746, 752 and Greyhound longdistance bus, Airport Express Shuttle Serves major regional retail destination. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 155,157, 168, 758, 762, and Ramapo College Shuttle. Serves major regional retail and employment destination. Provides connections to NJT bus route 762. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 165,762. Provides intermodal connections to NJT Pascack Valley Line commuter rail. Serves major employment destination. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 758, 762. South on Rt. 17 to A&S Drive exit South on Ring Rd. on west side of Paramus Park Mall 6.05 Circulate on Ring Rd. to Winters Ave. North on Winters Ave. 2.77 North to Ridgewood Ave. East on Ridgewood Ave./Oradell Ave. 1.62 East on Oradell Ave. to Farview Ave. South on Farview Ave. 0.59 South on Farview Ave. to Plaza Way West on Plaza Way to Garden State Plaza Mall 0.69 Serves major regional retail and employment destination Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes163, 171, 175, 709, 756, 758, 770 and Ramapo College Shuttle. East on Plaza Way to Farview Ave. North on Farview Ave. to Spring Valley Ave. East on Spring Valley Ave. 4.15 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 13 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Station Bergen Mall Prospect Ave. & Passaic St. Prospect Ave. & Central Ave. Prospect Ave. & Beech St. Hackensack University Medical Center Locations/Activities Served Serves major regional retail and employment destination Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 171, 756. Serves dense residential development along Prospect Ave. Provides connections to NJT bus route 162 Serves dense residential development along Prospect Ave. Provides connections to NJT bus route 162. Serves dense residential development along Prospect Ave. Provides connections to NJT bus route 162 Serves major employment destination. Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 144, 164. Essex St. & Polifly Rd. Serves local neighborhood area. . Provides connection to NJT bus route 144. Secaucus Junction Station Provides intermodal connections to NJT Pascack Valley Line, Main and Bergen Lines, Montclair-Boonton Line, Morris and Essex Lines, Northeast Corridor Line, and North Jersey Coast Line. Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 2, 78, 85, 124, 129, 772. Route Station to Station Distance (miles) East on Spring Valley Ave. to Summit Ave. South on Summit Ave. to Passaic Ave. East on Passaic Ave. to Prospect Ave. South on Prospect Ave. 1.98 South on Prospect Ave. 1.49 South on Prospect Ave. 0.48 South on Prospect Ave. to Essex St. East on Essex St. 0.27 East on Essex St. to Polifly Rd. 0.25 South on Polifly Rd. Merge onto I-80 east East on I-80 to I-95 south 0.27 11.88 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 14 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report B. Orange Route Description The Orange Route would run from Bergen Community College in Paramus to Secaucus Junction in Secaucus. It runs along arterial and local roads, including the high-density Prospect Avenue corridor in Hackensack, linking intra-county destinations, such as the shopping centers along Route 4. The Orange Route (shown in Figure 3) would extend from Bergen Community College to Secaucus for a total length of 27.9 miles. This route serves the following municipalities: Paramus, Hackensack, Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge, Rutherford and East Rutherford. Some of the major activity centers served by the Orange Route include: Bergen Community College, Ikea, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack Transit Center, Bergen County Government Complex, Hackensack University Medical Center, Meadowlands Sports Complex, and Secaucus Junction Station. A detailed description of the Orange Route stations, routing, and locations/activities served is provided in Table 2. It is assumed that the route would operate both in the north and south directions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 15 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Figure 3: Orange Route – Bergen Community College to Secaucus _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 16 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Table 2: Orange Route Description Station Bergen Community College Century Rd. & College Rd. Ikea Garden State Plaza Mall Bergen Mall Shops at Riverside Locations/Activities Served Route Serves major educational institution. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 163, 756 Serves major regional employment destination with high concentration of office parks/employment centers. South on Paramus Rd. to Century Rd. East on Century Rd. Serves major regional retail destination. Serves major regional retail and employment destination Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes163, 171, 175, 709, 756, 758, 770 and Ramapo College Shuttle. Serves major regional retail and employment destination Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 171, 756. Serves major regional retail and employment destination. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 171, 756, 762. Fairleigh Dickenson University Serves major educational institution. Hackensack Transit Center Provides connections to NJT bus routes 751, 752, 753, 762, 770, 772. County Buildings Serves major governmental institutions and employment destinations. East on Century Rd. to James F. Brown Jr. Rd. Station to Station Distance (miles) - 1.83 South on James F. Brown Jr. Rd. and Ikea Dr. 0.83 East on Plaza Way to Farview Ave. North on Farview Ave. to Spring Valley Ave. East on Spring Valley Ave. 1.89 East on Spring Valley Ave. to Forest Ave. North on Forest Ave. Merge onto Rt. 4 east Continue to Hackensack Ave. exit 2.08 South on Hackensack Ave. 2.02 South on Hackensack Ave./River St. to Camden St. West on Camden St. to Moore St. South on Moore St./Church St. South on Moore St./Church St. to Court St. East on Court St. to River St. South on River St. to Kansas St. West on Kansas St. to Hudson St. North on Hudson St. to Essex St. West on Essex St. 0.98 1.49 0.43 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 17 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Station Hackensack University Medical Center Summit Ave. & Pleasantview Ave. Boulevard & Williams Ave. Locations/Activities Served Serves major employment destination. Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 144, 164. Serves local neighborhood area. Provides connections to NJT bus route 163. Serves local neighborhood area. Boulevard & Windsor Rd. Serves local neighborhood area. Hackensack St. & Hoboken Rd. Serves local neighborhood area. Intermodal connections to NJT Pascack Valley commuter rail NJ Transit Rutherford Station Union Ave. & Murray Hill Pkwy. Serves local neighborhood area. Serves major entertainment destinations. Meadowlands Sport Complex Station Secaucus Junction Station Provides intermodal connections to NJT Pascack Valley Line, Main and Bergen Lines, Montclair-Boonton Line, Morris and Essex Lines, Northeast Corridor Line, and North Jersey Coast Line. Transfer point between Blue Route and Orange Route. Provides connections to NJT bus routes 2, 78, 85, 124, 129, 772. Route Station to Station Distance (miles) West on Essex St. to Summit Ave. South on Summit Ave. 1.12 South on Summit Ave./Boulevard 0.89 South on Boulevard 0.52 South on Valley Blvd. to North St. East on North St. to Hackensack St. South on Hackensack St. South Hackensack St. to Union Ave. East on Union Ave. to Murray Hill Pkwy. North on Murray Hill Pkwy. to Meadowlands Pkwy . South on Meadowlands Pkwy. to Seaview Ave. to Castle Rd. to Seaview Ave. to New County Rd. 1.38 1.41 1.13 0.85 1.72 5.36 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 18 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report IV. SELECTING THE INITIAL OPERATING SEGMENT To provide immediate tangible results, Bergen County is considering implementing an Initial Operating Segment to institute some of the proposed BRT service concepts and to provide a “starter” service. For an Initial Operating Segment, the scope and scale of service would be focused and limited, until such time that funding to support a larger system could be secured. The Initial Operating Segment consists of the most promising BRT route segments. The full BRT “treatment” is applied during the Initial Operating Segment and consists of sleek, low-floor vehicles, limited-stop service, frequent service, enhanced BRT stations, free or discounted transfers to other transit services, a strong brand image, and other premium features to test public acceptance of these concepts. An Initial Operating Segment would allow the BRT system to be developed incrementally and expanded in phases as funding permits and as ridership grows. The Initial Operating Segments were developed by identifying areas with high concentrations of potential ridership, activity centers and intermodal opportunities within the Blue and Orange Routes as described in the Final Report. A. Initial Operating Segment Alternatives Five Initial Operating Segment alternatives were examined: Alternative 1: Blue Route: Ridgewood Park & Ride to NJT Secaucus Station Alternative 2: Blue Route: Garden State Plaza Mall to NJT Secaucus Station Alternative 3: Orange Route: BCC College to NJT Rutherford Station Alternative 4: Combination of Alternatives 1 + 3 Alternative 5: Combination of Alternatives 2 + 3 For each of the five alternatives, basic information concerning the type or route, number of stations, route length, areas and major activity centers served, run times, fleet requirements, and capital costs were developed. The results of this analysis are displayed in Table 3. Using this information, the alternatives were compared to each other and the most promising Initial Operating Segment was identified. The Initial Operating Segment alternatives were evaluated using the following criteria: The Initial Operating Segment capital cost should not exceed $50 Million. The Initial Operating Segment should serve origin and destination pairs that are not currently well served by existing transit services. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 19 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report The Initial Operating Segment should serve portions of the routes with the highest ridership. The Initial Operating Segment should offer new regional, intermodal transfer opportunities as well as new park-and-ride opportunities (assuming agreements with mall owners can be reached). The Initial Operating Segment should fall within close proximity to the Route 17 Corridor and its key activity centers, but also have the ability to bypass its most congested sections. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 20 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Table 3: Comparison of Initial Operating Segment Alternatives Alternative 5: Combined Routes - Blue Route - Garden State Plaza Mall to Secaucus + Orange Route - Bergen College to NJT Rutherford Station Alternative 1: Blue Route - Ridgewood P&R Alternative 2: Blue Route - Garden State to Secaucus Plaza Mall to Secaucus Alternative 3: Orange Route - Bergen Community College to NJT Rutherford Station Alternative 4: Combined Routes - Blue Route - Ridgewood P&R to Secaucus + Orange Route - Bergen Community College to NJT Rutherford Station Type of route Route length (miles) Number of BRT Stations Intra-county Express Route 26 13 Intra-county Express Route 17 8 Intra-county Limited Stop Route 18 15 Intra-county Express + Limited Stop System Intra-county Express + Limited Stop System Blue Route: 26 / Orange Route: 18 Blue Route: 17 / Orange Route: 18 25 20 Areas served Ridgewood, Paramus, Hackensack, Secaucus Paramus, Hackensack, Secaucus Paramus, Hackensack, Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge, Rutherford Ridgewood, Paramus, Hackensack, Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge, Rutherford Ridgewood, Paramus, Hackensack, Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge, Rutherford Blue Route: Ridgewood Park & Ride, Paramus Park Mall, Fashion Center Mall, Bergen County Regional Medical Center, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Secaucus Junction Station Orange Route: Bergen Community College, Ikea, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack Transit Center, Bergen County Government Complex, Hackensack University Medical Center, Downtown Hasbrouck Heights, Downtown Woodridge, Downtown Rutherford Blue Route: Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Secaucus Junction Station Orange Route: Bergen Community College, Ikea, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack Transit Center, Bergen County Government Complex, Hackensack University Medical Center, Downtown Hasbrouck Heights, Downtown Woodridge, Downtown Rutherford Peak: Every 15 minutes Off Peak: Every 30 minutes Peak: Every 15 minutes Off Peak: Every 30 minutes Ridgewood Park & Ride, Paramus Park Mall, Fashion Center Mall, Bergen County Regional Medical Center, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Downtown Hackensack, Hackensack University Medical Center, Secaucus Junction Station Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Downtown Hackensack, Hackensack University Medical Center, Secaucus Junction Station Bergen Community College, office parks along Century Road, Ikea, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack Transit Center, Bergen County Government Complex, Hackensack University Medical Center, Downtown Hasbrouck Heights, Downtown Woodridge, Downtown Rutherford Headways Peak: Every 15 minutes Off Peak: Every 30 minutes Peak: Every 15 minutes Off Peak: Every 30 minutes Peak: Every 15 minutes Off Peak: Every 30 minutes Approximate one-way running time (min) 67 43 67 Blue Route: 67 / Orange Route: 67 Blue Route: 43 / Orange Route: 67 BRT Vehicle Fleet (inc. spares) 13 11 15 31 29 Capital Cost ($ millions) $45,507,930 $29,174,730 $43,701,580 $81,429,010 $71,335,810 Major activity centers served ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 21 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report B. Selection of the Initial Operating Segment Using the criteria described above, it is recommended that Alternative 1: Blue Route: Ridgewood Park & Ride to NJT Secaucus Station (shown in Figure 4) be selected as the Initial Operating Segment for the following reasons: At a total capital cost of $45.5 million, Alternative 1 does not exceed the $50 million dollar price cap. Alternative 1 provides new regional, intermodal connections anchored by the Ridgewood Park-and-Ride and the NJT Secaucus Junction. Serving the Secaucus Junction station provides connections to NJT Pascack Valley Line, Main and Bergen Lines, MontclairBoonton Line, Morris and Essex Lines, Northeast Corridor Line, and North Jersey Coast Line with service to New York City, Hoboken, Newark, Newark Airport, Princeton and Trenton. If agreements can be made, then new park-and-ride facilities may be established at Paramus Park Mall, Fashion Center Mall, Garden State Plaza Mall and Bergen Mall. According to the “first cut” ridership estimates, the segment of the Blue Route with the highest ridership is located between Hackensack and NJT Secaucus Junction. Alternative 1 provides a new, fast, frequent, premium service connecting important retail and employment destinations and other activity centers along the Route 17 Corridor that are not currently well served by the existing transit system. By utilizing parallel and connecting routes, Alternative 1 can provide said service while also effectively bypassing congested sections of Route 17 mainline. The Route 17 corridor is not currently served by rail service connecting it to the greater regional rail network, nor will it ever, given the lack of land available to create such an extensive right-of-way. The proposed Rapid Transit service would provide this missing link (to Secaucus Junction and a number of interfaces with the rail network, as mentioned above), and more efficiently tie Paramus and other regional activity centers into the reach of the transit system. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 22 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Figure 4: Blue Route Initial Operating Segment – Ridgewood Park-and-Ride to NJT Secaucus Junction _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 23 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report C. Initial Operating Segment Cost Estimates Capital costs were developed using the information formulated for the Full System Operating Plan. These inputs were multiplied by unit costs to produce an order-of-magnitude capital cost for the Initial Operating Segment as shown in Table 4. It is assumed that a maintenance facility will be provided by the service provider. All operating assumptions, statistics and unit costs are expected to be further refined during subsequent phases as this project progresses into more detailed studies. Table 4: Initial Operating Segment Capital Costs BRT Component Quantity BRT vehicles 13 $1,200,000 BRT stations Intermodal Transportation Center Transportation Center Park & Ride Station Urban stations 1 1 3 3 11 $332,500 $2,660,000 $2,327,500 $332,500 0 miles 24 $562,500 $18,900 Priority treatments Shoulder bus lane upgrade Traffic pre-emption/priority Costs by Category $15,600,000 Unit Cost $18,952,500 $453,600 Subtotal: Project contingency (30%) $35,006,100 $10,501,830 $45,507,930 Total costs: Annual order of magnitude O&M costs were developed for the Initial Operating Segment, and are shown in Table 5. Table 5: Initial Operating Segment Operating and Maintenance Costs Route Blue Route IOS Annual BRT Vehicle Miles 894,608 Unit Cost $8.81 per vehicle mile Annual O&M Cost $7.9 million A portion of the O&M costs could be offset by farebox and other system revenues (i.e. advertising). 1 This quantity includes the locations where north and southbound trips stop on opposite sides of the street. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 24 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report A successful Initial Operating Segment could provide valuable “proof of concept” and help influence local and Federal support for future phases of this project while simultaneously generating public interest in the BRT as a possible mobility solution for Bergen County. An Initial Operating Segment could also help expand the transit ridership base and serve as a stepping stone to an expanded BRT system for the Route 17 corridor (operational characteristics and cost estimates for the development of this expanded system are included in Appendix D). The Initial Operating Segment concept has been successfully implemented in other cities and areas of the country. In addition, this concept lends itself to the FTA’s Small Starts funding program There are various options for how the proposed BRT service could be operated, including partnering with NJ Transit or seeking private vendors to operate and maintain the new service. Additionally, the County could administer the BRT system and contract out its daily operations by purchasing buses and leasing them to a private operator; this is similar to the framework that Westchester County’s BeeLine service uses. The County could also choose to develop maintenance facilities for the BRT system and include them in the lease package for the private operator _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 25 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report V. ELEMENTS OF THE BERGEN RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM A. Station Design Components and Locations Second only to the vehicle, the station is where customers will spend the most time. As bus rapid transit stations are tangible representations of the BRT system it is critical to develop stations that are attractive, provide shelter and information, and are an asset to the communities and counties that they serve. Four types of stations were proposed for the BRT system, each designed to meet a specific need. In order of magnitude, from the largest to the smallest, the following station types are described below: Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) Transportation Center (TC) Park & Ride Station BRT Urban Station 1. Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) Intermodal Transportation Centers provide connections to other bus services This type of station is the most elaborate BRT station, and is intended to provide intermodal connections to other modes such as commuter rail, light rail, long distance buses, other regional buses, local transit buses and shuttle buses. As allowed, Park & Ride and Kiss & Ride drop-off areas would be provided. When conditions permit, pedestrian and bicycle access is provided. Examples of a proposed Intermodal Transportation Center on the BRT include the NJ Transit Ramsey-Route 17 Station, Essex Street Station, Rutherford Station, the proposed Meadowlands Sports Complex Station, and the Secaucus Junction Station. 2. Transportation Center (TC) This type of station is similar to the Intermodal Transportation Center, except that it does not serve rail modes. The Transportation Center is intended to provide connections to other services such as long distance buses, other regional buses, local transit buses, and shuttle buses. Park & Ride and Kiss & Ride Transportation Centers provide connections to other transit modes _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 26 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report areas would also be provided. Where conditions permit, pedestrian and bicycle access is provided. Examples of Transportation Center stations on the proposed BRT include the Ridgewood Park & Ride, the Hackensack Transit Center, and the major shopping centers along the route, including Paramus Park Mall, Bergen Mall, Garden State Plaza Mall, and the Fashion Center. 3. Park & Ride Station This type of BRT station is intended to primarily serve lower density, automobileoriented land use areas. As the name suggests, Park & Ride and Kiss & Ride facilities would be provided and, where conditions permit, pedestrian and bicycle access would also be provided. Park & Ride Stations serve lower density, automobile-oriented land use areas 4. An example of a Park & Ride Station would be the BRT station proposed for the northern portion of Route 17, such as at Interstate Shopping Center. BRT Urban Station This type of station is intended to primarily serve higher density land use areas where the majority of the BRT customers are expected to walk in or connect from other transit services. An example of a BRT Urban Station would be stations proposed along Prospect Avenue in Hackensack, along Boulevard in Wood-Ridge, or a station serving the Bergen County Regional Medical Center. 5. BRT Station Amenities All BRT stations will feature the same basic amenities for customers such as level (approximately 14 inches above the pavement for low-floor vehicles) that match BRT vehicle floor height and provide no-step, no-gap boarding, route maps and schedules, electronic bus arrival/countdown signs, etc. Urban Stations serve higherdensity areas where most customers arrive on foot or via other transit services. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 27 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report The amenities provided in each station type are shown in Table 6. The type of station for each Blue Route station is identified in Table 7, and the type of station for the Orange Route appears in Table 8. Table 6: BRT Station Amenities Station Amenities Level boarding area Shelters Ticket Vending Machine Benches Electronic bus arrival/countdown sign Route map/Schedule board/BRT information panel Trash receptacle Payphones Station landscaping Public artwork Bicycle rack BRT branding (names, logos, color schemes, design of physical elements & marketing materials) Park & Ride and Kiss & Ride facilities Connections to other bus services (long distance buses, regional buses, local transit buses and shuttle buses) Connections to other rail services (commuter rail & light rail) Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) ● ● ● ● Transportation Center (TC) Park & Ride Station BRT Urban Station ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 28 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BRT Urban Station Park & Ride Station Ramapo College NJT Ramsey - Route 17 station Interstate Shopping Center/Ramsey Square Shopping Center Ridgewood Park & Ride Paramus Park Mall Fashion Center Mall Oradell Avenue Park & Ride Bergen Regional Medical Center Garden State Plaza Mall Bergen Mall Prospect Avenue & Passaic Street Prospect Avenue & Central Avenue Prospect Avenue & Beech Street Hackensack University Medical Center Polifly Road & Essex Street Secaucus Junction Transportation Center (TC) Stop # 1 2 Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) Table 7: Blue Route Stations - Mahwah to Secaucus Junction ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 29 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report 17 18 19 Murray Hill Parkway & Union Avenue Meadowlands Sports Complex (centralized station serving the stadium, Arena and racetrack) Secaucus Junction BRT Urban Station Park & Ride Station Bergen Community College Century Road & College Road Ikea Garden State Plaza Mall Bergen Mall Shops at Riverside Bergen County Vocational School Fairleigh Dickinson University Hackensack Transit Center County Buildings Hackensack University Medical Center Summit Avenue & Pleasantview Avenue Boulevard & Williams Avenue Boulevard & Windsor Road Hackensack Street & Hoboken Road NJT Rutherford train station Transportation Center (TC) Stop # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) Table 8: Orange Route Stations - Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 30 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report B. Transit Priority Feasibility Transit Priority refers to strategies and technologies that give preference to BRT vehicles. Various Transit Priority Options and their applicability to the proposed BRT routes are explored in this section. The options considered are: Traffic Signal Preemption – Signalized intersections where priority to transit vehicles is provided via an advanced green signal or a delayed red signal. Queue Jumpers – Special lanes that allow transit vehicles to cross an intersection, while other vehicles must wait in line at a traffic signal. Designated (Reserved) Arterial Lanes – Designated lanes along an existing arterial street set aside for the operation of transit vehicles only. Designated (Reserved) Vehicle On-ramps – Reserved vehicle on-ramps provide direct access to busways and HOV lanes. 1. Traffic Priority Options a) Traffic Signal Preemption Traffic signal preemption is a method for giving special treatment to transit vehicles at signalized intersections. Since transit vehicles can transport many more people than automobiles, giving priority to transit vehicles can potentially help reduce transit vehicle travel times and encourage transit use. There are two types of traffic signal priorities: passive and active. A passive priority strategy is from King County Transit (Washington) demonstrating how normally deployed on roads with Diagram traffic signal priority for transit vehicles will function. significant BRT use in conjunction with an area-wide traffic signal timing scheme. Timing coordinated signals at the average transit vehicle speeds as opposed to the average automobile speeds can benefit transit vehicles. An active priority strategy involves an intersection being able to detect the arrival of a BRT vehicle, and depending upon the sophistication of the system and the existing traffic situation, give the BRT vehicle special preference. Some special treatment options include giving an early _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 31 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report green signal (i.e. traffic preemption) to the BRT vehicle only, or holding a green signal longer (i.e. extended green) so a transit vehicle can pass through the intersection. Due to the unpredictability of traffic conditions, an active priority system must be able to both detect the presence of a BRT vehicle and predict its arrival time at the intersection. Multiple stops and near-side bus stops can complicate the prediction of intersection arrival times. There are many different options for signal priority logic. Systems that are based on real-time technology can incorporate information on traffic flow, flow coordination, transit vehicles schedule adherence, and prior transit vehicle arrival times. b) Queue Jumpers A queue jumper or queue jump lane is a short stretch of highoccupancy vehicle (HOV) lane that is often combined with traffic signal priority. The purpose of a queue jumper is to enable a BRT vehicle to bypass a waiting traffic queue by providing it with an early green signal, thus allowing it to cut to the front of the line. Often, a special transit vehicle-only signal may need to be installed along the queue jumper rightof-way. A queue jumper can be placed at an entrance to a highway or a busy intersection. This graphic illustrates how queue jumpers will work on Lane Transit District’s (Eugene, Oregon) new BRT project. A queue jumper can also be oriented in various directions. For example, a queue jump lane can be located within a right turnonly lane, which permits straight-through movements for buses only. A queue jump lane can also be installed between right-turn and straight-through lanes. Another application of queue jumpers could be to allow a transit vehicle to cross multiple lanes of traffic to make a left turn immediately after serving a curbside stop. