*Thurs. Feb. 26: Exam 1 *Thurs. May 7: Exam 2 Important Dates and

SOCS 236 – Social Problems, Spring 2009
Course Schedule v.2
Note that this schedule is tentative and subject to change – check the website to find out what changes are made.
http://sociology.morrisville.edu/ > Social Problems
A. Introduction
For Jan 20, 22: Introduction
Buy Books
Review Timeline, Table of Contents
read Problems (textbook), Chp 1
Questions? e-mail reymers@morrisville.edu
For Mar 23, 24, 26: Perspective on Crime
read Donziger/Watterson, The Real War on Crime
For Mar 30, 31, Apr 2: The Rules of the Game
read Sagan, The Rules of the Game
view Frontline, The Plea
* Quiz
** Crime and Justice Group Presentation on 4/2
B. War and Terrorism
For Jan 26, 27, 29: War & Society
read Social Problems, Chapter 18
read online Powell, Design of Discord, War
E. Media and Entertainment
For Apr 6, 7, 9: “The Medium is the Message”
read McLuhan, Understanding the Media
** Paper on Crime and Justice due on 4/9
For Feb 2, 3, 5: The Nuclear Threat
read online: Sagan, Monday Night Hunters
read online Schell, Fate of the Earth
* Quiz
For Apr 13, 14: Bye Week
cont. McLuhan, Understanding the Media
STS Symposium, Thurs. Apr 16
For Feb 9, 10, 12: Terrorism
read online Turk, The Sociology of Terrorism
view online Frontline, Bush’s War
For Apr 20, 21, 23: Cyberculture and Social Change
read Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosely Joined
* Quiz
C. Environmental Problems
For Feb 16, 17, 19: Society and Environment
read Social Problems, Chapter 4
For Apr 27, 28, 30: Culture & the Media
read Brodie, Virus of the Mind
View Frontline, Media Giants
** War and Terrorism Group Presentation on 2/16
** Paper on War and Terrorism due on 2/19
For Feb 23, 24, 26: Climate Change I
read online Pollution
read online Silent Spill
* Quiz
*Thurs. Feb. 26: Exam 1
For Mar 2, 3, 5: Climate Change II
read Sagan, What Are Conservatives Conserving?
view online Frontline, Hot Politics
** Environment & Society Group Presentation on 3/5
D. Crime and Justice
For Mar 9, 10, 12: Sociology of Crime & Deviance
read Social Problems, Chapter 12
* Quiz
** Media and Entertainment Group Presentation on 4/30
F. Summary and Review
For May 4, 5, 7: Review and Exam
** Paper on Media and Entertainment due on 5/7
*Thurs. May 7: Exam 2
Important Dates and Information:
Group presentations
1) War: Feb 16
2) Environment: Mar 5
3) Crime: Apr 2
4) Media: Apr 30
Paper Due Dates
1) War Paper: Feb 19
2) Enviro Paper: Mar 12
3) Crime Paper: Apr 9
4) Media Paper: May 7
Quizzes on weeks starting:
Feb 2, Feb 23, Mar 9, Mar 30, Apr 20
* Exams on Feb 26 and May 7
** Paper on Environmental Problems due on 3/12
Mar 16-20: Mid-Semester Break
Frontline videos
1) Bush’s War, 2) Hot Politics, 3) The Plea, and 4) Media Giants