Liaison: John Dolan 480-279-8011 WILLIAMS FIELD HIGH SCHOOL Dual Enrollment Courses for 2015-2016 Revised/Completed 8/18/15 jrm WFHS Class Name Instructor/ Period(s) CGCC Class Name CGCC Course Class # Credits Course/Length Kata Logan *BIO100 Lec/Lab Biology Concepts 4 27821 Period 3 (Year Long) Chris Brock *BIO100 Lec/Lab AP Biology Biology Concepts 4 27827 Period 4 (Year Long) Students need to sign up for Year-long classes in the Fall only. Grade will be assigned at the end of the school year. Honors Chris Brock *BIO107 Lec/Lab Introduction to Biotechnology 4 29307 Biotechnology II Period 1 (Spring) Honors Chris Brock *BIO107 Lec/Lab Introduction to Biotechnology 4 36188 Biotechnology II Period 2 (Spring) AP Biology Jiexin Zhang *CHI101 Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) I 5 29104 Period 4 (Year Long) Students need to sign up for Year-long classes in the Fall only. Grade will be assigned at the end of the school year. Jiexin Zhang CHI102 Mandarin 3 Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) II 5 29105 Period 2 (Year Long) Students need to sign up for Year-long classes in the Fall only. Grade will be assigned at the end of the school year. CHI201 (Fall) 5 Jiexin Zhang 29144 AP Mandarin Intermediate Chinese (Mandarin) II Period 1 CHI202 (Spring) 5 30791 Mandarin 2 AP Chemistry AP Chemistry AP Chemistry AP Chemistry Pat Cassidy Period 2 Pat Cassidy Period 3 General Chemistry I General Chemistry II General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Prerequisites *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply "C" or better in CHI101 "C" or better in CHI102 "C" or better in CHI201 CHM151 (Fall) CHM151LL** CHM152 (Spring) CHM152LL** CHM151 (Fall) CHM151LL** CHM152 (Spring) CHM152LL** 30045 30046 31147 31148 30060 30061 31149 31150 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 CHM130 OR 1 year of HS Chemistry and 2 years of HS Algebra ENG101 (Fall) 28338 3 ENG102 (Spring) 30117 3 5 or higher on the WRITEPLACER "C" or better in ENG101 OR 4 or 5 on English Language AP Exam* "C" or better in CHM151 and CHM151LL CHM130 OR 1 year of HS Chemistry and 2 years of HS Algebra "C" or better in CHM151 and CHM151LL **Students MUST enroll in both Lecture and Lab courses. English 101-102 Kristine Pullins Period 2 First-Year Composition Students Must enroll in both ENG101 and ENG102. Tuition is $84 per credit plus a $15 registration fee per semester. *All students must meet the eligibility requirement of PSAT ≥ 93 or SAT ≥ 930 or ACT ≥ 22 or meets/exceeds High School AIMS: Reading or completion of Reading Accuplacer Page 1 of 4 Liaison: John Dolan 480-279-8011 WILLIAMS FIELD HIGH SCHOOL Dual Enrollment Courses for 2015-2016 Revised/Completed 8/18/15 jrm WFHS Class Name English 101-102 Instructor/ Period(s) Kristine Pullins Period 3 CGCC Class Name First-Year Composition Students Must enroll in both ENG101 and ENG102. Introduction to Literature Scott Shields AP ENG 12 Period 0 Writers/Directors and Current Issues Introduction to Literature Scott Shields AP ENG 12 Period 2 Writers/Directors and Current Issues Introduction to Literature Scott Shields AP ENG 12 Period 4 Writers/Directors and Current Issues Introduction to Literature Scott Shields AP ENG 12 Period 5 Writers/Directors and Current Issues CGCC Course Class # Credits Prerequisites Course/Length 5 or higher on the WRITEPLACER ENG101 (Fall) 3 28339 ENG102 (Spring) 30118 3 *ENH110 (Fall) *ENH113 (Spring) *ENH110 (Fall) *ENH113 (Spring) *ENH110 (Fall) *ENH113 (Spring) *ENH110 (Fall) *ENH113 (Spring) 28349 30149 28350 30150 28351 30151 30290 30162 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 *HES271 Jamie Crumbaker Prevention and Treatment of 3 30047 Athletic Injuries (Year-long) Period 1 *HES271 Jamie Crumbaker Prevention and Treatment of Sports Medicine II 3 45723 Athletic Injuries (Year-long) Period 6 Students need to sign up for Year-long classes in the Fall only. Grade will be assigned at the end of the school year. Carrie Mollenkopf U. S. History to 1865 *HIS103 (Fall) 30049 3 AP US History Period 0 U. S. History 1865 - Present *HIS104 (Spring) 30792 3 Carrie Mollenkopf U. S. History to 1866 *HIS103 (Fall) 45724 3 AP US History Period 1 U. S. History 1865 - Present *HIS104 (Spring) 36190 3 Carrie Mollenkopf U. S. History to 1867 *HIS103 (Fall) 45725 3 AP US History Period 2 U. S. History 1865 - Present *HIS104 (Spring) 36191 3 Sports Medicine II College Algebra / Functions Plane Trigonometry Kelly Mahony College Algebra / Functions Precalculus Period 6 Plane Trigonometry Students Must enroll in both MAT152 and MAT182 Precalculus Kelly Mahony Period 1 MAT152 (Fall) MAT182 (Spring) MAT152 (Fall) MAT182 (Spring) 30050 30455 30051 30456 3 3 3 3 "C" or better in ENG101 OR 4 or 5 on English Language AP Exam* *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply 32 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer C or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 32 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer C or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 Tuition is $84 per credit plus a $15 registration fee