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 32 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report c) Designated (Reserved) Lanes In corridors where the route alignment follows an existing arterial roadway, designated transit lanes can provide BRT vehicles with a fast, reliable alternative to operating in the general (mixed traffic) lanes. On surface streets, a traffic lane can be reserved for the exclusive use of transit vehicles. Exclusive lanes can be located either at the curb, in the median of a roadway or along the shoulder of a highway. d) Example of a curbside transit vehicleonly lane in New York. Exclusive Transit Vehicle On-ramps Exclusive transit vehicle on-ramps allow easier, faster merging onto arterials by providing direct access to busways and HOV lanes. A ramp can be a single lane and reversible to permit operation in the peak direction during the AM and PM peak periods or a two lane facility and therefore operate bi-directional throughout the entire day. C. Benefits of Transit Priority Systems Traffic priority systems provide the following benefits: On highways, the shoulder may be used exclusively by transit vehicles. Reduced Travel Time – Reducing travel times provide excellent “advertising” as BRT vehicles speed by automobiles. This also helps reinforce customer decisions to use transit. Increased Reliability for Passengers – Systems that give transit vehicles priority over general traffic, provide a faster and more reliable ride. As well, customers have increased transportation options by having a choice between driving alone in congestion or bypassing congestion in a transit vehicle. Increased Transit Service Efficiency – Transit priority systems can increase transit service efficiency by the increase in ridership per vehicle-hour and through the decrease in fuel consumption per vehicle-mile. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 33 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report D. Travel-time and Operating Cost Savings – Transit priority systems provides traveltime savings requiring fewer vehicles to provide service resulting in operating cost savings and increased travel reliability. These time and cost savings will vary from system to system based on their physical and operating characteristics. Signalized Intersection Survey Continuing from the surveys conducted for Technical Memorandum 1, additional surveys of signalized intersections were conducted for new route segments to determine whether they have the physical capacity to support the recommended transit priority improvements included in the BRT system. Over 60 intersections were analyzed (18 intersections for the Blue Route; and 43 intersections for the Orange route). The criteria used to assess opportunities for transit priority options included: Number of traffic lanes Curbside parking Space for a queue jumper Adjacent land uses Based on the results of the surveys, it was concluded that installation of queue jumpers would not be feasible at most intersections as they would generally require property takings, which would likely result in negative impacts to residences and businesses on the approaches to these intersections. This is because Bergen County is densely developed, and most of arterial streets are bracketed by built land uses. Detailed information on each intersection along the Blue and Orange Routes (i.e. adjacent land uses, number of lanes) can be found in Appendix B. The only possible candidates for queue jumpers lie along the Orange route in the Hasbrouck Heights and Wood-Ridge CBDs. However, installing the queue jumpers would require removal of parking spaces for approximately 100 feet along the intersection approaches. The information collected during the field surveys is displayed in Appendix B. E. Transit Priority Findings Since queue jumpers do not appear feasible, other transit priority strategies were evaluated for their applicability to the BRT system. Given the high number of signalized intersections along both routes, it is recommended that an active traffic signal priority strategy be implemented. Under this strategy, BRT vehicles are given special treatment (i.e. giving an early green signal to the transit vehicle only, or holding a green signal longer so a transit vehicle can pass through the intersection). A candidate for designated (or reserved) lanes is along Route 4 between Bergen Mall and the Shops at Riverside on the Orange Route. In this segment, 1.5 miles of the highway shoulder may _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 34 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report be used exclusively by BRT vehicles. During peak hours, the level of service along Route 4 is significantly reduced. Running BRT vehicles in the shoulder lanes is a simple, low-cost way to avoid peak period delays. F. OPERATING PLAN 1. Assumptions In developing the operating plan, the following planning and operating principles were used: The Bergen Rapid Transit service seeks to emulate the same features that make light rail transit so highly attractive to new customers. These attractive features include: Offering simple, easy to follow and understand route alignments Providing frequent service throughout the day and evening Easy to remember service intervals (BRT service every 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes) The BRT service should offer new regional, intermodal transfer opportunities such as NJ Transit Ramsey Route 17 station, Ridgewood Park & Ride, Rutherford Station, Essex Street Station, and Secaucus Junction, where new regional connections may be made to local and long-distance bus services as well as commuter rail service. The Bergen Rapid Transit service should capture opportunities to serve new customers by serving intra-county trips and major activity centers such as: Educational institutions (Ramapo College, Bergen Community College and Fairleigh Dickinson University) Retail destinations (Paramus Park Mall, Fashion Center Mall, Garden State Plaza Mall, Bergen Mall, and Shops at Riverside) Community service institutions (Bergen Regional Medical Center, Hackensack University Medical Center, and County Government buildings) Employment destinations (offices along Century Road, University Plaza, and throughout the route) Recreational destinations (Meadowlands Sports Complex) It is proposed that the Bergen Rapid Transit service use an off-vehicle fare collection system such as smart card technology and proof-of-purchase payment. These types of fare collection systems speed customer boarding and delays resulting traditional, single _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 35 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report file, farebox and coin interaction during boarding. As a result, station dwell times are reduced and overall trip times are improved. 2. Operating Hours and Frequency of Service The operating hours and service frequency (headways) of the BRT system would be based on projected ridership demand. However, the following operating parameters were assumed for this preliminary analysis. The BRT system is proposed to operate from 6:00AM to 12 midnight, 7 days a week. During the peak periods (weekdays, 6:00–9:00AM and 4:00–7:00PM), service on each route would operate every 10 minutes. In the off-peak periods, the BRT would operate at 15-minute intervals on each route. 3. Running Times The estimated running times for the Blue and Orange Routes are discussed in the following sections. In developing the estimated running times, station dwell times of 10 and 20 seconds, for smaller and larger stations (based upon expected ridership) respectively, were assumed. a) Blue Route The running time for the 38 mile long Blue Route from Ramapo College at the northern route terminus to Secaucus Junction Station at the southern route terminus is approximately 93 minutes. This route is characterized by a mixture of arterial street operation, express operation over Route 17, suburban and urban operation in the Hackensack area and express operation over I-80 and I-95 to Secaucus Junction Station. In addition to the running time, it is prudent to provide extra time at both ends of each route to allow for driver’s comfort break time and for schedule recovery time (in case of en-route roadway delays or congestion related delays). Without a schedule recovery time, roadway congestion could cut into—or even eliminate—the driver’s comfort break time, thereby reducing the reliability of the BRT service. Given the long lengths of the Blue Route, these two factors are consistent with industry practice. Factoring in both the driver’s break time of approximately 9 minutes and another 9 minutes for schedule recovery time (which can be used for driver’s break time if there is no congestion), the roundtrip Blue Route running time is approximately 204 minutes. b) Orange Route The running time for the 27 mile long Orange Route from Bergen Community College at the northern route terminus to Secaucus Junction Station at the southern route terminus is approximately 83 minutes in the southbound direction and 76 minutes in the northbound _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 36 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report direction. Unlike the Blue Route which has a mixture of express and arterial street operation, the Orange Route is characterized by limited stop running over suburban and urban arterial streets for most of its route. The portion of the Orange Route accessing the Meadowlands Sports Complex and Meadowlands Parkway in Secaucus traverses limited access roads, such as Route 120 and Route 3. The reason there is a 7 minute difference in running time between the southbound and northbound Orange Route running times is due to the fact that the northbound Orange Route accesses Bergen Community College in a more direct routing using Paramus Road, while the southbound Orange Route detours east along West Century Road between Paramus Road and Route 17 to serve various residential and office buildings located along Century Road, and also to serve Ikea. An alternate routing under consideration directs the northbound Orange Route to exit Ikea via Ikea Drive to eastbound Route 4 to northbound Route 17 to Century Road. This routing would eliminate operations along Paramus Road. As with the Blue Route, it is prudent to provide time at both ends of each route to allow for driver’s comfort break time and for schedule recovery time (in case of en-route roadway delays or congestion related delays. Factoring in both the driver’s break time of approximately 8 minutes and another 8 minutes for schedule recovery time (which can be used for driver’s break time if there is no congestion), the roundtrip Orange Route running time is approximately 190 minutes. 4. Ridership Bergen Rapid Transit is specifically designed to offer a viable travel option for intra-county trips. By offering a new, quicker, high-quality transit service with frequent headways this new system could take Bergen County residents and visitors to work, to entertainment, cultural and recreational venues, to medical care facilities, on shopping trips and to the myriad destinations within the County. Bergen Rapid Transit is customized to Bergen County residents and visitors alike by enticing people who currently drive alone from their cars by offering a fast, reliable, and efficient transit service that can offer transit service competitive with the automobile. Table 9 depicts the travel time savings as a result of using Bergen Rapid Transit, as compared to using existing transit services—some which currently require multiple connections to complete the trip. In some cases, such as from Ramapo College to Paramus Park Mall, the time savings are dramatic—with today’s travel time falling from 1 hour 20 minutes to only 34 minutes, a savings of 46 minutes! _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 37 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Table 9: Bergen Rapid Transit Travel Time Savings Today # of Transfers Ramapo College to Paramus Park Mall 1 hr 20 min 2 34 min. 46 min. Ramapo College to Garden State Plaza Mall 1 hr 26 min 3 57 min. 29 min. Secaucus Junction to Bergen Regional Medical Center 1 hr 10 min 1 39 min. 40 min. Secaucus Junction to Hackensack University Medical Center 49 min 1 21 min. 28 min. Fairleigh Dickinson University to Meadowlands Sports Complex 55 min 2 43 min. 12 min. Fairleigh Dickinson University to NJT Secaucus Junction Station 55 min 1 40 min. 15 min. Journey With BRT Time Savings Bergen Rapid Transit is designed to interchange with other existing and proposed rail and bus services, such as NJ Transit’s Main Line, Bergen County Line, Pascack Valley Line rail services, NJ Transit local and express buses as well as various private bus carriers such as Academy, Air Brook Express, Red & Tan, and Short Line. The intent is to foster easy interchanges between different modes and carriers so that customers can take whichever combination of modes and carriers that best suits their needs—whether in terms of preference for speedy travel times, low fares, modal preferences, etc. For example, a faculty member, student or visitor might take the Blue Route from Ramapo College to NJ Transit’s Ramsey Route 17 train station, where they may transfer to NJ Transit’s Main Line trains to travel to a home in Rutherford. Even though this trip could be made by taking the Blue Route and transferring to the Orange Route at Hackensack Medical Center, if good connections (one that minimized waiting times) to the train are made at the Ramsey-Route 17 Station, the Blue Route to the NJ Transit train will offer a faster travel option. If there is a long wait for the next train at Ramsey-Route 17 station, then customers could continue on their journey using the Blue to Orange Route combination described above. Thus, customers will have travel options, and such options helps encourage ridership. To estimate projected Bergen Rapid Transit ridership, STV engaged the services of Urbitran Associates Inc., who in turn obtained permission from NJ Transit to use the NJ Transit Demand Forecasting Model. This is the same model used by NJ Transit to forecast future ridership for various internal capital and operational projects and initiatives under their consideration. As the NJ Transit Demand Forecasting Model is already a proven model with an extensive database of travel demand information and ridership patterns, it is well suited for providing a quick preliminary estimate of BRT ridership. