TKAM 12-16 SG - Merrillville Community School

To Kill a Mockingbird
By: Harper Lee
Chapter 12
1. When Jem no longer wants to play with Scout, who offers her company?
2. Summer comes but what does not happen that Scout is expecting?
3. Why can’t Calpurnia take Jem and Scout to their own church?
4. How does she solve this problem?
5. Who objects to Jem and Scout’s presence at church?
6. Of what is Tom Robinson accused?
7. Who is waiting for the children when they return home?
Chapter 13
1. What lie does Scout tell Atticus?
2. What makes a family “fine” according to Alexandra?
3. What does Jem say in response to this?
4. What is a “caste”?
5. Alexandra is obsessed with family and how it defines a person. Do you
think your family history helps define who you are as a person? Why or
why not?
Chapter 14
1. Who says Scout cannot go visit Calpurnia at her home?
2. Why do Scout an Jem fight in this chapter?
3. Why is the fight so important to Scout?
4. What does Scout think is under her bed?
5. What is actually under Scout’s bed?
6. Why is Dill unhappy at home?
7. What does Dill think will make he and Scout’s life better?
8. Why does Dill suggest Boo Radley never ran away from home?
Chapter 15
1. What is Sheriff Heck Tate worried about at the beginning of this chapter?
2. Mr. Link Deas suggests that Atticus has “everything to lose” from the Tom
Robinson case. What does he mean?
3. According to Atticus, why did the Klu Klux Klan in Maycomb disappear?
What does he say about its future?
4. What does Atticus do that’s strange late in the evening?
5. The children head downtown to see what Atticus is up to. Where is
Atticus when they find him?
6. Why have some of the Cunninghams come into town this night?
7. Summarize the events leading to the departure of the mob.
Chapter 16
1. What does Atticus say that Aunt Alexandra disapproves of?
2. What advice does she give Atticus concerning what he said?
3. How does Atticus respond?
4. According to Atticus, what did the children do to Walter Cunningham that
stopped him the night before?
5. What instructions does Atticus give the children before he departs for
6. According to Jem, why does Mr. Dolphus Raymond drink out of a sack?
7. Aside from his drinking habits, what is unique about Mr. Raymond?
8. What does Jem say about Mr. Raymond’s children and the obstacles they
9. Where and with whom do the children sit in the court house?