Module Three Post Test

Module 6 Quiz
1. What is the most important focus during postural alignment and practice in PYT?
a. Mobilization
b. Stabilization
c. Balance
d. Scapulohumeral rhythm
2. Physiotherapist and lumbopelvic researcher and SIJ expert, Diane Lee, states that
“mobility is not about the amplitude of the motion but rather about how well an
individual can control the amount of movement they have”.
a. True
b. False
3. All of the following are prerequisites for joint stabilization EXCEPT:
a. Application of slow, controlled open kinetic chain activities
b. Giving exquisite detail given to joint position
c. Positioning joints slowly and carefully
d. Introducing unstable environments judiciously in order to increase difficulty
and to implement the overload principle
4. There are ___ components of joint stability which include all of the following
EXCEPT _______________.
a. 2, Form Closure
b. 4, Force Closure
c. 4, Sensori-Motor Development
d. 2, Emotional Factors
5. Transversus abdominis activation is continuous during all trunk movements.
a. True
b. False
6. A patient should be able to find spinal or pelvic neutral in all postural planes of
movement, such as:
a. Sitting in easy seated pose
b. Standing in mountain pose
c. Sidelying in relaxation or corpse pose
d. 4 point or all fours pose
e. All of the above
f. a, b, and d
7. Scapulohumeral rhythm should follow lumbopelvic stability in order of priority when
practicing PYT.
a. True
b. False
8. The term osteokinematics describes the subtle range of motion within the joint
wherein spinning, gliding, and sliding occurs across joint surfaces in order to allow
for planar range of motion.
a. True
b. False
9. Nutation means:
a. The facets of the spine are midway between flexion and extension.
b. The sacroiliac joint is situated in neutral.
c. The hip joint is located in the vulnerable position of hip adduction, flexion,
and internal rotation.
d. The ilia are bilaterally rotated posteriorly.
10. Counternutation would place the _____________ joint in the __________ packed
a. Hip, closed
b. Sacroiliac, closed
c. Facet, open
d. Sacroiliac, open