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 38 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Based upon the Urbitran’s running of the NJ Transit Demand Forecasting Model, the first cut ridership results were very favorable and indicated strong ridership, as shown in Table 10. Table 10: First Cut Preliminary BRT Ridership Weekday Peak Blue Route Northbound Blue Route 1,500 750 Southbound Blue Route 2,700 1,300 4,200 2,050 Orange Route Northbound Orange Route 1,800 950 Southbound Orange Route 1,400 700 3,200 1,650 7,400 3,700 Combined Routes Total Daily Ridership % of Peak Ridership to Total Ridership 50% As can be seen, the longer Blue Route is projected to carry 4,200 weekday customer trips while the Orange Route is projected carry 3,200 weekday customer trips, for a combined total of 7,400 weekday customer trips. These projected ridership numbers are indicative of very strong demand. To understand these projected ridership numbers in context, it is important to compare them to ridership on other similar systems throughout the United States. As part of the agreement to use NJ Transit’s Travel Demand Forecast Model, NJ Transit asked for and was provided an opportunity to review the model results and to review the assumptions used. A technical memorandum explaining the methodology and results is contained in Appendix C. NJ Transit modeling staff reviewed the BRT proposal and they agreed with the logic of the two BRT routes, but expressed concerns that: (1) the proposed 10-minute peak period frequency and 15-minute off-peak frequency may be too frequent compared to their services, and (2) certain walk to bus access times within certain model analysis zones (cells) might be understated, which in turn may overestimate ridership at certain BRT stations. They requested that additional modeling analysis and model runs, be performed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 39 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Ridership for other bus rapid transit lines in the United States Las Vegas: 3,880 trips. This system features Civis vehicles which have a light rail-like appearance, a mix of dedicated travel lanes and street running, traffic signal priority treatments, stations with level boarding platforms, and proof-of-payment fare collection. Kansas City: 4,500 trips. This system uses a dedicated lane with traffic signal priority treatments within the downtown core and non-preferential street running outside of the downtown area, new vehicles, upgraded shelters, and on-board fare collection. Los Angeles Orange Line: 18,242 trips. Over 85% of the Orange Line route length is on a newly constructed transit way (converted from a former railway right-of-way; automobiles are excluded), using new NABI vehicles, traffic signal pre-emption, stations with level boarding, and proof-of-payment fare collection with smart card payment options. Ridership for other light rail lines in the United States San Jose Tasman West Line: 3,500 trips. Rail line linking Mountain View with northern San Jose. New Jersey River LINE: 6,100 trips. Diesel rail line linking Trenton and Camden. As can be seen above, carrying over 18,000 weekday trips, Los Angeles’s 14-mile-long Orange Line bus rapid transit system has the greatest number of riders using the above set of examples. However, Los Angeles’s Orange Line also represents a highly capital-intensive investment which includes converting a former railroad right-of-way to a 2-lane exclusive transitway (no automobiles are allowed) with a parallel bikeway/pedestrian path, extensive landscaping, fairly sizeable stations with proof-of-payment, smart card fare collection, artwork, extensive Park & Ride lots and bicycle storage facilities, a fleet of new bus vehicles, and traffic preemption and sound walls in selected locations. The Orange Line also feeds into the Red Line subway at its eastern terminus (where free transfers are provided) and essentially serves as a lower cost extension of the subway. Another comparison is Las Vegas’s 7.5-mile-long MaxRide bus rapid transit which features Civis vehicles, stations with level boarding platforms (convenient for wheelchairs, elderly and those with small children in tow), proof-of-payment fare collection, dedicated travel lanes for 4.5 miles of the 7.5-mile route, and traffic preemption and priority treatments. MaxRide carries almost 3,900 weekday trips. In comparison, the 34-mile-long NJ Transit River LINE, a diesel light rail service between Trenton and Camden, currently carries approximately 6,100 weekday trips. In a presentation to NJ Transit upper management, NJ Transit was enthusiastic about the proposed BRT service and indicated a desire to be a partner to help implement this project. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 40 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report 5. Peak Vehicle Requirements The morning and afternoon peak periods are when the greatest number of Bergen Rapid Transit vehicles will be operating. Thus, Bergen Rapid Transit fleet requirements are dictated by maximum number of vehicles in demand, and that period is during the AM and PM peak periods when the most frequent BRT service is operated. For planning purposes, a 10 minute peak period headway was assumed, which provides very frequent service and enables customers to simply show up at a BRT station without the need to consult a schedule—as may be the case when transit services operate less frequently. Because BRT vehicles, like any other transit vehicle require maintenance, it is prudent to allow for a spare factor. A 15% spare factor allows for scheduled and preventive vehicle maintenance to be undertaken. This spare factor also provides a “cushion” or reserve of BRT vehicles should a BRT vehicle fail while in service and a replacement vehicle is required to take its place. It is important that the appropriate spare factor is used. Too large a spare factor is wasteful, as too many BRT vehicles are sitting idle and are not used. A large fleet also represents a greater outlay not only for vehicle procurement, but also for the larger maintenance facility and staffing required to maintain the larger vehicle fleet. On the other hand, too meager a spare factor, and there are not enough vehicles to cover for unexpected breakdowns or to allow scheduled or preventative maintenance to be performed. A 15% spare factor is appropriate for a fleet of this size and this is consistent with industry benchmarks. The Blue Route requires 22 vehicles to provide service for a 10-minute peak period headway, while the Orange Route requires 19 vehicles to cover the same headways, for a total of 41 vehicles. The 15% spare factor adds another 6 BRT vehicles. Thus, the total BRT fleet required to service both routes requires 47 vehicles. As can be expected, adjusting the peak period headways will also increase or reduce the fleetwide number of vehicles required. For example, converting both the Blue and Orange Routes from a 10-minute peak period headway to a 15 minute peak period headway will result in the following lowered fleet requirements, as shown in Table 11. Table 11: Peak Vehicle Requirements 10-minute peak headways 15-minute peak headways Blue Route 22 15 Orange Route 19 13 6 4 47 32 Route 15% spare factor Total fleet size _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 41 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report 6. Fare Collection Strategies a) Proof of Payment To speed service and to improve customer convenience, a proof-of-payment system using both smart cards and paper tickets is proposed for the Bergen Rapid Transit system. There are specific advantages to using both proof of payment and smart cards in tandem. Today, most traditional bus systems in North America collect fares via a farebox located near the front door. These fareboxes require exact change, may or may not accept dollar bills and do not accept credit or debit cards. This fare collection technique requires each customer to board only through the front door of a vehicle and such a boarding process leads to extended boarding times, which in turn slows travel times. Collectively, the extra time spent at each stop to collect fares multiplied by the number of stops (which are often frequently spaced) leads to a considerable amount of travel time simply spent waiting at stops. By contrast, modern light rail systems almost universally use proof-of-payment fare collection whereby tickets and passes are purchased prior to boarding the vehicle. To ensure fare compliance, random ticket inspections, backed by fines for ticketless travel, take place. Proof of payment has often been erroneously referred to as an “honor” system, but it is the potential for punitive fines that gives customers an incentive to pay their fares. Proof of payment is not a new system, as it has been used in Europe for decades and in the United States since 1981. For motorists, this system is most analogous to paying for on street parking using a parking meter; it is the prospect of parking tickets that deters motorists from not paying. For the BRT system, ticket vending machines would be installed at each BRT station. Customers could also purchase their tickets, passes and smart cards from a variety of other venues including via the Internet, via mail, and from various off sales points that could be established such as convenience stores and large corporate workplaces. For occasional single rides, a paper ticket would be issued, to be retained by the customer for proof of payment, or inspection should a roving ticket inspector check for tickets. For more frequent customers, including multi-ride and monthly customers, payment would be made by using a contactless smart card validated or read by a smart card reader located at BRT stations. Again, roving ticket inspectors using hand held devices would check whether the contactless smart card has been properly validated prior to travel. There are several advantages with using Proof of Payment: Time savings. All fare collection takes place before customers board the BRT vehicle, which means that time consuming fare payment takes place off the vehicle. Exact change is not necessary. Because tickets and passes can be purchased from ticket vending machines at stations, paper currency, coins, credit cards, debit cards and other _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 42 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report stored value media can be used for payment. Ticket vending machines will also provide change as required. Convenience. Customers can board through all doors of the BRT vehicle—not just the front door. Reduces disputes. Fare collection disputes between the vehicle driver and customers are eliminated because the BRT vehicle operator is removed from the fare collection process. Fare enforcement is shifted to Police, security personnel or specially trained staff members. Speeds trip times. BRT vehicle dwell times are dramatically reduced as customers prepay before boarding and board the BRT vehicle through all doors. The time savings for a proof-of-payment system can be seen when one compares fare collection in New York City using the MetroCard system and the Orange Line bus rapid transit system in Los Angeles. In New York, it takes approximately 60 seconds for 14 passengers to pay their fares on a bus using MetroCard, as each passenger must correctly insert their farecard into the bus farebox, wait for the farebox to grab the farecard, process it, and eject the farecard. If someone unfamiliar with the process should board, such as an out-of-town tourist, and incorrectly insert their MetroCard, then the bus boarding process is further slowed as the card is rejected for a second attempt. On the newly opened Orange Line BRT in Los Angeles, the same 14 customers can board the Metroliner buses using any of the three doors in each bus, cutting the boarding time to only 7 seconds. That’s a 53-second savings, or only 12% of the traditional bus boarding time. Because passengers are not funneled by the front door, all doors on the proposed BRT Transit can be built wider to allow for simultaneous streams of passengers to board and alight instead of filing by the farebox in single file. As mentioned above, multiplying faster bus boarding time savings by the number of proposed stops for the BRT yields considerable time savings along the length of each BRT route. b) Smart Cards A second component of the BRT system fare collection strategy is to use “contactless smart cards” to supplement traditional paper tickets and passes. Before smart cards were developed, transit fares were either paid by paper currency, coins, tokens or using PATH’s SmartLink contactless smart card is currently under test. the eventual goal is to have one contactless smart card for fare payment on the Tri-State region’s public transit providers—akin to how E-Z Pass is accepted in 11 states for electronic toll payments. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 43 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report magnetic striped farecards. Contactless smart cards have revolutionized fare collection. They offer a number of exciting advantages: Contactless smart cards do not need to be removed from a wallet or purse. Unlike cash, coins, tokens or magnetic striped cards, contactless smart cards can be read while remaining securely inside a wallet or handbag. This improves customer security and reduces the risk of loss. Smart cards are easier and faster to use. By merely waving the smart card over the reader, a contactless smart card can be read faster and more accurately than a magnetic card. Because it does not need to be inserted into a farebox, paying by contactless smart card can be almost as fast the time it takes to walk by a reader, which would be located at BRT stations. Automatic reloading of value. If linked to a credit card or bank account, smart cards can be automatically reloaded with value once a replenishment threshold is reached (just like a linked E-Z Pass). Daily, weekly or even monthly price capping. Smart cards can be set up to function as a time based pass (with daily, weekly, monthly or even annual durations), or as a pay per ride card—or both via price capping. For smart cards used for pay per ride transactions, the price can be capped to charge no more than the price of a daily, weekly or monthly pass. This offers great flexibility if one’s travel plans should suddenly change during the day. SmartLink card reader installed on a PATH turnstile Smart cards can provide seamless transfers to other transit services. If the same smart card standards are adopted by other transit systems regionally (i.e., NJ Transit, PATH, LIRR, NYCT bus and subways, New York Waterways, etc.), then one smart card could serve as a regional ticket valid for these other connecting services. Using one smart card would replace the need to purchase a separate NJ Transit ticket, a separate subway and bus MetroCard, or a separate ferry ticket. If free transfers or discounted fares were agreed upon by these transit providers, then smart card users would automatically receive such discounts when using their smart card. Just as the consortium of highway, bridge and tunnel providers accept E-Z Pass from Maine to Illinois to Virginia, a regional transit smart card work along similar lines. NJ Transit, PATH and the New York MTA have agreed that a regional smart card system would be highly desirable. PATH is currently testing their SmartLink contactless smart card system among a select group of PATH customers, with an aim towards system wide deployment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 44 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report 7. Pre-Trip Information Systems Pre-trip information systems provide travelers with pertinent information before they begin their trip. Most often, this consists of transit routes, schedules, fares and other useful information related to their trip. Trip planning websites, which allow a potential transit user to plan door-todoor trips using transit are being used extensively in Europe and beginning to be introduced in the United States. Conventional pre-trip information systems, such as automated systems or human operators to assist travelers have been in service for many years. Recent advances in technology have brought newer and more advanced pre-trip information systems. Most systems use computers, often in conjunction with the Internet, which has made it possible for most people to retrieve fast and reliable transit information. Also increasing in popularity is retrieving transit information via a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or via web enabled cell phones. Currently, transit agencies are operating pre-trip information systems to answer information inquires. An Internet Home Page, either linked to the Bergen County website or to the service provider’s website, is convenient method of providing pre-trip information such as route maps, frequency, fares, schedules, schedule updates, transfer information to travelers, news updates. Some websites even feature the ability for users to provide comments. The website may also be used for both promotional and educational purposes, i.e. information on vehicle features and “how to ride.” Most transit agencies, including the Los Angeles MTA Orange Line (above), use the Internet to provide pre-trip information such as schedules and route maps. