UTSA Libraries Annual Fund Campaign

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sample,
Anyone who says libraries are a thing of the past needs to pay a visit to the
John Peace Library at UTSA. From morning to night, the place is abuzz with
energy and a constant flow of students utilizing the Library’s many services
and resources. As the intellectual heart of our campus, I think you’ll agree
that UTSA’s students deserve the same caliber library found at the nation’s
other major public research universities. It’s for this very reason that I write
to you today. With your gift, you can help us ensure that the Library remains
useful and relevant for today’s students.
UTSA plays an important role as a
custodian of our region’s history,
culture, art and literature.
Library spaces are changing, and the John Peace Library on UTSA’s Main
Campus is no exception. The building—practically untouched since its
opening day in 1976—has served thousands of students over the decades,
but what was sufficient then is no longer serving the needs of our growing
student body now. As a university of 29,000+ students, UTSA needs a library
for the 21st century and beyond, with state-of-the-art services, resources and
technology to support learning in a digital age. Just recently, an Information
Commons with 125 computer workstations and a Laptop Lounge were added
as part of a renovation of the second floor that also included new furniture and
But these changes are just the beginning. While transforming our space for
the future is important, it is just as critical to collect, preserve and digitize
primary resources for use by students, scholars and researchers from around
the world. Your gift will help us to build distinctive collections of national
interest, simultaneously elevating UTSA’s academic reputation and preserving
San Antonio’s legacies for generations to come. Indeed, a region with a
cultural history as rich as ours deserves significant attention and thoughtful
The Special Collections of the
UTSA Libraries is a growing treasure
trove of maps, diaries, newspapers,
architectural drawings, records
of community organizations and
other unique historical materials
documenting the history of San
Antonio and South Texas.
Collection highlights include 16th
century Mexican manuscripts,
a 900-plus volume Mexican
Cookbook collection, fine press
collections from Encino and Texas
Western Presses, the records
and memorabilia from HemisFair
’68, and the manuscripts for San
Antonio author John Phillip Santos.
Interested in learning more about
the UTSA Libraries’ Special
Collections or have a collection of
your own you’d like to donate? Visit
But we can’t do it alone. As UTSA aspires to Tier One status, it is vitally
important that the Library be of the same caliber. Your contribution, of any
amount, will help the Library achieve this next level.
Please share in my commitment to our students and faculty and make a gift
today by sending your check with the gift card below or by going online to
utsa.edu/giving. Together we can insure that the Library is not merely a place
to find books, but continues to be where students and faculty come to learn
and engage.
Thank you,
Dr. Krisellen Maloney
Dean of Libraries
P.S. By contributing $500 or more you can become a member of the Michael
Kelly Library Guild, named after UTSA’s first Dean of Libraries. Dr. Kelly held
this position for over 30 years and there couldn’t be a more appropriate way to
honor his legacy and vision to build a 21st century library for UTSA.
Pictured above are just two of thousands
of items from the UTSA Libraries’ Special
Collections. Top: Flour Sack Label (n.d.) from
C.H. Guenther & Son, which opened its first San
Antonio mill in 1859. Bottom: A photograph of
girls dressed as butterflies from the Fiesta San
Antonio Commission Records.
One UTSA Circle • San Antonio, Texas 78249-0671 • (210) 458-7506 • lib.utsa.edu
❏ Enclosed is my donation to The University of Texas at San Antonio
❏ $500
❏ My check is enclosed
Please charge my: ❏ Visa
❏ $250
❏ $150
❏ $75
❏ $25
❏ Other $__________
A gift at this level qualifies you for membership in the Michael Kelly Library Guild!
❏ MasterCard
❏ Discover
❏ Amex
Card # ____________________________________
Exp. Date ___________________________
<City>, <ST> <Zip>
Address corrections? Please update your information on the back of this form.
Signature ___________________________
❏ I wish to pay my pledge in_____installments of $ _______
on a ❏ monthly, ❏ quarterly, ❏ semi-annual basis.
My first payment is enclosed.
Please complete and return this form with your gift in the enclosed envelope.
Please make any necessary additions or corrections below.
E-mail _____________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________
Spouse’s Name ______________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
City ____________________ State _____ Zip______________
Home Phone ________________________________________
Work Phone ________________________________________
Employer __________________________________________
❏ I am ❏ my spouse is eligible for matching gifts
My company is: ___________________________________________
Please enclose a matching gift form if available
For more information on planned giving, endowments or
estate planning please visit us at: