Cinematography Dept

If you want to become an outstanding
come to our school!
Cinematography Department
- Lodz Film School
Few schools in the world teach film-making using
35mm negative.
We are one of them.
Here is our teaching programme offer:
1st & 2nd year
The first and second year programme covers the technical and
technological elements of cinematography. Above all, the creative nature
of the cinematographer’s role, the visual side of an artistic project
created together with a film director, is emphasized in this programme.
The first and second year programme is a homogeneous unity
concentrating on black and white photography in the first year, and
colour photography in the second year. It comprises both the techniques
of film and digital cinematography, which is reflected in students’
individual work.
First year – students make two black & white student films using:
1. 35 mm filmstock
2. digital cameras
Second year – students make two colour films using:
1. 35 mm filmstock
2. digital cameras
3rd year
Students make their own 8-10 minute films with special attention paid to
human relationships and emotions.
The films can be inspired by a literary piece, a painting, photograph, or a
press article.
We wish to prepare the students to build a film scene by using
cinematographic means such as: camera movement, choice of camera
angles, character of lighting and finally grading – always taking into
consideration the story being told and the actors involved.
The programme comprises screenings of lecturers’ films made on
various continents in different climatic zones each accompanied by a
detailed cinematographic analysis of their artistic and skill aspects.
The student films are made in the highest quality RAW system on
cameras with the sensors equivalent to classic 35 mm format.
4th year
The main didactic goal of the Cinematography Art Class in the 4th year
of the studies is putting the understanding of the visual form as an
organized unity of all means of expression into practice.
The program is aimed at acquainting students with crucial aspects of
contemporary cinematography assigning special significance to film
composition and structure.
Fourth year – acting as a director of photography on a film project of a
direction student, or shooting your own film if co-operation with a
direction student isn’t offered. Students are free to choose the recording
medium: digital or classic negative. Students prepare workshops on
topics related to the art of cinematography.
5th year
Compositing – building a multi-layer image.
Fifth year – working as a DOP on a diploma film together with a director
or individually – free choice of recording medium: digital or classic
negative and writing an MA thesis.
Classes in the art of cinematography are in the form of theoretical
lectures, practical workshops, seminars and individual consultations of
student’s film projects.
Practical tuition is complemented by workshops in television production,
photography and documentary film-making.
Our ambition is to produce thoroughly educated graduates with a
complete knowledge of all the elements necessary to make a film. That
is why classes in the art of cinematography are complemented by
lectures in film and art history, literature and music.
Students are educated to use both light-sensitive film-stock as well as
digital technologies.
Our professors are experienced and have received numerous awards,
and as cinematographers are members of organisations such as ASC,
They have worked on films in over 35 countries around the world in
various shooting conditions with top directors from all over the world.