per semester. *All students must meet the eligibility requirement of PSAT ≥ 93 or SAT ≥ 930 or ACT ≥ 22 or meets/exceeds High School AIMS: Reading or completion of Reading Accuplacer Page 2 of 4 Liaison: John Dolan 480-279-8011 WILLIAMS FIELD HIGH SCHOOL Dual Enrollment Courses for 2015-2016 Revised/Completed 8/18/15 jrm WFHS Class Name Instructor/ Period(s) CGCC Class Name CGCC Course Class # Credits Prerequisites Course/Length 32 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer MAT152 (Fall) 3 30052 C or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 MAT182 (Spring) 30457 3 32 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer MAT152 (Fall) 3 30053 C or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 MAT182 (Spring) 30458 3 33 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer MAT152 (Fall) 3 45727 C or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT153 MAT182 (Spring) 36197 3 34 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer MAT152 (Fall) 3 45728 C or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT154 MAT182 (Spring) 36198 3 College Algebra / Functions Plane Trigonometry College Algebra / Functions Rick Miles Precalculus Period 3 Plane Trigonometry College Algebra / Functions Rick Miles Precalculus Period 4 Plane Trigonometry College Algebra / Functions Rick Miles Precalculus Period 5 Plane Trigonometry Students Must enroll in both MAT152 and MAT182 Rick Miles MAT206 Statistics Elements of Statistics 3 28848 Period 1 (Year Long) Students need to sign up for Year-long classes in the Fall only. Grade will be assigned at the end of the school year. Kelly Mahony MAT221 AP Calculus AB Calculus w/AnalyticalGeometry I 4 28984 Period 4 (Year Long) Precalculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus AB/BC AP Calculus AB AP Calculus AB/BC Rick Miles Period 2 "C" or better in MAT141 or MAT152 or 54 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer "C" or better in MAT152 and MAT182 or 60 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer "C" or better in MAT152 and MAT182 or 60 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer "C" or better in MAT220, or MAT221 "C" or better in MAT152 and MAT182 or 60 or higher on College Level Math Accuplacer "C" or better in MAT220, or MAT222 Kelly Mahony Period 3 Calculus w/Analytical Geometry I MAT221 (Fall) 28986 4 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAT231 (Spring) 30483 4 Kelly Mahony Period 5 Calculus w/Analytical Geometry I MAT221 (Fall) 45734 4 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAT231 (Spring) 36199 4 Retail Customer Service Retail Inventory Control *MKT112 (Fall) MKT114 (Spring) 30054 29519 1 1 *General eligibility requirements apply 46520 3 *General eligibility requirements apply 30055 3 *General eligibility requirements apply 30276 3 *General eligibility requirements apply Retail Opps April Porter Period 4 Marketing/ Advance Mkt Marketing/ Advance Mkt Marketing/ Advance Mkt April Porter Period 1 April Porter Period 3 April Porter Period 5 Principles of Marketing Principles of Marketing Principles of Marketing *MKT271 (Year Long) *MKT271 (Year Long) *MKT271 (Year Long) "C" or better in MKT112 Tuition is $84 per credit plus a $15 registration fee per semester. *All students must meet the eligibility requirement of PSAT ≥ 93 or SAT ≥ 930 or ACT ≥ 22 or meets/exceeds High School AIMS: Reading or completion of Reading Accuplacer Page 3 of 4 Liaison: John Dolan 480-279-8011 WILLIAMS FIELD HIGH SCHOOL Dual Enrollment Courses for 2015-2016 Revised/Completed 8/18/15 jrm WFHS Class Name Instructor/ Period(s) CGCC Class Name CGCC Course Class # Credits Course/Length Marketing/ April Porter *MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3 30277 Advance Mkt Period 6 (Year Long) Marketing/ April Porter *MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3 30278 Advance Mkt Period 7 (Year Long) Students need to sign up for Year-long classes in the Fall only. Grade will be assigned at the end of the school year. SPA111 (Fall) 4 Patty LaVallee Fundamentals of Spanish 29106 Honors Spanish III Period 1 Intermediate Spanish I SPA201 (Spring) 4 30648 SPA111 (Fall) 4 Patty LaVallee Fundamentals of Spanish 29107 Honors Spanish III Period 3 Intermediate Spanish I SPA201 (Spring) 4 30649 SPA111 (Fall) 4 Patty LaVallee Fundamentals of Spanish 45735 Honors Spanish III Period 5 Intermediate Spanish I SPA201 (Spring) 4 36200 AP Spanish Jess Root Period 1 Intermediate Spanish II Intermediate Spanish Conversation II SPA202 (Fall) SPA226 (Spring) 29206 30799 4 3 Prerequisites *General eligibility requirements apply *General eligibility requirements apply "C" or better in SPA101 "C" or better in SPA102 OR SPA111 "C" or better in SPA101 "C" or better in SPA102 OR SPA111 "C" or better in SPA102 "C" or better in SPA102 OR SPA112 "C" or better in SPA201 "C" or better in SPA202 Tuition is $84 per credit plus a $15 registration fee per semester. *All students must meet the eligibility requirement of PSAT ≥ 93 or SAT ≥ 930 or ACT ≥ 22 or meets/exceeds High School AIMS: Reading or completion of Reading Accuplacer Page 4 of 4