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 45 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report The interactive website of the York Rapid Transit Corporation features a virtual tour of how to ride their system. This page depicts a “vehicle tour” that presents the customer-friendly features of the vehicle to website visitors. Other pages show how to purchase a ticket from their Ticket Vending Machines. Trip planning websites offer the same information as transit agency websites with an added feature, the ability to plan door-to-door trips via various modes of transportation. Currently, none of the transit providers serving Bergen County offer route maps via the internet. A trip planning website can integrate information regarding the Bergen Rapid Transit system with other existing transit services, providing a “one-stop” intermodal, multi-carrier information source for potential transit users. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 46 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report The German Federal Railroad uses a trip planning software that allows the user to plan a door to door trip using public and intercity transportation. Once the schedule information has been displayed, the user can click on tabs to get information on mobility benefits and environmental benefits. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 47 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report VI. FUNDING SOURCES There are a number of potential funding sources that may be used for the construction and operation of the proposed improvements identified as part of this study. This section provides a general overview of potential funding sources. A. Funding the Initial Operating Segment: FTA Small Starts Program Bergen Rapid Transit will look toward multiple funding sources, including local, State, and public/private funding mechanisms. Federal funding, available in a more competitive basis, may flow most readily through the FTA’s Small Starts funding program. Small Starts is a new Federal Transit Administration (FTA) capital investment program for projects requesting Section 5309 Capital Investment Grant funding of less than $75 million with a total project cost of less than $250 million in year of expenditure dollars. The following is based on the FTA’s Interim Guidance and Instructions for Small Starts projects. Eligibility Any public body is eligible to apply for Small Starts funds, as long as it has the legal, technical and financial capability to carry out the project. If the applicant is not expected to be the operator of the project, the applicant must demonstrate how the project will be operated and maintained and provide an executed agreement before a Project Construction Grant Agreement can be finalized. In addition, a Small Starts project must either (a) meet the definition of a fixed guideway for at least 50% of the project length in the peak period, (b) be a fixed guideway project, or (c) be a corridor-based bus project with the following minimum elements: Substantial transit stations, Traffic signal priority/preemption, Low-floor vehicles or level boarding, Branding for the proposed service, 10 minute peak/15 minute off peak headways or better while operating at least 14 hours per day In addition, Very Small Starts, simple low risk projects that based on their characteristics and the context in which they are proposed to operate, qualify for a highly simplified project evaluation and rating process. Very Small Starts projects must include the features described above, and in addition, must have the following elements: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 48 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Are in corridors with existing riders who will benefit from the proposed project that will exceed 3,000 per weekday, and Have a total capital cost less than $50 million (including all project elements) and less than $3 million per mile, exclusive of rolling stock. Projects that otherwise qualify for New Starts funding may not be subdivided into several Small Starts projects. Projects may be built in phases or a series of minimal operable segments, but all potential Small Starts projects envisioned for a single corridor will be evaluated as a single project. If the combined cost or total requested funding amount is over the Small Starts limits, the projects will be evaluated as traditional New Starts projects. Submission Requirements to Prove Eligibility To prove that the proposed project qualifies as a Small Start project based on project costs, sponsors must submit a detailed cost estimate using the FTA’s Standardized Cost Categories, and document the funding strategy for the project. Sponsors may request up to 80% of the project cost up to $75 million, but are encouraged to request the smallest amount required necessary to complete the project, due to the competitive nature of the program. Planning Requirements The FTA envisions that a simplified Alternatives Analysis process will be possible for Small Starts projects as long as one of the alternatives is not a potential New Starts project (i.e. requesting funding over $75 million with a total cost over $250 million). The measures of mobility that support project justification are based on a comparison between the Small Starts project and a baseline alternative (typically a Transportation Systems Management Alternative, a low-cost improvement providing comparable levels of service as the Small Start project). Evaluation Criteria and Measures Until issuance of the Final Rule, the Small Starts evaluation framework and measures will be consistent with those used to evaluate New Starts projects with some differences. Project cost effectiveness will be rated based on a shorter timeframe, other technically acceptable ridership forecasting procedures other than the traditional “4-step” travel demand model will be allowed with FTA concurrence, the opening estimate for user benefits will be adjusted upwards, and simplified financial and land use reporting requirements. SAEFTEA-LU requires that the FTA consider economic development and the reliability of cost and ridership forecasts in its evaluation of New Starts projects. The measures for these criteria and how they apply to Small Starts projects is the subject of a formal rulemaking. Until issuance of this Final Rule, FTA will consider economic development by evaluating this criterion as an “Other Factor”. Project _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 49 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report sponsors are encourage to provide any documentation that supports the finding that the project will result in economic development benefits. Small Starts projects will have a separate rating for project justification, which will include land use, cost effectiveness and other factors (including economic development). Local Financial Commitment For all Small Starts projects FTA will evaluate the financial capability of the sponsor to construct and operate the proposed investments. To receive a “medium” rating, the project sponsor must demonstrate the following: A reasonable plan to secure funding for the local share of capital funds or sufficient available funds for the local share. The additional operating and maintenance cost to the agency of the proposed Small Starts project is less than 5 percent of the agency’s operating budget. The agency is in reasonably good financial condition. FTA Funding Recommendations FTA may recommend proposed Small Starts projects for funding after they have been approved to enter project development, are “ready” to implement their proposed project and continue to be rated at least “medium” for both project justification and local financial commitment. Projects that meet these conditions may be recommended for funding, based on funding availability. The Initial Operating Segment for the Bergen Rapid Transit system would provide new mobility options for Bergen County residents, workers and visitors via a new high-quality rapid service linking major intra-county destinations. B. Full System Capital Funding Sources Capital costs represent the costs of long-term assets such as transit priority improvements and vehicles. Surface Transportation Program (STP) – STP is a federal funding source used for highway and transit capital and planning activities. Activities include: Construction/rehabilitation of roads and bridges. Transit capital improvements. Car and vanpool projects. Park-and-ride and corridor parking facilities. Bicycle and pedestrian facilities. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 50 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report STP provides the best opportunity for flexing Federal highway funds to pay for transit projects. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) – CMAQ funds may only be used for projects that reduce congestion and/or vehicular emissions. Projects eligible for CMAQ funding include: Transit system capital expansion. Travel demand management strategies and shared ride services. HOV facilities. Pedestrian/bicycle facilities. Automobile inspection and maintenance programs. FTA Section 5307 – This is a federal funding source primarily used to assist in the acquisition, financing, construction, cost-effective leasing, planning and improvement of facilities. FTA Section 5307 funds are also used to purchase or lease equipment for use by mass transportation services in urbanized areas. FTA Section 5309 – This is a federal funding source that provides assistance in three categories: fixed guideway modernization; new and extended fixed guideways under New Starts; and the replacement, rehabilitation, and purchase of buses and related equipment and the construction of bus related facilities. Funds for bus and bus-related facilities are allocated on a discretionary basis. The federal share on projects that use Section 5309 funds has typically been around 50%, with a “local match” required to cover the remainder. Impact Assessment Fees – An impact assessment fee is a new tax or fee (or a rate increase in an old one) levied on development which occurs after the transportation improvement is committed. Transportation Enhancement District – A Transportation Enhancement District (TED) is a new planning mechanism for local governments in New Jersey to address transportation problems at the local level. The TED process establishes a voluntary and cooperative partnership to look at solutions, costs and the sharing of expenses through a long-term comprehensive planning approach. Fees could be assessed on existing traffic generating properties to correct existing transportation problems and on future development to ensure that adequate transportation infrastructure is in place. NJDOT County Aid – County Aid funds are appropriated by the Legislature annually for the improvement of public roads and bridges under county jurisdiction as well as public transportation and other transportation projects. Joint Development – Federal funds may be used for a variety of joint development activities, however the activities must be physically or functionally related to a transit project, and must enhance the effectiveness of the transit project. Under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), the FTA interprets the Capital Program and the federal transit laws to allow such joint development projects under the _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 51 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report Urbanized Area Formula Program and CMAQ Program when these funds are transferred to FTA for a transit project. Similarly, the FTA is also alerting its grantees to the fact that assets previously acquired with FTA funds may be used for such joint development purposes. For example, land now used for station parking and no longer needed for transit purposes may be converted to use in a transit-related development project. General Obligation Bonds – These are securities which are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing state and/or local governments. General Obligation Bonds usually require voter approval. Two types of General Obligation Bonds are typically issued. The first is an unlimited tax general obligation bond that is secured by a tax source that is not limited in rate or amount. The second is a limited tax general obligation bond which is only secured by taxes from specific sources such as a sales, motor fuels, or property tax. C. Operating and Maintenance Funding Sources Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are directly related to the operation and maintenance transportation and streetscape improvements. O&M costs typically include shuttle bus driver wages, fuel, maintenance crew wages and materials, and administrative costs. Flexible Funds for Highway and Transit Flexible Funds - Flexible funds are certain legislatively specified funds that may be used either for transit or highway purposes. This provision was first included in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1999 and was continued with the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. The idea of flexible funds is that a local area can choose to use certain Federal surface transportation funds based on local planning priorities, not on a restrictive definition of program eligibility. Flexible funds include Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Surface Transportation Program funds and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and Federal Transit Administration Urban Formula Funds. Direct Developer Contributions – In addition to providing or contributing to the provision of infrastructure or services necessary to serve a new development, direct developer contributions may be used to fund the operation and maintenance of infrastructure or services. Retail Concessions and Advertising Revenues – Transit agencies lease space to retail companies and independent vendors. At a minimum this involves the lease of excess space to newspaper stands and convenience centers. A more aggressive approach includes the cooperative design and development, or renovation or rehabilitation of station space. Advertising can be an attractive source of revenue for transit agencies. Transit agencies can sell spots for interior and exterior advertisements on buses and trains, as well as for bus shelters, in transit stations, and at transfer points. Adopt a station/street/corridor or station/street/corridor sponsorship – An Adopt-a-Station (or street or corridor) program provides businesses and community groups, an opportunity to _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 52 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report partner with the transit agencies to make rail stations more inviting and attractive. Program work may consist of picking up litter and/or light landscaping and/or planting/caring for flowers, shrubs, small trees and/or other ideas. Fare Revenues – Fare revenue is comprised of the income generated by the provision of transit service. Fare revenue is typically used to fund a portion of a transit system’s operating cost. Job Access Reverse Commute Program – Job Access grants are intended to provide new transit service to assist welfare recipients and other low-income individuals in getting to jobs, training, and child care. Reverse Commute grants are designed to develop transit services to transport workers to suburban job sites. Eligible activities for Job Access grants include capital and operating costs of equipment, facilities, and associated capital maintenance items related to providing access to jobs. Also included are the costs of promoting the use of transit by workers with nontraditional work schedules, promoting the use of transit vouchers, and promoting the use of employer-provided transportation including the transit benefits. For Reverse Commute grants, the following activities are eligible—operating costs, capital costs and other costs associated with reverse commute by bus, train, carpool, vans or other transit service. Additional operating revenue for transportation improvements may be derived from parking ticket revenues and parking meter and parking lot revenues. Parking revenues are used by some transit systems to help fund a portion of their operating costs. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 53 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report VII. CONCLUSIONS The Bergen Rapid Transit (BRT) system is designed to offer a viable, new option for intracounty trips. By offering a rapid, high-quality transit service with frequent headways, this new system could serve a variety of trip purposes for Bergen County residents and visitors including work, entertainment, recreational and shopping trips. The BRT system is intended to offer options to Bergen County residents and visitors by enticing people who currently drive alone out of their cars by offering a reliable, efficient transit service connecting major intra-county destinations. Major Bergen County corridors such as Route 17, Route 3 and Route 4 experience heavy congestion even during the middle of the day. Part of this is due to traffic that originates and ends outside of Bergen County, part due to Bergen County’s population and employment gains over the past few decades. Even so, increasing roadway capacity is not a viable solution because available land is at a premium, highway expansion carries high societal costs and the attendant financial costs are prohibitive. Although the proposed Blue Route will primarily run express along highways and the proposed Orange Route will be more of an urban route, they are designed to interconnect at major stops, thus allowing transfers between them. The BRT system will also interchange with other existing and proposed transit services to foster easy interchanges between modes and carriers so customers can take whichever combination best suits their needs. The BRT system will feature attractive, state-of-the art, modern stations with amenities designed to enhance the experience for customers such as ticket vending machines, electronic bus arrival/countdown signs, and public artwork. Larger stations will also feature Park & Ride and Kiss & Ride facilities. The BRT system is expected to operate seven days a week with 10-minute headways during peak periods and 15 minute headways in the off-peak. Initial “first cut” ridership projections indicate a relatively robust demand for a new transit system – 4,200 daily riders on the Blue Route and 3,200 daily riders on the Orange Route. If the full BRT system is implemented, it would provide the following benefits: New mobility options for Bergen County residents, workers and visitors. A new high-quality rapid service linking major intra-county destinations. A system designed to appeal to non-transit customers. A system designed to serve a variety of trip purposes including work, entertainment, recreational and shopping trips. BRT stations which could be a focal point for Transit Oriented Development. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 54 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report A service which operates seven days per week with more frequent headways than existing transit services. Reduced travel times between many major County destinations. A system flexible enough to grow and evolve as demand increases. Beyond the Initial Operating Segment: FTA New Starts Process Should Bergen County and its partners wish to seek out greater Federal funding for the overall Rapid Transit system – and meet the criteria for Federal Transit Administration New Starts Funding—there are three steps in the process that must be followed: Alternatives Analysis Preliminary Engineering Final Design The requirements for completing each of these three steps as part of a multi-year planning process that could span five or more years, is described below. Alternatives Analysis Project applicants (sponsors) applying for Federal Transit Administration Section 5309 New Starts funding must perform an Alternatives Analysis of mode and alignment options within the corridor(s) in which a project is proposed. In the Alternatives Analysis phase, applicants must provide information on the benefits, costs, ridership, time savings, and impacts of various alternative transportation strategies, leading to the selection of a Locally Preferred Alternative to meet the region’s mobility needs. The Federal Transit Administration will require an objective analysis of a range of transportation alternatives and improvements that may effectively serve the Route 17 corridor. It is during this study phase that detailed ridership projections are undertaken, along with detailed route alignments, operating concepts, operating costs, and construction costs for each promising or feasible study alternative. Project evaluation criteria to determine which alternatives are viable must be developed. During the Alternatives Analysis, a proactive public involvement program is essential, as Federal Transit Administration wants clear evidence of public support for the selected alternative. All potential local funding sources required for the implementation and operation of the proposed investment(s) need to be identified and studied. The Alternatives Analysis phase is considered complete when a Locally Preferred Alternative is selected by local and regional decision-makers and adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization in its financially-constrained metropolitan transportation plan. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 55 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report As Bergen County’s project will compete against a number of other projects seeking federal funding, the Federal Transit Administration will rate each project for cost effectiveness and assign a project rating. Only those projects that receive either a “Highly Recommended” or “Recommended” rating from the Federal Transit Administration will advance to the next step. Preliminary Engineering After the Locally Preferred Alternative is selected, the project applicant must submit to the Federal Transit Administration the New Starts project justification and local financial plan to gain approval to move into the Preliminary Engineering phase. During Preliminary Engineering, the project is refined and improved to meet changing requirements, project costs are more accurately estimated, and project management plans are completed. In addition, requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are addressed at this stage, including the development of strategies to mitigate any environmental impacts. Local funding sources also need to be committed at this stage. The Preliminary Engineering phase is considered complete when Federal Transit Administration issues a Record of Decision or Finding of No Significant Impact. Final Design After completing Preliminary Engineering phase, the project applicant must obtain Federal Transit Administration approval before entering into the Final Design phase of the project. Tasks that must be completed during Final Design include determination of right-of-way acquisition, if required, and development of utility relocation plans, final construction plans, detailed specifications, and construction and operating cost estimates. This phase is complete when the Federal Transit Administration is satisfied with the completed work and signs a Full Funding Grant Agreement with the project sponsor. Following the execution of the Full Funding Grant Agreement and appropriation of funds, project construction can begin. It should be noted that the Full Funding Grant Agreement provides a construction and project budget that must be adhered to. Any cost overruns become the applicant’s responsibility. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated 56 APPENDIX A Technical Memorandum 1 Left blank intentionally APPENDIX B Signalized Intersection Surveys Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-1: Blue Route Signalized Intersections - Mahwah to Secaucus Junction Blue Route (north to south) Intersection Route 202 & Magnolia Rd Ridgewood Ave & Fashion Center Exit Oradell Ave & Pascack Rd Fairview Ave & Ridgewood Ave Fairview Ave & Sweetbriar Fairview Ave & Midland Avenue Fairview Ave & Century Road Fairview Ave & Spring Valley Garden State Plaza Way & Farview Ave # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Street 1 1 (NB) 1+ lf turn (SB) Curbside Parking? Space for Queue Jumper? Street 2 Street 1 Street 2 1 + 1 lf turn (WB) No No 1 + 1 lf turn/thru (EB) 2 (WB) No 2 2 No No No 2 + lt turn (SB) 2 (NB) 2 No No No 2 1 (EB) 2 No NE Corner NW Corner SE Corner Park or vacant Baseball field Tennis courts College building Parking for commercial building Parking for commercial building Parking for Fashion Center mall Vacant land Single family residence Single family residence Commercial Residential Single family residence Bergen Medical Center Paramus Recreation Center Residential Parkland Paramus Recreation Center Woods Gas Station Residential Residential Church Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Columbia Savings Bank Single family residence Commercial (dry cleaner, 711) Commercial (Haircraft) Vacant 1 + rt turn (SB) 2 + rt turn (NB) 2 1 + 2 turn 1 + 2 turn 1 + rt turn (NB) 1 + lf turn (SB) 1 + 1 rt turn (EB) 1 + 1 rt turn (WB) No No Land Uses 1 + rt turn (WB) 1 + 1 lf turn (NB) 2 + 1 rt turn (SB) No No No No No No No No No No No Private Property SW Corner Comments No No No No _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-1 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-1: Blue Route Signalized Intersections - Mahwah to Secaucus Junction Blue Route (north to south) Intersection # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Curbside Parking? Street 1 Street 2 Street 1 Spring Valley Ave & Spring Valley Rd 1 +1 lf turn (EB) 1 +1 lf turn (WB) 1 (NB) 1 + rt turn (SB) No Spring Valley Ave & Maywood Ave 1 +1 lf (EB) 1 + 2 turn (WB) Spring Valley Ave & Summit Ave 1 + 1 lf turn/thru (EB) 1 (WB) Summit Ave & Passaic Ave 1 + 1 lf turn (NB) 1 + 2 turn (SB) lf turn + 1 thru/right (NB) rt turn + 1 lf turn/thru Street 2 Yes on south side apprx. 100' from intersection Space for Queue Jumper? Land Uses NE Corner NW Corner SE Corner SW Corner No Dental office/small office building Office building (vacant?) Single family residence Single family residence No No No Office building Parking lot for Bergen Mall Single family residence Single family residence Yes Yes No Single family residence Single family residence Single family residence Single family residence 1 1 Yes No No Single family residence Single family residence Church Single family residence 1 + lf turn (EB) 1 (WB) 1 No Yes No Single family residence Single family residence Multi-family residence (5 story) Multi-family residence (2 story) 1 2 No No No Vacant Arena Diner Commercial Vacant (former gas station) Passaic St & Prospect Ave 1 1 (NB) 2 (SB) No Yes No 4 story apartment building Medical Arts building Commercial Commercial Polifly Rd & Lodi St 2 1 No No No Multi-family residence (2 story) Single family residence Sunoco gas station Multi-family residence (2 story) South Rd & Seaview Drive 1 2 (WB) No No No Vacant Vacant Vacant Secaucus Junction rail station Passaic St & Prospect Ave Essex St & Polifly Road Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-2 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-2: Orange Route Signalized Intersections - Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction Orange Route (north to south) # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Intersection E. Saddle River Rd & E. Glen Ave Street 1 E. Saddle River Rd & Linwood Ave E. Saddle River Rd & Ridgewood Ave Paramus Rd & Grove St/Midland Ave Paramus Rd & Bergen Community College Paramus Rd/Bergen Community College Main Entrance Curbside Parking? Space for Queue Jumper? Street 2 2 (WB only) Street 1 Street 2 No No No 1 + lf turn 1 + lf turn No No No 1 + lf turn 1 + 2 turn No No No 1 + 2 turn (NB) 2 + lf turn (SB) 1 + 1 turn No No No 1 + 2 turn (NB) 2 (SB) 1 + 2 turn (EB) 1 + 1 turn (WB) No 2 No 2 No No 2 (NB) 2 + rt turn (SB) 2 + lf turn (NB) 2 + lf turn (SB) 2 + 1 turn (EB) 2 + 2 turn (WB) No 1 + 2 turn 1 + 2 turn No No No Paramus Rd & Garden State Plaza Way 2 (NB) 1 + 2 turn (SB) 1 +3 turn (EB) 3 turn (WB) No No No Century Rd & Plaza Country Club office park entrance 2 1 (NB) 2 turn (SB) No No No Paramus Rd & Century Rd Paramus Rd & Red Mill Rd No No Land Uses NE Corner NW Corner SE Corner SW Corner Residential Woods Route 17 Route 17 Residential Residential Residential Residential Commercial Residential Commercial Commercial Residential Residential Residential Residential Paramus H.S... Community College Residential Residential Residential Community College Community College Community College Geo. Washington Mem. Park Saddle River County Park Residential Saddle River County Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commerce Bank GSP overpass Country Club Plaza office park Single family residential Yes No Empty parcel except for GSP Mall sign Office parks (one is vacant/another under construction) Comments Commercial (restaurant) Townhouse residences _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-3 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-2: Orange Route Signalized Intersections - Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction Orange Route (north to south) Intersection # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Street 1 Street 2 Curbside Parking? Street 1 Street 2 NW Corner SE Corner SW Corner No Office (NAPL) Hilcrest Garden Inc. Office (West 80 Century Rd) Office (West 80 Century Rd) No No IBEW Local Union 164 building Office (NAPL) Vacant office (70 W Century) Office (West 80 Century Rd) No No No Columbia Savings Bank Single family residence Commercial (dry cleaner, 711) Commercial (Haircraft) No No No Residential Residential Residential Residential No Dental office/small office building Office building (vacant?) Single family residence Single family residence 2 2 (SB only) No No Century Rd & Essex St 2 1 No 1 + 1 rt turn (EB) 1 + 1 rt turn (WB) 1 + 1 rt turn (NB) 1 + 1 lf turn (SB) 1 + 1 lf turn (NB) 2 + 1 rt turn (SB) 1 + rt turn (WB only) Farview Ave & Spring Valley Ave Land Uses NE Corner Century Rd & College Rd Garden State Plaza Way & Farview Ave Space for Queue Jumper? Spring Valley Ave & Spring Valley Rd 1 +1 lf turn (EB) 1 +1 lf turn (WB) 1 (NB) 1 + rt turn (SB) No Yes on south side apprx. 