2015 - 2016 A Guide to the Philosophy Major at UC Irvine All courses for the major must be taken for letter grades Residency Requirement in the major: At least five upper-division courses required for the major must be completed successfully at UCI. One course from: Philosophy 1 - Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy 2 - Puzzles and Paradoxes Philosophy 4 - Introduction to Ethics Philosophy 5 - Contemporary Moral Problems 1) Philosophy 30 - Introduction to Symbolic Logic or Philosophy 104 - Introduction to Logic 1) Note that many Philosophy classes are offered only once per year. History of Philosophy Two courses from: Philosophy 10 - History of Ancient Philosophy Philosophy 11 - History of Medieval Philosophy Philosophy 12 - History of Modern Philosophy Philosophy 13 - History of Contemporary Philosophy 1) 2) Philosophy 101 - Introduction to Metaphysics 1) Philosophy 102 or 102W - Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge 2) Philosophy 103 - Introduction to Moral Philosophy 3) 1) Five additional quarter courses from Philosophy 100, 105-199. Students planning to go on to graduate school are strongly advised to take Philosophy 105A and 105B Philosophy 199 may only count here if an Independent Study Proposal is approved and submitted to HIB 143. 2) 3) 4) 5) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————4+1 Graduate Program in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics (PPE) Philosophy majors wishing to apply for the 4+1 program must complete: Math 2A and Math 2B (Single Variable Calculus) Three lower-division introductory courses in Economics and Political Science (3 total courses) Three upper-division courses in Political Science Three upper-division courses in Economics Additional information can be found in the UCI Catalogue: http://catalogue.uci.edu Updated May 2015 This set of requirements was first effective in Fall 2012 Name _______________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________ University Requirements 2015 - 2016 Entry Level Writing Minimum 180 quarter units completed American History Minimum 2.0 GPA overall, 2.0 in major courses & 2.0 in upper-division courses in the major American Institutions Senior Residency: At least 36 of the final 45 units must be earned at the UC Irvine campus General Education Requirements I. Writing 1) IV. Arts & Humanities 1) 2) 2) Upper-division writing 3) 3) II. Science & Technology V. Quantitative, Symbolic & Computational Reasoning 1) 2) including one course each from: Va. Quantitative Literacy Vb. Formal Reasoning 3) III. Social & Behavioral Sciences Va) Vb) Va or Vb) 1) VI. Language other than English 1) 2) VII. Multicultural Studies 1) 3) VIII. International/Global Issues 1) OR IGETC/Reciprocity Full or Partial Certification: Upper-division writing 1) School Requirements All School Requirements must be taken for letter grades Humanities Core or Humanities Core Alternative Humanities Core LECTURE 1A ______ 1B ______ 1C______ WRITING 1A ______ 1B ______ 1C ______ OR Humanities Core Alternative: - 6 quarters or 4 semesters of approved lower-division work - No overlap with the major permitted Composition View the list of approved courses for the Humanities Core Alternative online at: http://www.humanities.uci.edu/undergrad/ academics/core.php Philosophy Literature History Extra Courses Language other than English 2C or equivalent (must be completed with a grade of C or better) 2nd year Greek/Latin consists of upper-division coursework: (100 & 103 & 103) or (100 & 104 & 104) or (100 & 103 & 104) NOTE: Students are responsible for completing required prerequisites for 2C level language courses or Latin or Greek 103 or 104. 3/2016 HUMANITIES UNDERGRADUATE STUDY | HIB 143 | 949.824.5132