Xavier University Format for Lesson Planning Page 1 of 1 Name: Erin Molden Course: Chemistry – 10th/11th grade Date of Presentation: Ionic Compounds – Lesson 3 – What holds a salt together? Part I PURPOSE: The purpose of this lesson is to teach the students what molecular forces are responsible for holding a salt together. The terms cation, anion, salt, and ionic bond will be introduced in this lesson. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1. Define cation, anion, ionic bond, salt, ionic compound, unit cell, crystal lattice and lattice energy. 2. Describe how atoms achieve stable octets by forming chemical bonds. 3. Explain how ionic bonds form. 4. Describe the properties of ionic compounds. 5. Discuss energy changes that occur when an ionic compound forms. MATERIALS: 1. Unit notes handout. 2. Molecular models of salts. PROCEDURE: 1. Introduce the section using a balloon that is statically charged to visually describe forces of attraction. (3 mins) 2. Review bond energy, octet rule and stability (2 mins) 3. Discuss electron transfers and describe how atoms form stable octets, visualize with having the students draw electron configuration – for both cations and anions. (10 mins) 4. Introduce and explain ionic bond (5 mins). 5. Explain the properties of salts – ask students what they know about salts that they have encountered in their everyday life. (10 mins) 6. Define crystal lattice – use molecular models that can be passed around to students. Explain the term unit cell. (5 mins) 7. Assignments and questions (5 mins) ASSIGNMENT: Continue reading Chapter 5. Homework: Define cation, anion, ionic bond, salt, ionic compound, unit cell, crystal lattice and lattice energy, Section Review, pg. 163, 7-­‐15; Review and Assess, pg 184: 15-­‐24 (due after Part II) EVALUATION: 1. Homework will be graded. 2. Questions on this section will appear on the Unit Test