100' from intersection Spring Valley Ave & Maywood Ave 1 +1 lf (EB) 1 + 2 turn (WB) 1 + 1 lf turn (NB) 1 + 2 turn (SB) No No No Office building Parking lot for Bergen Mall Single family residence Single family residence Hackensack Ave & Shops at Riverside entrance 3 + rt turn (NB) 2 (SB) 1 + 2 turn (WB only) No No Yes NB only Best Western Hotel Continental Plaza office building Shops at Riverside n/a Hackensack Ave & Terehune Pl 2 (NB) 2 + 2 turn (SB) 2 No No No Burger King Dunkin Donuts Commerce bank Firestone River St & E. Anderson St 2 + 2 turn (NB) 3 (SB) 2 + 1 turn (EB) 2 + 2 turn (WB) No Johnson Park Sears and Roebuck Driver thru oil change & lube Enterprise rental car/2 story multifamily residence No No Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-4 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-2: Orange Route Signalized Intersections - Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction Orange Route (north to south) Intersection River St & Passaic St # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Street 1 2 Street 2 Curbside Parking? Street 1 Street 2 Space for Queue Jumper? Land Uses NE Corner NW Corner SE Corner SW Corner YMCA Good Year McDonalds 2 turn (EB) No No No White Mamma hamburger Yes, on River St No Toyota dealer Tennis Court Toyota dealer parking lot Office parking lot River St & Camden 2 1 Yes, on north side of Camden River St & Court St 2 + rt turn (NB) 2 (SB) 2 (EB only) 1 (WB) No No No 2 story office (60 Court Street) Single family residence Pep Boys County parking lot 2+2 turn (NB) 2 + 1 rt turn (SB) 1 + lf turn (EB) 1+2 turn (WB) 1 + 2 turn (EB) 1 + lf turn (WB) No No No Costco parking lot One Bergen County Plaza parking garage County parking lot Junkyard 2 No No No One Bergen County Plaza 77 Hudson 2 story commercial One story office building n/a River St & Kansas St Kansas St & Hudson St Essex St & South State Street 2 lf turn + 2 rt turn (NB) 2 + lf turn (SB) No No No 4 story office (Court Plaza) 2 story retail Pizza Hut 75 Essex - 4 story commercial Essex St & Main St/S. Newman St 2 1 No No No Eastern Service Center Bergen Fire Equipment Company McDonalds 2 story mixed use building (commercial/residential) Essex St & Polifly St 2 + rt turn (NB) 2 (SB) 2 No No Yes on Essex; No on Polifly Vacant lot: public housing Arena Diner Vacant (former gas station) Rite Aid Essex St & Prospect St 1 1 (NB) 2 (SB) No Yes, on Prospect Ave No 4 story apartment building Medical Arts building Commercial Commercial Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-5 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-2: Orange Route Signalized Intersections - Bergen Community College to Secaucus Junction Orange Route (north to south) Intersection # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Street 1 Street 2 Summit Ave & Pleasantview Ave 2 + lf turn (NB) 2 (SB) Summit Ave & Baldwin Ave Blvd & Union St/Williams Ave Curbside Parking? Street 1 Street 2 1 (EB) 1 + lf turn (EB) No No 1 + lf turn (NB) 1 + lf turn (SB) 1 No 1 + turn lane 1 + turn lane No - SB Yes - NB Space for Queue Jumper? Land Uses NE Corner NW Corner SE Corner SW Corner Comments No Commercial Pleasantview Auto Service Washington Mutual bank Commercial No No SF Residential SF Residential No No MXD Dunkin' Donuts BP Gas Station Multi-Family w/ groundfloor retail Yes SF Residential Hasbrouck Heights Middle School and High School Medical Offices Office Room for queue jumper if parking taken away Yes Church Office MXD MXD Room for queue jumper if parking taken away Boulevard & LaSalle Ave 1 1 Yes Boulevard & Kipp Ave 1 1 Yes Boulevard & Franklin Ave 1 1 Yes Yes Yes MXD MXD MXD MXD Room for queue jumper if parking taken away Boulevard & Raymond St 1 1 Yes Yes Yes Bank of America Commercial SF Residential SF Residential Room for queue jumper if parking taken away Valley Blvd & Windsor Rd 1 1 Yes Yes Yes Commercial Commercial Commercial MXD Room for queue jumper if parking taken away Valley Blvd & Highland Ave 1 1 Yes No Park SF Residential Multi-Family MXD Multi-Family Room for queue jumper if parking taken away Yes _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-6 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix B Table B-2: Orange Route Signalized Intersections - Bergen Community College (Ridgewood Park & Ride) to Secaucus Junction Orange Route (north to south) # of Traffic Lanes in Each Direction Curbside Parking? Street 1 Street 2 Street 1 Street 2 Hackensack St & Hoboken Rd 1 1 Yes No Hackensack St & Paterson Av/Paterson Plank Rd 1 1 No Hackensack St & Union Ave 1 (NB) 1 + lf turn (SB) 1 + turn lane (EB) 2 turn lanes (WB) Union Ave & Route 17 2 + rt turn (EB) 2 thru/turn + lf turn (WB) Murray Hill Parkway & Route 120 South Rd & Seaview Drive Space for Queue Jumper? Land Uses NE Corner NW Corner SE Corner SW Corner Yes SF Residential Medical Offices Church Park/playground No No Bank of NY Candlewyck Diner MXD Diner parking lot No No No Commercial building parking lot Park Baseball field Commercial 4 No No No Park Industrial building parking lot Industrial building parking lot Football Stadium 2 (NB) 1 (SB) 2 + turn lane (EB) 2 (WB) No No No Vacant Restaurant grass area of highway interchange Industrial building 1 2 (WB) No No No Vacant Vacant Vacant Secaucus Junction rail station Comments Room for queue jumper if parking taken away, but bus turns west onto Hoboken Rd at this intersection _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated B-7 APPENDIX C Year 2015 Demand Forecasting Using NJTDFM Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C Introduction This report describes the methodology used to forecast the future (2015) demand for the proposed Bergen Rapid Transit (BRT) system using NJTDFM, New Jersey Transit’s Demand Forecasting Model. The planned BRT service would consist of two routes, one running between Ramapo College, in Mahwah and, NJT’s Secaucus Junction rail station, and the other running between Bergen County Community College, in Paramus and, NJT’s Secaucus Junction rail station. BRT is proposed to run 7 days a week. On weekdays, service would be offered between 5:30 AM to 11:30 PM. During Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the hours of service would be 6 AM to midnight. Service on each route would be provided every 10 minutes during the peak periods (weekdays, 6 AM–9 AM and 4 PM–7 PM), and every 15 minutes during the off-peak periods. However, depending on the ridership levels, adjustments to this operating plan might be required. The next section provides a brief overview of the NJTDFM. This is followed by a description of how the proposed BRT routes were represented in the model. Main results and discussions are given in the last section. An addendum to this report summarizes comments received from NJ Transit’s technical staff at a meeting held on June 5, 2006. Overview of the NJT Model (NJTDFM) The NJTDFM was designed and developed to forecast the demand for transit travel within northern New Jersey and between northern New Jersey and adjacent portions of New York and Pennsylvania. The model includes an extensive study area (37 counties) and a detailed zone system (2053 zones). The latest version of the model, Version D, was used for the current analysis. The NJTDFM is a modified 4-step model in which Steps 1 and 2 (Trip Generation and Distribution) are replaced by a process that develops the person trip table from survey and model-derived data. This person trip table includes estimates of the total number of trips for each zone-to-zone combination in the modeling area. The model generates separate tables for peak and off-peak periods, and for four trip purposes – home-based work, home-based shop, home-based other, and non-home based. Step 3, Mode Choice, estimates the share of travel occurring on each mode for each zoneto-zone combination in each trip table. The modes considered in the model are commuter rail, long distance ferry (exceeding 25 minutes), PATH, NYC subway, Newark subway, local bus, express bus, park-and-ride bus, ferry, LRT, and auto. For the transit modes, the choice of access mode (walk vs. drive) is also considered. ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-1 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C In Step 4, Assignment, the zone-to-zone transit person-trips and highway vehicle-trips are assigned to paths consistent with the travel modes determined in the mode choice. Trips for each transit mode are all assigned to the best path established for that mode. Assignment uses network representations of the highway and transit networks. A complementary network analysis process reads these same networks prior to mode choice to develop level-of-service (also known as skim) matrices (e.g., time and cost) to characterize each mode for each zone-to-zone combination. (NJT, 2005). Table 1 below summarizes some specifications of the NJTDFM related to transit path building and assignment. Table 1. Summary of NJTDFM Specifications Time Periods Weekday Peak (6:00 AM-10:00 AM or 3:30 PM-7:30 PM) Weekday Off-Peak (all other times) Trip Purposes Home-based work (HBW) Home-based shop (HBS) Home-based other (HBO) Non-home-based (NHB) Fare System Distance based, for each transit mode Walk Access Distances Maximum Walking Distance Assumes an average walking speed of 3 mph 1.25 miles for commuter rail 1 mile for all other transit modes Transfer Penalty 5.3 minutes for the 1st transfer 6.9 minutes for the 2nd transfer 7.6 minutes for the 3rd transfer 8.2 minutes for the 4th transfer 8.6 minutes for the 5th transfer Initial Wait Factor 2 for commuter rail 1.5 for all other transit modes Transfer Wait Factor 2 for commuter rail 1.5 for all other transit modes Maximum Impedance 120 minutes Representation of the Proposed Bergen Rapid Transit Service in the NJTDFM Based on the route descriptions and operating plan obtained from STV Group on April 7, 2006, the proposed BRT system (Blue route and Orange route) was added to the year 2015 transit network provided by NJT. The process of adding the BRT system to the ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-2 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C network involved adding three additional transit lines (two one-way lines were used to represent the Orange route), as well as adding a few links to the highway network as needed to allow the BRT routes to be properly represented. BRT was coded in the model as Mode 5 (“Local Bus”), the mode used in the NJTDFM to represent roadway-based transit routes that operate within New Jersey. A 10-minute peak period headway and 15-minute off-peak period headway were assumed. In order to avoid extensive modifications to the highway network, a few minor simplifications were applied to the proposed BRT routes. As the NJTDFM zone system is not extremely detailed, in no case was it expected that these simplifications would significantly change the model model-estimated patronage. The simplifications that were applied to the Blue Route are as follows: 1. (Refer to Figure 1) In the vicinity of the Paramus Park and Fashion Center Malls, the NJTDFM highway network includes only Route 17, the Garden State Parkway (GSP), Ridgewood Avenue, and Midland Avenue. Rather than add all of the additional roadways in between Route 17 and the GSP that would be used by the BRT to access the malls, it was decided to have the route follow Ridgewood Avenue from Route 17 to the GSP, with a station located at a new node (Node 21921) about 40 percent of the way from Route 17 to the GSP. In the NJTDFM, there is a single zone (Zone 109) representing the portion of Paramus that contains the two malls. A new 0.25-mile connector from the centroid of this zone to the station node was added. Thus, the model assumes that the average walking time from the station to any location in this zone is 5 minutes. 2. The portion of the route along Prospect Avenue in Hackensack was assumed to run along Summit Avenue (one block west), which is in the NJTDFM highway network (whereas Prospect Avenue is not). This should not have a significant impact on model-estimated usage of the route. ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-3 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C 21921 109 Proposed Modeled Zone Centroid Node representing the BRT stations for the malls Figure 1. Blue Route near Paramus Park Mall The simplifications that were applied to the southbound Orange Route are as follows: 1. (Refer to Figure 2) In the vicinity of Hackensack Transit Center, the NJTDFM highway network includes River Street, Court Street, and Hudson Street, but does not include Camden Street, Moore Street, and Kansas Street that would also be used by the BRT to make the proposed route maneuvers to serve the Hackensack Transit Center and the County buildings. Rather than add all of these additional roadways, it was decided to have the route follow River Street south to Court Street, and then continue west on Essex Street directly. This should not have a significant impact on model-estimated usage of the route, since the proposed stations can very well be served with this latter route configuration. ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-4 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C 2. North Avenue in Wood-Ridge is not in the NJTDFM highway network. Therefore, the route was coded as continuing south on Fourth Street and Monroe Street (in Carlstadt) to Hoboken Road, and then east on Hoboken Road to Hackensack Street. This simplification does not affect the location of either the Valley Boulevard and Windsor Street station in Wood-Ridge or the Hackensack Street and Hoboken Road station (on the border between Carlstadt and East Rutherford). 