Small motor units

Neural control & recruitment
Muscle and Nerve Part II
Lecture 2
Types of neural fibres
  Fibres with the
lowest threshold
have the greatest
conduction velocity
  Large diameter
fibres have greatest
conduction velocity
“an a-motoneuron and all the muscle
fibres it innervates”
•  Size
–  Small motor units
•  Provide fine control
•  eg: eye (100 x 10 fibre units)
–  Medium motor units
•  eg: hand
(100 x 300 fibre units)
–  Large motor units
•  Gross control (strength)
•  eg: gastrocnemius
(600 x 2000 fibre units)
•  Provide the basis of the:
“All or none principle”
Stimulation of an a-motoneuron
will cause contraction of
every innervated muscle fibre
Larger muscles, larger numbers
of motor neurons
Topographical organization of motor nuclei
• a.k.a. motor neuron pools
•  Flexor-Extensor rule
–  ventral: extensors
–  dorsal: flexors
•  Proximal-distal rule
–  medial: proximal muscles
–  lateral: distal muscles
•  Parallel control systems
Ventral horn
–  proximal: postural
–  distal : manipulative
Motor axons: size and velocity
•  Motor axons vary in diameter (cat, 10-20
•  Motor axons differ in their conduction
velocities (cat, 40-100 m/s)
•  Motor axons to slow muscles have lower
conduction velocities and smaller in
•  Large diameter axons have large cell
bodies in the ventral horn of spinal cord
Control of motor units
•  Denny-Brown (1929) muscles with more slow
units are activated preferentially in tonic
contractions, muscles that have more fast
units are activated when rapid contraction is
•  Henneman (1960s onwards) studied this at
the level of the motor unit
•  Motor Unit Recruitment
–  The primary mechanism whereby a whole
skeletal muscle can vary force output
Henneman’s Size Principle
“Motor Units are recruited
in order of their size from
small low force units to
large high force units”
•  If motor unit recruitment
was the only mechanism to
alter force, expect:
–  Low forces
•  Small stepwise increments
•  Consistent with fine control
–  Higher forces
•  Larger force increments
•  Less precise movements
Henneman’s Size Principle
•  Different
proportion of the
fibre types used
dependent on force
Henneman Size principle
•  Recruitment of motor units is
SO > FOG (Fatigue Resistant) > FG (Fatigable)
ie (I > IIa > IIb)
•  Small motor neurones, with small units are the
most easy to activate. These units receive the
most tonic activation
•  Sizes of units vary in a muscle. Therefore, the
size principle gives an automatic gradation of
Motor Unit Characteristics
•  Small motor units
–  Slow contracting
–  Low excitation threshold
(i.e. easily excitable)
–  Easily recruited
–  Fatigue resistant
–  Utilised for prolonged
daily activities
•  Posture control, walking
•  Large motor units
–  Fast contracting
–  High excitation threshold
(i.e. less easily excitable)
–  Less easily recruited
–  Rapidly fatigable
–  Utilised for high force
•  sprinting, jumping etc
•  Recruitment order is small → large
•  Provided by the Henneman Size Principle
Distribution of innervation number across
motorneuron pool comprising 120 motor units
•  Cumulative sum of the
number of muscle fibres in
successive motor units
• Only a small number of
the fastest fibres
R.M. Enoka and A.J. Fuglevand 2001.
Force production
•  The motor unit represents the final common path by
which the CNS sends motor commands to the muscle
(Liddell & Sherrington, 1925)
•  Fibres in a single unit are distributed throughout the
muscle and spread the load
•  Gradation of force by frequency occurs largely in
fast motor units
•  Recruitment is orderly: If the same contraction is
performed several times, motor units are activated in
a relatively fixed order: Denny-Brown & Pennybacker
•  De-recruitment occurs in a fixed order: the motor
unit recruited is the first to be derecruited
Recruitment of motor units during a
voluntary contraction
•  Recruitment of two
motor units (Unit 1 with
a lower recruitment
•  Average force response
of each motor unit to its
action potential. Unit 1
is weaker and has a
longer time to peak
Twitch & Tetanic Contractions
•  Twitch : single stimulation
•  Tetanus : high-frequency stimulation
–  Complete force summation
–  Frequency dependant
Rate Coding
•  Stimulation frequencies
–  Initial recruitment 8-12 Hz
–  Steady high-force 20-50 Hz
–  Ballistic actions
•  Initial high force generation
•  May use 150 Hz for 2-3 s
•  Maintained at lower Hz
•  Small muscles (panel A)
eg: adductor pollicis (hand)
–  Up to 50% Fmax: motor unit recruitment
–  >50% Fmax: increase F via rate coding
–  Enables fine control
•  Large muscles (panel B)
eg: biceps brachii, quadriceps
–  Motor unit recruitment for 90% Fmax
Motor unit
Rate coding
Motor unit
Rate coding
Comparing muscles further
First dorsal interosseus (~120 units, hand)
- Small units recruited and fire 9Hz
-  As force increased, units increased firing frequency and
new, larger units recruited and fire at 9Hz. When 40%
MVC, all motor units recruited and force modulation
provided by firing frequency changes up to 40Hz
Deltoid (~1000 units, shoulder)
-  New units were recruited up to 80 % MVC with initial
firing at 13 Hz
-  Rate modulation not showing much involvement, frequency
of units only raised to 25 Hz after initial recruitment
-  MISMATCH of MVC and maximal available force. This is
not seen in small muscles
-  Differences dependent on the size and function of the
Recruitment and the CNS
•  The sequence of motor unit recruitment is
determined by spinal mechanisms, not
specified by the brain
•  A motor command from the brain does not
contain information related to which
motor units should be activated
•  Not possible to activate motor units
selectively by stimulation at brain
•  “Upper motorneuron” disorders rarely
cause alterations in recruitment
What determines contractile
Motor unit size (larger motor units, more fibres)
Motor unit fibre type (fast fibres larger)
Number of motor units (spatial summation)
Frequency of stimulation (fusion of tension)
Next Lecture:
•  Length: force length relationship
•  Velocity: force velocity curve
Series compliance (tendon & cross-bridge)