2015-2016 Sackler Lab Flyer

Sackler Educational Laboratory for
Comparative Genomics and Human Origins
2015-2016 School Year Offerings
Journey to the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins and step into the state-of-the-art Sackler Educational Laboratory with your students to begin
investigating Human Origins and Evolution, DNA Isolation and Fingerprinting, and the Evolution of Agriculture. 8th grade labs are
designed to support the NYC Scope and Sequence for Science, and high school labs support the Living Environment Regents Standards.
Grades 6-8: Lab A - Fossil Skull Evidence for Change Through Time
This 45 minute inquiry-based lab activity is coupled with a 45 minute Guided Field Trip Exploration
in the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. Students will collect evidence of physical traits on fossil
skulls used to classify species, determine evolutionary relationships between ape and hominid
species, and build an evolutionary tree to illustrate their findings. Fee: $150, M-F
Grades 6-8: Lab B - DNA Extraction from Strawberries
In this 60 minute hands on lab activity, students are introduced to the molecule that is
the basis for all life on earth by extracting DNA from strawberries. Students will extract and examine
the DNA, build a DNA model, and discuss molecular similarites and differenes between species.
This activity is coupled with an investigation in the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. Fee: $150, M-F
Grades 8-12: Lab C - Primate and Human Evolution
In this advanced 90-minute activity, students act as scientists by collecting different lines of evidence
for evolutionary change over time. Using the Sackler Educational Lab collections as well as the
museum halls, students will collect skeletal data of extant and extinct primates, and analyze DNA
sequences of different species to investigate the evolutionary relationships between humans and
non-human primates. Fee: $150, M-F
Grades 9-12: Lab D - Exploring Human Origins
In this 90 minute lab activity, students compare the evolution of hominid skulls,
stone tool technologies, and DNA sequences to understand which biological and
cultural traits are adaptations unique to each species, and which are shared.
Students will combine physical, cultural, and genetic data to determine where
each species fits on the evolutionary tree. Fee: $150, M-F
Grades 9-12: Lab E - Meet Your Microbiome
In this 90 minute hands-on microbiology lab, students will learn about the diverse array of microbes
living in and on our bodies. Students will culture bacteria from their own hands and gram-stain
bacteria to understand the difference between major types of bacteria.This lab is also accompanied
by a microscope learning module. Fee: $150, M-F
Grades 9-12: Lab F - The Evolution of Domesticated Crops
In this 90 minute advanced lab activity, students carry out an investigation into the
evolutionary genetics of crop domestication, including testing food products for genetic modification.
Students extract DNA from domesticated crops, amplify the DNA through a PCR reaction, and analyze
the DNA through gel electrophoresis, all while learning about the origins of agriculture and the
evolutionary role domesticated food has played in human health. Fee: $150, M-F
Grades 9-12: Lab G - Forensic Anthropology
In this 90 minute advanced lab activity, students will learn and use forensic anthropology
techniques to determine the identity of an individual whose body has been recovered.
Using a human skeleton and gel electrophoresis images students will collect and compile
evidence to determine the sex, age and stature of the individual. Fee: $150, M-F
The Museum greatly acknowledges The Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc. for its support to establish the Sackler Brain Bench, part of the Museum's
Sackler Educational Laboratory, in the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins, offering ongoing programs and resources for adults, teachers, and students to
illuminate the extraordinary working of the human brain.
Student classes in the Sackler Educational Laboratory, offered through the Museum’s Gottesman Center for Science Teaching & Learning, are made possible
by a generous grant from The Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc. and the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins’ lead benefactors, Anne and Bernard Spitzer.
TO REGISTER: Call Central Reservations (212) 769-5200
For more information, please visit www.amnh.org/education/sackler