3. (Refer to Figure 3) In the vicinity of NJT’s Secaucus Junction Rail Station, the NJTDFM highway network includes Secaucus Road and County Avenue, but does not include Seaview Avenue and Castle Road that would be used by the BRT to make the proposed route maneuvers to reach its final station near NJT’s Secaucus Junction rail station. Rather than add these additional roadways, it was decided to have the Proposed Modeled Hackensack Transit Center County Buildings Figure 2. Orange Route near Hackensack Transit Center ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-5 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C route follow Secaucus Road to County Avenue, and then continue south on County Avenue. In addition to the modifications and simplifications considered for the transit route representation, some assumptions were also used in the model to properly account for the potential time savings attributable to the improved vehicle and station design, and operational characteristics of the BRT system, over the traditional buses, namely: Proof of payment/off-board fare collection to permit all door boarding Low-floor bus design Level boarding platforms Provision of real time message signs Use of smart cards Traffic preemption at signalized intersections Exclusive lanes Proposed Modeled Secaucus Junction Rail Station Figure 3. Orange Route near NJT’s Secaucus Junction Rail Station ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-6 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C It has been shown in the previous studies (e.g. Levine, 1994; FTA, 2004) in the literature that, as well as the quantitative benefits in terms of time savings, such improved characteristics of the bus rapid transit systems also produce qualitative benefits in terms of serving the population of transit passengers with disabilities, improving the reliability of fare collection and the recording of boarding data, to name a few. In the model, a multiplicative time factor was incorporated in the transit line file to account for all these aforementioned time-saving components collectively. The magnitude of this factor was determined based on the results of the analysis carried out by the STV Group, which relied on several assumptions given below: For traditional bus boarding, a 30-second dwell time was assumed for all stations BRT stops at each BRT station en route 15 seconds of travel time savings will accrue at each signalized intersection due to traffic preemption 50% of the traffic lights will be red when the BRT vehicle arrives at the intersection South Road and Seaview Drive intersection (ramp to Secaucus Junction station bus transfer center) is included in the southbound Blue Line and northbound Orange Line. Because of the unique characteristics of this intersection, a red light controls turning movements in and out of the station. With preemption, it is assumed that 75 seconds of travel time savings will accrue The Orange Line will utilize the shoulder of Route 4 for about 1.5 miles between the intersections for Riverside Square Mall and Bergen Mall, resulting in 60 seconds of travel time savings. Based on these assumptions, total time savings as calculated by the STV Group compared to the operation of a traditional local (or limited stop) bus with front door loading, fare-box fare collection, high-floor bus design, and no bus priority on the streets, are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Total Time Savings for the BRT System Travel Time Savings (sec) Dwell Time Savings Total Time Total Time (sec) Preemption On-Shoulder Operation Savings (sec) Savings (min) Blue Route SB 190 203 0 393 6.6 Blue Route NB 190 128 0 318 5.3 Orange Route SB 250 323 60 633 10.6 Orange Route NB 250 405 60 715 11.9 Transit Line The model results without taking into consideration any of these time savings indicated that the total runtime on the Blue route is 84.6 minutes, on the southbound Orange route it is 101.8 minutes, and on the northbound Orange route it is 103.3 minutes. Using these values along with the total time savings estimated by the STV Group as shown in Table 2, the time factor to be used in the model was determined as 0.92 (resulting in an 8% ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-7 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C reduction in running time) for the Blue route, and as 0.89 (resulting in an 11% reduction in running time) for the Orange Route. Results and Discussion Using the NJTDFM, NJ Transit’s Demand Forecasting Model, two runs were performed to forecast the year 2015 transit demand for the proposed BRT system. The first run did not take into consideration the travel time savings mentioned in the previous section, whereas the second run incorporated those savings. In this section, results from each model run are presented and a discussion of results on a comparative basis is provided. The results pertaining to the number of linked trips by trip purpose and time period for the bus mode only (express, local, and park-and-ride buses) are given in Table 3, for the two model runs. As can be seen, majority of the trips taken by bus were work trips. Incorporating the potential time savings in the model resulted in a slight increase in the overall bus trips both in peak and off-peak periods. Table 3. Linked Trips Trip Model without Time Savings Model with Time Savings Purpose Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Home-Based Work 366,006 124,217 365,968 124,207 Home-Based Shopping 5,730 10,783 5,733 10,780 Home-Based Other 39,147 56,209 39,156 56,223 Non Home-Based 29,733 30,499 29,763 30,521 TOTAL 440,616 221,708 440,620 221,731 The model also reports line-level results of running time, distance and boardings for each transit line. A portion of these results are given in Tables 4 and 5 for the BRT system only, for the two model runs. For the model without the time savings, after filtering out the lines with zero boardings and the lines terminating at Port Authority Bus Terminal in NY, the overall average boardings per mile was calculated as 84, and the median was determined to be 29. Given these statistics, the “per mile boarding” results obtained for the BRT system routes given in Table 4 seem to be within reasonable ranges. Similarly, for the model with the time savings, after filtering out the lines with zero boardings and the lines terminating at Port Authority Bus Terminal in NY, the overall average boardings per mile was calculated as 84, and the median was found to be 29. Given these statistics, the “per mile boarding” results obtained for the BRT system routes given in Table 5 are also within reasonable ranges. ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-8 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C Table 4. Line-Level Results for the Model without Time Savings Peak Dist Time Speed Off-Peak Boardings Dist Time Speed Daily Boardings Boardings Line (miles) (min) (mph) A->B B->A Total (miles) (min) (mph) A->B B->A Total A->B B->A Total BRT Blue 31.7 84.6 22 1087 653 1740 31.7 72.5 26 1246 735 1981 2333 1388 3721 Per Mile 58.69 BRT Orange (NB) 21.9 103.3 13 800 0 800 21.9 90.7 14 746 0 746 1546 0 1546 70.59 BRT Orange (SB) 22.3 101.8 13 610 0 610 22.3 89.5 15 576 0 576 1186 0 1186 53.18 Table 5. Line-Level Results for the Model with Time Savings Peak Dist Time Speed Off-Peak Boardings Dist Time Speed Daily Boardings Boardings Line (miles) (min) (mph) A->B B->A Total (miles) (min) (mph) A->B B->A Total A->B B->A Total BRT Blue (NB) 31.7 79.1 24 743 0 743 31.7 67.7 28 793 0 793 1536 0 1536 48.45 BRT Blue (SB) 31.7 77.8 24 1302 0 1302 31.7 66.7 29 1384 0 1384 2686 0 2686 84.73 BRT Orange (NB) 21.9 92 14 938 0 938 21.9 80.7 16 880 0 880 1818 0 1818 83.01 BRT Orange (SB) 22.3 90.6 15 713 0 713 22.3 79.7 17 705 0 705 1418 0 1418 63.59 Using the results reported in Tables 4 and 5, we can calculate the percent increase in daily boardings in response to the time savings considered, and hence estimate the elasticity of demand, , as follows: = (% ChangeinBoardings / %Time Savings) For the Blue route; = (13.5% / -8%) = -1.69 For the Orange route; = (18.5% / -11%) = -1.68 These results indicate that both routes exhibit an elastic behavior with respect to the changes in travel and dwell times. Finally, the total trips on the BRT system by access type are given in Tables 6 and 7, for the two models. As can be seen in both tables, the model predicts that the majority of the passengers access the BRT system by walking. This is typical of Mode 5 routes in the NJTDFM. Table 6. Trips by Access Type for the Model without Time Savings Peak Off-Peak Drive Access Walk Access Total Drive Access Walk Access Total Line Board Alight Board Alight Board Board Alight Board Alight Board BRT Blue 271 272 1,469 1,468 1,740 165 163 1,816 1,813 1,981 800 746 BRT Orange NB 26 27 774 773 5 4 741 741 610 576 BRT Orange SB 20 20 590 590 5 6 571 570 ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-9 Per Mile Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C Table 7. Trips by Access Type for the Model with Time Savings Peak Off-Peak Drive Access Walk Access Total Drive Access Walk Access Total Line Board Alight Board Alight Board Board Alight Board Alight Board 743 793 BRT Blue NB 203 203 540 539 92 91 701 702 BRT Blue SB 93 93 1,209 1,207 1,302 81 81 1,303 1,304 1,384 938 880 BRT Orange NB 36 36 902 900 7 8 873 870 713 705 BRT Orange SB 25 24 688 688 7 9 698 697 References New Jersey Transit. (2005). “Access to the Region’s Core New Jersey Transit Demand Forecasting Model for Base Year 2000 – Version D”, October 21, 2005. STV Group. (2006). “Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study-Technical Memorandum 2” March, 2006. ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-10 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix C ADDENDUM Comments Received from NJ Transit Technical Staff at June 5, 2006 Meeting Urbitran and STV staff met with Tom Marchwinski, NJT’s Director of Transportation Modeling and Air Quality, and Terrence Sobers, Manager of Research and Forecasting, both of NJ Transit’s Business Planning unit. This meeting took place on June 5, 2006 at NJ Transit headquarters in Newark. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the methodology used by Urbitran to generate demand forecasts for the proposed Bergen Rapid Transit system, as described in the body of this report. At this meeting, Misters Marchwinski and Sobers made the following comments: A 10-minute headway during peak periods and 15 minutes during off-peak periods are unusual for intra-New Jersey bus routes. They suggested that more “normal” service frequencies would be at least 15 minutes during peak periods and 30 minutes during offpeak periods. The running time for the Blue Route does not currently reflect the time that it would take the BRT vehicle to circulate to, around, and from the Paramus Park Mall. The normal NJTDFM assumption of a 5-minute walk time on a zone centroid may not be applicable for estimating average walk-access time for a limited-stop system such as the proposed BRT. This would need to be looked at on a station-by-station basis. The coding of the Ridgewood Park-and-Ride station should be checked to ensure that walk access to this station is properly represented. In addition, Misters Marchwinski and Sobers pointed out that, according to the model, the BRT is drawing some riders away from the Pascack Valley Line between Hackensack and Secaucus. Also, all meeting participants agreed that there are some questions regarding the fare structure for the BRT, and the policy regarding charges for transfers between the BRT and regular NJT bus service that need to be worked out. It has been agreed for now among the project team that these comments and issues would be addressed in a later stage of the BRT planning process. ______________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated C-11 APPENDIX D Full System Capital and O&M Costs Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix D COSTING THE FULL SYSTEM There are various options for how the proposed BRT service could be operated, including partnering with NJ Transit or seeking private vendors to operate and maintain the new service. Additionally, the County could administer the BRT system and contract out its daily operations by purchasing buses and leasing them to a private operator; this is similar to the framework that Westchester County’s BeeLine service uses. The County could also choose to develop maintenance facilities for the BRT system and include them in the lease package for the private operator. Capital Costs Capital costs were developed using the information formulated in Section F Operating Plan. These inputs were multiplied by unit costs to produce an order-of-magnitude capital cost for the Bergen BRT system, which are shown in the following tables. Table D-1 shows the capital costs for the Full BRT System assuming a maintenance facility for the BRT vehicles will be developed. Table D-2 illustrates the capital costs for the Full BRT System without a maintenance facility. Depending on the operator selected for the Bergen BRT system, a new maintenance facility may not be necessary if the operator currently runs a transit service in Bergen County. In that case, the BRT vehicles could be serviced at an existing facility that would likely require a relatively minor addition to accommodate them. The unit costs for BRT vehicles, stations and system elements were derived from the Federal Transit Administration’s Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making (August 2004) and the Nassau Hub Major Investment Study (December 2005). Due to the conceptual level of detail for the proposed BRT system, a 30% unallocated contingency cost has been added. All operating assumptions, statistics and unit costs are expected to be further refined during subsequent phases as this project progresses into more detailed studies. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated D-1 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix D Table D-1: Full BRT System Capital Costs BRT Component BRT vehicles BRT maintenance facility BRT stations Intermodal Transportation Center Transportation Center Park & Ride Station Urban stations 2 Priority treatments Shoulder bus lane upgrade Traffic pre-emption/priority 47 $1,200,000 Costs by Category $56,400,000 1 $23,095,800 $23,095,800 4 3 5 30 $332,500 $2,660,000 $2,327,500 $332,500 3 miles 61 $562,500 $18,900 Quantity Unit Cost $30,922,500 $2,840,400 Subtotal: Project contingency (30%) $113,258,700 $33,977,610 $147,236,310 Total costs: Table D-2: Full BRT System Capital Costs without Maintenance Facility BRT component Unit Cost BRT vehicles 47 $1,200,000 BRT stations Intermodal Transportation Center Transportation Center Park & Ride Station Urban stations1 4 3 5 30 $332,500 $2,660,000 $2,327,500 $332,500 3 miles 61 $562,500 $18,900 Priority treatments Shoulder bus lane upgrade Traffic pre-emption/priority Subtotal: Project contingency (30%) Total costs: 2 Quantity Costs by Category $56,400,000 $30,922,500 $2,840,400 $90,162,900 $27,048,870 $117,211,770 This quantity includes the locations where north and southbound trips stop on opposite sides of the street. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated D-2 Route 17 Bergen Rapid Transit Study Final Report: Appendix D Operating and Maintenance Costs Annual order of magnitude O&M costs were developed for the BRT system, and are shown in Table D-3. Table D-3: Full BRT System Operating and Maintenance Costs Route Blue Route Orange Route Total Annual BRT Vehicle Miles 2,308,234 1,222,749 3,530,983 Unit Cost $8.81 per vehicle mile $8.81 per vehicle mile Annual O&M Cost $20.3 million $10.8 million $31.1 million A portion of the O&M costs could be offset by farebox and other system revenues (i.e. advertising). _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STV Incorporated D-3